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UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka adopted

what happened to that chalak "chanakyan" philosophies and approaches you hindus used to be so famous for :laugh:

So pakistan - which nearly never won a war, yet instigated conflicts...was incompetent enough to loose half the land mass...for all the pride of its armed forces, sold out to american dollars and were enslaved for years to fight their war...when the drone bombings on so-called "sovereign" pak soil got too hot to handle, made peace with new master in beijing...oh and did i mention what a redneck found in abottabad?

Please, save yourself the embarrassment and don't taunt others on strategic thinking. Pakistan barely has the credentials to allow its citizens the luxury of preaching.

As for what went wrong with India. Maybe the in-competencies of our neighbour on the north west front is rubbing off on us.

And finally, your remark consisted of "you hindus"?!?!? How do you know I am Hindu?

Your rants reek of frustration and insecurity. Pak doesn't, and hasn't for a very long time, offered any reason that could justify chest-thumping so guys like you resort to desperate measures like going gaga on achievement / failures for others. It's shameful and pitiable.

Try to stand on your own two legs.
If ever there was proof that India has no independent foreign policy, then this is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. Indian foreign policy is controlled from Washington DC. Once a western colony, always a western colony.
So pakistan - which nearly never won a war, yet instigated conflicts...was incompetent enough to loose half the land mass...for all the pride of its armed forces, sold out to american dollars and were enslaved for years to fight their war...when the drone bombings on so-called "sovereign" pak soil got too hot to handle, made peace with new master in beijing...oh and did i mention what a redneck found in abottabad?

Please, save yourself the embarrassment and don't taunt others on strategic thinking. Pakistan barely has the credentials to allow its citizens the luxury of preaching.

As for what went wrong with India. Maybe the in-competencies of our neighbour on the north west front is rubbing off on us.

And finally, your remark consisted of "you hindus"?!?!? How do you know I am Hindu?

Your rants reek of frustration and insecurity. Pak doesn't, and hasn't for a very long time, offered any reason that could justify chest-thumping so guys like you resort to desperate measures like going gaga on achievement / failures for others. It's shameful and pitiable.

Try to stand on your own two legs.

Mate - you shouldn't have responded to him. What else he and his countrymen can do except enviously cheerlead on the sidelines when big powers like India, US and Chna are vying for influence in the Indian Ocean?
Thanks for all the countries who stand with Sri Lanka! :tup:

Congo, Ecuador, Indonesia, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Thailand, Uganda, UAE, Venezuela
Mate - you shouldn't have responded to him. What else he and his countrymen can do except enviously cheerlead on the sidelines when big powers like India, US and Chna are vying for influence in the Indian Ocean?

Hmmm...you are probably right...I just wasted 5 minutes of my life on a frustrated soul...
Thanks for all the countries who stand with Sri Lanka! :tup:

Congo, Ecuador, Indonesia, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Thailand, Uganda, UAE, Venezuela

Mate ..Though this was expected.. It's nothing to be proud about.. Remember 35 mostly developing countries voted against us.. More worrying is the abstains from our steadfast friends like Japan and also remember we won overwhelmingly in 2009 against a much tougher resolution presented on behest of Navi Pillai

So as long this regime fail on true reconciliation, power devolution, rule of law and good governance.. I'm afraid we're going to loose what ever is left of our standing in the global community
it boggles my mind that in an attempt to please the west and remain off their radar, the bhartis did nothing beyond lip service to SL during its fight against LTTE.....given your proximity, you couldve lent a hand (equipment, logistical support, etc)

you guys lost Sri Lankan influence to China

and despite non-participation and this publicity stunt @ UNSC, many tamilnadu walas are talking about establishing "Eelam" in TN.

May that plan take fruition.

The ignorance in which u guys talk as if u r expert on this topic amazes me. U might be mod here, but u have no idea on ground realities on TN.
No political parties have ever demanded independence now. I am a tamilian, and i have nothing like that in my mind. My people are fighting Terrorist in Kashmir and other regions under Indian Flag and i am proud of it.
But this is democracy. Rights have to be demanded, it takes time to be heard, and it will be heard.
If u feel so much for tamils, give your lip service for atleast devolution of powers to tamils through implementations of 13th amendment.
Mate ..Though this was expected.. It's nothing to be proud about.. Remember 35 mostly developing countries voted against us.. More worrying is the abstains from our steadfast friends like Japan and also remember we won overwhelmingly in 2009 against a much tougher resolution presented on behest of Navi Pillai

The compositions was more favorable to us than in 2012 and 2013 and moreover it was just when we finished the war and we had some upper hand their because of that. Evan though Japan is our friend they have to balance the US factor in their favor because Japan is still US dependent. That's why mostly they abstained. It's nothing to worry about.

And what is 35? It should be 25 right?

