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UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka adopted

Why Indians think of going to WAR against Sri Lanka in the first place? that too over internal matter of Sri Lanka

:laugh: Indians trying to ride over US move . funny.

Infact Indians lost here.

CHINA-SRI LANKA cooperation is going to strengthened and Pakistan should also support Sri Lanka militarily

First of all India is not Hiding behind US here.

India voted against srilankan war crimes so that signifies that India opposes the Srilankan action against tamil civilians.

Second point:
It would be better for Pakistan not to go against USA with out any strategy.

Third point:

There are always groups in every country which are polarized when it comes to foreign policy. So the fight will be fought politically for influence, it seems Indian won this round with some margin :cheers:

Saddest part is India did not have much of a say.. It's US and China whos playing the power game in the region.. India is being reduced to a lap dog of US policy on her own back yard.. Ideally it should have been India to move a resolution in her favour for or against SL not the US.. But alas she is a hostage to her own politics over vital national interests

India wants its strategic interests to be safe guarded when that work is done by USA why should we be bothered.

And the remaining post of your's is just a frustration.
Why Indians think of going to WAR against Sri Lanka in the first place? that too over internal matter of Sri Lanka:laugh: Indians trying to ride over US move . funny.Infact Indians lost here. CHINA-SRI LANKA cooperation is going to strengthened and Pakistan should also support Sri Lanka militarily
I'm talking about war between India and China not Sri Lanka, come on why do I have to talk about Sri Lanka , how long it takes to invade them....

and India didn't loose, when US ships enters in scs next year you'll see new strategy of China...I don't think encircling India would be their priority as off they themselves are encircled. it'll give plenty of time for us to prey on Chinese or helping Sri Lankans ,
at present its difficult to ignore india but that's a paradigm of sorts which PRC would be aiming to change; from their perspective, it's a brilliant policy and now given india's attempt to play diplomatic leverage card (a failing one) China would move right in to assuage their fears and veto any bill seen as detrimental to SL's standing on the world stage

truth is - they had a nasty civil war and they crushed the enemies that were engaging in terrorism and sabotage against the state...i think history will favourably judge SL govt/armed forces and the countries it cooperated with to end the menace

india's policy is a miserably failed one, in my view...

It was with the Indian help that made Srilanka to crush the LTTE.

Secondly India is not afraid of China and India will make Indian ocean India's ocean :cheers:

To the srilankan @Gibbs who is jumping up and down here

India is not against any development and India wants Chinese influence to be countered and so India went into UNHRC voting keeping 2 points in mind.

1) Respect the Tamil sentiments, condemning the crimes done by some of the military.

2) Reducing the Chinese influence.
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Maybe you need to know the history. Maybe not missiles but a precedence has been set before. Rumour mills were going around in 1980s that SL was inviting US to setup naval base in Trincomalee and guess what - Rajiv flew planes over Jaffna violating SL space - Operation Poomalai and what SL did? Came running to Delhi and signed the Rajiv-Jayawardene accord. So what is India lacking is a strong leadership like Rajiv.

And US navy in 1980s were much more powerful than today's PLAN - PLAN is just taking baby steps for its blue water capabilities.

Incorrect.. Just is as much as the real truth being twisted in TN these days for your convinience.. It was Jayawardena that invited the Reagan administration to Trinco and it was Indira Gandhi who was the PM.. That was one of the main catalysts for her to destabilise the island by providing arms and training Tamil insurgents to wreck havoc in the island

The famous Parippu(Lentil) drop violating SL air space by Rajiv happened in 87'..When the LTTE were surround in Jaffna and held siege for 38 days.. Rajiv at the behest of DMK extremists rescued the Parabakaran from an seemingly annihilation for the umpteenth time.. Well we don't need to dwell on how they repaid him

If not for India's continuous meddling in Sri Lanka.. May be some of these people you claim to have been killed in 2009, might well be still alive
..40 posts in this thread and the only thing I can see is two pakistanis cheer-leading for china .

ha ha,nice whip .... I was just watching that movie last night
First of all India is not Hiding behind US here.

India voted against srilankan war crimes so that signifies that India opposes the Srilankan action against tamil civilians.

Dude seriously.. You keep harping about this non stop.. Where the hell is war crimes mentioned in that resolution? There was no vote on war crimes.. If you really want to have a constructive discussion stop posting BS

India wants its strategic interests to be safe guarded when that work is done by USA why should we be bothered.

And the remaining post of your's is just a frustration.

There is no frustration mate.. Go back on my posts.. I predicted this weeks ago

Oh yeah good luck on that strategic interests of India.. Both the US and China are laughing their arses off
Incorrect.. Just is as much as the real truth being twisted in TN these days for your convinience.. It was Jayawardena that invited the Reagan administration to Trinco and it was Indira Gandhi who was the PM.. That was one of the main catalysts for her to destabilise the island by providing arms and training Tamil insurgents to wreck havoc in the islandThe famous Parippu(Lentil) drop violating SL air space by Rajiv happened in 87'..When the LTTE were surround in Jaffna and held siege for 38 days.. Rajiv at the behest of DMK extremists rescued the Parabakaran from an seemingly annihilation for the umpteenth time.. Well we don't need to dwell on how they repaid himIf not for India's continuous meddling in Sri Lanka.. May be some of these people you claim to have been killed in 2009, might well be still alive

it wasn't arms to LTTE but food and medical for Tamils in LTTE held areas...your af bombarded at areas of LTTE held civilians which caused 80% civilian dead, and dmk pressured gov to provide food and medicine and Sri Lankans high commissioner summoned in Delhi and informed that our forces would fly on Sri Lankan air space and any Sri Lankan planes coming between iaf will be faced by force that's what happened
Dude seriously.. You keep harping about this non stop.. Where the hell is war crimes mentioned in that resolution? There was no vote on war crimes.. If you really want to have a constructive discussion stop posting BS

There is no frustration mate.. Go back on my posts.. I predicted this weeks ago

Oh yeah good luck on that strategic interests of India.. Both the US and China are laughing their arses off

US and India are smiling. May be in the coming 2 or 3 years you people will talk about India's strategic interests :cheers:.

