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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

“A truck with troops of the Russian Federation, armed with rifles, helmets and bullet-proof vests arrived at our checkpoint and suggested we give up our weapons and accept the protection of the armed forces of the Russian Federation,” he said.

“I replied that, as I am a member of the armed forces of Ukraine, under orders of the Ukrainian navy, there could be no discussion of disarmament. In case of any attempt to enter the military base, we will use all means, up to lethal force.

“We are military people, who have given our oath to the people of Ukraine and will carry out our duty until the end.”

Ukrainian marines were barricaded into a base in Feodosia, a Crimean port. Russia appealed for them to back the “legitimate”—pro-Russia—regional leadership.

Their commander, Dmytro Delyatytskiy, told Ukraine’s Channel 5 by telephone Russian troops had demanded they give up their weapons by 10 am and they refused.

“We have orders,” he said. “We are preparing our defenses.”
Russia providing a distraction will give China more breathing space against the US. It's impossible to concentrate on 2 massive countries at the same time. Before this, all American attention was on containing China but now Russia has earned us more time to grow even stronger to close the economic, technological and military gap with the US.

I know, I actually support Russia. Russia needs to take control of their equipment in Crimea. The new neo-Nazi regime should not have access to them. I read some of the chants the done: "**** niggers, Jews and Russians" and calling for a new holocaust etc.
Russia itself has the largest neo-Nazi membership of any country in the entire world. Russian neo-Nazis are known for their hatred for Muslims from the Caucasus and Central Asia as well as other non-European/Slavic races.

I support Russia on this matter concerning The Ukraine. I don't see why some Ukrainians would want beef with Russia considering that both nations are predominantly Slavic.
Ukraines military has some Soviet era weapons that could come in handy but then ageing they are up against the former Soviet Union.:lol:
Ukrainian Refugees entering Russia .. more than 6,50,000 of them
More BS propaganda.

Russia proves if you have a massive nuclear arsenal with nuclear triads along with very good air defences, you are pretty much untouchable in this world. Excellent submarines are crucial.
Veto in US Sec Council + massive oil and gas reserves.

Hope the Chinese leadership takes note. No point building useless aircraft carriers that take nearly a decade to enter service.
Aircraft carrier is needed to dominate the oceans. China builds everything in much bigger quantities. Here ships which entered service in 2000-2014:

----------------- China ---- Russia
AC --------------- 1 ---------- 0
LHD ------------- 8 ---------- 0
Destroyers ---- 14 -------- 0
Frigates -------- 24 -------- 0
SSN ------------- 4 ---------- 2
SSBN ----------- 5 ---------- 2
Diesel Sub ---- 34 -------- 1

Not yet! We haven't finished building the bomb. Once it's complete, we will transfer it to Hamas. :D
And Hamas will transfer to Syrian rebels.
Russia itself has the largest neo-Nazi membership of any country in the entire world. Russian neo-Nazis are known for their hatred for Muslims from the Caucasus and Central Asia as well as other non-European/Slavic races.

I support Russia on this matter concerning The Ukraine. I don't see why some Ukrainians would want beef with Russia considering that both nations are predominantly Slavic.

So you're cool with the nazis' and muslim haters ?
Western powers are prepared 'to go to the hilt' to isolate Russia for its military incursion into Ukraine : John Kerry

Things just got really interesting folks.
Russia proves if you have a massive nuclear arsenal with nuclear triads along with very good air defences, you are pretty much untouchable in this world. Excellent submarines are crucial.

Hope the Chinese leadership takes note. No point building useless aircraft carriers that take nearly a decade to enter service.

I agree with you 100%.

Russia has freed itself from the American global hegemony, by having enough nukes to obliterate America many many times over.

We need to vastly increase the size of our nuclear arsenal (in secret), as well as our nuclear submarine fleet. DF-41 are great, but we need to move towards HGV technology as soon as possible, since we've already successfully tested the hypersonic glide vehicle technology.

Once we have thousands of HGV with nuclear warheads on them, we will be as untouchable as Russia and America are now.
U.S. foreign policy comes home to roost with Russia’s action in Ukraine - The Washington Post - Linkis.com

U.S. foreign policy comes home to roost with Russia’s action in Ukraine

By David J. Kramer, Sunday, March 2, 6:01 AM

David J. Kramer is president of Freedom House and a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Russia and Ukraine in the George W. Bush administration.

