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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

He would be trained for training program.
I guess they would open the station of The 14th Flying Training Wing (14 FTW) again in Vietnam. Maybe in Nha Trang or Phan Rang.

At the same time

The 14th Flying Training Wing (14 FTW)
  • Dow Field (later, AFB), Maine, 15 August 1947 – 2 October 1949
  • Nha Trang AB, South Vietnam, 8 March 1966
  • Phan Rang AB, South Vietnam, 15 October 1969 – 30 September 1971
  • Columbus AFB, Mississippi, 1 June 1972–present

US pilots training on this T-45 for serving in aircraft carriers.

A T-45 Goshawk making an arrested landing on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in 2011

Wow interesting. So 14 FTW might make a comeback in Nha Trang. Keep in mind the US was in Nha Trang/Cam Ranh before the Soviet, so Russia should not get angry if the US make a comeback.

Anyway, I think it is most likely that VietNam will buy Orions from the US, so the US presence (even if it is only "civilian" trainers) in Cam Ranh is inevitable.


Who said I have US citizenship?

I asked whether you have US citizenship or not... and you didn't deny it. So you have PRC citizenship? doesn't that mean you have the freedom to leave the US if the US is behaving so bad?
I asked whether you have US citizenship or not... and you didn't deny it. So you have PRC citizenship? doesn't that mean you have the freedom to leave the US if the US is behaving so bad?
I never said I have US citizenship so stop putting words in my mouth. As for the reason to stay in the US, it is the same reason neocon stays in China.
Hmm I wouldn't call this an interference my friend. The US QUOTEt worried about Vietnam's security and offering a helping hand.

Ha ha ha. Now we know why US gave $18 million aid to Vietnam including "6 fast patrol boats". Yes, that's a good entree but we know there is no free lunch. US will slowly interfere in Vietnamese affairs. They will do it subtly.

They are already harping on human rights.
Now they want Vietnam to kick out the Russians.
Next they will want to have exclusive use of Cam Ranh Bay.
Next they will ask for US companies to be given special treatment so they can dominate Vietnam's economy.
Finally, they will talk about democracy.

To do these, besides military "aid", they will use the western media and also use economic instruments such as the ADB, IMF and World Bank.

If I am the Vietnamese Communist Party, I will be very careful and afraid.

Why are the US so friendly to Vietnam now? It is because US can kill two birds with one stone. To cause more problems and pain for the Russians (on top of their sanctions) and try to contain and encircle China. Why? The US wants to remain the sole superpower and with it, all the associated "privileges".

My thoughts on why the US has decided to make this statement now, rather than earlier last year, is because the VCP General Secretary will make an official visit to the US soon. So the US is sending an early message to say, "Hey, choose us, we have much to offer you... but let's talk this over lunch in Washington. See you then."

Remember: There is no free lunch.

The fact that they made the statement public is very revealing. They want to push Vietnam into their camp.
Vietnam needs to be very careful about this, USA will court you one day and they will dump you the next day.
Vietnam needs to keep both of them in balance.

Yes, Vietnam want to be very careful. Every country that the US has got involved in recently, goes downhill. See Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine.
Yes, Vietnam will be dropped like a hot potato when Vietnam is of no more use to US or should the US become buddies with China again. Don't believe me, just ask Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Ghadaffi and Osama Bin Laden.

Sacrifice a little and get much as they promised

Vietnam, just be very careful. If you think the "sacrifice" is worth it, then go ahead. It's very important to look after your own interests. The Americans are also looking after their own interests, not yours.
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OK so a Russian think tank think that VietNam will not stop Russia from using Cam Ranh:

Vietnam Will Not Stop Russia From Using Cam Rahn Bay Base - Think Tank Head / Sputnik International

Director General of the Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade Igor Korotchenko claims that US request to prohibit Russia from using the former naval base at Cam Rahn Bay as a support site for bomber flights is a provocation and will not be fulfilled by Vietnam.

I never said I have US citizenship so stop putting words in my mouth. As for the reason to stay in the US, it is the same reason neocon stays in China.

I take it that you are making a living or making use of an education facility in the US? Now the US, according to you, is bullying and threatening world peace. So by extension, you are making use of the US' immoral action? I'm pretty sure you are not living in isolation: you are most likely making use of the roads, infrastructure, social and political structure of the US. And these structures benefitted from US foreign policy and investments. So you are taking advantage of the US actions that you are criticizing. Isn't that hypocritical?


They train future fighter pilots on T-38 at Columbus. I think this training program is just for the VPAF to get familiar with how the US airforce operate. He is a senior captain and does not look too young. But it does indicate that both the US and VN airforce will (or intends to) cooperate with each other..
happening as we speak. the coast guards of both US and Vietnam have just agreed to do some fun games together. as a gift for the new friendship, the US will provide 6 more modern patrol vessels.

US helps Vietnam enhance maritime law enforcement; to provide six high-speed boats
Didn't you read how the US ambassador said the US has "much to offer"?

How much will probably depend on VietNam.
exactly, how far does vietnam want to go. money is not the issue here.

It appears that Columbus Airforce base doesn't have F-16s or Orions. They have simpler training aircraft, super tucanos and A-29 so this is a mystery.

