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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

I think many of you youngsters FORGET how China once - back in 2001 sent its fighter aircraft in the infamous HAINAN INCIDENT.

US Spy plane EP-3 was on a regular spying mission and was intercepted by the Chinese air force. When repeated warnings were ignored, one of the Chinese fighters rammed his wing into the EP-3 , forcing a landing on Hainan island. The Chinese pilot of the J-8 fighter lost his life in doing what he did.

Moral of the story is that when China wants to STUB someone's nose , it will. Regardless of it being seen by others as a bully or stupid.

Back in 2001, no one could have imagined the Chinese going against a US plane in its vicinity. Much less "side butting" an US aircraft.

Hard negotiations followed and the US literally had to bow down to the Chinese to get back their crew.

With this maritime incident, the next episode if and when it happens will be far more "spectacular" I promise. I sing no praise of China nor am a fan of its bullish maritime policies.. but one thing, YOU GOT to give respect to a nation bold enough to stand up against a SUPERPOWER'S naval vessel. How many nations apart from the Rukies, ever done something like this post WW2?

Stupidity or no stupidity, seamanship or none.. what they want to prove, they have proved.

Well the pilot's intention was to intimidate, not get killed in the process. And it wasn't worth it. Play tag before with the Russians. But considering the U.S. still sends recon planes near its shores and China hasn't done anything since tells us something. They don't want to repeat that mistake. Lost of another plane and pilot with stupidity.
Well the pilot's intention was to intimidate, not get killed in the process. And it wasn't worth it. Play tag before with the Russians. But considering the U.S. still sends recon planes near its shores and China hasn't done anything since tells us something. They don't want to repeat that mistake. Lost of another plane and pilot with stupidity.

China lost one pilot life but China gain much more, they detain the recon airplane and strip it bare to study how US spy on China. China won't shoot down any airplane but they will collide with other airplane if those airplane not take China warning seriously.
Well the pilot's intention was to intimidate, not get killed in the process. And it wasn't worth it. Play tag before with the Russians. But considering the U.S. still sends recon planes near its shores and China hasn't done anything since tells us something. They don't want to repeat that mistake. Lost of another plane and pilot with stupidity.

But thats the point.. if push comes to shove, they will . After all martyrdom is more precious for morale of nation than just plain words of diplomacy.
China lost one pilot life but China gain much more, they detain the recon airplane and strip it bare to study how US spy on China. China won't shoot down any airplane but they will collide with other airplane if those airplane not take China warning seriously.

Technology has advanced that it becomes negligible. And we haven't had anymore plane collisions since then even though we still send recon planes there. Guess China doesn't want us to take their warning seriously enough.

But thats the point.. if push comes to shove, they will . After all martyrdom is more precious for morale of nation than just plain words of diplomacy.

He didn't ask for it. And they haven't done anything like it since. Are they going to imitate the Kamikaze of the Japanese now?
Technology has advanced that it becomes negligible. And we haven't had anymore plane collisions since then even though we still send recon planes there. Guess China doesn't want us to take their warning seriously enough.

He didn't ask for it. And they haven't done anything like it since. Are they going to imitate the Kamikaze of the Japanese now?

China never fearful of the US. Even the backward Viet Cong with the help of China and Russia forced US to withdraw from Viet Nam, China is a different beast all together.
China never fearful of the US. Even the backward Viet Cong with the help of China and Russia forced US to withdraw from Viet Nam, China is a different beast all together.

Says the country that has yet to invade Taiwan even though its military forces are hardly able to provide the deterrence against China's massive forces? But if you want to use another example in comparison, we ain't fearful of Russia when it was at its peak during the Afghan War which forced it out of the country by supporting the Mujahadeen.
Says the country that has yet to invade Taiwan even though its military forces are hardly able to provide the deterrence against China's massive forces? But if you want to use another example in comparison, we ain't fearful of Russia when it was at its peak during the Afghan War which forced it out of the country by supporting the Mujahadeen.

Taiwan are Chinese? what make you think China one day not retake Taiwan? Tell Taiwan to declare independence and you will see how China respond to Taiwan declaration.
Taiwan are Chinese? what make you think China one day not retake Taiwan? Tell Taiwan to declare independence and you will see how China respond to Taiwan declaration.

I don't care if Taiwan hasn't declared independence, its not theirs to control otherwise they wouldn't be pointing hundreds of missiles right now.
Al Quida created by the CIA to fight the Soviet and flew commercial airplane into the Twin Tower, and Pentagon, after 10 yrs of fighting the Taliban and Al Quida, these rag tag army still strong and never defeated, Taliban continue suicide bombing the US base, after 2 trillions dollars wasted Al Quida not just strong they spread through out the middle east.
I don't care if Taiwan hasn't declared independence, its not theirs to control otherwise they wouldn't be pointing hundreds of missiles right now.
It's the status quo China is trying to maintain between Taiwan and the Mainland. If you didn't know, Taiwan claims the whole of China as hers and vice versa. The most wonderful thing about China is, it regards Taiwan as a renegade province and is willing to bear up with Taiwans shenanigans. Too bad some Taiwanese don't seem to see the Big Picture.
Recently, quite a lot of Taiwanese I've spoken to wishes for a peaceful reunification. One of them had even had said, "If given a chance, I'd fight for the mainland". Therefore, things are going in the right direction as expected.
How did a slow moving LST able to move quick enough to intercept and stop right in front of a fast moving cruiser in open sea? Something is not right, the cruiser with its aegis radar can spot the 4000 tonnes LST hundreds of miles away unless USS Cowpens was playing the old cold war game again.

Remind me of the lighthouse joke

Lighthouse Joke

We don't know if it's true, it came directly from one mail list, but� funny is for sure!

This is the actual radio conversation (released by the chief of naval operations) of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995.

CANADIANS: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision"

AMERICANS: "Recommend YOU divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision"

CANADIANS: "Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision"

AMERICANS: "This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course"

CANADIANS: "No, I say again, you divert your course"

AMERICANS: "This is the Aircraft Carrier USS LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied with three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north. I say again, that's one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship"

CANADIANS: "This is a LIGHTHOUSE. Your call"
Debunked by snopes
China lost one pilot life but China gain much more, they detain the recon airplane and strip it bare to study how US spy on China. China won't shoot down any airplane but they will collide with other airplane if those airplane not take China warning seriously.
That is very stupid.
Its not good for China to bully US now, they should avoid confrontation and hostilities with any other country atleast for next decade until it become extremely necessary. They should continue their peaceful growth of soft power with building their armed forces until they are close to US at least 18 out of 20.
It turned out the guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was in the vicinity of the China's new aircraft carrier Liaoning, spying on her.

How would you like it if some punk gawking on you or your girlfriend at the bus stop (a public place "an international water")?

I would come up to him and tell him to piss off.

That's exactly what PLAN did. Who'd blame them.
China won't shoot down any airplane but they will collide with other airplane if those airplane not take China warning seriously.

If you think that pilot hit the plane so it would land in China and thus could be stripped bare you are dreaming. The Chinese pilot was very well known. He had flown very close before. They have previous video of him. The problem was the turboprop US plane was flying so slow (I'm sure they intentionally cut speed when they saw him) his jet had trouble staying beside it. He'd be nosing up trying to cut speed. Unfortunately he slammed into the wing sending both planes into a death spiral. The US pilot managed to pull out with a messed up plane.
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