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Sikh man jailed for attack on Lieutenant General (retd) KS Brar in London

is one of them a woman.....or looks like a woman?
Most Sikhs in the UK are pro-India, these Sikhs were ostracized from the community as soon as the incident came to light.
Just shows how pissed the Sikhs are at the status quo in India.....
Just shows how pissed the Sikhs are at the status quo in India.....

LOL who are those Sikhs who are "pissed off" ? The entire community or those few f***heads who are the mislead offspring of those fanatics and separatists who were kicked out of the country.... who were even so dumb that they could not defeat a 70 years old men outnumbering him 4 to one :coffee: ?

EDIT: The man was 76
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Just shows how pissed the Sikhs are at the status quo in India.....
No, it shows how frustrated some separatists/terrorists are at the death of a lost cause.

Because that's what it is - a lost cause, not a status quo - ambitions to carve out a khalistan from India have been dead and buried. That bird has flown, that ship has sailed, that horse has bolted. That wish is deceased, defunct, demised, extinct, departed, smothered, extinguished, quelled, annihilated.

Meanwhile Sikhs in India are some of the most patriotic people in the country, disproportionately represented in the armed forces, defending the nation with their blood against intruders and terrorists and so called "freedom fighters".

LOL who are those Sikhs who are "pissed off" ? The entire community or those few f***heads who are the mislead offspring of those fanatics and separatists who were kicked out of the country.... who were even so dumb that they could not defeat a 70 years old men outnumbering him 4 to one :coffee: ?

Actually 78 years old and unarmed, and the attackers had the advantage of surprise on their side. He lived to tell the tale, and the attackers got bitchslapped and are rotting in jail.:yahoo:
Did they deliberately forget the fact that the man they were trying to kill was also a devout Sikh himself:hitwall:!Lt.General Brar is one of the most patriotic persons to have commanded the Army.These morons just don't understand the fact that India belongs to the Sikhs as much as it belong to the rest of us and the majority of the Sikh populace living in India are patriots and are against the notion of having a separate homeland.Plus they already have their Khalistan in state of Punjab which is perhaps the most affluent state in the Indian Union....:coffee:
This has got nothing to do with a separate homeland I assure you'll.It's just that after the 84 riots anti-congress sentiments might have been stirred up in certain sections of the Sikh population,but since all these events took place one after the other in a sequence it often gives the average Indian an impression that all these are related to the demand of Khalistan (Which in my opinion even at that point of time was an absolutely BS and disgusting idea planted into the minds of young Sikhs by you know who).And let me remind every single guy on this forum that even before the Khalistani movement was in it's budding stage certain foreign agencies were trying to create trouble in Indian Punjab by smuggling in heroine and other drugs but that alone could not satisfy their urge for revenge and then all other events followed as we know.
The attack did not happen in Pakistan, where every thug can get a firearm from the local chacha.

Attack against General Vaidya and Indra Gandhi also didn't happen in Pakistan. :)
They can get it from India. Like their other Sikh brothers in the past. Or even better. Wait for this guy to go back to India and then do what they have done before.
Let me correct u bro.In India Sikhs are allowed to keep Kirpans as a part of our religion but I for one have never heard of any Sikh or any other community having such free access to weapons.And as for the bold part those weapons were received by the Khalistani scums from none other than your ISI. I mean you aren't that naive to actually think that the weapons used by Jarnail and his compatriots were provided to them by the GoI are you!!!?? In India you need to go through a lot of hassle to keep a meager Colt model even if you have genuine safety issues leave aside Kalashnikov's!! Just look at the case of Sanjay Dutt what happened to him.
Let me correct u bro.In India Sikhs are allowed to keep Kirpans as a part of our religion but I for one have never heard of any Sikh or any other community having such free access to weapons.And as for the bold part those weapons were received by the Khalistani scums from none other than your ISI. I mean you aren't that naive to actually think that the weapons used by Jarnail and his compatriots were provided to them by the GoI are you!!!?? In India you need to go through a lot of hassle to keep a meager Colt model even if you have genuine safety issues leave aside Kalashnikov's!! Just look at the case of Sanjay Dutt what happened to him.

Not really. They can get weapons. From anyone. From maoists or even from some corrput police officer. So it isn't that big an issue.
Not really. They can get weapons. From anyone. From maoists or even from some corrput police officer. So it isn't that big an issue.
What the hell are u saying man??The Maoists themselves are getting their weapons and fundings from China and ISI:
Pakistani markings on bombs, ammunition seized from Maoist attack site - The Times of India
Maoists not dependent on snatched arms: CRPF sees foreign hand in rebel arms | Mail Online
Jharkhand Police recovers US and Pakistan made arms from Maoists , AniNews.in

And so called corrupt police officers in India are not provided with a dozen of AK's so that they can give them away randomly to anyone as they wish!!:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Police officers in India are required to give detailed account even if a single bullet from their arsenal goes missing mate.U are living in a fools paradise.India is not what u think,over the last 60 yrs or so we have come a long way as far as law and order is concerned.Just by starting a few rape threads you cannot undermine our achievements.Let me tell u a fact,even NE Indian States like Manipur which is going through a lot of turmoil lately is far more safer than many Pakistani metro cities. Dont u see that even minor glitches within the defence establishments are been reported by the media and thrown open for the general public even though this has got its own downsides.But ask yourself whether the Pak media is free rather than competent enough to report such news?
What the hell are u saying man??The Maoists themselves are getting their weapons and fundings from China and ISI:
Pakistani markings on bombs, ammunition seized from Maoist attack site - The Times of India
Maoists not dependent on snatched arms: CRPF sees foreign hand in rebel arms | Mail Online
Jharkhand Police recovers US and Pakistan made arms from Maoists , AniNews.in

And so called corrupt police officers in India are not provided with a dozen of AK's so that they can give them away randomly to anyone as they wish!!:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Police officers in India are required to give detailed account even if a single bullet from their arsenal goes missing mate.U are living in a fools paradise.India is not what u think,over the last 60 yrs or so we have come a long way as far as law and order is concerned.Just by starting a few rape threads you cannot undermine our achievements.Let me tell u a fact,even NE Indian States like Manipur which is going through a lot of turmoil lately is far more safer than many Pakistani metro cities. Dont u see that even minor glitches within the defence establishments are been reported by the media and thrown open for the general public even though this has got its own downsides.But ask yourself whether the Pak media is free rather than competent enough to report such news?

LOl ISI behind Maoists too. :D

I hope it is true though. :)
They should have used pistols just like they used previously against former Indian COAS
General Vaidya.

Bad tactics I must say.
Obviously. Maybe they were unable to procure it, short notice or something.

But something to be said about a 78 year old General still able to hold his own against 4 youths even after getting slashed across the face with a knife. The youths wont be forgetting this now in a hurry after spending more than a decade in Jail. Good riddance.

India should increase cooperation with UK and Canadian government in dealing the last remaining blow to these leftover Khalistani extremists in their soil before they again pose any major security threat to any of us in future.
There is no cooperation to be had from them.
Both UK and Canada were supporting the Khalistanis. UK has sort of backed off now - presence of a large number of Indians and rather influential Indians in UK has had a significant effect on UK's policies on India.

Canada is still the same though. And we dont have leverage against them to make them change their ways. Ofcourse they dont actively support them now, its sort of turning a blind eye to their activities.
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