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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

Hi every one i am in kuwait a gcc country mejorty of xpats in kuwait is indians kuwait have put a ban on visas for pakistanis for the last 7 or 8 years even thay are not alowing pakistanis to get a family visa about the same time and on the other hand thay havent stop esuing visas for one singal day for Indians this is the attitude of kuwait toward us we dont have to blame UAE Fm for his arogens its our mistake oure uncapibal leaders have put pakistan in that position but good dicision by our parliment for the first and only time.

It is the undoing actions of your previous leaders, buddy. Remember that money can come and go; but once prestige goes away, no one will respect a person, a country or a society.

This is why it is prudent to stand on one's feet.

Pakistan is rich in resources, strong in resolve, has a huge and young population, has relevance to the world, is located in a strategic place.

Then what is stopping you? Remember, what Al Congress did here, your PPP, Army and PLM-N etc have been doing the same to you for years.

If they give you oil, you give them food. Don't let them forget that. And surviving without food is impossible.

Just dust off your foreign policy and start afresh.

Believe me, you will go through initial harships but will come out much stronger, mature and self-reliant.

These mentally retarded Arabs owe us Public Apology.

They won't apologize.

The only way to do that is to MAKE THEM apologize.

Strengthen your economy and your foreign policy.
This is the first time Pakistan stand against these people this time Pakistan showed them that it is a state of law and it is pottential to the peace between Muslims.

Now they knew their real size compared to Pakistan.

Allying with turkey and iran is much more beneficial than allying with all arab countries combined
iran and turkey aren't dumb savages


Partner with everyone.

Ally with none.

For example, if you see pure from ideology our current government should be on a nuclear warpath with Arabia.

But instead, we maintain good ties with even Saudi Arabia which has commercially benefitted both.

They don't force us for anything and we don't bow down to them either.

You can do it as well.

Ally with yourself and become your own best friend.
I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only; So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................

Why blaming them ? Do you ever try to reason their love affair with India ?
Looks like express tribune has removed this article from their page ?? Any reason why??
Two back to back defeats are indeed an outcome you created by yourself.
How exactly have you deduced that USA have been defeated in WOT and Iraq? Saddam and Osama Bin Laden are dead, right?

You are of course free to have your opinion. Pakistan was 'forced' into the US war in Afghanistan, yet we refused to send soldiers there for obvious reasons & restricted our role to logistics. Pakistan will NOT join the war in Yeman as our civil military leadership has no 2nd option. We can't allow our hard earned operational gains against the TTP to be wasted by taking up warfare in Yemen.

Any such decision will be taken by the parliament and an interventionist vote won't pass considering the majority rejecting it in both houses. This is the first time in a long time the Pakistani people are praising their parliament for representing our sentiments on this conflict. GCC spends more than $100 billion on weapons a year, i'm sure they will do just fine without us this time.
Pakistan have history of participating in wars of others:-

1. Arab-Israeli conflict 1973
2. COLD WAR fronts of Afghanistan and Iraq
3. WOT

Participation does not necessarily implies contribution of troops for combat roles but it can be in any form involving offering logistics support, contribution of troops for defense of territory of an ally state, intelligence sharing, sending military aid, and clandestine combat support.

Our participation in WOT may feel 'forced' but it was also in Pakistan's interest to stop supporting and/or nourishing fundamentalist and militant forces both in Pakistan and Afghanistan to ensure Pakistan's integration into the larger world as a responsible state that does not sponsors terrorism for its own survival. Read Musharraf's book.

WOT have exposed the ugliness of fundamentalism and militancy and have shown Pakistan the mirror. Many in Pakistan now realize that Pakistan should not be a mercenary state that anybody can hire for its dirty wars, which is a welcome development. Many should also realize that participation in Soviet-Afghan conflict and blindly siding with US during COLD WAR were both strategic blunders that came back to haunt Pakistan in current times.

Moral of the story: Don't fight wars of others and mind your own business, even in international/political matters.
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It is because they do not respect us and consider us their slaves. It is not their fault though, it is the result of our own wrongdoings.

Well to be honest/fair, its because Pakistan is poor/backward/suffereing from terrorist groups/frequent suicide bombings/instability/poverty and mostly sends its soldiers as mercenaries to the gulf/saudies and has been at the expense of Saudi/gulf countries fiinance. So of course they will treat/see you as little inferior to them, since they have far more better/high living standards/income etc plus they have been financing/providig you with cash/loans like a benefactor, so they expect loyalty in return. Thats how life is, the weathy almost always look down on the poor/dependant. So we cant blame only the gulf states.:astagh::D
Well to be honest/fair, its because Pakistan is poor/backward/suffereing from terrorist groups/frequent suicide bombings/instability/poverty and mostly sends its soldiers as mercenaries to the gulf/saudies and has been at the expense of Saudi/gulf countries fiinance. So of course they will treat/see you as little inferior to them, since they have far more better/high living standards/income etc plus they have been financing/providig you with cash/loans like a benefactor, so they expect loyalty in return. Thats how life is, the weathy almost always look down on the poor/dependant. So we cant blame only the gulf states.:astagh::D
Well you are neither honest nor fair here. Being poor/backward/suffering from terrorist groups/suicide bombings/instability/poverty etc., is relatively recent phenomena. Pakistan was not like this before the unholy Afghan jihad. Arabs were not too fond of us even back then when we were every bit better than them. Now as far as the far more better/high living standards/income is concerned, you have perhaps never seen KSA, Jeddah in particular that is not too different than Lahore or Karachi. I am not denying that they have wealth, which they have come across without any personal effort (though this is another debate), but thinking that we are too much inferior compared to them is rather an overstatement than the reality. Lastly, you perhaps did not take time to read even two lines in my post that clearly state that it is not their fault rather the result of our own wrongdoings. So no, I am not blaming them.
Pakistan has taken the right decision in the light of our own security situation and interests.
honestly what arabs have ever given to pakistan?
a few million dollars or even a billion dollars of AIDis nothing for what they are asking. look at Egypt, they have pledged over 20 billion dollars to Egypt, and will they send troops..nope

I think we should even revisit our political stance, if thats the tone we are getting.
we have openly supported their intervention politically. we squashed the IP gas pipeline but honestly enough is enough
In the general sense , Arabs are our brothers , especially Saudi Arabia . As for for the threat by senseless minister , it should be known that even greater powers of the Globe threatened Pakistan in the past . Well in the very return Pakistan taught them the very exact and precise meaning of " heavy price " and made them to Crouse towards their original geography and keep licking their wounds ... they , today , are in better position to tell others that what pakistan means .
In the general sense , Arabs are our brothers , especially Saudi Arabia . As for for the threat by senseless minister , it should be known that even greater powers of the Globe threatened Pakistan in the past . Well in the very return Pakistan taught them the very exact and precise meaning of " heavy price " and made them to Crouse towards their original geography and keep licking their wounds ... they , today , are in better position to tell others that what pakistan means .

Care to share some examples of this bravado..
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