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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................

Sunny / Shia / Hindu / Muslim / and million other faiths ... we should stop following arabs, Period.
I am starting to think this conflict has the potential to undo UAE. This could be the only reason they are so nervous. Take a hypothetical situation. Air Campaign can not dislodge Houthis alone. Ground invasion becomes another Afghanistan for UAE like countries. Now as a blow back, if bombs start going off in shiny UAE cities, expats and investment will take off. And that is all UAE dependent on. If security deteriorate in UAE mega cities, they are done with. Pretty unnerving I guess. And I don't think anyone in West has appetite for another ground invasion in Middle East.

If my assessment is correct and really hope it is not, then UAE blew its chance to win support from Pakistan because of sheer arrogance. I wonder if that is going to be finally our golden moment to realize our potential and drive our passion to make our country great!
your point makes sense but .....
First: i think its jst UAE conveying big brother's frustration;
Second: who starts a WAR with out having understanding with WAR partners (expeects our Mushf, who kept even Paf in dard)...
n then start threatening the only ppl who have soft corner jst cuz of a resolution who states pak will protect KSA at any cost....
n having navel ships blocking any shipment from iran ...its a declaration of full scale war .....

confusion is on all time High ...
Its human nature, Arabs will forgive so call enemy Israel but not slaves who ran away without fighting. All these time pakistan did what they wanted but at the crisis hour you let them down. They will never remember that the decision taken was for your own good. As americans would say , you are either with us or against us.
Do you even know in what crisis time Pakistan has helped ME?
LOL, why do we ignorantly believe that we are from the so called superior arab race...most of us are converts and that is a fact...we are and will be million times better than these camel herders.
bro u misunderstood..... i was laughing at Sunny Leon part :P :D and all are equal...
go ahead. Brand me an insecure Indian :lol:
Are you?

I am a strong believer of US minding it's own business when it comes to handling fallouts like these but I suppose voices like me are but a minority. Nevertheless, I can still criticise pakistan and India and for that any other country who wants to show their bravado. In that light, you can cite as many nams and gulfs u want but reality is you guys are pretty easy to be manipulated.

If I have to make a bet, if things go moderately south in yemen, pakistan would jump right in.
Sure than Cambodian Incursion by US during Vietnam war was one such shining example, or Laos for that matter as well.

We tested our F22 platform :lol:

Don't ever post such BS. US as a nation gets what it wants COME WHAT MAY. And we know what we are doing !

We don't hope for outcomes. We go ahead and create it.

Yup no one can argue with that. The debacle of Iraqi army dissolution sure proves that. No contest there.

Back to back defeats ? Wut ? Iraq and Afganistan ? Boy u are so naive. ! Please go ahead with your opinion. I am not gonna even try to refute that trite.

Suicide rate can be due to several reasons. Not necessarily battle fatigue.

:lol: :lol:

I can swiftly put these arguments to rest but I will enjoy the delusions for now
Boy your head is so up your ar*e you wouldn't be able to tell how sunshine looks like anymore.
Are you?

Sure than Cambodian Incursion by US during Vietnam war was one such shining example, or Laos for that matter as well.

Yup no one can argue with that. The debacle of Iraqi army dissolution sure proves that. No contest there.

Boy your head is so up your ar*e you wouldn't be able to tell how sunshine looks like anymore.
well tried. But still sub-par :lol:
I think this is second time UAE said against Pakistan this years , first Pakistan withdraw support for Expo 2020 issue , now Yemen Issue .... Lot of faces is coming out own a days ...

Now a days UAE also started threaten Pakistan also :buba_phone: ???:D:bounce:
(the idea of Houthis getting even a single Sa-6 to work was ridiculous).
What Iran was for?

Yemen war will work for usa , rising oil prices will help it revive its shale oil business.
What Iran was for?

Yemen war will work for usa , rising oil prices will help it revive its shale oil business.
War every where has helped US in many ways, a lot of American companies are awarded energy contracts in countries like Iraq, libya so and and so forth.
War every where has helped US in many ways, a lot of American companies are awarded energy contracts in countries like Iraq, libya so and and so forth.
Lol iraq and libya contracts awarded?? Say oilfields occupied ,which is why war excuses were orchestrated.

and by shale oil i mean putting life back into own home business.
Lol iraq and libya contracts awarded?? Say oilfields occupied ,which is why war excuses were orchestrated.

and by shale oil i mean putting life back into own home business.
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