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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

US puppets cant force us in Yemen crisis. If they are going to think we are going to be part of their conspiracy, we will shove their a55es. We respect them, we have spiritual connections with KSA not with Saud Family.
Houthis are been underestimated and Pakistan is over estimated by these Rich Arabs . Egypt the Arab world's Military super power lost heavily in their previous battle with Yemanis . Iran now have very strong hold of very important Arabic states Saudi Arabia may be rich but it's very weak when it comes to military capabilities . US IRAN already made a pact for peace between them . At least for a while . As any conflict with IRAN will pull in Russians and Chinese in some cases. Saudi Arabia is the major stakeholder of Pakistan Nuclear weapons and it's programmes. Billions of dollars already transferred as free b. And Pakistan has dept like depth of Arab Oil Wells . So need more and more dirty oil spilled dollar bills anyway. This author is a great writer I must say . But what is the solution he has provided expect puffing up his chest ? Can Pakistan take military action against KSA ? Dare to ? It's a messy situation for Pakistan . On other hand if they go with the coalition force , the will have to get ready for new Enemy called Iran which is ruthless when it comes to taking their enemies head. It's a growing power and in fact one day it will be nuclear power too not just with nuclear plants but with warheads too. That too very close to each other will are Pakistan a he'll to be in . So now two powerful Enemy on both sides. Iran and India .

So I belive it's better for you to stay calm and let these Arabs kill each other. Anyway you are not an Arab in first place but Islamic Republic . So let them go crazy and focus on u r economy like this author said. Just puffing up your chest with empty stomach won't be productive . As per this author 2018 he hope for Change. Of what ? Imran Khan ?

Then it's wrong . Economic focus should start from now not from 2018 . 2-3 years will see large development in all parts of world especially your neighbourhood India Bangladesh Iran Afghanistan etc.

Either loss you funds from GCC or Make another enemy who will never forget you till they exist.
I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only; So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................
:lol: :lol:

I can swiftly put these arguments to rest but I will enjoy the delusions for now
Regardless of what America did or not do, the question remains as to why the Saudis need our CSAR before they even dream of going to war.
Right now they decided to wage a textbook conventional campaign where they probably adjusted some older scenario of Yemen going the Persian way and pummelled aircraft on tarmacs, and all other static or rather useless targets(the idea of Houthis getting even a single Sa-6 to work was ridiculous). Once they took out military equipment they thought the Houthis might use(who apart from posing with Sam Designation radars had no idea on how to even open the doors on those things let alone operate them) they went on attacking all other targets of opportunity based on a few intel teams on the ground who pick out targets from miles away...from wherein you get collateral carnage.
That had little effect on the Houthi advance against the forces of Hadi who are literally firing five rounds and retreating(not having the guy you are supposed to protect around sort of has that effect of "Why the F do I care"). Their only positive role has been holding the ground long enough to ensure that certain foreign workers are evacuated and their own routes are clear. The Houthis are also allowing certain civilians to escape but as war is horrid they are also extracting revenge.

So where the US come in?
This campaign is about the Kingdoms legitimacy as the leader of the Muslim world...or at least the Sunni world. They want to emerge strong and without too many casualties to their own people. The US needs the area from destabilization beyond what it already has and threatening the Persian oil trade so to ensure that prices dont jump too high(damn the downstream retailers here for hiking prices when they really dont need to) and the Russians dont take advantage of that hike. In addition, the Iranians cant be allowed a free pass either.. it has to be a balance of contain it and not.

The ideal situation, as plain as it might be is to ensure the safety of our soil; which means take the "target" juiciness out of America to a level lower than it is today.. So whilst the "Death to USA" flags wont go, they can be reduced and/or changed to "Death to Shias/Sunnis, then USA". Having a prepared US military is different from having one that gets killed or comes back to wither away in Veteran rehab in a war that really should not cost that much in human lives.

So the Middle east gets divided into a Sunni south vs a Shia north, Asia into China vs the Indians, the Japanese nd the rest of East asia and Micronesia. The Europeans go against the Russians.. and we basically stand by as the elite guard to keep the balance. but save American lives in the process. Oil keeps flowing in.. resources keep going on.. but a relative "safety" is regained.
Before being emotional toward the issue we should have to take a look at our own self first. Our major source of foreign exchange is overseas Pakistanis which are pouring 15 billon dollars a year now in to Pakistani economy

And mainly remittances are coming from Saudi Arabia, UAE and other GCC countries in the first quarter of 2014 out of 4.69 Billon $ breakup of inflow was.

