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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!

this now official stance coming from high top
سردار دهقان: آمریکا بداند درصورت تکرار حمله به سوریه اقدامات آنان بی پاسخ نخواهد ماند



Ok, so Iran says officially next attack will be not unanswered.
But what Russia find out that they are now backing out?
Are Iranian Anti Ship missiles ready, and if that happens, russia will not have anything to do about it?
thats why they are backing out?
Afraid of consequences?
In my opinion, this new push for Assad removal is not an absolute, history did show that once ground condition and internal support of West are not in favour of further escalation, the west would backout. Let's look at the fundamentals:

The original intent and root of all these are gas pipelines because all these wars are effectively investment costs. No war is ever raged without cost benefit analysis. Iran, Russia, PGCs and now the Zionist state are gas supplying countries. They all want to supply to Europe. Iran wants to cut off the PGC from direct and absolute access to the European countries. If Saudi-Qatari block topple Assad, they would do the same to Iran. Russia which is a major suppliers of gas to EU does not want to have a competition. Israelis just found gas and they are much better positioned to supply so they themselves want tap into the opportunity... The Americans are also see Europe as a customer of their LNG.

Therefore EU is the market everyone is fighting for in this conflict and hence EU has the ultimate influence especially with major issue of immigration. Immigration is an issue that will ultimately tip EUs stance. Immigration has caused for rise in right wing populism in both EU and America.

The question is, if Assad is removed would it solve European problems? If Assad stays, Syria can stabilize although with different geography and EU can still solve it's energy demands through developing field in Mediterranean, Iran and Russia; also there is a huge push for green energy in EU.

If Assad is removed and a viable alternative is not presented, proxy warfare will continue because Iran/Hezbollah will not backout and immigration will get worse for EU. Turkey will continue to use the immigration card to harrass EU, more terrorism will occur in EU and EU will further see right wing populism and separation movements. However their energy needs will still be addressed through current suppliers and new Mediterranean suppliers as well as clean energy.

Therefore EU will have the ultimate influence about western posture toward Assad and if the resistance play their cards properly and utilize 'realpolitik', they can steer EU away from the current Assad must go stance.

Additional note on energy: Some EU countries have begun complete usage of wind! Germany, the EU powerhouse soon will follow the path. This means that the need for fossil fuel will plateau. This is important when it comes to their cost benefit analysis. Also important is how much leverage they would gain or lose by signing up to using other countries energy resources such as Russia, the PGCC, Iran and/or Israel.
Russian’s two modern battle ship have left Baltic Sea Base of Kaliningrad and heading for Syria, large number of ships are preparing to leave for Syria from Black Sea ports, note-ably Novorossiysk, the statement put out by Iran Russia Iraq Hezbollah, in support of Syria and was carried out by Al Al Mayadeen TV , it was and is true, it was confirmed by Iran defence Minister General Hossein Dehghan.
so what does it mean?
is russia stopping its support against IS in syria?
will russia leaf syria?
should iran kick out russia out of syria?
what Russia did in Syria was a strategic win. Even if they decide to back out, which is highly improbable in my mind as they have a naval base there which they like to keep, it should be in a saving face manner, i.e. an independent investigation reveal that Assad has really used chemical weapons on his own people. If that happens, I can see even Iran stop its support as a victim of chemical weapons that has always denounced it.
what Russia did in Syria was a strategic win. Even if they decide to back out, which is highly improbable in my mind as they have a naval base there which they like to keep, it should be in a saving face manner, i.e. an independent investigation reveal that Assad has really used chemical weapons on his own people. If that happens, I can see even Iran stop its support as a victim of chemical weapons that has always denounced it.
Regarding use of chemical weapons evidence are dubious .. like what happened in recent attack, they would just jump to conclusion without any investigation as if they were informed in advance ... for example in one of these attacks in city of Sarmin 2015 chloride gas was used ( as the only chemical substance that was excluded from Syria chemical weapons disarmament deal due to dual use like industrial) and victims were exposed to the gas for 30 minutes but as I checked photos of victims they had no signs of chloride gas symptoms like skin's redness unlikely a pale skin ... during performing CPR on victims (by white helmets ) camera man said make sure Mother's body be showed underneath of kid ... why? I don't know .... moreover it's said that all these attacks have been carried out by Syrian choppers dropping barrel bombs while there is no footage of these choppers ..
By the way if Assad despite Iran warning has used CW against civilians then he shouldn't enjoy our support any longer ...
with watching the act of each player after attack, the possibility of chemical attack by Assad reduced for me day by day and now I am sure Assad forces didn't do chemical attack.
also, American sympathy for Al-ghaede and how Al-ghaede is more credible source for them than Russians is disgusting.(Abu Ivanka al Ameriki)
US airstrike on Daesh poison gas depot leaves many civilians dead

is coming up
Russian’s two modern battle ship have left Baltic Sea Base of Kaliningrad and heading for Syria, large number of ships are preparing to leave for Syria from Black Sea ports, note-ably Novorossiysk, the statement put out by Iran Russia Iraq Hezbollah, in support of Syria and was carried out by Al Al Mayadeen TV , it was and is true, it was confirmed by Iran defence Minister General Hossein Dehghan.
US airstrike on Daesh poison gas depot leaves many civilians dead

is coming up
Ok, now let's accuse US of using chemical weapon!
Ok, now let's accuse US of using chemical weapon!
No other media outlet, not even Russians, reported this incident. It's just reported by press TV and they even didn't show any footage just talked with two ppl, so i suggest we wait to see how accurate this report is.
US CIA Director Pompeo: threaten Iran "activity like have been taken in Syria be noticed by Iran"

مایک پُمپئو رئیس آژانس اطلاعات مرکزی آمریکا (سیا) ایران را به حمله نظامی شبیه سوریه تحدید کرد

رئیس سیا حمله به سوریه را هشدار به ایران دانست

U.S Director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA) Mike Pompeo in Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) threaten Iran with force " the activity like of that have been taken in Syria would have to be notice by Iranians"

CIA Director Says Syria Missile Strike a Message for Tehran
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said Thursday that the U.S. cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield last week signaled to Iran that the United States is prepared to use force to protect American interests.
In his first public remarks since taking over the intelligence agency,


@yavar Bro, in 2013 and US&NATO escalation to attack Syria, you told in IMF there would be strategic retaliation from syrian land to those countries. You told about **** and ******* and ++++++++ and big mamma.

So now, in 2017 there has been a missile attack by US against Syria.
What about ***** and ++++++ ???

Why Syria and IRGC and **** don´t shell with artillery or air raids the US new airbases in North Syria? Why Resistance let US build illegal airbases in Syria soil??

I dont understand many things.

i e repaying to you soon
US CIA Director Pompeo: threaten Iran "activity like have been taken in Syria be noticed by Iran"

مایک پُمپئو رئیس آژانس اطلاعات مرکزی آمریکا (سیا) ایران را به حمله نظامی شبیه سوریه تحدید کرد

رئیس سیا حمله به سوریه را هشدار به ایران دانست

U.S Director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA) Mike Pompeo in Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) threaten Iran with force " the activity like of that have been taken in Syria would have to be notice by Iranians"

CIA Director Says Syria Missile Strike a Message for Tehran
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said Thursday that the U.S. cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield last week signaled to Iran that the United States is prepared to use force to protect American interests.
In his first public remarks since taking over the intelligence agency,


i e repaying to you soon

Forget this clown...
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