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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

According to your logic, are you saying it's okay if I stand on a pavement peeping right into your house and then say, I am on public property and have every right to do what I want?

Technically speaking, if you keep moving along on the sidewalk and does not stop, you does not break any law by walking and peeping inside a house on a public sidewalk. There is a reason why a public sidewalk is spaced so far from your front yard and your house, that is people are allowed to walk around do whatever they want while you maintain your maximum privacy, if that's still a problem for your privacy, try grow some tree in your front yard.

However, if you stop and peep, then you are loitering, and that's illegal.

As you said yourself, it take quite distance for a ship to stop. It is not like the PLAN LST magically appeared and stopped right in front of it, the US ship knows where the LST was heading and did not change course or take any action until the LST stopped in front of it. This game of Chicken has been played for a long time between USN and USSR's, mainly with submarines, and don't tell me there was no serious incident either. Here I am not saying that USN did anythng wrong, but so did PLAN. You can blame someone being rude when you are spying someone's property right in front someone else's door steps with let's call it an unfriendly intention.

lol, you ever heard of "Constant Bearing, Decrease Range (CBDR)"?

In naval and martime term, any ship that's follow its constant bearing HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. In this senario, the US Ship does not change course nor decrease speed, they have the right of way to proceed. Any ship that intented to incept the constant bearing ship course must wait until the Signal from the constant bearing ship to pass before intercepting course.

In this case, the Chinese LST Break formation and head toward the US Ship, US ship have not alter their original course and in this case, the Chinese ship should have stopped and wait for the ship to pass and then merge course.

This is a common seamanship that seaman in the world uses to prevent collision, unless you are saying Chinese Sailor are excepted from this international seamanship and the seamancraft does not apply to Chinese Sailor.
Technically speaking, if you keep moving along on the sidewalk and does not stop, you does not break any law by walking and peeping inside a house on a public sidewalk. There is a reason why a public sidewalk is spaced so far from your front yard and your house, that is people are allowed to walk around do whatever they want while you maintain your maximum privacy, if that's still a problem for your privacy, try grow some tree in your front yard.

However, if you stop and peep, then you are loitering, and that's illegal.

lol, you ever heard of "Constant Bearing, Decrease Range (CBDR)"?

In naval and martime term, any ship that's follow its constant bearing HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. In this senario, the US Ship does not change course nor decrease speed, they have the right of way to proceed. Any ship that intented to incept the constant bearing ship course must wait until the Signal from the constant bearing ship to pass before intercepting course.

In this case, the Chinese LST Break formation and head toward the US Ship, US ship have not alter their original course and in this case, the Chinese ship should have stopped and wait for the ship to pass and then merge course.

This is a common seamanship that seaman in the world uses to prevent collision, unless you are saying Chinese Sailor are excepted from this international seamanship and the seamancraft does not apply to Chinese Sailor.[/qu

China warning US navy not spy on them or risk being collide with each other and both ship sink to the bottom of the ocean. China willing to risk their ship and seaman life to stop the US navy spook around their aircraft carrier.
Go fight him and defend your manhood, he challenge you to the fight.

You need to ask him to ask the CCP for an exit visa first, then he can come to Australia and challenge me, if he want to challenge me. Or if he perfer, he can send me a ticket to go to China and fight him if he want, i won't say no to that

But i would say no if i have to be out of pocket and doing these kind of stuff as stupid as he think. Cause fighting another dude is already stupid enough, paying money to fight some one is simply, one word, dumb

Otherwise, bohoo.....Nothing happened.

China warning US navy not spy on them or risk being collide with each other and both ship sink to the bottom of the ocean. China willing to risk their ship and seaman life to stop the US navy spook around their aircraft carrier.

lol ram us, i don't care, if you can :) You are not the first one to do so, we have our ship rammed at, shot at even blowed a big hole in Yemen.

No one in America will stop chinese from hurting themselves and looking stupid at the same time lol....

Really, do it, and hurry :)
You hold Chinese citizen, you can easy comeback to China and fight him, no need to wait for him to get a visa and come to Australia to fight you.
I think it is very obvious WHO initiate the incident, China simply exercise her right to defend herself, and now China is the bully?

