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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Then why did they suspend it? There'd been some harsh criticisms from the top levels. Why?

PR embarrassment on being outed and made a big deal of by giving various spins on it.

We had this shoo sha in India yesterday. About a cartoon from Independence time.

Happily present in NCERT books for over half a decade - till people choose to make a big song and dance about it.
Then why did they suspend it? There'd been some harsh criticisms from the top levels. Why?

Because the objections of a student require that an investigation be carried out. Add in a little political grandstanding, and there you have it.
If USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, you betcha there would be such a course too.

I wouldn't proclaim that too loudly in the US if I were you. We might tolerate your excesses here on this forum but, if you made such a racist generalization in the US, you would be "excused" from polite company.

The subtext that you refer to is only arising from your own persecution complexes.

Sure, escape to labels when you cannot refute the issue itself. The only rationale for collective punishment is the belief that the people so targeted have the power to stop the enemy fighters; i.e. the Muslim "world" is supporting the terrorists. Again, this is not my "complex"; the comments on this very thread make that claim: about Muslims at large being at fault for this situation.

The exact same generalization used to be made of other groups in the past: Italians, Jews, blacks. Oops, I see you resurrected that last generalization, given your earlier comment about Somali pirates.
If it comes down to a Crusades type situation, 300 million Americans will not be alone.

You would probably be polarizing the world into the 2.2+ billion Christians.

This would include all of Europe. All of Russia.

IF you gave a religious flavor to this.

You highly overestimate. 1.6 billion is more like it.

Obviously, that's why they would be crusades, I'm saying America would trigger it.
Secondly, something close to that figure.
The exact same generalization used to be made of other groups in the past: Italians, Jews, blacks. Oops, I see you resurrected that last generalization, given your earlier comment about Somali pirates.

What "racist generalization" did I make about Somali pirates by saying this?

"If USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, you betcha there would be such a course too."

You mean political correctness?

No, I meant grandstanding by politicians.
Obviously, that's why they would be crusades, I'm saying America would trigger it.
Secondly, something close to that figure.

How can there be the Crusades when major portions of western societies are clearly in their post-Christianity phase?
What "racist generalization" did I make about Somali pirates by saying this?

"If USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, you betcha there would be such a course too."

In reply to my statement:

Do you suppose there is a course at JFSC that "presents an alternative point of view" to nuke major population centers in Africa to discourage Somali pirates?

You wrote:

If USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, you betcha there would be such a course too.

Now, if you still don't see why nuking major population centers in Africa is NOT the proper response to Somali piracy, then I can't help you.
Obviously, that's why they would be crusades, I'm saying America would trigger it.
Secondly, something close to that figure.

I'm a little disappointed. Did not take you for one the War of the Civilizations kinda guys.

Firstly, most sources put world Muslim population at 1.6 billion. There is a big difference between 1.6 billion and 2 billion as well.

Christians at 2.2 billion.

Hindus at 1-1.2 billion (this surprised me)

The next two largest groups (besidfes the atheists/agnostics at 1.1 billion) are

Shintoism (Chinese) 400 million

Buddhism 400 million

Secondly, in a war at this scale in today's world, numbers are going to count for squat.

A few well placed nukes on Day 1 and it will be all over for the next few centuries.

What does the Muslim world have to fight back with if it comes to that? 100 odd nukes - which don't go further than 2500 kms?

Versus the combined heft of close to or over 3000 still stockpiled in the Christian world.

All of which can reach all pockets of the Muslim world.

Just putting things in perspective. Before this discussion invites the real loonies out here.
Now, if you still don't see why nuking major population centers in Africa is NOT the proper response to Somali piracy, then I can't help you.

Did you notice the first word in my statement? IF.

As in IF USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, there would be courses looking at all scenarios, including a course on major nuclear deployment.

Merely logical. I still don't see how you can accuse that rationale of racism against Somalis or anyone else.
How can there be the Crusades when major portions of western societies are clearly in their post-Christianity phase?

I did not literally mean that armies with huge gold crucifix would run into each other with swords, trying to seek favour with a God that is probably cursing their stupidity. I meant it in a thoroughly hypothetical manner, drawing a parallel between a Western Society vs The Muslim World War.
I did not literally mean that armies with huge gold crucifix would run into each other with swords, trying to seek favour with a God that is probably cursing their stupidity. I meant it in a thoroughly hypothetical manner, drawing a parallel between a Western Society vs The Muslim World War.

I see your point better now.
I'm a little disappointed. Did not take you for one the War of the Civilizations kinda guys.

I am not, however being a COIN Analyst, It is a part of my job to think like any person, entity, organization, country and then draft policy on how best to nullify the enemy's advantage. Right now, I was analysing the situation from a typical muslim's PoV. He's not going to tolerate this, even the most liberal ones will rise up against this act (Which will probably be no more than an a scenario for Think Tanks to ponder over).

Firstly, most sources put world Muslim population at 1.6 billion. There is a big difference between 1.6 billion and 2 billion as well.

Christians at 2.2 billion.

Hindus at 1-1.2 billion (this surprised me)

The next two largest groups (besidfes the atheists/agnostics at 1.1 billion) are

Shintoism (Chinese) 400 million

Buddhism 400 million

Secondly, in a war at this scale in today's world, numbers are going to count for squat.

A few well placed nukes on Day 1 and it will be all over for the next few centuries.

What does the Muslim world have to fight back with if it comes to that? 100 odd nukes - which don't go further than 2500 kms?

Versus the combined heft of close to or over 3000 still stockpiled in the Christian world.

All of which can reach all pockets of the Muslim world.

Just putting things in perspective. Before this discussion invites the real loonies out here.

Point Taken, however, you will need some solid common ground to get the Chinese, Hindus and Buddhists on board in this case, I would say even other Western countries might try and dissociate themselves from America under such circumstances to stop their domestic muslim population from going into a manic fit of destructive rage.

*This discussion is from a purely hypothetical PoV, I do not believe that the US would risk such a move in the first place*
Did you notice the first word in my statement? IF.

As in IF USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, there would be courses looking at all scenarios, including a course on major nuclear deployment.

Merely logical. I still don't see how you can accuse that rationale of racism against Somalis or anyone else.

It rationalizes collective generalization on two fronts:

First, it says that if Somali pirates do XYZ, then we will nuke a million blacks in Africa. Doesn't matter if these other blacks have anything to do with the pirates. This black, that black, doesn't matter. As long as we kill a million of "them", that's all that matters.

Secondly, it presupposes that black people form a collective conspiracy; that threatening a million blacks here will dissuade the Somali pirates there from their activities. In other words, it holds random blacks hundreds of miles away hostage to the actions of some criminals.

In the same way this course promotes the notion that punishing Muslims as a whole will form a credible deterrent against terrorism.

P.S. Anyway, let's drop it. Since I don't believe you are racist, I know that you made the statement only as a thoughtless remark.
I think Vchang also got electrolytes...... he is a genius because he got electrolytes.
some people will get my point
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