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U.S. gives Iran a timeout! LOL!

Trump ?????????????

Yemen resistance Ansarullah Qaher-2M missile مقاومت یمن انصارالله موشک قاهر۲ ام

Yemen resistance Ansarullah Qaher-2M missile,3 fired at Saudi King Khalid Air Base March, 28, 2017

Yemeni Forces Hit Saudi Air Base with Three Ballistic Missiles
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Yemeni army and Popular Committees targeted and hit a Saudi air base with three ballistic missiles, a military source said.
The source at the Yemeni army’ missile command said the Arabian Peninsula country’s forces targeted King Khalid Air Base near the city of Khamis Mushait in the southwest of Saudi Arabia.

منبع نظامی یمنی از شلیک سه موشک بالستیک به پایگاه هوایی عربستان خبر داد.
به گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری تسنیم به نقل از المسیره، یگان موشکی ارتش و کمیته‌های مردمی یمن با سه موشک بالستیک میان برد پایگاه هوایی ملک خال عرستان در منطقه خمیس مشیط را هدف قرار داد.
یک منبع در یگان موشکی ارتش یمن تاکید کرد که این موشک‌ها با موفقیت به سه هدف از پیش تعیین شده اصابت کرد.
بر اساس این گزارش، موشک‌های بالستیک یمنی، مرکز فرماندهی، آشیانۀ هواپیماها و شهرک خلبانان را در پایگاه هوایی ملک خالد، هدف گرفتند.
این اولین باری است که ارتش یمن به صورت همزمان سه موشک بالستیک به پایگاه‌های نظامی عربستان شلیک می‌کند.
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Trump ?????????????

Yemen resistance Ansarullah Qaher-2M missile مقاومت یمن انصارالله موشک قاهر۲ ام

Yemen resistance Ansarullah Qaher-2M missile,3 fired at Saudi King Khalid Air Base March, 28, 2017

Yemeni Forces Hit Saudi Air Base with Three Ballistic Missiles
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Yemeni army and Popular Committees targeted and hit a Saudi air base with three ballistic missiles, a military source said.
The source at the Yemeni army’ missile command said the Arabian Peninsula country’s forces targeted King Khalid Air Base near the city of Khamis Mushait in the southwest of Saudi Arabia.

منبع نظامی یمنی از شلیک سه موشک بالستیک به پایگاه هوایی عربستان خبر داد.
به گزارش گروه بین‌الملل خبرگزاری تسنیم به نقل از المسیره، یگان موشکی ارتش و کمیته‌های مردمی یمن با سه موشک بالستیک میان برد پایگاه هوایی ملک خال عرستان در منطقه خمیس مشیط را هدف قرار داد.
یک منبع در یگان موشکی ارتش یمن تاکید کرد که این موشک‌ها با موفقیت به سه هدف از پیش تعیین شده اصابت کرد.
بر اساس این گزارش، موشک‌های بالستیک یمنی، مرکز فرماندهی، آشیانۀ هواپیماها و شهرک خلبانان را در پایگاه هوایی ملک خالد، هدف گرفتند.
این اولین باری است که ارتش یمن به صورت همزمان سه موشک بالستیک به پایگاه‌های نظامی عربستان شلیک می‌کند.

[QUOTE="arashkamangir, post: 9360239, member: [/QUOTE]
This is why I believe we should have plan B,C for Nukes.US would never dare to fire a single shot against NK.

Our highest priority should be "Arm Hezbollah with small Tactical Nukes"
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US informed Russia ahead of Syria strike: officia

U.S targeted empty base ,as the base was evacuated . this now give us opportunity to act .
at this moment time its on way UNSC after political act comes ...............

the wording of Russians was that they would engage any coalition airplanes, so that opened the room for the cruise missiles to go through. They did indeed communicated it. Either way, in my opinion, the resistance needs to respond proportionately. Neither US nor EU want to escalate this as british FM earlier indicated it. However, the US posture has changed again and now they want for Assad to be removed (i am not surprised).
US informed Russia ahead of Syria strike: officia

U.S targeted empty base ,as the base was evacuated . this now give us opportunity to act .
at this moment time its on way UNSC after political act comes ...............

Yavar, I've followed you for a very
US informed Russia ahead of Syria strike: officia

U.S targeted empty base ,as the base was evacuated . this now give us opportunity to act .
at this moment time its on way UNSC after political act comes ...............

What will be the most likely Iranian response? I'm very curious since my understanding of the conflict is not very good.

Also do you have any idea what the Russians will do in response.
Yavar, I've followed you for a very
What will be the most likely Iranian response? .

this attack was test ground for more to come, to configure the whole balance of the game.

U.S satellite, and surveillance capabilities observing the ground very closely of all movement from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq .

US warships in mediterranean sea and red sea and Indian Ocean are on full combat readiness

you may sea U.S navy or Special forces try to disrupt our moment of ...........

Also do you have any idea what the Russians will do in response.
i can guarantee you 1000000000000000% Russian response will be nothing apart from few words and political and support in UNSC
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this attack was test ground for more to come, to configure the whole balance of the game.

U.S satellite, and surveillance capabilities observing the ground very closely of all movement from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq .

US warships in mediterranean sea and red sea and Indian Ocean are on full combat readiness

you may sea U.S navy or Special forces try to disrupt our moment of ...........

i can guarantee you 1000000000000000% Russian response will be nothing apart from few words and support in UNSC

Neither Russia nor Iran can do a thing when US is on fire. All they can pray for now that US doesn't expands her role much.
he is old ...
this what the U.S western media and diplomats said the Ayatollah Khomeini died.
they all said the revolution is ended and now the islamic republic system will fall apart .

what has history taught you ??

Neither Russia nor Iran can do a thing when US is on fire.
time will tell
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