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U.S. officials unveil videos of bin Laden

Use a mirror... it will be more dramatic than banging a wall.[/QUOTE]

Good 1 ;)
may be the same drill machine was used for making few holes in the wall to make it look like gunfire shots as no such gunfire shots were seen before in earlier images on first day

or may be with these tools he work part time because he has big family expenses
You can check bellow in the same link where five videos are been posted saying released by US govt
earlier Indians tried to save US by circulating fake photoshoped pic of osama which fired back lolzzz

Are you color blind or are deliberately acting this way??..why don't you watch the third video carefully ..and then tell me, if you can not spot the color difference between two dresses!!
All the changes to the official story these past few days and now this crock of shite, it all seems too deliberate?
Are you color blind or are deliberately acting this way??..why don't you watch the third video carefully ..and then tell me, if you can not spot the color difference between two dresses!!

Mr. Indian when all are asking some logical questions over this drama video you are bent upon defending the lies.

come on have a heart
All the changes to the official story these past few days and now this crock of shite, it all seems too deliberate?

hmmm but what for ?

or its that they had acted in haste to get credit for something which never existed /?
a few observations.

It has been widely believed and propagated by the western media that his left hand was probably damaged and he did not use / move it in any of his vides after Tora Bora, but in this video he is moving it freely stroking his beard.

He is a left handed person, so how come he is holding the remote in his right hand.

his thumb is not moving at all but the channels are changing.

how come every channel is broadcasting him at the same time.

the walls of the room no where look like wallls of a million dollar mansion.

the kind of money he has, how come the furniture and all other things look like scrap.

If he has been living in that "mansion" for 5 years, how come the satellite receiver and wires look like done in urgency or temporarily.

Even the imposter looks fake.
Mr. Indian when all are asking some logical questions over this drama video you are bent upon defending the lies.

come on have a heart

No, I am trying to show that you are fabricating facts to support your agenda.

Here is the proof.

This is a snap of the dress from the third video which was released today.


and this is spoof video from 4 yrs ago.

Do tell if this is the same dress?
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im missing opinions of divya, Ahmed, SpArK, VCheng, Tiki Tam Tam, americaneagle, truthseeker, centcom gambit and other american members here
im missing opinions of divya, Ahmed, SpArK, VCheng, Tiki Tam Tam, americaneagle, truthseeker, centcom gambit and other american members here

I did nt like that video.. its so boring..

I liked this one better.

Happy now?:what:
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Osama Bin Laden never before claimed terrorist attack of 9/11 but in a video in 2004 just four days before the presidential election he admit that he had planned the 9/11 which obviously helped Bush Jr.That was the famous Bin Laden confession tape.In that video Bin Laden writes with his right hand and the older pictures shows that he was in fact left handed.After all that videos he was shown to be right handed as the latest video released by pentagon shows that he is holding the remote control with his right hand.

It was in the agenda of Obama long before to stage an event like this.
In his White House address of March 27 2009, President Obama said:
"Al Qaeda and its allies - the terrorists who planned and supported the 9/11 attacks - are in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Multiple intelligence estimates have warned that al Qaeda is actively planning attacks on the U.S. homeland from its safe-haven in Pakistan. . . . Al Qaeda and its extremist allies have moved across the border to the remote areas of the Pakistani frontier. This almost certainly includes al Qaeda's leadership: Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.”

But we all know that they know about Osama hideout was found in August 2010 as claimed.

The operation had been in the works for years. Since 9/11, the CIA gathered leads on those in bin Laden’s inner circle, including personal couriers. In August 2010 came a big break. Intelligence identified a compound that aroused their suspicion -- eight times larger than other homes in the area, built in 2005, on a property valued at $1 million.
World News - ABC News Radio

Objective Evidence that Bin Laden is Dead
The objective evidence includes the following facts:

First, up until mid-December 13, 2001, the CIA had regularly been intercepting messages between bin Laden and his people. At that time, however, the messages suddenly stopped, and the CIA has never again intercepted a message.

Second, on December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a story reporting that bin Laden had died in mid-December, adding:
“A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement . . . stated . . . that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial.”

Third, bin Laden had kidney disease. He had been treated for it in the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which time he reportedly ordered two dialysis machines to take home. If you have ever wondered what bin Laden was doing the night before the 9/11 attacks, CBS News reported that he was being given kidney dialysis treatment in a hospital in Pakistan. And in January of 2001, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said – based on a video of bin Laden that had been made in either late November or early December of 2001 – that he appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure.

Fourth, In July of 2002, CNN reported that bin Laden’s bodyguards had been captured in February of that year, adding: “Sources believe that if the bodyguards were captured away from bin Laden, it is likely the most-wanted man in the world is dead.”

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
Here is the proof.

This is a snap of the dress from the third video which was released today.


and this is spoof video from 4 yrs ago.

Do tell if this is the same dress?

:what: what is the difference ??
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I did nt like that video.. its so boring..

I liked this one better.

Happy now?:what:

:D yeh this is choreographed better than the Pentagon one.

which Film Company it is ??
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