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U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces


I like how you are trying to use a 13 year old picture as if to prove a point hahahaha :lol:
First sold the weapons to rebels to fight against govt.....then send her elite forces to fight along rebels against Syrian Govt.....and now when they think Hell is ready.....just bring the army to attack and destroy the country, same like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.....Truly Uncle SAM.....Savior of the world..:devil:
So how do Iranians feel with this almost certain militairy intervention in their backyard, Syria? Will they retalliate against US targets? Strike Israel? What will Assad the maniac do?


Is that an order from the Ayatollah?

He will not do a word, its probably going to get dragged out for a bit longer then what we thing it will. They will let the iranains supply all kinds of weapons to ******-wh@re I mean bachar. More people will get killed, more the iranans will rejoice. See the jews dont want asad gone, as he is a perfect tool of theirs. The Americans dont want to **** of the jews, and ofcourse the secret help they render to iran, via toppling regimes in the region. In the name of democrazy that is. So when theygift Iraq to iran, Afghanistan to iran. What makes yall think that they will take Syria away from her.

It wasn't more than 10 years ago that these 'saviors' attacked Iraq with accusations based on lies..
Oh baba I see an iranian crying for sadam.
Oh baba I see an iranian crying for sadam.

I don't care about Saddam, he is enjoying hell fire right now.
What I'm saying is, their attack on Iraq was based on lies. Iraq had used chemical weapons on its own people nearly 15 years before the attack in 2003, but no one cared back then when thousands of Kurds were gassed. Suddenly in 2003 they realized Saddam is a threat to humanity? They fooled the world once, they are doing it again.
I don't care about Saddam, he is enjoying hell fire right now.
What I'm saying is, their attack on Iraq was based on lies. Iraq had used chemical weapons on its own people nearly 15 years before the attack in 2003, but no one cared back then when thousands of Kurds were gassed. Suddenly in 2003 they realized Saddam is a threat to humanity? They fooled the world once, they are doing it again.

Sadam was a threat when he was done with, when they got what they needed. But still yall should be the last ones crying over his demise, after all 2 birds were killed with one stone when the americans did what they did in 2003. They got rid of your biggest enemy, and Iraq fell in your lap.
Sadam was a threat when he was done with, when they got what they needed. But still yall should be the last ones crying over his demise, after all 2 birds were killed with one stone when the americans did what they did in 2003. They got rid of your biggest enemy, and Iraq fell in your lap.

I think I wrote in English but I will tell you again.
I don't care about Saddam, he got what he deserved, he should have died a more painful death actually, but the 'western saviors' didn't care about those fake WMDs or Iraqi lives, Saddam was just a burnt player and a former tool and they needed to get rid of him and a WMD hoax was needed, just like this false flag chemical incident in Syria.
I think I wrote in English but I will tell you again.
I don't care about Saddam, he got what he deserved, he should have died a more painful death actually, but the 'western saviors' didn't care about those fake WMDs or Iraqi lives, Saddam was just a burnt player and a former tool and they needed to get rid of him and a WMD hoax was needed, just like this false flag chemical incident in Syria.

I could have written it in farsi if that is what you will get. but I will say it in english again and be a bit more blunt with it. Stop the hypocrisy. What makes u come to a conclusion that it was a false flag. I hold no opinion on the matter.Only Allah knows and the ones who did it do. But seems like you iranians have come to yet another conclusion to save ur ***** in damascus.
just like this false flag chemical incident in Syria.

Yesterday u said u didn't know and didn't point fingers. Now that there's a possible militairy intervention u claim it's a false flag... What was "the smoking gun" that changed your mind...?
I could have written it in farsi if that is what you will get. but I will say it in english again and be a bit more blunt with it. Stop the hypocrisy. What makes u come to a conclusion that it was a false flag. I hold no opinion on the matter.Only Allah knows and the ones who did it do. But seems like you iranians have come to yet another conclusion to save ur ***** in damascus.

Yesterday u said u didn't know and didn't point fingers. Now that there's a possible militairy intervention u claim it's a false flag... What was "the smoking gun" that changed your mind...?

I had doubts, but with recent developments, I'm almost sure now that it's false flag.
U.S and other western countries are talking an attack on Syria. Yesterday SAA soldiers were suffocated with chemical agents and they also found Chemical elements in rebel strongholds. UN inspectors were only few miles away when the incident happened while the government itself allowed them to come in to Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons. They are not idiots to invite U.N inspectors and then use chemical weapons against civilians only a few miles away. Even a 2 year old can easily understand that.

And I'm still saying, if despite these facts, still it's truly proved that Syrian government launched the attack, I will stop any kind of support for it, will you do the same if it's proved that the rebels did it?
I had doubts, but with recent developments, I'm almost sure now that it's false flag.
U.S and other western countries are talking an attack on Syria. Yesterday SAA soldiers were suffocated with chemical agents and they also found Chemical elements in rebel strongholds. UN inspectors were only few miles away when the incident happened while the government itself allowed them to come in to Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons. They are not idiots to invite U.N inspectors and then use chemical weapons against civilians only a few miles away. Even a 2 year old can easily understand that.

And I'm still saying, if despite these facts, still it's truly proved that Syrian government launched the attack, I will stop any kind of support for it, will you do the same if it's proved that the rebels did it?

The excuse of the UN being there is the most convenient one, infact the best get out of jail card. And as for the airstrikes of the nato and west and specially US is concerned. They have been going on about it for donkey years now. Its just a card they have put on the table, which I doubt they will actually use. If they wanted to go down that route they had done it already. And for the chemical weapons they had found in the tunnels, well just like ur UN excuse let me make one too here. The chemicals were found in the tunnels that are controlled by the bachar army now. So how convenient.

And ps which ever pig is involved in the massacre of innocent kids and civilians deserves no sympathy.
A few weeks ago when we backed the Egyptian revolution against Morsi, that was a very anti-west move.

We are sovereign states, unlike some here.

Ofcourse that was so "anti west", we all know how Israel has no problem with al sisi, which makes it extremely anti west, send weaponry to Hamas thats anti west.

Give Arabs another 20 years to figure out whether puppet of Iran or the US, actually it is irrelevant for me what you or him think about that matter.
Ofcourse that was so "anti west", we all know how Israel has no problem with al sisi, which makes it extremely anti west, send weaponry to Hamas thats anti west.

Give Arabs another 20 years to figure out whether puppet of Iran or the US, actually it is irrelevant for me what you or him think about that matter.

So are you trying to sell me that Qatar is the hero of the Anti-Israeli position here?? Seriously dude ??

So Qatar and the MB were the good guys this whole time? The west putting sanctions on Egypt is an encouragement right?
So are you trying to sell me that Qatar is the hero of the Anti-Israeli position here?? Seriously dude ??

So Qatar and the MB were the good guys this whole time? The west putting sanctions on Egypt is an encouragement right?

Probably a little show or not according to their plans, does not mean that they will cut all relations and turn into enemies, it is not really an anti west move as you described it, anti west is something hostile which this surely is not. As even the puppet PM or ours supports it.
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