US is the superpower, well at least American has this idea of us exceptionalism. Therefore they insist on this right of "freedom of navigation".

Why? because they have the military muscle to stop others from doing the same to them.

"freedom of navigation" is a euphemism that would mean that the militarily strong has the freedom or right to bully the weak.
You need to ask him to ask the CCP for an exit visa first, then he can come to Australia and challenge me, if he want to challenge me. Or if he perfer, he can send me a ticket to go to China and fight him if he want, i won't say no to that

But i would say no if i have to be out of pocket and doing these kind of stuff as stupid as he think. Cause fighting another dude is already stupid enough, paying money to fight some one is simply, one word, dumb

Otherwise, bohoo.....Nothing happened.

lol ram us, i don't care, if you can :) You are not the first one to do so, we have our ship rammed at, shot at even blowed a big hole in Yemen.

No one in America will stop chinese from hurting themselves and looking stupid at the same time lol....

Really, do it, and hurry :)

China did flight their fighter jet and collide with US spy plane once, they wasn't playing chicken and they won't play chicken now, both US ship and China ship are the same size, both collide will sink both ship to the ocean.
You hold Chinese citizen, you can easy comeback to China and fight him, no need to wait for him to get a visa and come to Australia to fight you.

yeah but i am not stupid enough to pay for my airfare just becasue HE want to fight me.

If i want to fight him, i will get my own airfare, but if he want to, he will need to come here.

China did flight their fighter jet and collide with US spy plane once, they wasn't playing chicken and they won't play chicken now, both US ship and China ship are the same size, both collide will sink both ship to the ocean.

lol, i would really want to see how a 9600 tons cruiser got sunk to the bottom of the ocean by a mere 6500 tons Destroyer.

Anything bigger than 9600 tons (eg an Aircraft Carrier) will not be as nimble as a cruiser or destroyer. Then the chance of you can literally hit the US Navy ship is not good. Beside our ship comes in different sizes. range from 8600 tons -Destroyer, 9600 tons - Cruiser, 45,000 tons - LHD to 106,000 tons aircraft carrier. You probably need to ram all your PLAN ship to sink one of our carrier. lol

I think it is very obvious WHO initiate the incident, China simply exercise her right to defend herself, and now China is the bully?

US is the superpower, well at least American has this idea of us exceptionalism. Therefore they insist on this right of "freedom of navigation".

Why? because they have the military muscle to stop others from doing the same to them.

"freedom of navigation" is a euphemism that would mean that the militarily strong has the freedom or right to bully the weak.

So, you propose to the world to "RAM AT WILL" in the international shipping lane as long as your are big??

An Chinese Container ship blow their foghorn on a fishing boat (GET OUT OF THE WAY OR I WILL RAM YOU) the right of way is whoever that's big.

WOW, welcome to the Chaos..lol

Would you rather the chinese be rammed? :lol:

lol he./she purpose we should RAM AT WILL in international sealane regardless of your own origin or intention. The world is going into a chao, so what would you think??
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yeah but i am not stupid enough to pay for my airfare just becasue HE want to fight me.

If i want to fight him, i will get my own airfare, but if he want to, he will need to come here.

lol, i would really want to see how a 9600 tons cruiser got sunk to the bottom of the ocean by a mere 6500 tons Destroyer.

Anything bigger than 9600 tons (eg an Aircraft Carrier) will not be as nimble as a cruiser or destroyer. Then the chance of you can literally hit the US Navy ship is not good. Beside our ship comes in different sizes. range from 8600 tons -Destroyer, 9600 tons - Cruiser, 45,000 tons - LHD to 106,000 tons aircraft carrier. You probably need to ram all your PLAN ship to sink one of our carrier. lol

So, you propose to the world to "RAM AT WILL" in the international shipping lane as long as your are big??

An Chinese Container ship blow their foghorn on a fishing boat (GET OUT OF THE WAY OR I WILL RAM YOU) the right of way is whoever that's big.

