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As much fun as it is to run circles around Cpt.America, let's not sink to his level and let this go too far. We should still try to be respectful irregardless of how some trolls act.

Well at least I dont have to justfie the murder of 100 million people by China, no Nobel Prizes in 110 years, and censorship. I just love these cartoons..


By the way you cant see them in China.
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As much fun as it is to run circles around Cpt.America, let's not sink to his level and let this go too far. We should still try to be respectful irregardless of how some trolls act.

So I just noticed your quantum point now. Guess going to other threads and trying to get a reaction with off-topic post is not trolling eh? If you want my attention there are better ways. :taz:

I was under impression that quantum computers and quantum cryptography were decades away if ever. If that is wrong, then so be it. But certainly classical mechanics can stand in for much of quantum mechanics. And you certainly can find physics majors who think that quantum is less practical than other fields, so your righteous indignation is quite funny. What happened, some engineers fire a cannon and spray purple paint over your dorm? :P

P.S. Stay away from the chinese food from the cart at sid smith, it is ******* nasty.
Ok dudes, let's move on. I guess irrespective of the background of this thread I did get to have some discussions on the theme, so some take outs are there. Wouldn't mind continuing if it's on the same strain.
Well at least I dont have to justfie the murder of 100 million people by China, no Nobel Prizes in 110 years, and censorship. I just love these cartoons..
china censorship - Google Search

So, did you forget to justify why you keep copying posts from posters from another forums as your own posts?
Again, you simply shameless, if anyone get caught with such low-life act, he will disappear for good, you are really someone special with a textbook example of a "faker" dreaming so bad to be a white American, unfortunately you lack the ability to write a simple sentence on your own, making yourself a "Laughing stock on PDF".:rofl::pop::hang2:
So I just noticed your quantum point now. Guess going to other threads and trying to get a reaction with off-topic post is not trolling eh? If you want my attention there are better ways. :taz:

I was under impression that quantum computers and quantum cryptography were decades away if ever. If that is wrong, then so be it. But certainly classical mechanics can stand in for much of quantum mechanics. And you certainly can find physics majors who think that quantum is less practical than other fields, so your righteous indignation is quite funny. What happened, some engineers fire a cannon and spray purple paint over your dorm? :P

P.S. Stay away from the chinese food from the cart at sid smith, it is ******* nasty.
Actually quantum computing is decades away but if it's cracked, from what I've heard the present super computers will look like pocket calculators. I've come across this mind blowing concept of how they plan to mark the electronic binary codes for '1' and '0' in the spins of subatomic particles as memory...just imagine that!
As much fun as it is to run circles around Cpt.America, let's not sink to his level and let this go too far. We should still try to be respectful irregardless of how some trolls act.

I realised this around Page 5 itself! :D
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