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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

Pakistan is looking to get an OIL and GAS Pipeline from IRAN and TURKMINISTAN and will build refineries with local and foreign may be Chinese-Japanese-Korean and Western investment. @Penguin @TOPGUN Am I right?

China to build $2bn Iran-Pakistan pipeline - media — RT Business

Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (also known as Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India Pipeline, TAP or TAPI)
Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Proposed Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline: An Unacceptable Risk to Regional Security
Well...our foreign office is equally to be blamed for this diplomatic goof up... They could not sell..our parliamentary resolution to these gulf countries effectively... It was not as neutral as it was portrayed in the media worldwide and our foreign office made NO effort to explain our resolution to GCC countries.. The same resolution did condemn the Houthis and also said we will defend SA... Would it have cost much to call ambassadors of Imp. Countries , esp GCC to our foreign office and tell them our POV effectively? No ,.. Our foreign office is literally sleeping..in this whole crisis.. I am also..of the point of view tht Pak should NOT send its forces to fight in yemen, but sending some additional troops to KSA for its internal stability should be done

I dont really care abt UAE, and other countries...esp UAE foreign minister statement should be condemned.....but atleast we should care abt Saudis and their sentiments.. Lets admit.. KSA has helped Pakistan in its time of crisis always...esp after our nuclear attacks in 1998 by giving fre oil.. Now the impression they are getting is....Pak is completely neutral in this crisis... Well..atleast this perception has been created in the media and our foreign office made no effort whatsoever to counter tht perception..this neutrality is giving the perception tht we are favoring Iran... Again i will say..i dont care abt other arabs....but do care abt KSA.. What if..KSA said after our nuclear attacks...oh we will remain neutral ? India and Pak should talk...we will play the role pf a mediator but actually did not help Pakistan after sanctions? What if KSA did this? ... Instead KSA supported us with free oil, when world had sanctioned us ..

To those who are saying tht Houthis are no match for Saudis firepower and KSA is not threatened...but in the same way.. TTP also was no match for Pak army's firepower conventionally...they were planning, gven support through Indian consulates in Afghanistan, just on Pakistans border, and yet they havebeen a headache for us..since last 10 years.. And hv been the biggest threat to Pakistan recently.........So if KSa feels threatened by Houthis, backed by Iran, who have toppled Yemen govt, tht they can be a serious threat to KSA stability..can they be really blamed? So..i think...althoug we are engaged domestically...but sending some troops to KSA only, for its internal stability, and not Yemn, as a symbolic gesture to show moral support for KSA wont harm anyone?

Sending some troops to KSa is another debate but really so disappointed with our foreign office...WHAT are they actually doing?...The only thing diplomatic engagement we see from Pakistan...is telephonic conversation between Nawaz Sharf and Turkish President...and thts it... Every other day...these two leaders talk and thts it... Tht is total Pakistan's total diplomatic contibution to this crisis... Atleast Erdogan is stll visiting countries...but our foreign office has not even taken the time out to call ambassadors of important countries, esp GCC countries to explain clearly...our whole POV..in this crisis......and tell them our domestic constraints to wht extent..we can go...and what are our compulsions right now? Really disappointed in our foreign office
All GCC made heavily invest in India, so go and asked India to send troops. Pakistan have other thinks to do
There is an old saying sir, it goes like this. There is no honour among ..............:p:, each to his own. They are fighting a battle for existence, you expect them to remember hisory. pakistan is now mir qasim for gcc.
What ever the case might be now its clear that wealth cannot buy valour despite the latest weaponry and all the oil resources the GCC needs PA.
If they stop exporting oil then just he get it fromIran... Then the US will pressure their pet dogs (GCC) to sell back to Pakistan.

Sell back ? Are you sure you are paying or it ? I mean you cannot take loan from World bank every time to buy oil.
These are some of the best decisions in the history of pakistan till yet and there is small hope for reversal. PLM-N is performing quite well
The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

By Fahd Husain
Published: April 12, 2015

So finally the mouse has roared.

Parliament “desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive role to end the crises,” declares the resolution passed by the joint session of parliament. Whoa!

And then comes the naked, blatant, shameless threat from the rich Arab sheikhs. Speaking to Khaleej Times, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammad Gargash warned Pakistan of having to pay a “heavy price” for taking on what he called an “ambiguous stand”. He said Pakistan should take a clear position “in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf Cooperation Council”

Then this Arab sheikh vomited a gem: “The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries.” Really?

