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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

Work starts on Cam Ranh airport’s runway
15/03/2015 | 17:29:51

Construction of the runway No 2 of Cam Ranh International Airport in Cam Ranh city, the central province of Khanh Hoa, began on March 15.

The work is to serve the airport’s long-term development target as well as helping ease the current overloading situation.

The project, which has a total investment of over 1.9 trillion VND, includes a runway with 3,048m in length and 45m in width, and a 3,094sq.m ground among other facilities.

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai underscored the necessity to construct the project, saying that it will help meet the demand on socio-economic development and security and defence of Khanh Hoa and the southern central region in general.

He asked local authorities, the project’s investor and contractors to work closely to ensure the progress and quality of the project after 36 months of construction.

Built by the US for military purposes during wartime, Cam Ranh Airport was turned to domestic civil use from 2004. In 2009, the Government decided to upgrade it into an international airport with the launch of a terminal of welcoming 1.5 million passengers per year.

Since 2011, the airport has become one of the four leading airports in terms of the number of passengers. In 2014 alone, the airport served over 2 million passengers.-VNA


When that used to be an air base, it used to have 2 runways of 3000 meters each, I guess one was dismantled and now they have to build it again.
The visit to the US still as scheduled.
(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Minister of Public Security, General Tran Dai Quang, began an official visit to the US on Monday (16 Mar 2015) as part of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of bilateral relations. At a reception in Washington on Monday, Scot Marciel, US State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asia and the Pacific, described Minister Quang’s visit as a boost to the comprehensive partnership between the US and Vietnam and a good preparation for upcoming visits to the US by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other senior Vietnamese leaders.


Tran Dai Quang and Scot Marciel meet in Washington. (Photo: VNA)

Quang told Marciel that Vietnam welcomed stronger cooperation between the US and the Asia-Pacific, including Vietnam, on the principle of respecting the UN Charter, international law, and each country’s political institution, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Quang also visited the Vietnamese Embassy in the US.
When asked by Tuoi Tre News about details of PM Medvedev’s visit to Vietnam, Ambassador Vasilievich said both sides are working on specific plans of the trip and revealed that “there will be interesting activities during the event”.
Big bro Russia knows clearly what VN want-its a strong and solidarity sub-Mekong region to protect sub-Mekong people from all threat.

Any one who wish VN could go along wt the US is just a dreamer. VN-US could be good partners , VN make No threat to US, but VN-US never can become life time brothers like VN-Russia coz US is just as arrogant as Mongol empire and China :pop:
Unfortunately Big Bro is now in a poor economy and has a big trouble ourside his own door. Today's russia is not that 1979's mighty USSR, and China is far more powerful than that time. It is Uncle Sam that seems more reliable for you, at least US has extra money for you while Big Bro is even in short of budget for its own weaponary.
Unfortunately Big Bro is now in a poor economy and has a big trouble ourside his own door. Today's russia is not that 1979's mighty USSR, and China is far more powerful than that time. It is Uncle Sam that seems more reliable for you, at least US has extra money for you while Big Bro is even in short of budget for its own weaponary.
Poor big bro still promise to have some "interesting activities during the event".

'Powerful' China cant even scare a poor army like Myanmar,.shame on you ! :pop:
Poor big bro still promise to have some "interesting activities during the event".

'Powerful' China cant even scare a poor army like Myanmar,.shame on you ! :pop:
Well well, if you like Russia to such degree then I have nothing to say but to congratulate you.....
For Myanmar, the crater left in the spot seems really not like aviation bomb but mortar shell, and Myanmar said it was not its responsibility, so the truth is still hiden and to be unveiled. And what's more, a considerable partition of Myanmar weaponaries are offered by China.
Well well, if you like Russia to such degree then I have nothing to say but to congratulate you.....
For Myanmar, the crater left in the spot seems really not like aviation bomb but mortar shell, and Myanmar said it was not its responsibility, so the truth is still hiden and to be unveiled. And what's more, a considerable partition of Myanmar weaponaries are offered by China.
Blah blah blah, the more u guys talk, the more u guys look like Ah Q in 'the true story of Ah Q' written by Lu Xun.

If Ukraine drop a mortar shell to Russia , i'm sure that u will not see Ukraine on the map tmrrow :pop:
Blah blah blah, the more u guys talk, the more u guys look like Ah Q in 'the true story of Ah Q' written by Lu Xun.

If Ukraine drop a mortar shell to Russia , i'm sure that u will not see Ukraine on the map tmrrow :pop:
Myanmar-China relationship is quite well for a long time, if not we wouldn't have sold them so many weapons, and Myanmar is quite important for our economic strategy, why should we deliberately hurt it and push it far near to US side?
And you don't you understand the core problem of Ukraine-Russia war? It's US rather than Ukraine that Russia hates.
Jen Psaki
Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
March 12, 2015
QUESTION: Apparently Russian military jets have been using Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in the – in Vietnam to refuel as part of their showing their military might in the Asia Pacific region. Has the U.S. talked to Vietnam about this? Does the U.S. want Vietnam to stop allowing Russian military craft from refueling?

