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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

First of all lets piss on the source.

It should be clear that Jew lobby control's US & they are waging all this war only Islamic countries for Greater Israel. All of this was already told by our Prophet Mushammed (P.B.U.H) & it is happening but unfortunately as the time passed by Muslims have completely rejected this & are lost in there own world of fiction & lies. Young generation Muslims are totally off track &have no idea what Islam is all about.

I have met so many young Muslims & Muslims of my age who have absolutely no idea about whats going on in today world & how our Prophet knew all this would actually happen all this.

In short a war has been waged on Muslims & Muslims are all scattered like our Prophet said. We all Muslims who know whats happening & whats the going to happen are waiting for our liberator, our true leader & our true Khalifa who will start Khilafat once again Hazrat Imam Mahdi.

I would like to share this video wit you all the last moments of SalahUddin.

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There is an underlying tone within this war of the crusades, as much as it is denied.. those neo-cons that started it.. thought of nothing else.

It's not just the neocons. As you can see in this thread, it is also the usual Pakistani sycophants as well as the various apologists who are defending this behavior.

As Aryan and others have posted, if Pakistanis or other Muslim governments were officially talking about eliminating other religions, these same apologists would be howling. Yet, here, we seem them excusing American actions as 'understandable'.

I had posted a program clip about the chief chaplain of US forces in Afghanistan and how his troops drove around Afghanistan with a banner 'Jesus killed Mohammad'.

There is a definitively racist and Islamophobic element which is influential in US politics.
I can't see how they can be teaching this as representatives from a number of Muslim countries (KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Azerbaijan, etc) are sent each year to attend the Staff Course at Norfolk. Wouldn't they have objected if this had been taught to them? I think it is a false report but a former alumni can be a more concrete authority on this issue. Chogy is a retired officer, maybe he knows. CENTCOM is a serving officer, he can definitely shed some light on this.
I can't see how they can be teaching this as representatives from a number of Muslim countries (KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Azerbaijan, etc) are sent each year to attend the Staff Course at Norfolk. Wouldn't they have objected if this had been taught to them? I think it is a false report but a former alumni can be a more concrete authority on this issue. Chogy is a retired officer, maybe he knows. CENTCOM is a serving officer, he can definitely shed some light on this.

CENTCOM yesterday confirmed that this course did indeed take place, and that it had been taken off for review and investigation after a student ojected.

So, this did happen.

This was an elective course I think, and maybe the muslims just did not elect for it.
This cannot happen.

The US government and military may think such way but they are not retards to open this to anyone. This won't only give them more hatred from Muslims but even their own people, and their allies would be disgusted.

This is possible though, yet kept highly classified.
Well, we have Muslim extremists.

And there appears to be extremists in the world's most powerful military.

I don't see it ending well.

No pun intended :no:
How quick for you to judge someone without understanding their post.

Now be a good boy and point out where I said "all American's have genocidal thoughts about us".

The matter under discussion is indefensible so the apologists will look for any opening, real or imagined, to divert from the topic.

In the first two pages, I did not see the usual apologists condemn this activity. Instead we are treated to the usual dose of "it's the (moderate) Muslims' own fault; the Muslims also do it; the US/Israel can destroy all Muslims, so what are you going to do about it, etc. etc."
The matter under discussion is indefensible so the apologists will look for any opening, real or imagined, to divert from the topic

I don't know, maybe they don't realise how grave of a thing this is. The media is indoctrinating people to subconsciously hate Muslims; while the top brass of the country that' supposedly fighting extremist terrorists to protect the world is actually teaching it's future jawans that we can pull the plug on the Muslims by nuking their holiest site.
It can hardly be dismissed as accidental or of no concern.
When concerns were raised by a student

But not until then, eh?

Do courses at the JFSC get approved without a review of the course material beforehand?

It's all about "let's see what we can get away with until we get caught", is it?

After repeated incidents of racism and anti-Islam bigotry by active duty personnel, after numerous statements by Clinton and Obama that the US is not at war with Islam, the US military is still in reactive mode?
The matter under discussion is indefensible so the apologists will look for any opening, real or imagined, to divert from the topic.

That is it period I think even most Americans would be embarrassed to defend such outrageous behaviour
I don't know, maybe they don't realise how grave of a thing this is. The media is indoctrinating people to subconsciously hate Muslims; while the top brass of the country that' supposedly fighting extremist terrorists to protect the world is actually teaching it's future jawans that we can pull the plug on the Muslims by nuking their holiest site.
It can hardly be dismissed as accidental or of no concern.

Absolutely. Look at the kind of 'hate ****' that gets them off.

When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened - even when the threat's concocted nonsense - they don't just react, they over-react with stunning ferocity. One of their more-humane (and frequently employed) techniques has been ethnic cleansing.
Europe's Muslims will be lucky just to be deported
America's real defeat at the hand of Al Qaeda has been how it has become a country that promotes such hate.

It takes much more that one elective course at one academy to change a whole country's outlook. Claims of US defeat are premature.

I can't see how they can be teaching this as representatives from a number of Muslim countries (KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Azerbaijan, etc) are sent each year to attend the Staff Course at Norfolk. Wouldn't they have objected if this had been taught to them? I think it is a false report but a former alumni can be a more concrete authority on this issue. Chogy is a retired officer, maybe he knows. CENTCOM is a serving officer, he can definitely shed some light on this.

It was one elective course and in keeping with the need to present all types of scenarios.
I personally actually strongly believe that the West in increasingly at war with radical Islam.

Its more institutionalized in the upper super secret echelons of power in the US.

In Europe its more raw and down and dirty at the people to people level.

Its not a new war either.

Its Utopian to expect that there will be radicals on only one side.

Every force wil be met with a counter-force.

Its the law of nature.
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