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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

Yes, the Mongol Empire has killed many Chinese people, maybe up 50% of the Chinese population at that time.

But from a world perspective, their empire has created a bridge between the East and the West.

So In other words Chinese people also historically referred to them as barbarians which their actions deserved.
Mughals were still Mongolians and not Turks. Heavily mixed with Persians and Indians and some Arabs too. They were also Persianized. Claiming them as Turks is pathetic. They belonged to the Barlas Mongolian tribe. Nothing to do with Turks of Turkey.

Özay Mehmet (sounds Turkish to me) in his book Islamic Identity and Development: Studies of the Islamic Periphery mentions:[29]

“The ordinary Turks (Turkmen) did not have a sense of belonging to a ruling ethnic group. In particular, they had a confused sense of self-image. Who were they: Turks, Muslims or Ottomans? Their literature was sometimes Persian, sometimes Arabic, but always courtly and elitist. There was always a huge social and cultural distance between the Imperial centre and the Anatolian periphery. As Bernard Lewis expressed it: "in the Imperial society of the Ottomans the ethnic term Turk was little used, and then chiefly in a rather derogatory sense, to designate the Turcoman nomads or, later, the ignorant and uncouth Turkish-speaking peasants of the Anatolian villages." (Lewis 1968: 1)
In the words of a British observer of the Ottoman values and institutions at the start of the twentieth century: "The surest way to insult an Ottoman gentleman is to call him a 'Turk'. His face will straightway wear the expression a Londoner's assumes, when he hears himself frankly styled a Cockney. He is no Turk, no savage, he will assure you, but an Ottoman subject of the Sultan, by no means to be confounded with certain barbarians styled Turcomans, and from whom indeed, on the male side, he may possibly be descended."(Davey 1907: 209)

In Iran Turk is apparently associated with donkeys and being dumb according to the Iranian members.

The Mughals were Turkicized Mongols.
The Mughals were Turkicized Mongols.

Later completely Persianized who married locals, Persians, Arabs and other people. So in fact their ancestry was Mongolian and their culture mostly Persian. Conclusion nothing to do with Turks. Especially not Turks of Turkey.
Everbyody knows this but some people have a hard time accepting it, it seems in their desperation for attaching themselves to World Unesco Heritage Sites.
Last it is interesting to know that the Russian oligarchy, basically the rulers of the country, and the Ukrainian ones have very close business ties. So it's in neither interest to see a Western and democratic Ukraine.

The West's interest in Ukraine is also limited to business interests. They don't give a damn about ordinary Ukrainians any more than anyone else does.

Of course one should not hope for an civil war but if that happens I hope that KSA and others will give Russia the medicine we gave to them in Chechnya. Knowing their behavior in Syria.

Don't even dream about it.

In Chechnya and Syria, it was Muslim ethnics who were dying in the crossfire. In Crimea and Ukraine, it would be Russians who would pay the price and, if KSA is shown to be causing massive Russian deaths, you can be sure Russia would retaliate directly onto KSA (like US did in Afghanistan)
So its a problem for you if i call Isis terrorists barbarians?
Good to know your mindset....

You were not talking about ISIS but Iraqis and other Arabs. Can't fool anybody here. Yes, I support ISIS despite always insulting them and being against them even in this very thread a few hours ago. That's right Einstein. Just admit that you scored an own goal and move on. I was not calling Turks barbarian until you started.
Mughals were still Mongolians and not Turks. Heavily mixed with Persians and Indians and some Arabs too. They were also Persianized. Claiming them as Turks is pathetic. They belonged to the Barlas Mongolian tribe. Nothing to do with Turks of Turkey.

Özay Mehmet (sounds Turkish to me) in his book Islamic Identity and Development: Studies of the Islamic Periphery mentions:[29]

