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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

Russia has space manned technology, does Europe have that?

Russia has Glonass, does Europe have the functional Galileo?

Okay is that all you can point out? So they don't have their own GPS version, they can still use ours. And space technology they have. After all they have sent unmanned probes in space especially Mars. No different than manned.
Mongols though couldnt conquer South Asia thanks to muslim empires and brave soldiers. But they sure as hell destroyed Punjab, Pakistan many times. So later on when Mongols become muslims and came as Mughals and conquered subcontinent. Punjabis muslims and punjabi hindus continued to hate them for this reason, also they didnt hire any punjabi muslim or hindu in army, instead they hired them from proper India. And their enemy number 1 was Pashtuns from day 1. Its save to say ancestors of Pakistanis hated Mongols and Mughals contrary to what is tought in our schools.

And who can forget Mongols destroying Islamic civilization which was on top in science etc. Basically Mongols only brought misery and destruction to the world, Europe and South Asia was lucky to not exprience their rule.

Yes, they destroyed Baghdad which was the Islamic and world capital for centuries in 1258. From that point the Islamic Golden Age ended and Muslim dominance declined. It was never the same again.

Siege of Baghdad (1258) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic Golden Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My request for last meal would be...... :P

1. Medium rare pepper stake:

2. And five of these... if it's summers


3. OR three of these if it's winters:


I want my last meal to be really good then! :p:
Yes, but I was replying to that guy in terms of conventional warfare without nukes.

How will you deal with a monster like the US military + cornered European states?

Good luck Russia!

That's why US and Europe will do everything to avoid a conventional war with Russia, because they should realize the consquence of pushing Russia into the corner.
No actually not. Most of the Arab world was independent. Already told you that by using sources. You might take a look at the Ottoman maps. Morocco, Oman and various of other Arab kingdoms, sultanates, sharifates, emirates, sheikdoms were independent or regional powers. The Areas that were under Ottoman rule (Levant, most of Iraq, Hijaz and parts of Egypt and some coastal regions of Northern Africa) were largely self-governmed and had local rulers. It was not complete rule the way the Mongols did it for instance.

Well, the Mongols also ruled large parts of the world but they were still largely known as Barbarians and contributed very little to humanity outside of the military aspect.

I am just posting sources as a reply to your compatriots post number 265 in this thread that started this discussion. I do not consider any people as Barbarians. What is important is what other people/civilizations considered people x or y as.
Then tell me about the World Unesco Heritage Sites that Turks made. I never said that they did not make any I just don't know about any. I mean alone in Spain and Portugal I can mention many World UNESCO Heritage sites that Arabs helped built.

Turks ruled Persia and adopted their culture language etc, which was introduced to South Asia. Basically there is no match to turks when it comes to military in ancient times but civlization, language etc isnt their strong point in history.
Okay is that all you can point out? So they don't have their own GPS version, they can still use ours. And space technology they have. After all they have sent unmanned probes in space especially Mars. No different than manned.

Russia will make sure that US will physically stay out of this conflict.

Obama and his administration won't have the gut to directly intervene.

Are you going to reply to my questions? Regarding the World Unesco Heritage sites in Europe that Arabs created I can quickly post a wide range of them.
Can you even post 2-3 World Unesco Heritage Sites built by Turks? That's the question. I asked you the same question last week but got no reply. Just some reply about Turks never being settled people, warriors and living in Yurts traditionally.
I already prepared my bunkers just in case of nuclear war and have packaged shawarma sandwiches up to a 7 month supply. :p::rofl::rofl::rofl:
If they didnt have nukes, they would get their *** kicked.

Ukraine is Russia's heartland, and if losing Ukraine, then Russia would have nothing to lose.

But Ukraine is not that important to the West, so it is worthy to keep Russia at bay just for Ukraine?
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