President Obama faces the gravest challenge of his presidency in figuring out how to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How he responds will define his two terms in office, as well as determine the future of Ukraine, Russia and U.S. standing in the world. After all, if the authoritarian tyrant Vladimir Putin is allowed to get away with his unprovoked attack against his neighbor, a blatant violation of that country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, then U.S. credibility, already damaged by Obama’s poor handling of Syria, will be down to zero. Allies won’t believe in us, enemies won’t fear us and the world will be a much more dangerous place. The White House statement issued late Saturday afternoon expressing “deep concern over Russia’s clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty” was woefully inadequate.

There are things Obama needs to do immediately, some in collaboration with our European and NATO allies, others on our own. They include:

●Imposing sanctions against Russian state-owned banks and financial institutions;

●Widening application of the 2012 Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act against an array of Kremlin officials, including Putin;

●Terminating all negotiations with Russia on a possible trade agreement or promoting business;

●Calling an emergency NATO meeting to reassure NATO allies that border Ukraine and initiate mobilization of forces to be ready for any developments (Article 4 of the NATO Treaty, invoked by Latvia and Lithuania, calls for consultations about security concerns);

●Sending U.S. military ships to the Black Sea for any contingencies;

●Pushing for a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Russia’s aggression against its neighbor, even though Russia will obviously veto it; and

●Joining other Group of Eight members in expelling Russia and announcing the cancellation of Obama’s plans to visit Sochi, where Putin was to host this year’s G-8 meeting in June.

There may well be other things Obama should do: Some have called for deploying U.S. forces to western Ukraine and the capital, Kiev; others have said we should immediately offer NATO membership to Ukraine. The United States should aim for realistic responses, ones that will not lead to divisions within NATO. But Obama should also not telegraph to Putin what U.S. limits are in responding to Russia’s aggression, as he and Secretary of State John F. Kerry did in fecklessly trying to make the case for a “pinprick” military strike against Syria’s Bassar al-Assad for the use of chemical weapons. Let Putin wonder how far the United States and NATO might go in responding to his military attack.

Ukraine, a country of 46 million people, straddles NATO and the European Union on one side and Russia on the other. It is key to realizing a long-held U.S. vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace. In 1994, the United States, Ukraine, Russia and Britain signed the Budapest Memorandum as part of the deal for Ukraine to relinquish its nuclear weapons to Russia. Under that agreement, signatories are, among other things, to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its borders; protect Ukraine from aggression; and avoid economic pressure on Ukraine. Clearly, Russia has violated that understanding. The United States and Britain have an obligation to respond, and hopefully other NATO allies will too.

Like his overall approach to foreign policy, Obama has been much too removed from the deteriorating situation in Ukraine the past few months and spoke out for the first time only 10 days ago, after Ukrainian authorities used gruesome force against protesters in Kiev. Obama warned Ukrainian officials not to “step over the line,” a phrase that lost meaning when he warned Assad not to cross a “red line” at use of chemical weapons — and then did nothing to follow through.

For years, Putin has shown zero respect for his U.S. counterpart and utter disdain for the West in general, and the United States in particular. Obama’s reset policy is partly to blame for what is unfolding in Ukraine, after giving Putin a pass on his human rights abuses, aggressive policies toward his neighbors and support for murderous regimes like the one in Syria. Putin never saw from the United States any deterrent or consequences for his outrageous behavior, such as trade sanctions against Russia’s neighbors in violation of its World Trade Organization commitments or the worst crackdown in human rights in Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

All too often, Obama and his team looked the other way. That neglect is coming home to roost in the worst way possible: a Russian invasion of Ukraine. At least we can stop listening to those in the Obama administration and in the analyst community who called for Russia to have a role in deciding Ukraine’s future or to “Finlandize” Ukraine by the United States promising Russia that Ukraine would never join NATO. Putin’s actions in Ukraine should make clear to all that as long as he is in power, Russia will remain a threat to freedom and to many of America’s interests.
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