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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

This is also a misunderstanding. The MDT between the Philippines-US specifically stipulate that, when a third party make an aggressive act on Filipino territory, then the US will be obliged to militarily intervene. But if the territory is in dispute, then the dispute parties must resolve them peacefully.

You can read this in their MDT. It is printed clearly. So, the US is in fact keeping in line with its MDT with the Philippines because the Scarborough shoal is still officially a disputed territory because UNCLOS haven't issue any ruling yet..

Well, it did not get resolved peacefully and frankly, US has a clear stated policy that disputes should be resolves peacefully and without intimidation or encroaching, but there china encroached and pushed PH out of it and also blockaded South Thomas Shoal, so if I'm PH I would say why to bother to have an ally that when push comes to shove, it doesn't do anything. It may be just the spirit of the treaty, but I think that situation offers some learning opportunities for VN.
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You forgot to mention Black Flag: Kind, good-hearted, friendly and peaceful. A representative of Viet Nam.

On topic:

This also has another implication: If Russia is now accusing the US of interferring with VietNam's internal affair, then in the future, if VietNam allows the US to use Cam Ranh's facility, then Russia cannot say anything otherwise they will also be "interferring in VN internal affairs."
look at the reactions of the russians, from the media to the ambassador, they are very angry at the US.

from the vietnamese government, there is no reaction so far, besides of one army official from the military academy, who shouts the US. that is very much revealing.

I already said it on here before several times. Vietnam cant be on two boats at the same time. At some crucial point, Vietnam will have to choose one side, and obviously if the VCP is smart enough, they will side with the U.S/west, since they can offer far more to Vietnam than a declining Russia can. Vietnam will have to think deeply on this, since Russia will NEVER support Vietnam in any conflict/issue with China, as they have FAR MORE crucial relationship/interests with the Chinese against the west/U.S than little Vietnam can ever offer. So Vietnam will have to be really dumb to continue relying on Moscow. If Vietnam wants to have any chance in having any upper hand in SCS dispute and maintaining its sovereignty then it will have to side with the U.S and forget about Russia(but still maintain commercial/trade relations with Russia). Vietnam should look at its long term interests, in this regard, it has two main options(though not exclusively):
- Either she tries and sort out a peaceful deal with China and other SCS parties, where the islands/resources in the spratlys islands and SCS can be shared between the negotiating parties, even if it means compromises might be made.
-Or she shouldshed its Russian patron reliance, and ally with the U.S/west, so she can have more weight in dealing with the Chinese/other contestants. Thats the only two options in see for Vietnam.

The only last other option i see, is just for Vietnam to try and maintain the current status quo as much as possible, which means avoiding any reckless beur like firing at other nations fishermen/boats etc who enter its disputed islands waters, which is something China, Taiwan and other stronger parties are waiting for.:)

So vietnam has to avoid making the same mistakes it made during the cold war when it choosed the wrong side, which made it suffer under sanctions/famine/wars for so long, hence the reason Vietnam still lag so much behind it other peers in SEA in living standards/development like Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and even Philippines. Hopefully the current leaders there wont make the same mistakes. Good luck to Vietnam.:)

I agree with the comment completely. What about you @BoQ77 , what do you think? Vietnam should side with the U.S or Russia?:) I know its a tough choice for you, but you have to choose at some point to be honest.:)

lool How will Vietnam go to hell?? :cheesy: Last time i checked, its not Russia who created Vietnam.lool

AHAHAHHA......you are actually one of the few Vietnamese member here(with Carlosa to some extent) who often make alot of insightful/valuable contributions. I agree with your post.:)
I am sure, the future of vietnam lies in the western world, not north of our border.
the US is willing to provide massive military and economic to vietnam. it is worth to think about it.

