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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!

General James Mattis message was clear welcome to reality . guess what for next few year Iran will be such law abiding country which you never seen .
guess what we even make sure that U.S influence in wet Asia goes unchecked and not been challenged

don't bring Ruissa to it , yes maybe Trump is friendly to Russia maybe which his not and second of all if you knew anything about Russia you would know what would Russia do

I briefly skipped through that video, what Mattis said is that the US seeks cooperation with China in all areas, and in situations where there is a conflict of interest they will do their best to manage it responsibly.

US knows that an invasion of China or Russia is off the table, they have never tried to enter direct conflict against China since their massive retreat during the Korean War.

North Korea is difficult because they have nukes, and the South Korean capital Seoul (which contains half the South Korean population) is right next to the North Korean border, in range of Fat Kim's thousands of artillery pieces.

All three of the above countries have nuclear weapons.

The USA prefers soft targets that do not have the capability to land thermonukes on US soil. See their invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and their campaigns in Syria.
Well of course. It's the basic principle of geopolitics, all countries look out for their own national interests first.

Which country does not do this?

Yes, the "Axis of Resistance" would benefit greatly if Trump decided to ignore the Middle East and focus his warmongering against China (or Russia) instead.

But Trump isn't doing that. In fact he is becoming very friendly with both China and Russia. Which makes sense, considering the fact that an invasion of modern China or modern Russia is basically impossible, even if we take thermonukes out of the picture.

General James Mattis message was clear welcome to reality . guess what for next few year Iran will be such law abiding country which you never seen .
Jun 2, 2017
guess what we even make sure that U.S influence in wet Asia goes unchecked and not been challenged,
guess what i can predict future for you , as far as Trump goes he is only about milking the muslim countries that is as far as he is interested all of this big talk is just for that

very they love you so much they can't keep away and want to stay close
don't bring Ruissa to it , yes maybe Trump is friendly to Russia maybe which his not and second of all if you knew anything about Russia you would know what would Russia do

So Iran will start following the law and just let US do what it wants? I'm confused Yavar.

I briefly skipped through that video, what Mattis said is that the US seeks cooperation with China in all areas, and in situations where there is a conflict of interest they will do their best to manage it responsibly.

US knows that an invasion of China or Russia is off the table, they have never tried to enter direct conflict against China since their massive retreat during the Korean War.

North Korea is difficult because they have nukes, and the South Korean capital Seoul (which contains half the South Korean population) is right next to the North Korean border, in range of Fat Kim's thousands of artillery pieces.

All three of the above countries have nuclear weapons.

The USA prefers soft targets that do not have the capability to land thermonukes on US soil. See their invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and their campaigns in Syria.

Sounds about right. Couldn't have said it better myself.
I briefly skipped through that video, what Mattis said is that the US seeks cooperation .
relaly,that is why he said the international tribunal ruled verdict is binding
US warns Beijing on South China Sea islands

US knows that an invasion of China or Russia is off the table,
what Russia got to do with anything ?? what you trying to say that China can't pull up it Pants and it need Russia to pull up for it ?? it is not about invading you militarely is about first stop growth your economy and then dealing you

Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and their campaigns in Syria.
guess what i got news for you, the Iraqi forces have reached Syrian border and the Iraq war is over kid , with regard to Syria it is near its end by Syria having new borders

what Russia got to do with anything ?? what you trying to say that China can't pull up it Pants and it need Russia to pull up for it ?? and with regard to Afghanistan US has increased its forces just this week
and you if you follow it the Af-Pak is dead and U.S is in there to make sure of that
and make sure India has no problem participating in The Pivot
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relaly,that is why he said the international tribunal ruled verdict is binding
US warns Beijing on South China Sea islands

what Russia got to do with anything ?? what you trying to say that China can't pull up it Pants and it need Russia to pull up for it ??it not about invading our militarely is about first stop growth your economy and then dealing you

guess what i got news for you, the Iraqi forces have reached Syrian border and the Iraq war is over kid , with regard to Syria it is near its end by Syria having new borders

The bottom line is that China and Russia are too strong for an invasion, and North Korea has nukes.