So as long this regime fail on true reconciliation, power devolution, rule of law and good governance.. I'm afraid we're going to loose what ever is left of our standing in the global community

There won't be power devolution at least to Provincial councils. If the government did that. It will be the end of UPFA.
Mate ..Though this was expected.. It's nothing to be proud about.. Remember 35 mostly developing countries voted against us.. More worrying is the abstains from our steadfast friends like Japan and also remember we won overwhelmingly in 2009 against a much tougher resolution presented on behest of Navi Pillai

So as long this regime fail on true reconciliation, power devolution, rule of law and good governance.. I'm afraid we're going to loose what ever is left of our standing in the global community

yeah, I know.
Don't you understand what this is all about, geez .......

Human rights violations that happened during war comes under war crimes.

Do read the issue correctly, with out that knowledge you are posting some biased arguments here.

India and USA cooperated here that all, remaining things what you have written is pure B.S.

No they don't!!! ... Clearly you have no idea of real global politics, rules of engagement or diplomacy.. There is no use discussing this with a person who clearly lacks knowledge of these intricacies

Just a final word for people who actually have a sense on how global diplomacy works.. LTTE lobby groups and certain NGO's were adamant that the resolution must include, "genocide", " War Crimes" and " Ethnic cleansing" be included, Including TN political parties.. In global real politics single words can mean a whole new definition that's how it works as some of you may well know .. They found the resolution presented a defeat to there agenda including AI.. So while the resolution was passed SL actually got away with only a slight slap to the wrist much to the disappointment of those organisations.. Infact if anybody care to actually watch credible news the resolution would have been defeated if those words were included because most countries would not agree to it.. That is how much the weight of the words cost in multi national fora .. And that's one of the reasons that India did not go ahead with the amendments despite assuring DMK about it
Human rights violations are numbered at 40000 civilian causalities and they are done during war time, what do you call this :lol::lol::lol:

Do invent a new word :lol:

No they don't!!! ... Clearly you have no idea of real global politics, rules of engagement or diplomacy.. There is no use discussing this with a person who clearly lacks knowledge of these intricacies

Just a final word for people who actually have a sense on how global diplomacy works.. LTTE lobby groups and certain NGO's were adamant that the resolution must include, "genocide", " War Crimes" and " Ethnic cleansing" be included, Including TN political parties.. In global real politics single words can mean a whole new definition that's how it works as some of you may well know .. They found the resolution presented a defeat to there agenda including AI.. So while the resolution was passed SL actually got away with only a slight slap to the wrist much to the disappointment of those organisations.. Infact if anybody care to actually watch credible news the resolution would have been defeated if those words were included because most countries would not agree to it.. That is how much the weight of the words cost in multi national fora .. And that's one of the reasons that India did not go ahead with the amendments despite assuring DMK about it
Human rights violations are numbered at 40000 civilian causalities and they are done during war time, what do you call this :lol::lol::lol:

Do invent a new word :lol:

You clearly are a tool.. Twisting discussions, contradicting yourself like a 8 year old.. Posting smileys does not hide that fact.. Now run along and leave serious discussions to the adults
You clearly are a tool.. Twisting discussions, contradicting yourself like a 8 year old.. Posting smileys does not hide that fact.. Now run along and leave serious discussions to the adults

Just go through your posts troll, do not try to make circus with words.
You clearly are a tool.. Twisting discussions, contradicting yourself like a 8 year old.. Posting smileys does not hide that fact.. Now run along and leave serious discussions to the adults

good.....push them closer to China and the encircling of bharat can slowly take fruition

LTTE terrorists had been abducting Tamil children and forcing them for terrorism against Sri Lanka.

how they were happy under a terrorist organisation one can only wonder but Indians believed in LTTE terrorism and still believe in it.

:)))) anti-congress parties in India were trying to cash votes in coming elections but seems Congress is expert in saying something to draw criticism against itself but doing different to counter opposition

Please spread the word.

This is important to fight for the rights of our Tamil brethren. We must look beyond national interest and not be self-interested like India.

We should care about human rights, dignity, and the right to self-determination by all communities.

Having a free Tamil Eelam without TN is like saying you have a free Kosovo with an occupied Albania or a free Northern Ireland with an occupied Ireland.

வாழ்க தமிழ்
Nothing unexpected..

No "International " investigations
No intrusions of the sovereignty
Ask to implement our own commission
Asks to conduct our own investigations.. Things of cause this regime needs to do
No words of genocide
No words of ethnic cleansing.. Which are lies and mere slogans anyway
Congress just lost the next election
India lost some more influence in the region due to pandering extremist seperatists

Silly Madrasi's and LTTE rump jumping jigs, Burning themselves, Assualting innocent clergy, Shouting blue murder and generally becoming a nuisance to all and sundry comes to nothing.. Better go off and drink some lassie get over yourselfs, Get over the racist hate and stop worshipping worthless actors turned even worse politicians and finally stop believing what ever the white man tells you to believe.. Bollywood aint real, It's make belief just like those Channel 4 videos :lol:

At the end of the day nobody gives a **** about you.. Least the Sri Lankan Tamils now living a life in relative peace

Time doesn't stops today for Tamils, my dear but it will stop for SL when Eelam is born. Be ready to face this reality don't worry there is a lot more time for it to happen.
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