So here’s the deal: for once Pakistan does not dance to the unmelodious Arab tune, and the oil-spoilt sheikhs blow a top. Well, good for us. The sheikhs can choke on their fury for all we care. This sheikh called Gargash is some non-entity whose threats we should swat like troublesome flies. But this man’s annoying words are a true reflection of the attitude that these tinpot Arab rulers harbour towards Pakistan. Their ingrained racism towards us cannot be disguised by their meaningless rhetoric about Islamic brotherhood. But the veneer of this hypocrisy is as thin as their purported friendship. These sheikhs think they have bought this country of 180 million people like they buy their gold-plated Rolls Royces. Perhaps, that’s why they have the temerity, and the cheek, to expect that we will sell the lives of our soldiers for their oil-drenched dollars. Given a choice, our rulers may have obliged them. Thank God they were never given a choice.

So now our resolution has hit this Gargash man like a stinging slap. That’s 180 million pairs of Pakistani hands slapping this Arab cheek till it turns crimson with fury, and shame. Go threaten someone else, Doctor Gargash — this nation has had enough of the likes of you and your weakling sheikhs. What good are your billions of dollars if you cannot even defend yourself?

The problem with these sheikhs and their razzle dazzle sheikhdoms is that money has not bought them wisdom. These piddling sheikhs have won a divine geological lottery that has catapulted them from camels to Ferraris. They dug their wealth, and never learnt how to create it. They then proceeded to outsource wisdom to the West while they themselves struggle to outgrow their own medieval tribal outlook towards life, the world, and Pakistan.

“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous confrontation, its strategic security is on the edge, and the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements,” Gargash tweeted sarcastically. The UAE foreign ministry retweeted this Gargash’s naked threat. A minister saying something on a public forum cannot be construed as expressing his personal opinion. The Foreign Office of his sheikhdom endorsing the statement through a retweet makes it as official as official can be. Now if a bigger sheikh decides to axe this smaller sheikh for his extremely provocative, irresponsible and poisonous statement, one can assume it was a personal opinion of an errant knave. But if this Gargash sheikh retains his job, we should be clear about the message and its threat from the sheikhs who rule this giant oil well.

A threat is only serious when it’s credible. And can hurt. This oildom can hurt us economically if it directs its petty viciousness at the Pakistanis who work there and transmit precious foreign exchange home. Yes it will hurt if this financial stream is disturbed. But this should also be a wake-up call for this nuclear-armed nation. I mean, how pathetic is this situation where a tiny piddly tribal oildom can push around a hulking 180 million strong nation boasting a standing army of nearly half a million? Yes this is the depth to which we have been flung by shortsighted, visionless incompetent patronage-driven leaders who are used to eating the crumbs thrown their way from the sheikh’s tables.

So why blame nobodys like this Gargash when we ourselves have inflicted economic weakness on ourselves and forced our dependency on these piddly sheikhdoms. We may have the big guns and the nukes that go with them, but butter? No, that’s where warped priorities bite us like a reptile on steroids.

Ask yourself: are we less dependent on these piddly sheikhdoms than we were five years ago? Ten years ago? In other words, are we better off economically in real terms so that we do not have to grovel in front of these oily sheikhs? Have these elected mandarins who sit atop our rotting patronage-based system undertaken any basic structural reforms to improve the economy? Is the tax system better? Have the public-sector enterprises, i.e., PIA, Steel Mills, etc. been restructured and reformed so they stop bleeding billions of rupees? Has a growth strategy been formulated and implemented? Have non-development expenditures been slashed? Will any of this be done any time soon?

The answer starts with an ‘N’ and ends with an ‘O’. With half their term over, the Sharifs are now focusing on winning the next elections. This means the time for tough decisions and restructuring is over, the period for wasteful, inefficient, populist measures has arrived. You want reform? Wait till 2018. At the least. And pray for an electoral miracle.

In the meanwhile, let’s at least celebrate that even empty stomachs can boast of puffed-up chests. The Pakistani parliament has taken the right decision for the right reasons, and if Gargash and his fellow sheikhs don’t like it, they can go jump into their oil wells. Who knows, this may save them the trouble of fighting for their own honour, with their own troops.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 12th, 2015.

