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UK: 3 Sikhs convicted of attacking Lt General Kuldip Singh Brar


You should thank this General. He was one of the first fighters, he helped get you your country called Bangladesh ;)

The two soldiers we need to thank for '71 are Arora and Sabegh Singh. The first one had to seek refuge in a friend's house, with his wife going into another to escape the 1984 Sikh Genocide. The other one was hounded out of the army, joined the Khalistan FFs and have become a shaheed after being killed in cold blood by Hindu special troops.
The biggest issue is with the Muslims we already have here. The situation isn't getting any better my freind.

Do NOT demonize an entire religion; Muslims have as much right to be in the UK as you or anyone else. Hence we have individuals elevated to the House of Lords, in this case Baroness Warsi, a Muslim.
Don't let your bigotted views dictate your rants.
Don't mislead people with false info. Some Sikhs were used purely for media exposes.

Here are some more Sikhs. Call it "media exposes" or whatever:






All these people are Sikhs, all these people have sworn to give their blood to defend India. One fifth of our army are Sikhs, despite only one-fiftieth of the general population being Sikh. It may come as a surprise to you, but in India religion is no bar for patriotism. There is a reason why it is a secular democratic republic and not a theocratic banana republic.
The two soldiers we need to thank for '71 are Arora and Sabegh Singh. The first one had to seek refuge in a friend's house, with his wife going into another to escape the 1984 Sikh Genocide. The other one was hounded out of the army, joined the Khalistan FFs and have become a shaheed after being killed in cold blood by Hindu special troops.

So whats important is that the Generals - Aurora in this case, kicked the razakars and executed many of them personally :D
And the current PM of BD is carrying on the tradition of removing the razakars from Bangladesh :D
Well, then Britain has started getting the problems India is facing.

What is the percentage of Muslims to the total population in UK?

India is still moving along isnt it?

The Muslims here are hardly ever able to convert a women to Islam, and there are Hindu/Sikh/Budhists who marry Muslim women and get them converted to their religions as well.
There is a a marked difference between India and the UK in this respect mate. The Indian Muslims, on the whole, are very moderate, tolerant and peaceful with many of them being Sufi.

However the same curse that has befallen Pakistani Muslims has crept into UK Muslims- Wahabism and radicalisation. The tentacles of the Saudis have reached our shores long back and now you have the same issues the Pakistanis face with Maddrassa and rouge clerics and the like.

The Muslims from Pakistan and Africa in the UK have grown more intolerant decade after decade.

I know quite a few Muslims and there is a stark contrast in their beliefs, I know 2 Muslims from India (one from Hyderabad and one from Punjab) and they are great guys, they are Indian first and have no issues to speak of with anyone else. Then I know some Pakistani Muslims and they are a whole different kettle of fish- their beliefs stun me- 9/11 was an inside job, the US and UK (nation of their birth) are Zionist puppets killing innocent Muslims and the division along sectarian lines is obvious- even if they aren't able to articulate the reasons why. One boy said "Sunnis are all *****, Shias are the way forward" (excuse the nonsensical way he put it).

Do NOT demonize an entire religion; Muslims have as much right to be in the UK as you or anyone else. Hence we have individuals elevated to the House of Lords, in this case Baroness Warsi, a Muslim.
Don't let your bigotted views dictate your rants.
I'm talking specifically of Muslims in the UK not the ENTIRE religion. Naturally, given the size of the Muslims population, a few good ones will rise up the ranks- and all credit to them. I have no issue with them whatsoever sir.
. .
Don't mislead people with false info. Some Sikhs were used purely for media exposes.

Are you serious? 1/5th of the ENTIRE Indian army are Sikhs. The PRIME MINISTER of India is a Sikh, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission is a Sikh, the only Sikh billionaires are INDIAN, the Chief of the Indian army is a Sikh, the only 5-star general in the IAF is a Sikh, the 7th president of India was a Sikh etc etc etc These are just "Some Sikhs" are they? All this is just part of some carefully crafted "media expose" right?

Next you'll be saying that the Indian army has separate temples for Sikhs or separate kitchens, oh wait, you already put out this lie.

So whats important is that the Generals - Aurora in this case, kicked the razakars and executed many of them personally :D
And the current PM of BD is carrying on the tradition of removing the razakars from Bangladesh :D

One has to be mentally deficient to make such a comment about the commanding general of two armies.
. .
There is a a marked difference between India and the UK in this respect mate. The Indian Muslims, on the whole, are very moderate, tolerant and peaceful with many of them being Sufi.

However the same curse that has befallen Pakistani Muslims has crept into UK Muslims- Wahabism and radicalisation. The tentacles of the Saudis have reached our shores long back and now you have the same issues the Pakistanis face with Maddrassa and rouge clerics and the like.

The Muslims from Pakistan and Africa in the UK have grown more intolerant decade after decade.

I know quite a few Muslims and there is a stark contrast in their beliefs, I know 2 Muslims from India (one from Hyderabad and one from Punjab) and they are great guys, they are Indian first and have no issues to speak of with anyone else. Then I know some Pakistani Muslims and they are a whole different kettle of fish- their beliefs stun me- 9/11 was an inside job, the US and UK (nation of their birth) are Zionist puppets killing innocent Muslims and the division along sectarian lines is obvious- even if they aren't able to articulate the reasons why. One boy said "Sunnis are all *****, Shias are the way forward" (excuse the nonsensical way he put it).

Well, Pakistanis are slightly more than half the total Muslims present in UK.

Does that answer your question about why the similarity of problems in UK and Pakistan?

Thank the gods for small mercies - that they have realized the problem and are now much much tighter in giving out visas to Pakistani's and citizenship.

As far as Islamists in UK are concerned, if they keep pushing the people of UK, eventually the people of UK will start pushing back. This has already started with the rise of the Right in UK. And as this gains momentum, these Islamists would be forced to reconsider their behaviour and actions.

You know people like Anjem Choudhary do more good than harm to UK. People like him show the people of UK, what Islamists are like, and that they need to be opposed. Anjem Choudhary raises awareness among the common people of the dangers...and make sure that they start rising to oppose him.
Well, Pakistanis are slightly more than half the total Muslims present in UK.

Does that answer your question about why the similarity of problems in UK and Pakistan?

Thank the gods for small mercies - that they have realized the problem and are now much much tighter in giving out visas to Pakistani's and citizenship.

As far as Islamists in UK are concerned, if they keep pushing the people of UK, eventually the people of UK will start pushing back. This has already started with the rise of the Right in UK. And as this gains momentum, these Islamists would be forced to reconsider their behaviour and actions.

You know people like Anjem Choudhary do more good than harm to UK. People like him show the people of UK, what Islamists are like, and that they need to be opposed. Anjem Choudhary raises awareness among the common people of the dangers...and make sure that they start rising to oppose him.

I'm not so convinced sir. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction- the British people push back and the Islamists are going to get stronger and more emboldened.
I'm not so convinced sir. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction- the British people push back and the Islamists are going to get stronger and more emboldened.

Here is where we disagree.
I think when the average British person starts pushing back, the Islamists would cower like any bully when challenged.

And as long as the Islamists keep pushing like they are now, they are making sure that the push back from the normal people comes sooner than later.
. . .
Which nation?

(BTW KS Brar is a devout Sikh, and this thread is about him, so I guess you are typing with him in mind.)

He is excommunicated by his own Sikh family who have also threatened him.

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