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U.S. says that the military is preparing a response to the attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities

Iran shares responsibility with Saddam for that war. The 'exporting the revolution' thing is a recipe for disaster and means a country is in a quest to subjugate those around it and make them client states to Iran. Saddam said no and attacked them. I don't know what Iran was expecting.

Seems to me like Kuwait and some lack of vision by Arab states caused all of this. Tiny irrelevant Kuwait has always been mad at Iraq, Saudi Arabia instead of showing Kuwait its place played along and the Arab world pushed Iraq close to Iran. The GCC had a neighbouring Arab state fully militarised blocking Iran, irrelevant Kuwaiti policy removed that entirely.
Basing your foreign policy on an centuries old struggle in no surprise causes chaos. Iranian regime and its supporters can only justify their foreign policy by making argument for Shia Islam. They try to make argument that Shia Islam is the true Islam but they have no proof of that and uncertain. Both sides will make their cases. But, nevertheless they base their policies off this argument. So they are either right or not. It's very dangerous policy because humans will try to measure who is right simply by who prevails with their policies when it is rather an theological debate.

So same thing with ISIS, they made argument that they are right and expanded into two countries and tried using that fact to support their argument. Few years later they are nothing. Iran regime and their supporters(on this forum) make same case that they are on right path because of Iran's recent successes in exporting the revolution. And because they can produce their own weapons and maintain their infrastructure relatively well(as if no other country can, but we are supposed to worship Iran according to you guys for that). And all of these have nothing to with theology.

So now we are on brink of war in the region with unpredictable consequences. If Iran and its supporters defeat Saudi Arabia in the beginning(which they will), and invade Saudi Arabia, they will go crazy on this forum and claim Allah is supporting them and they are following true path(again nothing to do with theological debate). Then when they face counter attack and lose their gains, they will just disappear and say Allah is testing them or what not. People like that don't follow Islam and don't have straightforward core beliefs. And they trying to determine who is righteous and who isn't based on their stated ambitions and how they achieve them. When they don't understand that God is self sufficient and doesn't need them for anything. And God values the Prophet's who didn't value these worldly things and instead focused on ethics/character and worshipping God and recognizing that the end result is he created us and we return to him. And thus they are highest ranked in his eyes.

We can see from this why these kind of mentalities for these regimes and their supporters are flawed and should not be relied upon as truths.

Seems to me like Kuwait and some lack of vision by Arab states caused all of this. Tiny irrelevant Kuwait has always been mad at Iraq, Saudi Arabia instead of showing Kuwait its place played along and the Arab world pushed Iraq close to Iran. The GCC had a neighbouring Arab state fully militarised blocking Iran, irrelevant Kuwaiti policy removed that entirely.

Saddam is flawed, Iran is flawed, GCC is flawed, Egypt is flawed, none of them alternative. Only Islamic rule and establishing Caliphate in Arab world is alternative. Arabs are not forcing Iranians or Turks to get on with that program. Arabs want it for themselves it will happen soon. Iranians having problem with that means they want to subjugate region under their mercy and have everyone become an Iranian client state. And employ them 24/7 to enrich Iran and improve its regional standing. They don't believe in power sharing. And no wonder everyone is vehemently opposed to them.

Only thing Arabs can agree on is a Caliphate. Once they realize this and look towards God and pray to him to guide them, he will send them a righteous man to lead them. This is his promise in the Quran and to Prophet Mohammed(SAW).

As for everything else and all other programs in the region, my curse is upon them and I pray God keeps them alive until the last hour so they experience its horror.


No offense to you Shia Arabs btw, but you are minority among Arabs and the decision to establish Caliphate is for the Sunni majority. And those who don't like that can move to Iran. I don't mean that in bad way, maybe they just have different philosophy on life and shouldn't endure psychological torture if they don't like Islam. I'm fine with Shia but not with the kind of Shia who want to subjugate us under Iran and be 24/7 employees for to them to enrich them.
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We want a Caliphate in the Arab world, this is our way of governance. What's your problem? Iranians and Shia can have supreme leader and Caliphate but Arab Sunnis can't? It will improve everything for us and we want to rule by Islam as God commanded us.

I have no problem with that, you in your land can do whatever you want.

I am just asking which problems of Arabs that is caused by monarchies and dictatorships will be solved by the Caliphate and how? What qualitative differences does the Caliphate have that is different from the present ruling systems in the Arab world that will solve your problems?
No offense to you Shia Arabs btw, but you are minority among Arabs and the decision to establish Caliphate is for the Sunni majority. And those who don't like that can move to Iran. I don't mean that in bad way, maybe they just have different philosophy on life and shouldn't endure psychological torture if they don't like Islam. I'm fine with Shia but not with the kind of Shia who want to subjugate us under Iran and be 24/7 employees for to them to enrich them.

