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Universities > Top 500 (most recent) by country

University education should be very cheap or free. If society and government can't help out a student, then let it be content with high school graduates.
I don't think that he actually understand the meaning of the idiom "to pull someone's legs". Otherwise, he would not be using it.

He is giving America a bad name with his behaviour, I wonder what his fellow Americans think of that. :azn:

Can't complain though! :lol:
I don't think that he actually understand the meaning of the idiom "to pull someone's legs". Otherwise, he would not be using it.

Because everyone knows who got his legs pulled every time in the end.

Well it's the first time I've seen an "old man" admitting to trolling on the internet.

Sounds so sad... lol... :rofl:
Well it's the first time I've seen an "old man" trolling on the internet.

Sounds so sad... lol... :rofl:

If he indeed is that old, then it will explain something about his behavior.

Alzheimer's disease would explain some of his symptoms. Even though each case of AD is unique, but there are common symptoms.

"In the early stages, the most commonly recognised symptom is inability to acquire new memories, such as difficulty in recalling recently observed facts. When AD is suspected, the diagnosis is usually confirmed with behavioural assessments and cognitive tests, often followed by a brain scan if available.

As the disease advances, symptoms include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long-term memory loss, and the general withdrawal of the sufferer as their senses decline.[5][7] Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death.[8] Individual prognosis is difficult to assess, as the duration of the disease varies. AD develops for an indeterminate period of time before becoming fully apparent, and it can progress undiagnosed for years. The mean life expectancy following diagnosis is approximately seven years.[9] Fewer than three percent of individuals live more than fourteen years after diagnosis."
Alzheimer's disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does any of those seem familiar to you?
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I seriously doubt that somehow. Maybe you were talking about GED.

No it was the GRE I remember I still remember I had a higher score in every field of study then the people graduating with a degree in those fields, with one exception, guess what that was English.

When I was the age of you kids I expect I thought I knew every thing too.

and I understand it upsets you all when I point out and back up with proof.

1. China murdred a 100 million of its own people in the last 80 years..

2. Mainland China even with 1.3 billion population never earned a Nobel Prize in its 110 year history.

3. Out of all the significent discoveries in the last 100 years China only a miscule number of them and none worthy of a Nobel Prize.

4. Censorship (some good cartoons)

Now I realize "The Chinese people have no shortage of intelligence, culture, and pride. If only they weren’t ruled by such a brutal and corrupt regime."

by David Kilgour

Chair, Latin America and Caribbean policy, Canadian International Council.

First Posted: Jan 27 2010 18:39 PM why dont you read what a a Canadian thinks of China. A member of the Canadian International Council.
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If he indeed is that old, then it will explain something about his behavior.

Alzheimer's disease would explain some of his symptoms. Even though each case of AD is unique, but there are common symptoms.

"In the early stages, the most commonly recognised symptom is inability to acquire new memories, such as difficulty in recalling recently observed facts. When AD is suspected, the diagnosis is usually confirmed with behavioural assessments and cognitive tests, often followed by a brain scan if available.

As the disease advances, symptoms include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long-term memory loss, and the general withdrawal of the sufferer as their senses decline.[5][7] Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death.[8] Individual prognosis is difficult to assess, as the duration of the disease varies. AD develops for an indeterminate period of time before becoming fully apparent, and it can progress undiagnosed for years. The mean life expectancy following diagnosis is approximately seven years.[9] Fewer than three percent of individuals live more than fourteen years after diagnosis."
Alzheimer's disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does any of those seem familiar to you?
I can see that Captain America has lot of friends here...:). Or maybe because I'm interacting with him all new, I'm ok with him....:lol:
CAPTAIN AMERICA is has admitted that he is troll, he said earlier that his purpose on this forum is to "pull the legs of Chinese and Indian kids".

I have to say it's quite strange seeing a 60-70 year old man admitting to trolling on a forum though. :lol:
No it was the GRE I remember I still remember I had a higher score in every field of study then the people graduating with a degree in those fields, with one exception, guess what that was English.

When I was the age of you kids I expect I thought I knew every thing too.

Really??? Because GRE exams verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. I think you have demonstrated too well at those in your post already.

Also explain to me how do you know the score of every fields when the score of GRE only break into three parts(Verbal, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytic Reasoning). All subjects are mixed into those parts. Also prior to 2002, there were only two sections for score in GRE general test, which are verbal and quantitative ability.
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Nice we are tied with Russia. Not too bad. Universities in Turkey are all based on those blasted OST exams. Depending on where your score falls you end up picking a list of topics in that area. So if you score really high you can study the good stuff but if you score low you will end up with a short list of degree options that are the low end so to speak. Money in not involved when it comes to Universities in turkey unless you go to private or foreign ones.
Ya man...we all have our waterloo in those 'blasted exams', the Indian equivalent of OST are JEE, All India PM/PD, AIIMS, AFMC....some of them are really monstrous.

And the most monstrous of them all is the little known exam called All India Civil Services. Almost every tom dick and harry wants one of the three tags of the top services IAS, IPS or IFS...again based on rankings. Most students with ability can be seen moony eyed and day dreaming about how they'll carry those three alphabets of the top services behind their name...Mr/Ms X, IAS, Mr/Ms X IFS, etc.

End result? 350,000 students take the test in an average year and sometimes FOURTEEN people picked up for IFS (IAS, IPS 40-50 types). Now if you are rank,say, 2000, they'll put you in Indian POSTAL services and make you oversee postment in rural areas. So if you wanna be India's diplomatic staff boss, you need to come out tops in these exams (rankings last a lifetime), work for 30 years and a few years before retirement get that job- it's a simple formula...
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Really??? Because GRE exams verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. I think you have demonstrated too well at those in your post already.

Also explain to me how do you know the score of every fields when the score of GRE only break into three parts(Verbal, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytic Reasoning). All subjects are mixed into those parts.
Na there are also subject specific tests for physics, biology n stuff like that.
Na there are also subject specific tests for physics, biology n stuff like that.

But those are not in the general test, I am not too sure whether those subject specific tests existed 50 years ago.
Really??? Because GRE exams verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. I think you have demonstrated too well at those in your post already.

Also explain to me how do you know the score of every fields when the score of GRE only break into three parts(Verbal, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytic Reasoning). All subjects are mixed into those parts. Also prior to 2002, there were only two sections for score in GRE general test, which are verbal and quantitative ability.

Think it was differant 45 years ago, but I would not swear to it.
No it was the GRE I remember I still remember I had a higher score in every field of study then the people graduating with a degree in those fields, with one exception, guess what that was English.

When I was the age of you kids I expect I thought I knew every thing too.

and I understand it upsets you all when I point out and back up with proof.

1. China murdred a 100 million of its own people in the last 80 years..

2. Mainland China even with 1.3 billion population never earned a Nobel Prize in its 110 year history.

3. Out of all the significent discoveries in the last 100 years China only a miscule number of them and none worthy of a Nobel Prize.

4. Censorship (some good cartoons)
china censorship - Google Search

Now I realize "The Chinese people have no shortage of intelligence, culture, and pride. If only they weren’t ruled by such a brutal and corrupt regime."

by David Kilgour

Chair, Latin America and Caribbean policy, Canadian International Council.

First Posted: Jan 27 2010 18:39 PM why dont you read what a a Canadian thinks of China. A member of the Canadian International Council.
The Problem With China - David Kilgour — THE MARK

Whose words will be more creditable here?

A physics Nobelist who actually knows what he was talking about in scientific development or a politician who only says whatever to serve his political agenda?

Symptom:inability to acquire new memories, such as difficulty in recalling recently observed facts.
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