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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

*This discussion is from a purely hypothetical PoV, I do not believe that the US would risk such a move in the first place*

I wish other people would also understand what this statement of yours means!
It rationalizes collective generalization on two fronts:

First, it says that if Somali pirates do XYZ, then we will nuke a million blacks in Africa. Doesn't matter if these other blacks have anything to do with the pirates. This black, that black, doesn't matter. As long as we kill a million of "them", that's all that matters.

Secondly, it presupposes that black people form a collective conspiracy; that threatening a million blacks here will dissuade the Somali pirates there from their activities. In other words, it holds random blacks hundreds of miles away hostage to the actions of some criminals.

In the same way this course promotes the notion that punishing Muslims as a whole will form a credible deterrent against terrorism.

Not at all.

It merely shows that if one is in a long war, one must think out all possible scenarios.

That is all.

The course merely presented one point of view; it does not promote anything.
Did you notice the first word in my statement? IF.

As in IF USA were in a trillion dollar ten year war with the Somali pirates, there would be courses looking at all scenarios, including a course on major nuclear deployment.

Merely logical. I still don't see how you can accuse that rationale of racism against Somalis or anyone else.
How does a US war against a band of pirates (or group of terrorists) justify 'studying' the annihilation of entire African/Muslim nations?

That argument would be the equivalent to 'studying' nuking most of Latin America given the 'war on drugs' for all these decades and the significantly higher casualties and socio-economic damage resulting from drug related trade and crime, compared to casualties and damages from piracy/terrorism.

Or, perhaps 'study' nuking low income/crime infested black/Latino neighborhoods in the US as well...
US suspends 'war on Islam' military course

"They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit ,"
the instructor, army Lt Col Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for the course at Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia.

How IRONIC. It is the USA who is FORCING every country out there to accept everything she does in the name of democracy and hates it when you disagree. Like George Bush once said , "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.".
Point Taken, however, you will need some solid common ground to get the Chinese, Hindus and Buddhists on board in this case, I would say even other Western countries might try and dissociate themselves from America under such circumstances to stop their domestic muslim population from going into a manic fit of destructive rage.

3000+ nukes are Christian nations alone. All with proven ICBMs and Cruise missile delivery platforms over decades.

India, China, and even Israel will not get involved. They do not need to. They cannot afford to.

If anything, they will be more bothered by the nuclear fallout. And Pakistanis nuking them in their last gasp death throes.

You other point of civilian populations in this doomsday scenario is null and void. They would be worse than refugees within their own countries. There would be no "manic rage." Just the disassociation of survival.
How does a US war against a band of pirates (or group of terrorists) justify 'studying' the annihilation of entire African/Muslim nations?...........

Comprehension helps: IF the war with Somali pirates took ten years and a trillion dollars...... then studying ALL scenarios including nuclear deployment would be done.

Is that band of pirates that resourceful? No. Hence the rest of it is merely hypothetical.

But of course, the jumping to irrational conclusions is typical for the seniors at DefPk.
It rationalizes collective generalization on two fronts:

First, it says that if Somali pirates do XYZ, then we will nuke a million blacks in Africa. Doesn't matter if these other blacks have anything to do with the pirates. This black, that black, doesn't matter. As long as we kill a million of "them", that's all that matters.

Secondly, it presupposes that black people form a collective conspiracy; that threatening a million blacks here will dissuade the Somali pirates there from their activities. In other words, it holds random blacks hundreds of miles away hostage to the actions of some criminals.

In the same way this course promotes the notion that punishing Muslims as a whole will form a credible deterrent against terrorism.

P.S. Anyway, let's drop it. Since I don't believe you are racist, I know that you made the statement only as a thoughtless remark.

Get a grip before denouncing someone as a racist.

Black people are a race.

Muslims are not.