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The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap - The Express Tribune

Saudi Arabia oil reserves is the economic equivalent of the nuclear weapon
I believe for sure Iran killed Pakistanis in Baluchistan using Proxies like BLA to send a Clear Msg. to Pakistan that do not follow Saudia Arabia Other wise Iran-Persia will Fuk You Pakistanis up in Baluchistan!

it is very Probable than PTT killing Pakistanis in Baluchistan as PTT is not present in Baluchistan in big numbers as claimed by so Called Friends of Pakistan, who are actually Agents of India-Iran-Israel-USA inside Pakistan and writing in different Newspapers and News Channels of Pakistan

Any way Pakistan have no real friend and Islamic Brothers, all just use Pakistan like Toilet Paper, Iran is more Dangerous than Saudi Arabia as Iran is our neighbour and occupy large Part of Pakistan......
Pakistan must not tilt towards Iran but go with SA and Gulf States and still tell them clearly that Pakistan Army will not land in YEMEN........Period

Also, Saudi Arabia is giving Billions of $$$$ of Aid to Pakistan plus Cheap Oil and over 5 million Pakistanis work in SA, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait and other Gulf States and What Persia-Iran give us NOTHING! Jack shiiiit, they only asking from us but they do not care about Pakistan or Pakistani People,

There are only 18,000 Pakistanis in Whole Iran - Yes 18 thousands only!!!! Shocked about Our Not so Great Persian-Iran Empire Neighbour, Over 5 Million Pakistanis with families makes them over 10 Million Pakistanis in Arab Gulf Counties!!!!! but wait a Minute There are millions of Persian-Iranis in Pakistan and India, since the time of Khomeni so called Islamic Revolution but in reality It is Shia Revolution against Sunnis of Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Gulf Countries

Great Satan aka USA :usflag:according to Iran is Now again sleeping with Not so great Persian-Iran Supremacist Racist Persian-Iranis, Persians Hate Pakistanis, Arabs, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Dubai, UAE, all Arab Gulf States but there Hate against any Sunnis have NO Bound as they believe that Sunnis are the one who killed Imam Hussain and Sunni Abu Bakr, Caliph Omar and Caliph Osman were the reason Ali did not get leadership of Muslims and Islam

How I know this as I lived with so called Not so great Persians - Iranis and I know them inside Out!

Once Iran was majority Sunni Country but Shia Minority was in Power, Shia Elite decided to change Iran from Sunni Majority State to Shia using force, just read this History it is very Informative part of Shia Majoosi Iran - Do not trust Racist Persians as once they get into your country either they change you by tactics or just using Taqqiya Shia-Jew Concept of Lies to fool you in believing there Lies as Truth!

You spoke the truth and they banned you :lol:
it was Arab who supported Pakistan for its Nuclear, it was Arab who supported Pakistan after sanctions in 1999, it was Arab who supporter Paks Missile Program, it is Arab where 4 million Pakistanies are working and sending 60% of Remittances, it is Arab who always give oil on deferred payments, it was Iran who supported Northern Alliance against Pakistani Govt and Agencies in Afghanistan, it is Iran who cross the borders always in the name of terrorist, it was Iran who blamed Pakistan in spreading Nuclear Program .
There is still a chance for Pakistan to join, and it very well may, but with this statement, the Arab governments are going to have to kiss Pakistan's bright green *** and beg for forgiveness.

There is no doubt Pakistan will join, but it will not be "no question asked do everything I say" join, it will be on our terms to get maximum benefit. NS has overwhelming majority in the assembly and he could have passed the motion, but I am sure he knows what he is doing. I don't regret being his supporter.
Arabs know very well why Pakistan did what she did. Pakistan is a nuclear power and a growing economy. With all the investments and infrastructure related stuff going on, it doesn't really need GCC as much. Plus, nuclear powers have a status in the globe and they really are the leaders in many things, if you see them. With that, comes responsibility. This decision, proved to the world that Pakistan is a responsible power. Bit powers do make painful decisions so this would be an example of that.
real question is what GCC has done for pakistan oin the past..honestly nothing.
if they have employed our cheap labour i was two way benefit. honestly they haven't done it exclusively for Pakistan they are more indians there than pakistanis
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