Edit: He he, we were both checking Columbus Airforce base at the same time. I wrote before seeing your post.

My God, who is going to stop you now? You are going to talk about AEGIS everyday, he he :woot:
it is my mission on PDF: begging until the aegis destroyers coming :D

Hey, I want to know whether F-16 could be armed with LRASM or B-61 bombs ?
I think yes for b-61. it is small and light.
When South Vietnam was overrun by NVA forces on 30 April 1975, approximately 877 aircraft were captured by the communists. Of that number, 41 were F-5s. In November of that year the Soviets were offered the opportunity to "take their pick" from the captured U.S. equipment. The Russians quickly loaded one complete F-5E, along with two complete spare engines, any and all spare parts, and all ground support equipment onto a waiting Russian cargo ship

Several of the F-5s left over from the Vietnam war were sent to Poland and Russia, for advanced study of US aviation technology

Northrop Corporation
First flight
F-5A: 30 July 1959
F-5E: 11 August 1972
I can't wait longer to see America and Russia use one military base in the same country. This never happened in history, maybe this time they create a new peaceful model.
I can't wait longer to see America and Russia use one military base in the same country. This never happened in history, maybe this time they create a new peaceful model.
nothing is impossible. not the same place, but theoretically the russians can continue to use camranh as springboard for their navy and airforce, while the US boys danang. I just don´t know if it works out.

nothing is impossible. not the same place, but theoretically the russians can continue to use camranh as springboard for their navy and airforce, while the US boys danang. I just don´t know if it works out.

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Cam Ranh is very big, they can be in different areas, it should be ok and not as their bases, but just using vietnamese facilities.

nothing is impossible. not the same place, but theoretically the russians can continue to use camranh as springboard for their navy and airforce, while the US boys danang. I just don´t know if it works out.

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USA wants Cam Ranh, not Danang.
nothing is impossible. not the same place, but theoretically the russians can continue to use camranh as springboard for their navy and airforce, while the US boys danang. I just don´t know if it works out.

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I think the U.S. wants something as far South as possible.
While Orion's have been mentioned the future is a fleet of large UAV's flying 24/7 for surveillance. The U.S. wants to fly a perpetual loop from the top of Japan all the way down to Vietnam covering the entire shoreline of China and its islands.

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nothing is impossible. not the same place, but theoretically the russians can continue to use camranh as springboard for their navy and airforce, while the US boys danang. I just don´t know if it works out.

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I also don't know how it works out. By the way, China don't need others to protect our territory, edit the regional command areas, following:
well, this is pretty much expected that they will come on one day with this "now you have to make the choice" sooner or later. I hoped later. from the news, I see the US government has laid off the cards on the table:

- the US military complex is ready to provide Vietnam with security guarantee in short, medium and long term.
- US business promises to become the largest investor in 2 years, overtaking S Korea ($37b).
US To Be Top Investor in Vietnam in Two Years | Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the United States

In my opinion, it is best in vietnam interests we take the offer and re-negotiate a new relationship with Russia.

Russia is a world power. Do you really think they will let a small third world country play hardball with them? :lol:
And if Vietnam decide to align with US, they US want to show you are serious. They will ask for these and more from vietnam:

1. Become democratic
2. Do not allow Russians to refuel their nuclear bombers in Vietnam
3. Show us something big to prove you are with us and not with Russia. Example, publicly condemn Russia for occupying Crimea.
4. Allow US to set up military bases in Vietnam.

If not, quit dreaming.
Is VPA planning to get F16? If so how many. PLA doesn't have that in their arsenal just some copycats like J10's and Russian. It would be awesome if the US exported the F35 or F22 but I know thats not going to happen due to prohibited export and high cost.
Is VPA planning to get F16? If so how many. PLA doesn't have that in their arsenal just some copycats like J10's and Russian. It would be awesome if the US exported the F35 or F22 but I know thats not going to happen due to prohibited export and high cost.
They'd better to choose F-15 or F-18, single engine F-16 so cheap for China.
Russia is a world power. Do you really think they will let a small third world country play hardball with them? :lol:
And if Vietnam decide to align with US, they US want to show you are serious. They will ask for these and more from vietnam:

1. Become democratic
2. Do not allow Russians to refuel their nuclear bombers in Vietnam
3. Show us something big to prove you are with us and not with Russia. Example, publicly condemn Russia for occupying Crimea.
4. Allow US to set up military bases in Vietnam.

If not, quit dreaming.
no, russia today is a regional power. the days of glorious USSR are long over. personally I regret it. you won´t never dare to bully vietnam if the Soviet empire still existed.

no, you are wrong.
1. america does not demand a regime change, but improving human rights and some others stuffs.
2. we can negotiate with putin. I think he is a nice guy.
3. not one of US demands
4. not yet today, nor tomorrow, but realistic. pretty much depending on how we perceive chinese threat.

I think the U.S. wants something as far South as possible.
While Orion's have been mentioned the future is a fleet of large UAV's flying 24/7 for surveillance. The U.S. wants to fly a perpetual loop from the top of Japan all the way down to Vietnam covering the entire shoreline of China and its islands.

View attachment 201911
we could offer you airfields in spratlys or elsewhere you like. just give us some money and technology and we start building artificial islands :-)
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