No problem for us if some is doing our job.

As many as 25 countries,including India, voted in favour of the document in the 47-nation strong body, while 13 countries including Pakistan voted against it.

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) today adopted a U.S.-sponsored resolution on human rights violation in Sri Lanka, with 25 countries including India voting in favour of the document in the 47-nation strong body.

Read the bolded part and stop your B.S.
It was with the Indian help that made Srilanka to crush the LTTE.

Secondly India is not afraid of China and India will make Indian ocean India's ocean :cheers:

To the srilankan @Gibbs who is jumping up and down here

India is not against any development and India wants Chinese influence to be countered and so India went into UNHRC voting keeping 2 points in mind.

1) Respect the Tamil sentiments, condemning the crimes done by some of the military.

2) Reducing the Chinese influence.

factually incorrect

as for the rest of the post, mere semantics.....not really interested or bothered to comment
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Unless India has managed to water down the resolution, as claimed by Amnesty and some other human rights groups, and managed to strike an under-wraps bargain with SL - this would be ideal example of how to shoot oneself in the foot.
Unless India has managed to water down the resolution, as claimed by Amnesty and some other human rights groups, and managed to strike an under-wraps bargain with SL - this would be ideal example of how to shoot oneself in the foot.

what happened to that chalak "chanakyan" philosophies and approaches you hindus used to be so famous for :laugh:

A statement with out any evidence why should I bother about :cheers:

In the Naval policy India clearly mentioned the fact that Indian ocean will be made India's ocean.

Dhruva Jaishankar: India's Ocean

India's Ocean

Wow man. You're a space cadet today. Brew some coffee or something.

i was responding to the first point of the post

the "point" being factually incorrect
Incorrect.. Just is as much as the real truth being twisted in TN these days for your convinience.. It was Jayawardena that invited the Reagan administration to Trinco and it was Indira Gandhi who was the PM.. That was one of the main catalysts for her to destabilise the island by providing arms and training Tamil insurgents to wreck havoc in the island

The famous Parippu(Lentil) drop violating SL air space by Rajiv happened in 87'..When the LTTE were surround in Jaffna and held siege for 38 days.. Rajiv at the behest of DMK extremists rescued the Parabakaran from an seemingly annihilation for the umpteenth time.. Well we don't need to dwell on how they repaid him

If not for India's continuous meddling in Sri Lanka.. May be some of these people you claim to have been killed in 2009, might well be still alive

Nothing wrong in what I stated. SL had the intention in 1980s and Rajiv saw Siege of Jaffna as a perfect opportunity to bring SL to its knees. As for meddling in SL affairs - do not worry it will continue if not for India it will come from US - as per your own representative's statement which states US is using these resolutions against countries which does not confirm to its political agenda. And guess what - US is sitting in Diego Garcia manning the Indian Ocean and US main agenda is bottling up China in SCS. And if SL is getting closer to China, grand-daddy US is not going to sit idle. what a double whammy SL is facing especially if India gets a strong leader in 2014 and there is only one chance - settle SL tamil issue including war crimes and implementation of 13th amendment and take a neutral stance wrt India, China and US.

P.S - Proud to be an Indian American today - :toast_sign:
US and India are smiling. May be in the coming 2 or 3 years you people will talk about India's strategic interests :cheers:.

No problem for us if some is doing our job.

Read the bolded part and stop your B.S.

Face it India became a lame duck today..US dictated the terms and India just followed like a sheep.. India's famous foreign policy makers must be turning in their graves today

So where f@rk is the quote "WAR CRIMES" ?? Thought you might be a rare intelligence poster here who can see beyond your nose.. Guess not
what happened to that chalak "chanakyan" philosophies and approaches you hindus used to be so famous for :laugh:
Wow man. You're a space cadet today. Brew some coffee or something.

i was responding to the first point of the post

the "point" being factually incorrect

Next time Clearly mention in the post what you think .

here is your answer

India's help during LTTE war reduced world pressure: Sri Lanka

India's help during LTTE war reduced world pressure: Sri Lanka

Military support anybody can give but giving moral support is the main thing here :cheers:

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE - Rediff.com News

Face it India became a lame duck today..US dictated the terms and India just followed like a sheep.. India's famous foreign policy makers must be turning in their graves today

So where f@rk is the quote "WAR CRIMES" ?? Thought you might be a rare intelligence poster here who can see beyond your nose.. Guess not

Don't you understand what this is all about, geez .......

Human rights violations that happened during war comes under war crimes.

Do read the issue correctly, with out that knowledge you are posting some biased arguments here.

India and USA cooperated here that all, remaining things what you have written is pure B.S.
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