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U.S. sanctions front companies raising money for Iran's Revolutionary Guards

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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U.S. sanctions front companies raising money for Iran's Revolutionary Guards

Lesley Wroughton

MARCH 26, 2019

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday imposed fresh sanctions on a network of companies and people in Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates it said was raising billions of dollars and euros to fund operations of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards.

The U.S. Treasury blacklisted 25 people and organizations, including four front companies based in the three countries, that were working on behalf of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Iran’s Ministry of Defense.

The targeted institutions include banks and other financial institutions such as Ansar Bank, Atlas Exchange, Iranian Atlas Company, the U.S. Treasury said in a statement.

“We are exposing an extensive sanctions evasion network that was established by the Iranian regime to evade American sanctions,” U.S. special envoy for Iran Brian Hook told reporters. “With this action today we are increasing our pressure even further on the Iranian regime.”

Hook described Ansar as “the banker” of the Revolutionary Guard and its overseas operations run by Quds Force. He said the bank paid the salaries of IRGC-Quds Force employees and Iranian foreign fighters in Syria.

“They created front companies to access the U.S. financial system on their own,” said Hook, adding that Tehran was feeling the pressure from U.S. sanctions and created the network to look for a way around the restrictions.

He said the Ansar front companies had raised $800 million over the last year and a half to buy military vehicles and to fund the IRGC’s and Quds Force operations.

Additionally, Hook said the United States was also labeling Iran’s Ministry of Defense as a foreign terrorist organization because of its role in supporting terrorist activities. The ministry was blacklisted in 2007 for its role in weapons of mass destruction proliferation, he added.

“We are now expanding our authorities against Iran’s ministry of defense for its support for terrorism,” Hook told reporters at the State Department.

The sanctions are part of a campaign by Washington to pressure Tehran to negotiate a comprehensive plan to end its nuclear and missile programs.

U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from a 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers, although Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China have refused to withdraw from the agreement.

Since abandoning the nuclear deal, the United States has imposed a string of new sanctions aimed at choking off Iran’s funding, especially from oil.

The IRGC is by far Iran’s most powerful security organization and has control over large stakes in Iran’s economy and huge influence in its political system.


Has US declared IRGC as a terrorist organization?
IRGC is by far THE MOST POWERFUL private military ( Militia) and contractor on the planet. it can not be fully sanctioned ever.

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IRGC is by far THE MOST POWERFUL private military ( Militia) and contractor on the planet. it can not be fully sanctioned ever.


Ok, understood that it is the most powerful private military (militia) on Earth.

Then how come few rag-tag smugglers manage to kidnap them then regularly?

Something does not add up here.
Ok, understood that it is the most powerful private military (militia) on Earth.

Then how come few rag-tag smugglers manage to kidnap them then regularly?

Something does not add up here.

they were Army not IRGC. and humans die that dose not make an organization any less significant just like Army of other countries. and what i meant from powerful was that IRGC has ballistic and cruse missile, UCAVs and drones, attack Helicopters, tanks, air force, short_medium_long range air defence systems, ground force, it has navy, Cyber force, Global Intelligence force ( spy units ) and Anti-intelligence force, it has Construction companies and air lines and they are fighting in Syria and Lebanon and Iraq and Yemen and partly in Afghanistan ...
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Ok, understood that it is the most powerful private military (militia) on Earth.

Then how come few rag-tag smugglers manage to kidnap them then regularly?

Something does not add up here.

Same way a few rag tag terrorists killed thousands of Pakistan soldiers in the past 2 decades.

Same way Taliban has killed Green Berets, US special forces, etc.

Another Stupid comment by another brain dead person on this forum.

Lastly learn the difference between IRGC vs Iranin Army border patrols soldiers. And IRGC specialized warfare divisions vs regular IRGC.

Just because you are enlisted as IRGC soldier doesn’t magically turn you into a super soldier. It depends on your skill set and your job role, like any other military on the planet.

Anyone with a brain knows soldiers guarding the border are not the crem de la crem of skilled soldiers.

If they were truly amazing they would be part of specialized squadrons not guarding a desolate border. This goes for any country.
Same way a few rag tag terrorists killed thousands of Pakistan soldiers in the past 2 decades.

Same way Taliban has killed Green Berets, US special forces, etc.

Another Stupid comment by another brain dead person on this forum.

Lastly learn the difference between IRGC vs Iranin Army border patrols soldiers. And IRGC specialized warfare divisions vs regular IRGC.

Just because you are enlisted as IRGC soldier doesn’t magically turn you into a super soldier. It depends on your skill set and your job role, like any other military on the planet.

Anyone with a brain knows soldiers guarding the border are not the crem de la crem of skilled soldiers.

If they were truly amazing they would be part of specialized squadrons not guarding a desolate border. This goes for any country.

I see.

So we agree that members of IRGC are merely humans and not some sort of super heros as portrayed by propaganda media channels such as FARS etc.

Good to know.
US will take the blow of it's actions after rouhani leaved the office. they already sanctioned us for proliferating weapons of mass destruction then why not making nukes?? it's good even for US at least their sanctions would not be in vain. we should not negotiated with them in first place and we should not negotiate with them again ever.
As if they weren't sanctioned already, whether Ansar or any other bank in Iran!
Pls sanction front companies of Zardari and Nawaz or are they national assets for you???
I don't see Iran reacting when Israel hitting the Iranians in Syria.
It would not be easy for Iran to do it against US.
Interestingly whenever Israel hit iranian in Syria its only Syrian who die.
Their definition of iranian must be something different from us.
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