WOW, welcome to the Chaos..lol

Titanic 10,000 ton ship sunk deep in the ocean when it ran over some cock, anything possible and accident happen when there are 2 ships occupy at the same place in the ocean.

rock not cock
Titanic 10,000 ton ship sunk deep in the ocean when it ran over some cock, anything possible and accident happen when there are 2 ships occupy at the same place in the ocean.

rock not cock

First of all, Titanic is not 10,000 tons, they are 52,000 tons

Second of all, Titanic is a ship build in the 1900s

Third of all, Titanic does not have compartmentalised ships hull, nor bulkhead.

and Lastly, Titanic is not an Navy ship.

Do you know the hull of a los angeles class submarine is designed to break the ice in the artics in case a launch of nuclear missile. the same iceberg that sunk the titanic.

Some warship were actually decided to ram others.......

Mate, you know so little about naval technology....

First of all, Titanic is not 10,000 tons, they are 52,000 tons

Second of all, Titanic is a ship build in the 1900s

Third of all, Titanic does not have compartmentalised ships hull, nor bulkhead.

and Lastly, Titanic is not an Navy ship.

Do you know the hull of a los angeles class submarine is designed to break the ice in the artics in case a launch of nuclear missile. the same iceberg that sunk the titanic.

Some warship were actually decided to ram others.......

Mate, you know so little about naval technology....


If US navy ship construct to ramp other ship, why wouldn't US ramp China ship and sunk it in the middle of the ocean?

US navy lost their chance to show the world how US ship specially construct to be able to sunk other ship head on, now no one will ever know the true capacity of spearhead ramming of the US naval fleet.
Technically speaking, if you keep moving along on the sidewalk and does not stop, you does not break any law by walking and peeping inside a house on a public sidewalk. There is a reason why a public sidewalk is spaced so far from your front yard and your house, that is people are allowed to walk around do whatever they want while you maintain your maximum privacy, if that's still a problem for your privacy, try grow some tree in your front yard.

However, if you stop and peep, then you are loitering, and that's illegal.

lol, you ever heard of "Constant Bearing, Decrease Range (CBDR)"?

In naval and martime term, any ship that's follow its constant bearing HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. In this senario, the US Ship does not change course nor decrease speed, they have the right of way to proceed. Any ship that intented to incept the constant bearing ship course must wait until the Signal from the constant bearing ship to pass before intercepting course.

In this case, the Chinese LST Break formation and head toward the US Ship, US ship have not alter their original course and in this case, the Chinese ship should have stopped and wait for the ship to pass and then merge course.

This is a common seamanship that seaman in the world uses to prevent collision, unless you are saying Chinese Sailor are excepted from this international seamanship and the seamancraft does not apply to Chinese Sailor.
Sure, US Destroyer's constant bearing just happened to be on the same path of Liaoning CV, and th PLAN LST should move out of the way so it could have a better look at the PLAN's carrier operation.

As for your claim of USN has some kind of respect for boundries, do you remember USS Caron incident in 1988?
Read post #76. Yes the plane was chopped into pieces. That is normal protocol. The US and Russian's do that to each others stuff. You really think some government is going to allow some other countries military onto a secure base to take off in a military spy plane? Yeah right! Its chopped into pieces and put on a transport plane.
He should read this.

Viktor Belenko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Man other imperial move by china
Non of your business. Why not spend more on saving your people from destructive disaster instead of trolling here for non sense?

No matter how you boot lick American daddy's arse, you still live within the sphere of Chinese power.

We have saved accumulated 5000people life until then. No thanks from you?
Technically speaking, if you keep moving along on the sidewalk and does not stop,
Technically speaking, one who sets up tents at a neighbors house and keeps walking back and forth right in front of your house is calling for trouble, right?

If i want to fight him, i will get my own airfare, but if he want to, he will need to come here.
Well, you said it! Need I say more?
Technically speaking, if you keep moving along on the sidewalk and does not stop, you does not break any law by walking and peeping inside a house on a public sidewalk. There is a reason why a public sidewalk is spaced so far from your front yard and your house, that is people are allowed to walk around do whatever they want while you maintain your maximum privacy, if that's still a problem for your privacy, try grow some tree in your front yard.

Also technically speaking there is something called stalking, and it is what can be the prefectly discription of what USA was doing. If this is any civil case, it is prefectly normal to file a restrain order legally.
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