That explains why Trump has labelled Iran as America's number 1 enemy. Because Iran doesn't have nukes, the USA prefers to invade countries that can't hit back against the US mainland. See Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Not to mention action in Syria and Yemen. All of these are Middle Eastern countries that don't have the capability to hit the USA with thermonukes.
That explains why Trump has labelled Iran as America's number 1 enemy. .
will see kid

Because Iran doesn't have nukes,.
really, didn't know that thanks for making it clear.
just wait till 2018 than you in it for big surprises

The bottom line is that China and Russia are too strong for an invasion.
you keep talking about Russia ?? nobody said anything about Russia ?? not even US ?? so you relying on Russia for China national security ?? after they managed to stop China's economic growth you see new things like Asian NATO+++++

nobody is talking about ground invasion

So Iran will start following the law and just let US do what it wants? I'm confused Yavar.
why not ?? what is the U.S wants to do ??
The Pivot

you think the US is that stupid to go after a country in west Asia ( also known as middle east ) Iran ?? which it cannot challenge it economically ?? or it national security ?? does U.S want to waste next 10 years and lose it global influence as number one power by running around country of Iran which at this moment time is no shape challenge U.S economically or it,s global influence .,
OK Islamic Republic can challenge US influence in wast Asia but not in interglobal ,

if you are U.S strategist what would you do ?? keep losing money in west Asia and let your biggest rival to grow bigger and bigger untill it can challenge you economically and militarily ?? just because you want to wast time with a country in wast Asia which is not putting imminent danger
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those bastards striked the 3rd time at pro Syria militias near Al-Tanf.
they illegaly invaded a country and are killing legally forces there on syria soil, thats beyond absurd and illegal...

Now its a big rush at Al-Tanf in South Syria (Iraq border)
Iran backed militias there rushing at Al-Tanf, problem there is a US base with rats and US are using jets and bombing militias.
Militias dont five a single f.... and are rushing.
Iran needs Al-Tanf for Iran-Iraq-Damascus highway (landway to Lebanon)

Its starts now getting very hot !!!! (US media claims, so attention please, could be a pretext for ground invasion)

Syrian &Allies Drone fire on International Alliance forces near Tanf

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those bastards striked the 3rd time at pro Syria militias near Al-Tanf.
they illegaly invaded a country and are killing legally forces there on syria soil, thats beyond absurd and illegal...


does militias in Syria (not SAA) have the capabilities to shoot down Coalition UAV´s/jets?
besides Manpads....some kind of short range air defence system

Now its a big rush at Al-Tanf in South Syria (Iraq border)
Iran backed militias there rushing at Al-Tanf, problem there is a US base with rats and US are using jets and bombing militias.
Militias dont five a single f.... and are rushing.
Iran needs Al-Tanf for Iran-Iraq-Damascus highway (landway to Lebanon)

Its starts now getting very hot !!!! (US media claims, so attention please, could be a pretext for ground invasion)

Syrian &Allies Drone fire on International Alliance forces near Tanf

lets hope the syrians are as good as their word and that the us gets the message
Pro-Assad alliance threatens to hit U.S. positions in Syria


By Tom Perry | BEIRUT

A military alliance fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad threatened on Wednesday to hit U.S. positions in Syria, warning its "self-restraint" over U.S. air strikes would end if Washington crossed "red lines".

The threat marks an escalation of tensions between the United States and the Syrian government and its backers over control of Syria's southeastern frontier with Iraq, where Washington has been training Syrian rebels at a base inside Syrian territory as part of its campaign against Islamic State.

The area is seen as crucial to Assad's Iranian allies and could open an overland supply route from Tehran to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon - the "Shi'ite crescent" of Iranian influence that is a major concern to U.S.-allies in the region.

Tensions have been growing in southeastern Syria over the last several weeks. The United States launched air strikes on Tuesday against what it said were pro-government forces who it said posed a threat to U.S. and U.S.-backed forces in the area, the second such air strike in three weeks.

The statement from the pro-Assad alliance was issued in the name of the "commander of the operations room of the forces allied to Syria", and was circulated by a military news unit run by the Lebanese group Hezbollah, one of Assad's military allies.

The statement did not spell out whether Russia, Assad's most powerful ally, was a signatory. Speaking in Baghdad, a U.S. envoy said the United States was counting on regular contacts with Moscow to help avoid a conflict with pro-Damascus forces in the southeastern region known as the Badia.

