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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!

U.S Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: isn't good thing that U.S back Sunnis ( ISIS, Al Qaeda ) that will attack Shia ( Iran ) threat to us ( U.S ) isn't good thing
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Senior Iranian official warns US against any act of aggression


The file photo shows the launch of an Iranian domestically-manufactured missile. (Photo by Tasnim news agency)

A senior military adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned the US against launching any act of aggression against the Islamic Republic, saying the US bases in the region are vulnerable to Iran’s missiles.

“Should the US seek to launch a war against Iran, all of US military bases in the region would become insecure,” Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi (pictured below) said on Wednesday.

Iran is capable of securing its borders with missiles that have a range of up to 2,000 kilometers, he added.


The senior military commander also said the US power was on the decline.

“Despite claims of being a superpower, deployment of warships and expansion of military bases across the globe, the power of the US is vanishing, proof of which is its incapability to put an end to the Syrian conflict and get its own way in that country,” he noted.

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Iran has recently made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in manufacturing important military equipment and warfare.

Tehran has repeatedly maintained that its military power poses no threat to other countries and is based on deterrence only.

هدف قرار گرفتن یک کشتی ائتلاف عربستان در آب‌های یمن
یک منبع آگاه در نیروی دریایی ارتش یمن اعلام کرد با سلاحی پیشرفته یکی از کشتی‌های ائتلاف عربی به رهبری عربستان را در سواحل «المخا» واقع در جنوب غرب «تعز» هدف قرار داده‌اند.
بر اساس گزارش «المسیره»، این منبع آگاه در ادامه اعلام کرد کشتی مذکور دست به اقدامات خصمانه در داخل آب‌های منطقه‌ای یمن می‌زده است. کشتی هدف قرار گرفته شده دهمین کشتی و ناوی است که ارتش و کمیته‌های مردمی آن را هدف قرار می‌دهند؛ علاوه بر این بیش از 10 قایق جنگی نیز تا کنون هدف قرار گرفته‌اند.
انتظار می‌رود نیروی دریایی یمن به زودی بیانیه‌ای در این خصوص صادر کند.
Yemen resistance Ansarullah target and hit Pakistan Gen Raheel Sharif lcd Islamic NATO alliance warship with missile in Red Sea 14/6/2017

Yemeni naval forces have reportedly targeted a Saudi military vessel in a missile attack off the coast of Yemen’s southwestern province of Ta'izz. A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the warship was targeted with a sophisticated guided-missile in waters near the port city of Mukha, situated 346 kilometers south of the capital Sana'a. The source added that the vessel had been carrying out acts of aggression within the territorial waters of Yemen.
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US-Deployed HIMARS Artillery in Syria Could Strike Pro-Gov't Forces - Moscow


Russian MoD confirms US deployment of long-range rocket launchers to Syria


they are crazy if they think they can use it against SAA/Russia/Hezbollah/PMU
I call this a bluff...but with some psychopats in the CIA/Pentagon, who knows what they are planning?

Range: up to 500km


It isn't a bluff, sorry to say. The US wants this to be a loaded gun that is aimed at Iran's/SAA/Hezbollah/PMU land corridor that was just established right above Al-Tanf. How effective it will be still remains to be seen but one things for sure. US won't leave Syria anytime soon and this won't end well.

I'll put it this way. The PMU and SAA and Iran will be fighting the US forces sooner or later since the entire goal of the US in the first place was to work on the behalf of the Gulf Arabs and Israel in curtailing Iran's influence in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq as well as getting a pipeline through Syria on the Gulf Arabs behalf. Possibly if Israeli/US intelligence units get wind of really advanced weapons comings through the newly made corridor, the HIMARS system will be instrumental in shutting that corridor down.

What should be noted is that Iran seems to be trying to create a 3 country strong contiguous Hezbollah (in reality this already set up, with the many Hezbollah type groups in Iraq and Syria plus the one in Lebanon). For the Israelis this is a great threat as it means if Israel attacks Lebanon then it will have to essentially deal with fighters coming from Syria and Iraq as well. Not to mention a every increasing supply of weapons and supplies from the direct source of Iran itself. But for these supplies to be maximized more of the border area between Syria and Iraq must be liberated and controlled and more corridors have to be opened to get more troops and supplies to cross in from Iraq.

US is again on the wrong side (idk depends on your perspective really). But we all know that... (Well whether wrong or right idk, but US is definitely on the side that is losing more than it's winning. That being the FSA units it backs and the rebels it backs have lost nearly all their engagements when fighting the SAA. But the YPG and SDF are good at fighting ISIS in the Raqqa area. But the US will use the Kurds as an instrument of war when ISIS threat has been eliminated.) I would STRONGLY urge the Turkish government to reach an broad ranging understanding with the Iranians and Syrians and Russians that will allow for a Turkey to be added to the Joint military effort due to the high probability of the Kurds becoming the next enemy. If indeed we see a strong destabilizing effort coming from Kurdish factions seeking some sort of independence ( I want to make it clear though, I don't hate the Kurds it just recently the evidence is beginning to suggest if not outright say that Kurds are just another instrument the Israeli/Saudi/USA alliance will use as an attack dog).

