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UK to clear slums with illegal Indians

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Border Agency spends millions transporting illegals out of Britain on planes but many take off with empty seats

The UK Border Agency wasted millions of taxpayers' money deporting illegal immigrants back to their native homes.
Figures released show that £8.67million was spent on 37 flights to Afghanistan, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Ghana, Pakistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the past year.

With many immigrants lodging last-minute appeals to stay in Britain that has seen the average cost for each chartered plane nearly £250,000.

A spokesman for the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: 'The UK Border Agency should do more to keep costs down when flying illegal immigrants home. 'If eleventh hour appeals are so common then UKBA should overbook flights even more than they are already to ensure maximum capacity.

'It’s absurd that international agreements about how many people can arrive at the same time are stopping us from deporting those who have no right to be in this country and incurring extra costs for British taxpayers.'

However, the UKBA insisted that it is filling its quota given the number of people that can be deported at any given time.
In February this year they chartered a jet plane to fly back illegal immigrants to Pakistan.

Many of those arrested find legal loopholes to avoid deportation. The operation, which had the Codeword Munroe, saw 194 illegals from that country put on a list to be sent back.Only 50 have returned thus far - 46 men and four women, with 144 still awaiting deportation. That month also saw a flight to Sri Lanka take-off with 52 out of a possible 60 onboard. A staggering 101 Sri Lankans made successful applications at the last minute to stay in the country. In November last year a plane chartered to take people back to Ghana took off with 23 illegal immigrants on board out of a maximum of 30.

Three months later another plane jetted off to the same West African nation with only 21 illegals. The UKBA , which says some flights have twice as many escort guards as actual illegals being returned, tries to keep the planes as full as possible by overbooking them to compensate for any dropouts caused by late appeals.

Somebody who is being deported has to be given 72 hours notice, giving them ample time to put in a fresh appeal against their removal. A UK Border Agency spokesperson told the Mail Online: 'It is right that those with no right to be here should go home and flights of this type still represent the most cost effective way of removing people. 'The increased expenditure on charter flights from the UK reflects the general rise in the cost of air travel since 2004 and a greater number of flights to countries outside Europe.

'The UK Border Agency will remove those with no right to be here and charter flights still represent the most cost effective way of removing large numbers of people.

'An individual can be withdrawn from a charter flight for a number of reasons, including last minute appeals. 'However this does not mean they have been granted leave to remain in the UK. We will continue to pursue their removal at a later date.'

In total, 17 planes have returned people to Afghanistan, nine to Nigeria, four to Sri Lanka, three to Pakistan, two to Ghana and one each to Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Read more: UK Border Agency flights to deport illegals take off with empty seats | Mail Online

There is no mention of India, but Pakistan is mentioned so many time.

Border Agency Clamps Down On Student Visas

The UK Border Agency is increasing the number of face-to-face interviews with Pakistanis hoping to study in Britain after an initial investigation found that many could not speak English.

All Pakistanis will be interviewed as part of measures being trialled to crack down on bogus applications, it has been disclosed.
The new "credibility test" is expected to double the number of visa rejections.
The increased scrutiny has been calculated to boost the refusal rate from 20% to more than 40%, according to a government source.
The move follows a Border Agency pilot scheme conducted in countries such as Bangladesh, India, Egypt, Pakistan and Nigeria.
The news comes just days after the agency was criticised by MPs over its failure to deport foreign criminals .
The pilot scheme findings apparently suggested that a large proportion of would-be student candidates could not speak English well enough to qualify.
The source said using face-to-face interviews instead of the existing paper-based system had been particularly effective in Pakistan, uncovering reasons for rejection in 43% of applications.
Sky News correspondent Niall Paterson said: "On the face on it, this is a very good news story for the Government, a very good news story for the UK Border Agency.
"Complete coincidence of course that this takes place in a week in which the Home Affairs Select Committee released a report which said the UKBA was unable to fill its most basic functions."
Paterson said this story reveals that the UKBA's "checks and balances have not been working in perhaps as many as one in five cases, at least from Pakistan".
The new checks will be piloted initially to gain further evidence about their effectiveness.
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Broken London Dreams: UK to clear slums with illegal Indians

LONDON: Britain is setting up a taskforce to close and clear thousands of illegal extensions to houses in places such as Southall, where many illegal immigrants from India and elsewhere live in slum-like conditions at high rents.

Among the measures planned is "closer working with organisations such as the Indian High Commission to help those wanting to return home", official sources here said.

The first meeting to tackle the issue by taking action against criminal landlords and removing illegal immigrants was scheduled today between Housing minister Grant Shapps and Immigration minister Damian Green.

For many Indian citizens who brave hazardous journeys across continents and wily human traffickers with hopes of a better life, their 'London dream' often turns into a veritable nightmare, and are reduced to living in slum-like conditions here.

The unhealthy, cramped conditions in which the illegal Indians live have often hit the headlines, with reports that many who destroyed their Indian passports to prevent deportation were trying to re-establishing their identity and obtain new travel documents from the Indian high commission to return home.