Separate remarks by Syria's foreign ministry, carried by state TV, warned of the "dangers of escalation" and demanded the U.S. coalition stop strikes on Syrian soil.

The statement from the "allies of Syria" said attacks on U.S. forces could be carried out with "different missile and military systems, in the light of the deployment of American forces in the region".

"America knows well that the blood of the sons of Syria, the Syrian Arab Army, and its allies is not cheap, and the capacity to strike their positions in Syria, and their surroundings, is available when circumstances will it," the statement said.

It added that the silence of "the allies of Syria" thus far was "an exercise in self-restraint" to allow for "other solutions". "This will not last if America goes further, and crosses the red lines," it said.

In an apparent message to show the capabilities of Damascus backer Iran, Hezbollah aired what it said was footage taken undetected by an Iranian drone of a U.S. drone flying over southeastern Syria.


The U.S. military, which has sought to stay out of Syria's civil war and focus its firepower on Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, has repeatedly warned pro-Assad forces to stay away from a so-called "de-confliction" zone around their garrison near the southern Syrian town of al-Tanf.

Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the international coalition against Islamic State, said the air strike on Tuesday was meant to defend American forces.

"We really do depend upon the Russians through our de-confliction military channels ... to help work these things out, and so we hope obviously that will not happen again," he said.
"These forces were clearly hostile and comprised a tank, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, armed technical vehicles and more than 60 soldiers, which were posing a threat to coalition and partner forces based at the al-Tanf garrison," it said."The coalition issued several warnings prior to conducting the strike on two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon and a tank."Tensions in southern Syria have flared as the intensity of the Syrian war has died down in areas of western Syria covered by an agreement brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran to ease the fighting.(Reporting by Beirut bureau, Phil Stewart in Washington and Ahmed Rasheed in Baghdad; Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Tom Heneghan)
U.S Col. Ryan Dillon: USAF shot down resistance UAV in south Syria امریکا: پهپاد سوریه سرنگون کردیم
سرهنگ رایان دیلون: یک پهپاد نیروهای حامی دولت سوریه سرنگون کردیم
سرهنگ رایان دیلون، سخنگوی ائتلاف بین‌المللی مبارزه علیه داعش با اعلام این خبر گفت که این پهباد روز پنجشنبه به نیروهای مورد حمایت ایالات متحده در یک منطقه در جنوب سوریه حمله کرده بود. به گفته این مقام آمریکایی، این حادثه در منطقه‌ای رخ داد که بر اساس توافق دولت و مخالفان مشمول پیمان منع تخاصم بود.
نظامیان آمریکایی پیش از این دوبار به نیروهای متحد دولت سوریه حمله کرده بودند. اما این نخستین باری است که نظامیان یا شبه نظامیان دولت سوریه به سوی نیروهای تحت حمایت آمریکا حمله می‌کنند.

پهپاد وابسته به ارتش سوریه به نیروهای ائتلاف آتش گشود

Army Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force Operation in briefing to reporters at the Pentagon said : US aircraft shot down resistance armed drone (UAV) in southern Syria

U.S. downs pro-Syrian drone that fired at coalition forces
SA-11? BUK system?
It is defenitely mounted on some kind of tractor.

Even if the Kurdish area were to go through or not the SAA just reached the Iraqi border and linked up with the PMU it seems.

IRGC's gamble is looking to pay off.

On a side note, was it the Shahed 129 drone that US shot down?
Access through that area is still uncertain. If I understand correctly that's were the recent standoffs between US and Syrian forces happened.

They think it was a Shahed 129. They say it nearly missed a vehicle that was being used by US backed militia and was being followed by US forces. But from what @mohsen has posted from the wreckage, it is hard to tell what it exactly was:



Access through that area is still uncertain. If I understand correctly that's were the recent standoffs between US and Syrian forces happened.

They think it was a Shahed 129. They say it nearly missed a vehicle that was being used by US backed militia and was being followed by US forces. But from what @mohsen has posted from the wreckage, it is hard to tell what it exactly was:




It was a warning shot. The resistance forces are gradually increasing the risk factor for the Americans. In any action, strategist and decision makers assess risks and benefits.
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