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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

@xenon54 , with who are you trying to reason with?
At least don't allow him to ruin other topics, plus you don't have to prove anything to him.
İn the end he's the one trying to compensate for his inferiority complex.

P.s Ghassan don't quote me.
@al-Hasani either you messing with the Turks or you are a troll lol.

Read my post number 376. I think that I have made everything pretty clear. I am not trolling.

By his and your logic apparently (since you agree with him) the Spanish can claim Inca civilization since Peru is now culturally Spanish and also has many people of Spanish ancestry despite the Spaniards having nothing to do with it.

He is now claiming Greek and other non-Turkic heritage as Turkic heritage. That's pathetic.
Seriously whats your problem?

The following sites are all Turkish sites in Unesco world heritage list!

-Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex
-Historic Areas of Istanbul (Such as Sultan Ahmed mosque, Suleymaniye mosque and several hamams and Palaces)
-Bursa and Cumalikizik Early Ottoman urban and rural settlements
-Hacı Bektaş Veli complex
-Ishak Pasha Palace
-Historic town of Birgi
-Konya-A capital of Seljuk Civilization
-Niğde Monuments
-Odunpazarı historical urban site
-The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel

That only 3 of those World Unesco Heritage sites were built by Turkic people.
I mean the air superiority the US will gain in the battlefield would be epic, you have to agree?


All this Russian joke would be sleeping with the fishes. And Germans, Scandinavians, etc will do fine.

Too bad the war on Ukraine will mostly about the ground warfare, and the navy would have very little role on that.

While Russia can also maintain the air superiority in its home turf.
Not only a land power but an air dominant power as well . There is no way that the western europe will match or compete well against a military superpower like Russia .
The Europeans have enough experience fighting on land and they have the manpower and technology to do that.

Considering Europe's performance in Libya, it is hard to imagine how they could fight a behemoth like Russia without the US.
Do you have problems with counting? I can see more than 3 in my post.

I love how you desperately try to avoid my question and act like you don't know what I am referring to. Do you know the difference between heritage sites that are now located in Turkey AND heritage sites built by TURKS? Apparently not.

Let me make it very simple:

You cannot claim Greek and other non-Turkic heritage as your own just because it lies in Turkey today. You and other Turks claim that you came to what is now Turkey about 1000 years ago from Central Asia. So how can you claim heritage that is 2000 years old as your own? Care to answer me? Or just going to repeat yourself?
Not only a land power but an air dominant power as well . There is no way that the western europe will match or compete well against a military superpower like Russia .

Russia's ground troops are extremely strong, while it can also maintain the air superiority in its home turf, so it is impossible for the European army to fight them in Ukraine.
Considering Europe's performance in Libya, it is hard to imagine how they could fight a behemoth like Russia without the US.

The Europeans did their job well. The U.S. really didn't do much except fired cruise missiles and provide tanker support.
I love how you desperately try to avoid my question and act like you don't know what I am referring to. Do you know the difference between heritage sites that are now located in Turkey AND heritage sites built by TURKS? Apparently not.

Let me make it very simple:

You cannot claim Greek and other non-Turkic heritage as your own just because it lies in Turkey today. You and other Turks claim that you came to what is now Turkey about 1000 years ago. So how can you claim heritage that is 2000 years old as your own? Care to answer me? Or just going to repeat yourself?
I dont claim anything, i picked all the heritage sites built by Turks out of that list.

These are all Turkish heritage sites not Greek or Roman or anything else.

-Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex
-Historic Areas of Istanbul (Such as Sultan Ahmed mosque, Suleymaniye mosque and several hamams and Palaces)
-Bursa and Cumalikizik Early Ottoman urban and rural settlements
-Hacı Bektaş Veli complex
-Ishak Pasha Palace
-Historic town of Birgi
-Konya-A capital of Seljuk Civilization
-Niğde Monuments
-Odunpazarı historical urban site
-The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel
Russia's ground troops are extremely strong, while it can also maintain the air superiority in its home turf, so it is impossible for the European army to fight them in Ukraine.

Lets say in theory Russia were to invade Estonia or Lithuania or Poland, and European nations were to respond without U.S. intervening, you think the European nations can't handle Russia?

Have you even looked at the World UNESCO Heritage list of Turkey? As in this list below?

List of World Heritage Sites in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only 3 out of those 11 World Unesco Heritage Sites were built by TURKIC PEOPLE. Rest by NON-TURKIC people.

Most of those heritage sites PREDATE the arrival of Turkic people to Anatolia.

1) Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia

A national park is a natural heritage. Not something one builds.

Cappadocia had nothing to do with any Turks or Turkic people.

Cappadocia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Great Mosque and Hospital of Divrigi

It was built by Ahmed Shah (sounds Iranian that last name) who was the ruler of the Mengujekids. According to the sources the founders of that Anatolian Beylik were unknown but I will give it to the Turks.

3) Historic Areas of Istanbul

Most of the historic areas of Istanbul are Greek and non-Turkish heritage. After all it first became Turkish 500 years ago. The photo shows Hagia Sophia which was originally a Orthodox Greek Church.

4) Hattusha: the Hittite Capital

Nothing to do with Turks once again.

5) Nemrut Dağ

Obviously has nothing to do with Turks or Turkic people either. 2000 years old statues. Far before Turks entered Anatolia.

6) HierapolisPamukkale

The first name gives it away. Greek heritage. The last one is nature. No people can claim nature.

7) Xanthos Letoon

Obviously Greek heritage as well.

8) City of Safranbolu

Despite that city probably being founded by Greeks the architecture seem as Ottoman architecture so that is Turkic heritage.

9) Archaeological Site of Troy

Troy? I think that everyone knows that this has nothing to do with Turkic people.

10) Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex

Ottoman and Turkic heritage. Built in the early 1500's.

11) Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük

Neolithic gives it away. Way before any ethnic groups existed.

So 3 Turkic heritage sites in Turkey only.

I am afraid that I am speaking to a wall. Now you are going to claim Greek, Neolithic, Hittites etc. sites despite them having NOTHING to do with Turks and not even being founded by them. Hilarious.

When are you going to claim the Pyramids?
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