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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!

so you basically say Iran/Hezbollah will be the only one standing against whole USA/Nato aggression?
Iran alone will not stand any chance against them all if russia backed out, as you say
and what did russia found out?
Is Iran ready to use massive weapons/arsenal (tactic nukes) or what?
What did russia shock so they backed out?
We are not going to do anything, the U.S attacked another country why should we use massive weapons/arsenal (tactic nukes)?
No, Iran need to build and test a nuke first before any more negotiation, that's the language Americans understand, it's called the MAD policy. Now when you go to the table you're at equal footing with them. Any other scenario and you'll get bullied by those murikans
Thats the language thise fat asses can understand. They think they can do whatever they want without any conquences.

Thats the reason they tried to invade india in 1971 but stayed away like pussy in 1991.

Try us now and we will make sure to wipeawipe way US from world map.
I do not think that the destruction of several old Syrian aircrafts will somehow affect the war of Russia against terrorists in Syria.
The US are raising stakes... And we are waiting for response from Russia. It will not be a nuclear attack against the US - there are no crazy idiots in Russian leadership, who want to destroy civilization. I hope there no such idiots in US, too.
Let's wait. Perhaps Putin will not do anything at all - he will simply continue to destroy the terrorists, as if nothing happened.
so you basically say Iran/Hezbollah will be the only one standing against whole USA/Nato aggression?
Iran alone will not stand any chance against them all if russia backed out, as you say
and what did russia found out?
Is Iran ready to use massive weapons/arsenal (tactic nukes) or what?
What did russia shock so they backed out?

My friend Iran may not win the battle but Iran will win the long term war. Even if Assad is overthrown, Iran has enough meaningful force on the ground to cause slow recovery overtime just like Lebonan and Iraq and soon Afghanistan.

The Americans know it and they are after short term wins for political score and short profit (a.k.a military industrial complex).
one thing for 100% sure . this change of stance or this type of stance send message to ( Rex Tillerson ) American side that Russia under that joker Putin may be ready for grand bargaining deal over Syria and its government

as I predicted

تیلرسون: روسیه بین ایران و آمریکا، یکی را انتخاب کند
dont trust russia
they sold out very single allie
U.S fucked them over with libya and same will happen with syria, ormaybe putin learnd from history?
after syria there will go after Iran, thats their endgoal
so I believe if any country will stand against those dvil creature it will be iran
but how much is iran ready to sacrifice....
is Iran alone able to stand against this bastards? i dont think so......
Syria should show the military attaches of zionists theyr big mamas ready to launch against every aggresor...
as I predicted

تیلرسون: روسیه بین ایران و آمریکا، یکی را انتخاب کند
Do Americans smoking anything !?
They are seeking their own interests

dont trust russia
they sold out very single allie
U.S fucked them over with libya and same will happen with syria, ormaybe putin learnd from history?
after syria there will go after Iran, thats their endgoal
so I believe if any country will stand against those dvil creature it will be iran
but how much is iran ready to sacrifice....
is Iran alone able to stand against this bastards? i dont think so......
Syria should show the military attaches of zionists theyr big mamas ready to launch against every aggresor...

They have massive economic crisis right now and Zionists are becoming too powerful in Russia
Do Americans smoking anything !?

of-course they are cooking it .
think about it if U.S start bombing Damascus in middle of Iranian 2017 Presidential election .
if they start bombing position in Syria so the terrorist start recovering land and cover some ground .

then what should do ?? think about to understand fully what we are face with .

trust me our generals are wear of matter
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پوتین: آمریکا به دنبال حمله هوایی به جنوب دمشق است
Russia Gen Konashenkov: Syria air defences will strengthen ژنرال کوناشنکوف: پدافند هوایی سوریه تقویت

Iran needs its own systems on the ground there. Not only it will help us understand our systems shortcomings but also will help to reduce dependence on Russia. It makes sense to deliver our point defence systems at first stage to suppress any further cruise missile strikes and following that more advanced mobile medium range systems would be ideal.
Iran needs its own systems on the ground there. Not only it will help us understand our systems shortcomings but also will help to reduce dependence on Russia. It makes sense to deliver our point defence systems at first stage to suppress any further cruise missile strikes and following that more advanced mobile medium range systems would be ideal.
We don't have enough fighter for our own country
We don't have enough fighter for our own country

i am referring to cheap and effective CIWS not human fighters. The more resistance suppress their stand off weapons such as cruise missiles, the less likely US will deploy forces that would put their soldiers at risk such as air force. It is critical to suppress their stand off capabilities at the bare minimum if further direct responses are not feasible militarily or diplomatically. At the end of the day, this is a game of leverages and you don't want to give them any. Iran's stepping up of their air defence capabilities not only reduces dependencies on Russia but would also reduce their leverage on us, it would also remove strain on their end so they can allocate their (Russian) risk threshold to other activities. They are already bringing up their ships into the region, Iran needs to adequately back them up. Consider a scenario in which Russia wouldnt want to back out and stay firm. In this scenario their position would be emboldened with strong Iranian visible backing and support. If they are left alone, then it is more likely for them to back out in favour of the west. Now consider the alternative: Russia would back out anyways and if Iran wants to deter or make life harder for the west, Iran would still need to create a buffer by deployment of air defence systems and anti ship system to increase the NATO offensive cost (increase deterrence threshold). In either of the above scenario, Iran deployment of defensive systems and consequently, offensive systems would not only give better deterrence but also greater political leverage in negotiations. Iran therefore needs to deploy ASAP.

Here is an example of how CHINA just sold NK after Xi visited Trump:

Adding this here for reference. Isolationism allow for such weaknesses. Iran needs to be part of an interdependence network of global economy. The more connected Iran, the less likely on state could be a point of failure for Iran:

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شما دو انتخاب دارید"


تاکید وزرای دفاع ایران و سوریه بر تشدید عملیات نظامی علیه تروریست‌ها سردار دهقان و سپهبد فهد جاسم الفریج در گفت‌وگوی تلفنی بر افزایش هماهنگی بیشتر جهت تشدید عملیات نظامی علیه تروریست‌ها تأکید کردند.

we have more than enough . just because Iranian government does not reveal the total number forces in Syria it does not mean we dont have it
I was talking about aircrafts .... You don't send your troops to faraway land without basic air support
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