That's not up to you to decide is it. Also such policy will push Arab Shias towards Iran far more which you don't seem to understand, meaning Iraq firstly and foremost will be closer to Iran enabling Iran to extend influence in Arab lands throughout Iraq reaching Syria, Lebanon etc.

Recently you mentioned KSA striking Iraq, if they do so Iran will enjoy it the most as all of Baghdad's politicians would start favouring Iran more and more. The strike itself won't do shit, the population is growing way too fast for casualties to make a difference (1 mil per year) All the casualties from the war with ISIS and the past decades made no difference.

Also this whole sect thing has become less relevant for people in the last years.
I have no problem with that, you in your land can do whatever you want.

I am just asking which problems of Arabs that is caused by monarchies and dictatorships will be solved by the Caliphate and how? What qualitative differences does the Caliphate have that is different from the present ruling systems in the Arab world that will solve your problems?

I see the roots of majority of our problems relating to the disobedience of God(All Praise to Him) , failure to observe Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW). And I also see that all groups today are astray and can't make sound judgement in appointing a Caliph. And I see that God will handle this affair for us. And I see that God can guide individuals to the right path and make them fit for rule. And I'm a firm believer in God and his promises in the Holy Book.

Just understand that no one has got it right yet and majority of Muslims are far from getting things right. Wait for God to show you the right way. The right doctrine is mainstream Sunni Islam. But the right path is hardest to decipher. We'll know tomorrow inshallah.
That's not up to you to decide is it. Also such policy will push Arab Shias towards Iran far more which you don't seem to understand, meaning Iraq firstly and foremost will be closer to Iran enabling Iran to extend influence in Arab lands throughout Iraq reaching Syria, Lebanon etc.

Recently you mentioned KSA striking Iraq, if they do so Iran will enjoy it the most as all of Baghdad's politicians would start favouring Iran more and more. The strike itself won't do shit, the population is growing way too fast for casualties to make a difference (1 mil per year) All the casualties from the war with ISIS and the past decades made no difference.

Also this whole sect thing has become less relevant for people in the last years.

Where did I say KSA should strike Iraq? I could've sworn I was reporting the news/analysis of some journalists. I could be mistaken though.

And as I said, I'm fine with Shia except the specific types I singled out. And I think Shia like many Sunnis, if they have better alternative than Al Saud led axis or Iranian led axis would flock to it. Although any Muslims who look up to these regimes are not making a good effort at being good Muslims. No sincere Muslim can fanatically support these regimes.
I see the roots of majority of our problems relating to the disobedience of God(All Praise to Him) , failure to observe Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW). And I also see that all groups today are astray and can't make sound judgement in appointing a Caliph. And I see that God will handle this affair for us. And I see that God can guide individuals to the right path and make them fit for rule. And I'm a firm believer in God and his promises in the Holy Book.

Just understand that no one has got it right yet and majority of Muslims are far from getting things right. Wait for God to show you the right way. The right doctrine is mainstream Sunni Islam. But the right path is hardest to decipher. We'll know tomorrow inshallah.

It's a generic religious statement which I can also make as a Muslim. It does not address the question I asked pragmatically. Either you are deliberately avoiding or you don't know the answer. Blindly asking for a Khilafa without knowing the current problem and how it will rectify those long term is meaningless.
It's a generic religious statement which I can also make as a Muslim. It does not address the question I asked pragmatically. Either you are deliberately avoiding or you don't know the answer. Blindly asking for a Khilafa without knowing the current problem and how it will rectify those long term is meaningless.

Sunni Muslims need centralized leadership. To reduce extremism and other theological disputes. To give guidance to the general people. And an end to the corrupt dictatorships who don't know how to manage nations or provide security for their people. And hinder the development of their people. I don't think I need to go into much more detail and I don't favor some militant style backwards 'Caliphate' if that's the impression you're getting.
Sunni Muslims need centralized leadership. To reduce extremism and other theological disputes. To give guidance to the general people. And an end to the corrupt dictatorships who don't know how to manage nations or provide security for their people. And hinder the development of their people. I don't think I need to go into much more detail and I don't favor some militant style backwards 'Caliphate' if that's the impression you're getting.

That's not the impression I am getting as I have seen one of your previous threads where you rebuked ISIS.

There is nothing to prove that a centralized leadership or Caliphate will be any less corrupt. There is no historical precedence of the same except for the Rashidun and maybe Amir Muawiyah (RA) and Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. All previous Caliphates were hereditary monarchies with only the banner 'Khilafah'. Those Caliphates had the exact same problems as the modern day monarchies and dictatorships.

I don't see how reinstating the Khilafah will solve the absolute monarchy or dictatorship problems or the problems of corruption.
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