It was the Japanese invasion of Vietnam (not China) that got the US involved in the Pacific War
Take Note, America: 5 Weapons of War China Should Build Now | Page 6
vietnam is seen by many as a springboard for invasion of other countries. the mongol horde invaded vietnam because they wanted to invade champa, the french to invade laos and cambodia, the chinese the hegemony in southeast asia, the japanese for invasion of singapore and pacific.
I am sure, the future of vietnam lies in the western world, not north of our border.
the US is willing to provide massive military and economic to vietnam. it is worth to think about it.

Please don't talk like the north of your border is interested on your Vietnamese's future, if you want put the fate of Vietnam into US's hand is not our problem and nor of our business...you're just on your own.
Please don't talk like the north of your border is interested on your Vietnamese's future, if you want put the fate of Vietnam into US's hand is not our problem and nor of our business...you're just on your own.
well, I know the despisement comes from both sides vietnam and china. vietnam media hardly write reports on china, unless you stage military provocations and other acts (oil rig). china media hardly mention vietnam. as I said once, many chinese are not interested of vietnam, even don´t know where vietnam is. so in vietnam. we discuss here on forum, but in reality, nobody is interested of talking to each other.

it is better if we in vietnam take the future on our hand, so the defence, the economy siding with a superpower, rather than awaiting asking when you come again, destroying our cities killing our people. the US is not perfect, but China is very further from perfection.

there are some dreamers in vietnam, who remembers of good days with russia and china. but dream won´t not help us if you come again with more oil rigs and warships.
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well, I know the despisement comes from both sides vietnam and china. vietnam media hardly write reports on china, unless you stage military provocations and other acts (oil rig). china media hardly mention vietnam. as I said once, many chinese are not interested of vietnam, even don´t know where vietnam is. so in vietnam. we discuss here on forum, but in reality, nobody is interested of talking to each other.

it is better if we in vietnam take the future on our hand, so the defence, the economy siding with a superpower, rather than awaiting asking when you come again, destroying our cities killing our people. the US is not perfect, but China is very further from perfection.

there are some dreamers in vietnam, who remembers of good days with russia and china. but dream won´t not help us if you come again with more oil rigs and warships.

We Chinese have no need to be emotional with Vietnamese despite the fact we're culturely more similar than the rest of South East Asia, you can cozy who ever you want in order to counter your paranoid about China. When come to politic, there is no emotional only interests, if both of our interest coincided, we can have a friendly talk if our interest diverted than you can chose your better partner against us but chose wisely ;).
I am sure, the future of vietnam lies in the western world, not north of our border.
the US is willing to provide massive military and economic to vietnam. it is worth to think about it..

Remains to be seen if they are willing to provide massive military and economic aid to vietnam, they have not said that yet.
Remains to be seen if they are willing to provide massive military and economic aid to vietnam, they have not said that yet.
the US ambassador to Vietnam, Osius said: the US has "..much to offer to enhance Vietnam's security in the short, medium and long term." and "wishes to become Vietnam´s number one investor and largest trade partner."
Our American friends should foresake the idea of having the whole world under America's control。

It can never and will never control the world。:azn:
It's in their genes and they think they are still the number one in the world. Yes, that was true for the last 60 years but not now.
The US politicians say, "God bless America". What is not said is, "and screw the rest of the world." It looks like the rest of the world still owe them a living.

the US ambassador to Vietnam, Osius said: the US has "..much to offer to enhance Vietnam's security in the short, medium and long term." and "wishes to become Vietnam´s number one investor and largest trade partner."

Let me interpret:-
"... much to offer to enhance Vietnam's security in the short, medium and long term."
= if you allow us, the US is going to interfere in Vietnam's security for a long, long, long time.

"wishes to become Vietnam´s number one investor and largest trade partner."
= please let the US companies come into your country, and control your economy. The US and their cronies also have other monetary instruments such as the World Bank, IMF and ADB.
the US ambassador to Vietnam, Osius said: the US has "..much to offer to enhance Vietnam's security in the short, medium and long term." and "wishes to become Vietnam´s number one investor and largest trade partner."

