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U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

I'm pretty sure the Chinese were warning the carrier to go back, or maybe somehow the submarine popped up near a carrier, which would be coincidence.

Well thats pretty stupid. Defies the logic of stealth. Can use other platforms to warn them. Which it didn't anyways.
The VERY fact that the Chinese hailed the US ship is good enough for me. Now the Muerika will have to look at their back, front, sideways when they transit thru those waters.

You mean play tag like the Russians did. This is nothing new.
US Naval officials have confirmed US cruiser was forced to change course to avoid collision with Chinese ship,

US Blink ?

In other words he went around him. No captain is stupid enough to charge towards the ship. He will lose his command. And the purpose by the Chinese was to stop him which it failed. Probably wanted to board him and take over the ship.
China not someone US can push around without the consequence of being punch in the face and get a bloody nose, push around the Indian and you have Gandhi on his knee and beg for mercy.
China not someone US can push around without the consequence of being punch in the face and get a bloody nose, push around the Indian and you have Gandhi on his knee and beg for mercy.

No, they will faint first.

S Balachandran, a diplomat at the Indian Consulate in Shanghai was rushed to hospital when he fainted after being "manhandled" by the crowd that tried to snatch two kidnapped Indians who clung to him. The incident happened when he was leaving the court after prolonged negotiations on the night of December 31.
How did a slow moving LST able to move quick enough to intercept and stop right in front of a fast moving cruiser in open sea? Something is not right, the cruiser with its aegis radar can spot the 4000 tonnes LST hundreds of miles away unless USS Cowpens was playing the old cold war game again.

Remind me of the lighthouse joke

Lighthouse Joke

We don't know if it's true, it came directly from one mail list, but� funny is for sure!

This is the actual radio conversation (released by the chief of naval operations) of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995.

CANADIANS: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision"

AMERICANS: "Recommend YOU divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision"

CANADIANS: "Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision"

AMERICANS: "This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course"

CANADIANS: "No, I say again, you divert your course"

AMERICANS: "This is the Aircraft Carrier USS LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied with three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north. I say again, that's one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship"

CANADIANS: "This is a LIGHTHOUSE. Your call"
Let me post two maps for the trolls.

Beidou Navigation Satellite System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I'm pretty sure the Chinese were warning the carrier to go back, or maybe somehow the submarine popped up near a carrier, which would be coincidence.

To warn they would have gone on active sonar (even just to show they have penetrated the escort) which would have been easily picked up by US CBG. However if they did it to thumb their noses at US carrier its a great achievement but just by 'popping up' there's no thumbing. Recall the incident as reported in Chinese media of 2 PLAN surface ships having "cornered" a tailing Kilo of Indian Navy off the Gulf of Aden in 2009. Supposedly the Chinese also sent an ASW Helicopter to 'corner' a submarine! That was a face saver. The Indian sub surfaced, hoisted the tricolor in full ceremony surfacing near the ships and then went along. That was an 'in your face' maneuver.
In other words he went around him. No captain is stupid enough to charge towards the ship. He will lose his command. And the purpose by the Chinese was to stop him which it failed. Probably wanted to board him and take over the ship.

Another version by CNN.

U.S., Chinese warships come dangerously close
By Barbara Starr

A confrontation between the U.S. and Chinese navies led to a tense moment in the South China Sea, CNN has learned.

The incident last Friday, which was resolved peacefully, was the latest sign of Chinese military aggression in international waters and airspace.

A U.S. Navy warship was forced to come to a sudden stop when a Chinese military ship crossed dangerously close in what sources described as a deliberate maneuver.

No weapons were fired and the incident was resolved.

A senior U.S. Navy official described it as a highly unusual encounter because the Chinese ship came so close to the American vessel, the USS Cowpens, a guided missile cruiser.

Several U.S. military officials confirmed details of the incident, which has just come to light.

The Cowpens was in international waters when one ship from a group of Chinese Navy vessels headed toward it. The Chinese ship failed to stop, even after being warned by radio from the Cowpens that it was getting too close.

According to the Navy official, the Cowpens commanding officer issued orders for an "all stop" when the Chinese ship was less than 500 yards off its bow.

"It is unusual to have to take evasive action at sea to avoid a collision," the official said.

While naval vessels often come close as they are observing each other, the United States sees this incident as one that could have led to a collision because of the time and distance it takes for an American warship to stop.

Post by: CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr
No, they will faint first.

S Balachandran, a diplomat at the Indian Consulate in Shanghai was rushed to hospital when he fainted after being "manhandled" by the crowd that tried to snatch two kidnapped Indians who clung to him. The incident happened when he was leaving the court after prolonged negotiations on the night of December 31.

tell me about it. chinese arnt exactly known for civilized behavior
S Balachandran, 46, a diabetic, was attending a court hearing in Yiwu city near Shanghai on December 31 when he fainted after being denied permission to go out of the courtroom till the proceedings were over.
Balachandran had gone to the court in connection with a case related to the kidnapping of two Indian traders.
Sources said Zhang was told that since Balachandran was a diabetic, he required regular intake of food and should have been allowed access to it.
Diplomat ill-treated in Shanghai, India protests to China - Rediff.com India News
Indian diplomat S Balachandran attacked in court by Chinese traders - Economic Times
Diplomat S Balachandran manhandled in China, New Delhi lodges protests - Economic Times
Nothing new, only a game rule on international waters, China Liaoning carrier group from North Sea to South Sea base Sanya, then U.S. cruiser came , follow and detected, too close, then one China ship stoped in frond of US cruiser and forced it no too close; it's international water, you can pass freely and I can stop freely, nothing new!
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