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U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

Hey so why don't you drop some bombs on us too? Do you have less balls than Myanmar? too scared maybe? because all you have to do is say sorry afterwards.
China-Vietnam border is heavily guarded by PLA, they can't make a move at all.

You two went off topic, this is not the thread about Myanmar and China.
Please remove
Can Vietnam afford to offend Putin for Obama?
Can Vietnam afford to offend Putin for Obama?

Definitely No. No one can't order Vietnam to offend anyone else.

Vietnam is providing repair and maintenance services to US ships.
As a slice of information, in previous post, I revealed amount 4.5 million dollars of service charges
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If that happen agian, you can bring up the question.We have deployed J11A/B in Nansan, any fighters try to drop the boms will be shot down. This had been made clear to Myanmar goverment.
We dont need to say anything, just keep the deal wt US in secret, that will make more fun :pop:
You two went off topic, this is not the thread about Myanmar and China.
Please remove irrelevant posting.

Vietnam will be the winner of this crisis if Vietnam don't do stupid thing as did in 1970's.

I told you days ago, when Vietnam defeated France and America, after Vietnam gain unification, your leaders started to focus on economy and didn't ally with USSR, expand, Vietnam nowadays may have been leader of the region.
Vietnam shall say big no to USA's unreasonable request.

Vietnam will be the winner of this crisis if Vietnam don't do stupid thing as did in 1970's.

I told you days ago, when Vietnam defeated France and America, after Vietnam gain unification, your leaders started to focus on economy and didn't ally with USSR, expand, Vietnam nowadays may have been leader of the region.
If they were that smart, they don't need to beg USA in that way like right now.

Vietnam choosed the wrong boss, they start to suffer now.
The title should be changed to ' can one wife serve two husbands at the same time'?
you are too narrow minded as you see everything from chinese worldview. besides, you chinese in general understand too litle about vietnam politics and powerplay. I suggest you stop insulting as most of chinese here tend to do when they run out of argument.
Vietnam shall say big no to USA's unreasonable request.

If they were that smart, they don't need to beg USA in that way like right now.

Vietnam choosed the wrong boss, they start to suffer now.

I disagree with you. This time, Vietnam's choice was not that bad. It's depends on how China's navy and air forces is developing. If PLAN can catch up with competitors quickly, Vietnam make wrong choice; if our navy can't develop, Vietnam make right choice.

I disagree with you. This time, Vietnam's choice was not that bad. It's depends on how China's navy and air forces is developing. If PLAN can catch up with competitors quickly, Vietnam make wrong choice; if our navy can't develop, Vietnam make right choice.

When China has ability to destroy half of American navy, the SCS situation will be changed totally and return to the route of 1940's.
Vietnam will be the winner of this crisis if Vietnam don't do stupid thing as did in 1970's.

I told you days ago, when Vietnam defeated France and America, after Vietnam gain unification, your leaders started to focus on economy and didn't ally with USSR, expand, Vietnam nowadays may have been leader of the region.
We made mistake in running economy but we won the control of Laos-Kam's military forces, thats not so bad.:pop:

I disagree with you. This time, Vietnam's choice was not that bad. It's depends on how China's navy and air forces is developing. If PLAN can catch up with competitors quickly, Vietnam make wrong choice; if our navy can't develop, Vietnam make right choice.
China army suck. We make friend wt US just to be sure that they (US) won't collude wt China to harm VN again like in 1979, thats all, dont over-estimate your coward-poorly trained-corrupted army.:pop:
At the same time,
Minister of Public Security ministry with Director of FBI in Washington 16. Mar 2015

Signing something.


We made mistake in running economy but we won the control of Laos-Kam's military forces, thats not so bad.:pop:

China army suck. We make friend wt US just to be sure that they (US) won't collude wt China to harm VN again like in 1979, thats all, dont over-estimate your coward-poorly trained-corrupted army.:pop:

That's bad. If Vietnam didn't ally with USSR, maybe Lao-Kam at the moment is part of Dai Vietnam territory. And Vietnam wouldn't lose the glory of defeat France and America.

Comparing to American navy, yes, China's navy sucks. But Vietnam still should be very cautious. Ally is exclusive. Considering the nervous America-Russia relation recently, Vietnam can't make wrong choice again and betray friend of Russia.
Then how you gonna respond to Uncle sam's request?

You are an Asian, you should already know how Asians sometime talks, expressing things indirectly and not directly.

With that in mind, you should have some idea what VietNam's decision is if you consider this carefully:

From the time the US first made the request until now, no Vietnamese officials from any govt ministry has spoke up and defend Russia's right to use Cam Ranh.

On the other hand, a VCP Politburo member from the Ministry of Public Security just made this comment yesterday:

Vietnam welcomes US cooperation with Asia-Pacific
Last update: 15:51 | 16/03/2015

Vietnam welcomes the intensified cooperation between the US and the Asia-Pacific, including Vietnam, on the principle of respecting the United Nations Charter, international law, and countries’ political institution, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Politburo member and Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang made the remark during his meeting with US State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asia and the Pacific Scot Marciel in Washington D.C. on March 15.

He expressed his delight at the continuous development of bilateral relations...


So don't listen to my friend @NiceGuy, he's a dreamer. Russia is now poor and cannot help VietNam. If fact, Russia will now need to rely on China.
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The title should be changed to ' can one wife serve two husbands at the same time'?

Ha ha, so China changed from Soviet to Uncle Sam in 1970s.

We made mistake in running economy but we won the control of Laos-Kam's military forces, thats not so bad.:pop:

China army suck. We make friend wt US just to be sure that they (US) won't collude wt China to harm VN again like in 1979, thats all, dont over-estimate your coward-poorly trained-corrupted army.:pop:

@NiceGuy, we joined to ASEAN, sub-Mekong region is not so important for us like in the past, in time of Vietnam war. In fact, Lao-Cam is our ally now.

(sorry, I'm newbie here).
look at the reactions of the russians, from the media to the ambassador, they are very angry at the US.

from the vietnamese government, there is no reaction so far, besides of one army official from the military academy, who shouts the US. that is very much revealing.

I am sure, the future of vietnam lies in the western world, not north of our border.
the US is willing to provide massive military and economic to vietnam. it is worth to think about it.

I agree with you brother. Just yesterday, a VCP Politburo member even said he welcomes US involvement in Asia-Pacific.

Investing and trade have nothing to do with "massive military and economic aid".

He wasn't just talking about trade and investment. He said the US has " much to offer to enhance Vietnam's security in theshort, medium and long term."

yes, the russians shall put a counter offer on the table. let say, we build the next gepards and kilos in license :D

But Russia is poor right now and they have other things to worry about. Furthermore, they need to rely on China to recover.

When asked by Tuoi Tre News about details of PM Medvedev’s visit to Vietnam, Ambassador Vasilievich said both sides are working on specific plans of the trip and revealed that “there will be interesting activities during the event”.

I think those "interesting activities" means visiting some arts museums and trying out a pottery class.

Brother you need to wake up. Russia is now poor and have more important issues to deal with.
Vietnam shall say big no to USA's unreasonable request.

If they were that smart, they don't need to beg USA in that way like right now.

Vietnam choosed the wrong boss, they start to suffer now.
LOL that is not your business.
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