Investing and trade have nothing to do with "massive military and economic aid".
Investing and trade have nothing to do with "massive military and economic aid".
if I recall, south korea is currently the largest investor with some $38b, china the largest trade partner with some $65b last year. If the US says they want to be number #1 in both fields within 2-3 years, then I would say that is the number we can be happy for. $100b.

if the US embassador says, america can provide us with security in the short term, I would understand his country would help us to alter the balance of power in the region.

the russians seem to be in worry. putin sends his prime minister to vietnam. very interesting time ahead.
Russian PM Medvedev to visit Vietnam: ambassador
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if I recall, south korea is currently the largest investor with some $38b, china the largest trade partner with some $65b last year. If the US says they want to be number #1 in both fields within 2-3 years, then I would say that is the number we can be happy for. $100b.

if the US embassador says, america can provide us with security in the short term, I would understand his country would help us to alter the balance of power in the region.

the russians seem to be in worry. putin sends his prime minister to vietnam. very interesting time ahead.
Russian PM Medvedev to visit Vietnam: ambassador

Have to see, have to see. Lets celebrate when we see the results.

Yes, very interesting how nervous the Russians are over this thing.

Very interesting time ahead indeed.
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Have to see, have to see. Lets celebrate when wee the results.

Yes, very interesting how nervous the Russians are over this thing.

Very interesting time ahead indeed.
yes, the russians shall put a counter offer on the table. let say, we build the next gepards and kilos in license :D

Oh, is that your boyfriend, Sanchez? Calling for back up? Can't take me on your own? :cheesy:
He won't help you much. You need to bring more, girlfriend. ;)

LOL, talking to your comrade to hide your lack of confidence? I told you, you're too easy.
let return to the topic...
Work starts on Cam Ranh airport’s runway
15/03/2015 | 17:29:51

Construction of the runway No 2 of Cam Ranh International Airport in Cam Ranh city, the central province of Khanh Hoa, began on March 15.

The work is to serve the airport’s long-term development target as well as helping ease the current overloading situation.

The project, which has a total investment of over 1.9 trillion VND, includes a runway with 3,048m in length and 45m in width, and a 3,094sq.m ground among other facilities.

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai underscored the necessity to construct the project, saying that it will help meet the demand on socio-economic development and security and defence of Khanh Hoa and the southern central region in general.

He asked local authorities, the project’s investor and contractors to work closely to ensure the progress and quality of the project after 36 months of construction.

Built by the US for military purposes during wartime, Cam Ranh Airport was turned to domestic civil use from 2004. In 2009, the Government decided to upgrade it into an international airport with the launch of a terminal of welcoming 1.5 million passengers per year.

Since 2011, the airport has become one of the four leading airports in terms of the number of passengers. In 2014 alone, the airport served over 2 million passengers.-VNA

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if I recall, south korea is currently the largest investor with some $38b, china the largest trade partner with some $65b last year. If the US says they want to be number #1 in both fields within 2-3 years, then I would say that is the number we can be happy for. $100b.

if the US embassador says, america can provide us with security in the short term, I would understand his country would help us to alter the balance of power in the region.

the russians seem to be in worry. putin sends his prime minister to vietnam. very interesting time ahead.
Russian PM Medvedev to visit Vietnam: ambassador
When asked by Tuoi Tre News about details of PM Medvedev’s visit to Vietnam, Ambassador Vasilievich said both sides are working on specific plans of the trip and revealed that “there will be interesting activities during the event”.
Big bro Russia knows clearly what VN want-its a strong and solidarity sub-Mekong region to protect sub-Mekong people from all threat.

Any one who wish VN could go along wt the US is just a dreamer. VN-US could be good partners , VN make No threat to US, but VN-US never can become life time brothers like VN-Russia coz US is just as arrogant as Mongol empire and China :pop:
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