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U.S. says that the military is preparing a response to the attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities

Bro ... My knowledge limited to Missiles and drones ... I'm not clueless about AD systems but i may have a lot of flaws in guidance and radars ... So let me stay in silence :)
I'll take it as a "shekaste nafsi"
Five Options For A U.S. Military Response To Iran

The problem with USA military response is that US has limited forces on the ground and if US makes a limited strike against Iran----Iranian response is potentially DISPROPORTIONATE, and few US forces in the region will not be able to deal with the massive consequences of a limited strike.

1) First option---limited strike on Iranian targets with Tomahawk missiles---in this case----Iran will use its military 150k troops + missiles targeting US bases in Kuwait/Qatar/ Iraq/Syria+ and numerous air force that can bomb US troops in Iraq + close the Straight of Hormuz and paralyze oil supply from the region-----with little military resources in the region, US will not be able to stop this process.

2) Second option is to bring additional forces to the region ---6 aircraft carriers---it will take several weeks before they arrive....But even if they arrive they have many Tomahawk cruise missiles and only 360 fighter aircraft ---not enough to deal with a 80mln country but enough to enrage it. Plus since Iran has anti-ship missiles-Persian Gulf will be dangerous for US Navy and US aircraft carriers will have to operate from the Sea of Oman with little range for F-18s.

3) Third option is in addition to aircraft carriers, to deploy 700+ fighter aircraft in Saudi Arabia----again--such a deployment takes time---and these forces are not enough to deal with all the consequences of such an attack--- (Iranian ballistic missiles attack on oil refineries+ closure of the Straight of Hormuz and Iranian ground force attack on Iraq and Kuwait)

4) For dealing with DISPROPORTIONATE Iranian response there is a Fourth option - all out war-----6 month required to bring 2700 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia and 6-8 aircraft carrier battle groups and ground force-500k troops -----but in such an all out war entire region and its oil production will be destroyed.

Conclusion is that USA has no military option against Iran----any limited strike will produce DISPROPORTIONATE Iranian response with which US will not be able to deal due to lack of resources on the ground. At the same time full out war, with US bringing massive resources, will destroy the region and its oil production, resulting in a global economic downturn.
Five Options For A U.S. Military Response To Iran

The problem with USA military response is that US has limited forces on the ground and if US makes a limited strike against Iran----Iranian response is potentially DISPROPORTIONATE, and few US forces in the region will not be able to deal with the massive consequences of a limited strike.

1) First option---limited strike on Iranian targets with Tomahawk missiles---in this case----Iran will use its military 150k troops + missiles targeting US bases in Kuwait/Qatar/ Iraq/Syria+ and numerous air force that can bomb US troops in Iraq + close the Straight of Hormuz and paralyze oil supply from the region-----with little military resources in the region, US will not be able to stop this process.

2) Second option is to bring additional forces to the region ---6 aircraft carriers---it will take several weeks before they arrive....But even if they arrive they have many Tomahawk cruise missiles and only 360 fighter aircraft ---not enough to deal with a 80mln country but enough to enrage it. Plus since Iran has anti-ship missiles-Persian Gulf will be dangerous for US Navy and US aircraft carriers will have to operate from the Sea of Oman with little range for F-18s.

3) Third option is in addition to aircraft carriers, to deploy 700+ fighter aircraft in Saudi Arabia----again--such a deployment takes time---and these forces are not enough to deal with all the consequences of such an attack--- (Iranian ballistic missiles attack on oil refineries+ closure of the Straight of Hormuz and Iranian ground force attack on Iraq and Kuwait)

4) For dealing with DISPROPORTIONATE Iranian response there is a Fourth option - all out war-----6 month required to bring 2700 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia and 6-8 aircraft carrier battle groups and ground force-500k troops -----but in such an all out war entire region and its oil production will be destroyed.

Conclusion is that USA has no military option against Iran----any limited strike will produce DISPROPORTIONATE Iranian response with which US will not be able to deal due to lack of resources on the ground. At the same time full out war, with US bringing massive resources, will destroy the region and its oil production, resulting in a global economic downturn.

Wishful thinking, you think Iranians are gonna target US troops/bases on wide scale? If there is a military response by Saudi Arabia, Iran is just going to attack Saudi Arabia. Iran wants to preserve what it has amassed in influence and compound on its strategy. It does not want these 40 years of efforts to go to waste. It has diplomatic channels active with the US all the time via EU/Russia. Iranians have no war with US and Israel and I'm sure if we see a Gulf war it will only be Iran and its allies pummeling Saudi Arabia and nothing more.

This situation is likely over. Saudi Defense ministry to make conference tonight probably when all their people are asleep and they won't implicate Iran. Iran sent its message and now is waiting to see how the US/EU react to it, and if the US will get back into nuclear deal.
War with Iran means establishment of Sunni Caliphate which is red line for the US, Israel and others.

What sunni caliphate you continue to blabber about? What problems of Arabs a Caliphate will solve?
What sunni caliphate you continue to blabber about? What problems of Arabs a Caliphate will solve?

You guys think Allah(SWT) our Magnificent Lord is just observing us without getting involved then you are wrong. Allah(SWT) is involved with the people on earth and their affairs, via direct means. All the thanks and praise to Allah(SWT) .... The One who never left the patient and pious alone to themselves.

Two birds with one stone.

The Americans didn't attack earlier because they wanted to take out these two remaining middle eastern powers in one stroke.

The Saudi power has been money whilst the Iranians have had a decent military.

The Saudis will be bled dry for this supposed defence of their lands and resources - the Iranians will be bombarded in such a way that they are taken out for a few decades like Iraq.

Another masterful thing in this whole affair is that the Americans their ally Israel knew that the Iranians do posses missiles and such which would likely have ended up in Israel if the US had attacked itself.

Now they will use the Arab's money to take out Iranian power - and use Arab lands/armies to absorb much of the offensive capabilities of Iran by making them open coalition partners. Israelis will be saved because the target will have shifted from them to the Arabs.

Arabs were easy to manipulate by using the Iranians as the bogeyman - to the point that they started considering Israelis as less of a threat.

The Iranian religious/political ambition was also easily manipulated into helping Israel pacify the Arabs whilst ultimately putting them on a collision course with the Arabs and the US.

One can only imagine how the situation would've been different if both the Iranians and Arabs were friends instead of foes.

Sad situation and ultimately the Muslim world will be further weakened - each blaming the other. The reality is that both are blameworthy and both were manipulated by a smarter, well planned enemy.

May Allah have mercy on us all.

Tell that to hyper Persians and see their reaction, the way they are celebrating this attack, it's like signing on own death warrant. Fools.
Told you guys, US/World can't afford to lose strategic asset of Iran(most people don't understand the bigger picture, the policymakers do) :


Meanwhile they give them ways to bypass these sanctions and everyone knows that. It's very unlikely Saudi Arabia will retaliate on its own unless they shock all of us and prove us wrong.
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