MS. PSAKI: Well, we are certainly – we’ve urged Vietnamese officials to ensure that Russia is not able to use its access to Cam Ranh Bay to conduct activities that could raise tensions in the region. Obviously we’ve done that privately with Vietnamese Government officials, and certainly our preference is that they would not.

QUESTION: Has there been any inclination from the Vietnamese to comply with the U.S. request?

MS. PSAKI: I don’t have any other updates on that, beyond what I just conveyed.

QUESTION: Why is it a problem for the Russian military to be flying its jets along the southeastern edge of Asia?

MS. PSAKI: Well, again, as I referenced, I think our concern is about steps that raise tensions in the region.

QUESTION: Perhaps – so you believe that Russian flights have been raising tension --

MS. PSAKI: I don’t have --

QUESTION: -- in the region?

MS. PSAKI: -- confirmation that they have. I think there have been reports. We obviously don’t want them to use Cam Ranh Bay.

QUESTION: Right. But if they haven’t been raising tension, why would you ask the Vietnamese to stop? I mean, first of all, Cam Ranh Bay used to be yours, but hasn’t been since 1975, and it was the Russians’ more recently.

MS. PSAKI: Well, that’s why we’re talking to our --


MS. PSAKI: -- counterparts in other countries. Right.

QUESTION: Well, yeah. But I mean, why can’t the Vietnamese – or why can’t they allow the Russian jets to refuel if you don’t – if you’re not accusing them – these flights of raising tensions, which I don’t think you are – maybe you are, but --

MS. PSAKI: We believe that they could. That’s why. That’s the issue we’re raising.

QUESTION: But that they could?

MS. PSAKI: I don’t have confirmation of what’s happened or hasn’t happened to date. We’re referring to conversations about concerns that allowing them to use Cam Ranh Bay could raise tensions in the region.

QUESTION: So – yeah. Okay. But you don’t have – you’re not basing that on anything that has actually --

MS. PSAKI: I just don’t have --

QUESTION: -- already happened?

MS. PSAKI: I don’t have more details on what’s happened, Matt, but I’m --

QUESTION: Okay. Could you find out if there have been Russian flights that you believe have --

MS. PSAKI: Have landed? Sure. I can see if there --

QUESTION: -- raised tensions? Well, no, no, not have landed, but that their activity in this area has been raising tensions?

MS. PSAKI: Sure. But regardless of whether it has to date, we could still express a concern about what it could do in the future, which is the point I’m making.

QUESTION: Sure. You could express that concern, but it’s a little – it’s a step from going to expressing concern to actually telling the Vietnamese: Hey, we don’t think you should refuel – you should allow them to – allow them access to this base. That’s – I --

QUESTION: Is there a concern that this is putting a strain on U.S.-Vietnamese relations?

MS. PSAKI: No. I wasn’t suggesting that. Certainly we raise concerns as we have them.

I can only do kind of two more here.
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Myanmar-China relationship is quite well for a long time, if not we wouldn't have sold them so many weapons, and Myanmar is quite important for our economic strategy, why should we deliberately hurt it and push it far near to US side?
And you don't you understand the core problem of Ukraine-Russia war? It's US rather than Ukraine that Russia hates.
Okay, then 'mighty' China in your meaning is a China who good at kissing Myanmar's @zz despite how hard he bombard your land :lol:
From the map you can see that Vietnam is too small.

One wife can serve tow husbands?

They apologized and dismissed three frontiner officers.

If Vietnam stops let Russian oil tanker landing, i think Putin will get a facial on Vietcong too.
One wife serves two husbands....LMAO:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
They apologized and dismissed three frontiner officers.

If Vietnam stops let Russian oil tanker landing, i think Putin will get a facial on Vietcong too.

Whether to suck Uncle sam's toe, it's a question.
So, what will happen if another "accident" happen again to Chinese peasants ?? 'Mighty' China will keep kissing Myanmar's @zz when Myanmar say 'sorry ' again, right ??:laugh:
So, what will happen if another "accident" happen again to Chinese peasants ?? 'Mighty' China will keep kissing Myanmar's @zz when Myanmar say 'sorry ' again, right ??:laugh:
Myanmar had appologized, what you expect? to invade them like Vietnam did to Cambodia and Laos?
Myanmar had appologized, what you expect? to invade them like Vietnam did to Cambodia and Laos?
Appologize is acceptable for the first time, but what will 'mighty' China do if 'accident 'happen again and again??
The title should be changed to ' can one wife serve two husbands at the same time'?

Appologize is acceptable for the first time, but what will 'mighty' China do if 'accident 'happen again and again??
If that happen agian, you can bring up the question.We have deployed J11A/B in Nansan, any fighters try to drop the boms will be shot down. This had been made clear to Myanmar goverment.
From the map you can see that Vietnam is too small.

One wife can serve tow husbands?

They apologized and dismissed three frontiner officers.

If Vietnam stops let Russian oil tanker landing, i think Putin will get a facial on Vietcong too.

Whether to suck Uncle sam's toe, it's a question.

You two went off topic, this is not the thread about Myanmar and China.
Please remove irrelevant posting.
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