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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

It turned out the guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens was in the vicinity of the China's new aircraft carrier Liaoning, spying on her.

That's exactly what PLAN did. Who'd blame them.

I like your thinking...the next time a Chinese sub surfaces near a US carrier group in International waters she should be rammed and sent to the bottom! We should alert all US carrier Captains of you brilliant logic!
@Peter C ^^^

As I understand the US has a ADIZ around every one of its carrier groups. I don't see why China shouldn't have the same.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
@Peter C ^^^

As I understand the US has a ADIZ around every one of its carrier groups. I don't see why China shouldn't have the same.

Are you now saying the US ship was within some ADIZ zone of China's carrier group BUT the Chinese sub was outside the perimeter of the US carrier group and thus shouldn't be rammed.

You aren't going to be able to talk yourself out of this one.
@Peter C ^^^

No that's not what I said. The Chinese navy ship didn't ram any US nay ship. It hailed at it.
The US navy ships are welcome to hail at any Chinese navy ship if it got too close.

You are overreacting. Calm down.
@Peter C ^^^

You are overreacting. Calm down.

Um your the one with bus stop analogy. Maybe you need calming down.

Ships hail each other and shadow each other all the time.
Crossing the bow trying to cause a collision is a little more than hailing. The US ship had to come to a full stop. It was a little more than normal routine.
@Peter C ^^^ You don't know exactly what happened. Neither do I.

There are many versions of this story and opinions.

There was no ramming until it made contact.

Too many brass balls, too little brain.
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I wonder what will happen when China has the capability to sail a carrier to open waters near New England or California, lol.
Are you now saying the US ship was within some ADIZ zone of China's carrier group BUT the Chinese sub was outside the perimeter of the US carrier group and thus shouldn't be rammed.

You aren't going to be able to talk yourself out of this one.

Wasn't US spy plane forced landing on China territory after the accident? Wasn't the plane stripping bare to it structure after return to the US, this isn't my dream up scenarios but it a mere fact of what happen after the accident that brought down US spy plane.
Wasn't US spy plane forced landing on China territory after the accident? Wasn't the plane stripping bare to it structure after return to the US, this isn't my dream up scenarios but it a mere fact of what happen after the accident that brought down US spy plane.

Read post #76. Yes the plane was chopped into pieces. That is normal protocol. The US and Russian's do that to each others stuff. You really think some government is going to allow some other countries military onto a secure base to take off in a military spy plane? Yeah right! Its chopped into pieces and put on a transport plane.
Read post #76. Yes the plane was chopped into pieces. That is normal protocol. The US and Russian's do that to each others stuff. You really think some government is going to allow some other countries military onto a secure base to take off in a military spy plane? Yeah right! Its chopped into pieces and put on a transport plane.

Whatever you said that doesn't change the fact of the plane being naked and handed back to the US.
Whatever you said that doesn't change the fact of the plane being naked and handed back to the US.

And what was the other option...ditch in the sea and have the Chinese secretly bring it the surface and never say they found it?
The fact is that you live in hell. One on one i can deal you with my fist, try some Chinese Kongfu?

I may be an officer in the US Army, so i am presumed to be a gentleman or a bit slow on the up take, but is this a personal threat??
I may be an officer in the US Army, so i am presumed to be a gentleman or a bit slow on the up take, but is this a personal threat??

Go fight him and defend your manhood, he challenge you to the fight.
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