Like I said in a previous thread. Iran's gamble on Syria is seeming to pay off in spades. and The human loss on Iran's side for a war going on for about 6 years is actually quite small. The Political capitol is expensive but thats war for you.
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US-Deployed HIMARS Artillery in Syria Could Strike Pro-Gov't Forces - Moscow


Russian MoD confirms US deployment of long-range rocket launchers to Syria


they are crazy if they think they can use it against SAA/Russia/Hezbollah/PMU
I call this a bluff...but with some psychopats in the CIA/Pentagon, who knows what they are planning?

Range: up to 200-300km


If there are only two systems deployed, I'd say it is more a show. There has been more conflict around Al-Tanf and The alliance has already warned that they may run out of patience and retaliate against US attacks.

It isn't a bluff, sorry to say. The US wants this to be a loaded gun that is aimed at Iran's/SAA/Hezbollah/PMU land corridor that was just established right above Al-Tanf. How effective it will be still remains to be seen but one things for sure. US won't leave Syria anytime soon and this won't end well.

I'll put it this way. The PMU and SAA and Iran will be fighting the US forces sooner or later since the entire goal of the US in the first place was to work on the behalf of the Gulf Arabs and Israel in curtailing Iran's influence in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq as well as getting a pipeline through Syria on the Gulf Arabs behalf. Possibly if Israeli/US intelligence units get wind of really advanced weapons comings through the newly made corridor, the HIMARS system will be instrumental in shutting that corridor down.

What should be noted is that Iran seems to be trying to create a 3 country strong contiguous Hezbollah (in reality this already set up, with the many Hezbollah type groups in Iraq and Syria plus the one in Lebanon). For the Israelis this is a great threat as it means if Israel attacks Lebanon then it will have to essentially deal with fighters coming from Syria and Iraq as well. Not to mention a every increasing supply of weapons and supplies from the direct source of Iran itself. But for these supplies to be maximized more of the border area between Syria and Iraq must be liberated and controlled and more corridors have to be opened to get more troops and supplies to cross in from Iraq.

US is again on the wrong side (idk depends on your perspective really). But we all know that... (Well whether wrong or right idk, but US is definitely on the side that is losing more than it's winning. That being the FSA units it backs and the rebels it backs have lost nearly all their engagements when fighting the SAA. But the YPG and SDF are good at fighting ISIS in the Raqqa area. But the US will use the Kurds as an instrument of war when ISIS threat has been eliminated.) I would STRONGLY urge the Turkish government to reach an broad ranging understanding with the Iranians and Syrians and Russians that will allow for a Turkey to be added to the Joint military effort due to the high probability of the Kurds becoming the next enemy. If indeed we see a strong destabilizing effort coming from Kurdish factions seeking some sort of independence ( I want to make it clear though, I don't hate the Kurds it just recently the evidence is beginning to suggest if not outright say that Kurds are just another instrument the Israeli/Saudi/USA alliance will use as an attack dog).

Like I said in a previous thread. Iran's gamble on Syria is seeming to pay off in spades. and The human loss on Iran's side for a war going on for about 6 years is actually quite small. The Political capitol is expensive but thats war for you.
Actually I think Iran, Russia and Turkey have already achieved an agreement about the necessity of such corridor existence. If you read this that I posted further back here,:


You will see that despite everything going on around Al-Tanf, the first corridor is going to pass through Kurdish areas of Iraq and Syria.

Iraq's Kurds already owe Iran a favor as Iran protected their capital from falling into the hands of ISIS when nobody else cared. But Syrian Kurds were not so enthusiastic. So the interesting part in the above article is that then Russia has warned them that if they don't let Iranian convoys pass through, then Russia will ask Turkey to attack them which Turkey will be more than happy to do!

The other card that Iran can play instead of Stick mentioned above is the Carrot and that's telling them that the gas pipeline that will connect Iran and Qatar's gas to Mediterranean coast of Syria, can pass through Kurdish territory and bring them a very good income.

US is swimming against the current here. Their last resort would be a direct confrontation which with all the players there (and currently Qatar joining Iran's side) is probably going to start the WWIII.

Hopefully Trump will be impeached before then.
If there are only two systems deployed, I'd say it is more a show. There has been more conflict around Al-Tanf and The alliance has already warned that they may run out of patience and retaliate against US attacks.

Actually I think Iran, Russia and Turkey have already achieved an agreement about the necessity of such corridor existence. If you read this that I posted further back here,:


You will see that despite everything going on around Al-Tanf, the first corridor is going to pass through Kurdish areas of Iraq and Syria.

Iraq's Kurds already owe Iran a favor as Iran protected their capital from falling into the hands of ISIS when nobody else cared. But Syrian Kurds were not so enthusiastic. So the interesting part in the above article is that then Russia has warned them that if they don't let Iranian convoys pass through, then Russia will ask Turkey to attack them which Turkey will be more than happy to do!

The other card that Iran can play instead of Stick mentioned above is the Carrot and that's telling them that the gas pipeline that will connect Iran and Qatar's gas to Mediterranean coast of Syria, can pass through Kurdish territory and bring them a very good income.

US is swimming against the current here. Their last resort would be a direct confrontation which with all the players there (and currently Qatar joining Iran's side) is probably going to start the WWIII.

Hopefully Trump will be impeached before then.

Pretty good assessment.

Day by day, it seems that direct confrontation is whats on the cards.
it was just a laser designation device or range finder most likely...
It says it has gone through the length of the chopper twice. That made me think maybe it is some sort of scanner.

But it may just be a new way of harassment!:lol:
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