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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!



Trump campaigned on how disastrous the Iraq War was, fighting Iran would result in a much longer and costly war that would result in many more deaths.

For now this is nothing more than rhetoric to keep his idiot supporters riled up.

99% of Trump supporters can only read books with pop up pictures in them, trust me this kind of statement makes those people very proud :dance3:
UNSC 7990th meeting U.S Haley calls Iran scorpion & resolution 223,missile شورای امنیت

جلسه ۷۹۹۰ شورای امنیت سازمان ملل متحد سخنان ضد ایرانی نیکی هیلی -- سفیر آمریکا در سازمان ملل

یکی هیلی -- سفیر آمریکا در سازمان ملل -- گفت: ما از داشتن روابط عادی با ایران و همچنین روابط عادی تهران با جهان جلوگیری می کنیم.
نیکی هیلی با گستاخی ایران را به عقرب تشبیه کرد و مدعی شد: قطعنامه 2231 بارها از سوی ایران نقض شده و شورای امنیت همچنان کاری نکرده است.
وی همچنین به سفرهای سردار قاسم سلیمانی به عراق اعتراض کرد.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley Remarks at a UN Security Council 7990th meeting called Iran scorpion and Iran in vilation of UNSC resolution 223 ran missiles

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley got creative in attacking Iran over its alleged lack of compliance with the nuclear deal, calling it a “scorpion” which can’t help stinging
Mind your language (unless you were talking about your mom or sis, in which case it is a private matter for you > please keep it private then).

are u f..ing kidding me?
in other threats iranians/saudi/pakistani members are shredding each other, calling themselfes names and you worried because I calling a person who wants WW3 a "wh..." ?
were where you as irani/saudi/pakistani turned whole threds into useless filth, because they trolled, badmouth each other? tell me! were where you?
btw, I dont know how you call your mum or sister...but it is very interesting you think automatically about a mum and a sister when I say "wh..".....very interesting...
are u f..ing kidding me?
in other threats iranians/saudi/pakistani members are shredding each other, calling themselfes names and you worried because I calling a person who wants WW3 a "wh..." ?
Uhm yes.

were where you as irani/saudi/pakistani turned whole threds into useless filth, because they trolled, badmouth each other? tell me! were where you?
It is not my job to police the entire forum. It is my responsibility as user to call them when I see them.

btw, I dont know how you call your mum or sister...but it is very interesting you think automatically about a mum and a sister when I say "wh..".....very interesting...
Blablabla. You fail to remember (and try to hide) that you call someone you don't know at all a whore, while that person is just someone's daughter, mother, sister, grandma. I'm sure YOUR momma would make you rinse your mouth with soap for using bad language like that.

I asked nicely, even said please, for you to stick to forum rules. fI you think that is wrong, YOU shouldn't be here.
from russia with love, newest X-101 cruise missiles launched against IS positions in Syria

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سردار حسین دهقان وزیر دفاع: وزیر دفاع آمریکا به طبیب مراجعه کند شاید تب دار بوده و هذیان گفتنه
سردار دهقان: وزیر دفاع آمریکا به طبیب مراجعه کند
وزیر دفاع آمریکا به طبیب مراجعه کند/ ملت ما تهدید و تحقیر را از هیچ قدرتی تحمل نمی‌کنند

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General. Hossein Dehghan in response to America's United States Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis calling for regime change in Iran at Mercer Island High School Islander 20 Jun 2017 and said : America's defense minister need to visit doctor maybe he'd temperature and hallucinate

Mattis: Iran Needs Regime Change For Relations To Improve With US

Iran to US: Worry about your own domestic problems

Full transcript: Defense Secretary James Mattis’ interview with The Islander
satellite images Iran missiles developing site in Baniyas & Tartus Syria ایران در سوریه ساخت موشک
ایران و در سوریه درحال ساخت موشک بالستیک هستند
وبگاه خبری «زمان الوصل»‌ وابسته به معارضان سوریه مدعی شده است که ایران و روسیه و کره شمالی در حال ساخت موشک‌های بالستیک دوربرد جدید در کارخانه تسلیحاتی در غرب سوریه هستند.

Assad made secret visit to Iran-run missiles developing site in Tartus: sources
Zaman Al Wasl)- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made secret visit to a research center run by Tehran for developing long-range missiles and chemical weapons in coastal Tartus province during Eid al-Fiter holiday, well-informed sources said.
The move comes as White House accused the Assad regime on Tuesday of preparing a new chemical attack on eastern and southern Syria
The one-year-old center has been built by Iran in Wadi Jehanam, also known as the Hell Valley, the abysmal valley that separets between Hama and Tartus provinces.
The secret visit of Assad has followed a rare visit to Hama city where the Russian backed tyrant delivered Eid al-Fiter prayers,

Syrian Opposition Website: Assad Visited New Long-Range Missile Facility Near Baniyas
satellite images Iran missiles developing site in Baniyas & Tartus Syria ایران در سوریه ساخت موشک
ایران و در سوریه درحال ساخت موشک بالستیک هستند
وبگاه خبری «زمان الوصل»‌ وابسته به معارضان سوریه مدعی شده است که ایران و روسیه و کره شمالی در حال ساخت موشک‌های بالستیک دوربرد جدید در کارخانه تسلیحاتی در غرب سوریه هستند.

Assad made secret visit to Iran-run missiles developing site in Tartus: sources
Zaman Al Wasl)- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made secret visit to a research center run by Tehran for developing long-range missiles and chemical weapons in coastal Tartus province during Eid al-Fiter holiday, well-informed sources said.
The move comes as White House accused the Assad regime on Tuesday of preparing a new chemical attack on eastern and southern Syria
The one-year-old center has been built by Iran in Wadi Jehanam, also known as the Hell Valley, the abysmal valley that separets between Hama and Tartus provinces.
The secret visit of Assad has followed a rare visit to Hama city where the Russian backed tyrant delivered Eid al-Fiter prayers,

Syrian Opposition Website: Assad Visited New Long-Range Missile Facility Near Baniyas
Iran and Russia Maybe, but what business does North Korea have in Syria?
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