“The ordinary Turks (Turkmen) did not have a sense of belonging to a ruling ethnic group. In particular, they had a confused sense of self-image. Who were they: Turks, Muslims or Ottomans? Their literature was sometimes Persian, sometimes Arabic, but always courtly and elitist. There was always a huge social and cultural distance between the Imperial centre and the Anatolian periphery. As Bernard Lewis expressed it: "in the Imperial society of the Ottomans the ethnic term Turk was little used, and then chiefly in a rather derogatory sense, to designate the Turcoman nomads or, later, the ignorant and uncouth Turkish-speaking peasants of the Anatolian villages." (Lewis 1968: 1)
In the words of a British observer of the Ottoman values and institutions at the start of the twentieth century: "The surest way to insult an Ottoman gentleman is to call him a 'Turk'. His face will straightway wear the expression a Londoner's assumes, when he hears himself frankly styled a Cockney. He is no Turk, no savage, he will assure you, but an Ottoman subject of the Sultan, by no means to be confounded with certain barbarians styled Turcomans, and from whom indeed, on the male side, he may possibly be descended."(Davey 1907: 209)

In Iran Turk is apparently associated with donkeys and being dumb according to the Iranian members.
Again all of our enemies use it as an insult and I explained the reason earlier.

You are just a complete retard. When you are arguing against Persians or pakistani you say the mughals are turks but when I say it it is wrong.
The Mughal Empire (Urdu: مغلیہ سلطنت‎, Mug̱ẖliyah Salṭanat),[4] self-designated as Gurkani (Persian: گورکانیان‎, Gūrkāniyān),[5]was an empire extending over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by a dynasty of Chagatai-Turkic origin

They spoke Turkish to and even if they are mongols they are still altaic.

Whats your point in this whole discussion any way?
Absolutely nothing on the lines of doomsday will happen.... following events will occur.

1. Russia will drop in troops.
2. America, France and GB will protest.
3. American senate will issue stern warning.
4. EU will follow suit, by passing a resolution.
5. UN will be neutered with several veto's.
6. Russia won't give a crap and annex Crimea anyways.
7. America will follow further threats... perhaps send two carrier groups....
8. Russia will increase military strength to 200,000
9. EU & U.S will bad mouth Russia
10. December 2014, will arrive. US and EU will forget about what happened.
11. Obama's rating will take a nose dive, as GOP would have milked the situation by pressuring Obama into a no win situation, and having a little bit of brain, he wouldn't bite.

Game over. Chicken was played, with grand winner Russia. Pristine annexation with least collateral damage.
You mean Moscow? Nothing else to Nuke here...:lol:
Without nukes the Russian military will be destroyed to bits, however it’s not worth the effort.

I want to know what is going on in pentagon as we speak; nobody plays geopolitics better than the Americans at this current moment.
Good times to get rid of Assad, along with Iran...?

I don’t think Ukraine means much to NATO (USA).

Russian conventional military can crush the US military without nukes.

Yankee military got destroyed and humiliated in the Korean War by our volunteer army armed with sticks and stones :lol:
ISIS are the true mujahideen, Jahbat Nusra are Khawarij secular dogs using Islam for support, may their punishment be harsh.
Again all of our enemies use it as an insult and I explained the reason earlier.

You are just a complete retard. When you are arguing against Persians or pakistani you say the mughals are turks but when I say it it is wrong.
The Mughal Empire (Urdu: مغلیہ سلطنت‎, Mug̱ẖliyah Salṭanat),[4] self-designated as Gurkani (Persian: گورکانیان‎, Gūrkāniyān),[5]was an empire extending over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by a dynasty of Chagatai-Turkic origin

They spoke Turkish to and even if they are mongols they are still altaic.

Whats your point in this whole discussion any way?

So your own Ottoman elite and Turkish authors are now enemies? Do you even know what you are saying?

Everybody outside of you few nationalistic Turks that are deprived of any realistic thought process when Turks are discussed can recognize that the Mughals were Mongols in terms of paternal ancestry and that they became fully Persianized and married mostly locals. So nothing to do with any "Turkic civilization". Claiming so is pathetic.

In that case the Ottomans were an Arab civilization since the Ottomans were Arabized in language, customs, alphabet, system etc. and married foreigners.
You were not talking about ISIS but Iraqis and other Arabs. Can't fool anybody here. Yes, I support ISIS despite always insulting them and being against them even in this very thread a few hours ago. That's right Einstein. Just admit that you scored an own goal and move on. I was not calling Turks barbarian until you started.
I was talking about how Turkmes are getting targeted by Isis.
Russian conventional military can crush the US military without nukes.

Yankee military got destroyed and humiliated in the Korean War by our volunteer army armed with sticks and stones :lol:

No it cant. Their army is total joke compared to US + Europe.
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