KSA 1.43 B $
UAE 1.03 B $
Other GCC 545.04 M $
USA 263 M $
UK 218.4 M $
Others 125.33 M $

About 70% of our foreign remittances are coming form GCC, before destroying the relation with these countries our government should seriously think again coz they are not in a position to generate such amount for any other source even in military projects Saudi helped Pakistani government.
How socially it could impact … well you all know very well that most of madrasaahs in Pakistan are funded by the Arabs do you really think that Arabs will simply let go Pakistan with its such decision without disruption of society ??? yesterday in news they were showing sunni and salfi mullahs were enchanting in favor of Saudis. Therefore Pakistan should take a concrete decision by keeping in view all aspects and to find a better way keh saanp bhe mar jaya aur lathi bahi na totay
here I'll make it easy for you, why enjoy delusions when you can enjoy undeniable proof of victory, nothing like re-living the glorious victory over evil

Here, Put these proofs to rest

Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos - by news

ERm... one more reason why i don't argue with peeps like you. The argument was about US forces being defeated in Iraq or Afganistan. When asked for sane reasoning you post Abu gharaib snaps.. :lol: Logical deduction be damned :lol:

Regardless of what America did or not do, the question remains as to why the Saudis need our CSAR before they even dream of going to war.
Right now they decided to wage a textbook conventional campaign where they probably adjusted some older scenario of Yemen going the Persian way and pummelled aircraft on tarmacs, and all other static or rather useless targets(the idea of Houthis getting even a single Sa-6 to work was ridiculous). Once they took out military equipment they thought the Houthis might use(who apart from posing with Sam Designation radars had no idea on how to even open the doors on those things let alone operate them) they went on attacking all other targets of opportunity based on a few intel teams on the ground who pick out targets from miles away...from wherein you get collateral carnage.
That had little effect on the Houthi advance against the forces of Hadi who are literally firing five rounds and retreating(not having the guy you are supposed to protect around sort of has that effect of "Why the F do I care"). Their only positive role has been holding the ground long enough to ensure that certain foreign workers are evacuated and their own routes are clear. The Houthis are also allowing certain civilians to escape but as war is horrid they are also extracting revenge.

So where the US come in?
This campaign is about the Kingdoms legitimacy as the leader of the Muslim world...or at least the Sunni world. They want to emerge strong and without too many casualties to their own people. The US needs the area from destabilization beyond what it already has and threatening the Persian oil trade so to ensure that prices dont jump too high(damn the downstream retailers here for hiking prices when they really dont need to) and the Russians dont take advantage of that hike. In addition, the Iranians cant be allowed a free pass either.. it has to be a balance of contain it and not.

The ideal situation, as plain as it might be is to ensure the safety of our soil; which means take the "target" juiciness out of America to a level lower than it is today.. So whilst the "Death to USA" flags wont go, they can be reduced and/or changed to "Death to Shias/Sunnis, then USA". Having a prepared US military is different from having one that gets killed or comes back to wither away in Veteran rehab in a war that really should not cost that much in human lives.

So the Middle east gets divided into a Sunni south vs a Shia north, Asia into China vs the Indians, the Japanese nd the rest of East asia and Micronesia. The Europeans go against the Russians.. and we basically stand by as the elite guard to keep the balance. but save American lives in the process. Oil keeps flowing in.. resources keep going on.. but a relative "safety" is regained.

Valid points all there ;)

But KSA is doing what all countries naturally do. Shoring up allies; Strengthening their hold on Islamic world; Collaterelize deaths and defeating the evil forces;

Pakistan is needed because muslim world cannot afford to have a neutral voice. I have hardly seen any muslim country to be neutral in a fight concerning muslims.
Its good to see our bro Pakistanis (iam indian and see pakistanis as our long lost brother) instead of trying to be friends with every super power
doing thing on its own will
@A2Z @Horus
what about neutrality just after 9/11 ..? could we be neutral if not against? on the wake of occupation how much we lost, afg trust, economy, militray civilian deaths, military civilian distance, death of generals (that not happened even in pak-india war), and all that...
even if we are busy internally (domestic interests) we should guard our future and foreign interests....
Before being emotional toward the issue we should have to take a look at our own self first. Our major source of foreign exchange is overseas Pakistanis which are pouring 15 billon dollars a year now in to Pakistani economy

And mainly remittances are coming from Saudi Arabia, UAE and other GCC countries in the first quarter of 2014 out of 4.69 Billon $ breakup of inflow was.

KSA 1.43 B $
UAE 1.03 B $
Other GCC 545.04 M $
USA 263 M $
UK 218.4 M $
Others 125.33 M $

About 70% of our foreign remittances are coming form GCC, before destroying the relation with these countries our government should seriously think again coz they are not in a position to generate such amount for any other source even in military projects Saudi helped Pakistani government.
How socially it could impact … well you all know very well that most of madrasaahs in Pakistan are funded by the Arabs do you really think that Arabs will simply let go Pakistan with its such decision without disruption of society ??? yesterday in news they were showing sunni and salfi mullahs were enchanting in favor of Saudis. Therefore Pakistan should take a concrete decision by keeping in view all aspects and to find a better way keh saanp bhe mar jaya aur lathi bahi na totay
Asians work day in day out in the middle east to earn this money, money that is remitted comes at a very high cost. Asians are treated worst than animals in these arab countries. I think we can survive without these remittances, it may be a little difficult for the time being but look at the long term benefits, we've had enough of this bull**** arab brothers, time we should accept the affect that we are not arabs and have an asian lineage. We have more in common with Indians, Bangladeshi's, Srilankans etc than these camel herders.
I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................

Asians work day in day out in the middle east to earn this money, money that is remitted comes at a very high cost. Asians are treated worst than animals in these arab countries. I think we can survive without these remittances, it may be a little difficult for the time being but look at the long term benefits, we've had enough of this bull**** arab brothers, time we should accept the affect that we are not arabs and have an asian lineage. We have more in common with Indians, Bangladeshi's, Srilankans etc than these camel herders.
I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................
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