Termed 'beds in sheds' and 'modern day shanty towns' in news discourse, the slum-like living conditions are rented out for extortionate rents by ruthless landlords, many of them reported to be of Indian origin.

The 'modern day shanty towns', often visible on websites such as Google Earth, are plagued with rats, cockroaches and are considered potential death traps with dodgy wiring and poor sanitation.

Among the measures top on the agenda is closer coordination with the Indian high commission to help those illegal immigrants seeking to return home. ocal councils are being encouraged to make greater use of legal powers across planning, fire safety, housing and environmental health.

Housing Minister Grant Shapps said: "It is a scandal that these back garden slums exist to exploit people, many of whom are prepared to return voluntarily to their home country but instead find themselves trapped into paying extortionate rents to live in these cramped conditions".

He added: "I want to see a crackdown on these criminal landlords.

"So today we are launching a national taskforce, made up of the police, local councils, the UK Border Agency and HM Revenue and Customs to close down these 'beds in sheds', help those living there to be reunited with their families and ensure their so-called landlords feel the full force of the law."

Immigration Minister Damian Green said: "Those with no right to be in the UK must leave the country. If they volunteer to leave, we will help. If they refuse, we will enforce their removal. "The UK Border Agency will do whatever is necessary, working with local authorities and the police, to clear up this problem and enforce our laws against those who are in the UK illegally and the employers who exploit them".

While Indian professionals and entrepreneurs take over UK companies and buy properties in London and elsewhere in large numbers, this neither world of the 'India story' provides a different picture.

On any day, you can see the illegal Indians huddled together in parts of London and towns with significant presence of Indian origin people, such as Leicester, Birmingham and Manchester. In popular parlance, the illegal Indians are pejoratively called 'faujis'.

Savyasaachi Jain, noted film-maker who produced the acclaimed documentary titled 'Door Kinare' (Shores Far Away), highlighting the plight of illegal Indian immigrants, told PTI that those who had their dreams shattered wanted to warn others "not to be mad" to try and come here.

He said: "When I was making my film, I met many men who were destitute. They were living on the fringes of British society, homeless and sleeping rough. They weren't making any progress here, and neither were they able to go back - to return home without having been successful would mean a huge loss of face, apart from the loss of the amount invested in travel."

He added: "It's a very desperate and stressful situation, and drug and alcohol abuse is common. These people are not criminals, they are enterprising young men who set out to make their fortune. But in this country they have no social capital, nobody to turn to. They don't have the support networks that they would have in their villages back home."

Broken London Dreams: UK to clear slums with illegal Indians - Economic Times
Stop posting trolls. If I start posting news on Pakistani illegals in UK, you will cringe.

Go start another thread about that.

This thread is about UK clearing slums filled with illegal indians.
this is from Zeenews talking about Indians, don't bring Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in, trolls.

So you mean to say only Indian live in slum...Pakistani and BD lives in Queen's Palace :rofl:

Indian propaganda exposed again. I wonder what else they will try to bury their faces under.

In a big sunglasses

Slums and indians complement each other, no-matter where they are :agree:

oh I forgot ...Pakistan is so rich and has lower poverty rate than India
Go start another thread about that.

This thread is about UK clearing slums filled with illegal indians.

I am not in the habit of belittling humans, be it Pakistanis, Indians or Chinese.
It is true Indians make up the majority of the illegal immigrants, but let's not point all the fingers at us. What about the small minority of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Africans? Why Indians take all the blame? Not fair.
plz.. those Indians(wannabes) must be exterminated. They are scum on earth.
Go start another thread about that.

This thread is about UK clearing slums filled with illegal indians.

Its seems they are Indians for convenience only. If they are returned to their original country, they would be flying to the Land of the Pure.

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The sad thing is many of the illegal Indian immigrants would rather live in London slums than the horrible living conditions in India because our Govt is so incapable of providing jobs to these people. The fact that they would live as illegal citizens in London slums rather than in India shows you just what kind of horrible life they have escaped from India.
lol at indians saying these are "fake indians"

Sorry but even incredible indians can be illegal immigrants!
They are only against Muslims really, not against Hindus, Sikhs and Chinese.

They are fighting over Islam influence in UK economy and political system. They repeatedly respect Sikhs and Hindus and I agree what they ideology to stop Islam influence in UK.

You sir are misinformed. They only like whites. After they are done throwing the Muslims out, they will come after Sikhs,Hindus and anyone who is non-White Christian really.

They should clear those slums quick before UK turns into Calcutta.

I agree. Very insightful post :hitwall: I am so jealous of all the billionaire Pakistanis in UK as we can see below :pakistan:

Pakistani Students in UK & World A sad reality Hasb e Haal - YouTube

Poverty and suffering are common throughout all of South Asia, you as a Pakistani (troll) should know that.
this is very encouraging news, need to clean all the garbage
Some of the poor indians are exploited horribly by fellow indians.
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