The word you were looking for was xenophobe.
Comprehension helps: IF the war with Somali pirates took ten years and a trillion dollars...... then studying ALL scenarios including nuclear deployment would be done.
'Comprehension' does help - my comment was made keeping your 'IF' in mind, since even with your 'IF', the argument is the same:
"How does a US war against a band of pirates (or group of terrorists) justify 'studying' the annihilation of entire African/Muslim nations?"
But of course, the jumping to irrational conclusions is typical for the seniors at DefPk.
Not at all, what is 'typical' are your circular arguments and distorted logic ...

So, where is the study on nuking Latin America given the decades of 'war on drugs' and countless deaths, crime and resources spent because of it?

Get a grip before denouncing someone as a racist.

Black people are a race.

Muslims are not.

The word you were looking for was xenophobe.
Semantics - I believe he got his point across ...
3000+ nukes are Christian nations alone. All with proven ICBMs and Cruise missile delivery platforms over decades.

India, China, and even Israel will not get involved. They do not need to. They cannot afford to.

If anything, they will be more bothered by the nuclear fallout. And Pakistanis nuking them in their last gasp death throes.

You other point of civilian populations in this doomsday scenario is null and void. They would be worse than refugees within their own countries. There would be no "manic rage." Just the disassociation of survival.

Well, my friend we just reached the point that Einstein mentioned in his famous quote:

"I don't know what WWIII will be fought with but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones"

In a universe that we just imagined, the war, should it go nuclear, will result in Nuclear Holocaust and there will be more casualties from the post-Nuke Det radiation then from the explosions themselves, crops will fail, radiation poisoning will spread, economies will collapse, international market will be in ruin, the fuel supply will be reduced to a trickle (We just nuked the Iranians/Saudis), society as we know it will collapse and there will be anarchy. Like I said, we would be thrown back into the middle ages.
Drug War Clock | DrugSense

$15 trillion and counting...

Get a grip before denouncing someone as a racist.

Black people are a race.

Muslims are not.

The word you were looking for was xenophobe.

No, the word is racist. Read the posts in context.

I gave the analogy of black Somali pirates and the nuking of random African cities as a deterrent. The generalization in that case was racial (as in all blacks are interchangeable).

The generalization against Muslims is characterized as bigotry.
Well, my friend we just reached the point that Einstein mentioned in his famous quote:

"I don't know what WWIII will be fought with but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones"

In a universe that we just imagined, the war, should it go nuclear, will result in Nuclear Holocaust and there will be more casualties from the post-Nuke Det radiation then from the explosions themselves, crops will fail, radiation poisoning will spread, economies will collapse, international market will be in ruin, the fuel supply will be reduced to a trickle (We just nuked the Iranians/Saudis), society as we know it will collapse and there will be anarchy. Like I said, we would be thrown back into the middle ages.

This Nuclear Winter is past its sell by date and has been debunked by many experts who specialize in nuclear targetting and weapon yields.

It is said that all nuclear weapons detonated together are still not enough to destroy the earth.

Yes, there will be widspread death and famine.

But look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They are thriving cities with clean air and abundant flora and fauna. Its like nothing happened.

Please remember what we are discussing here is strictly not WWIII.

It is the Crusades in the modern world.

Non-muslims and non-christians are not going to get involved.

Do you know its possible to kill millions without damaging the oil fields?

Do you also know that there are huge oil deposits the Christian world sits on waiting for the Gulf oil to run out?
One elective course that presents an alternative point of view is "indefensible"? Officers should develop skills necessary to critically evaluate what needs to be done. If one course says "Kill 'em all and nuke Mecca!" they go away knowing that "No, we can't kill them all, and there is no point in nuking Mecca". The course served its purpose well.

Even Americans are not defending it Cheng. What is the matter with you mate
Even Americans are not defending it Cheng. What is the matter with you mate

Saying what is correct is never a popularity contest.

I do not temper or influence my positions by who is on what side or which way the wind is blowing.

This is called independent thought. Try it some time. You, and most others here, may find it liberating.
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