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Type056 Corvette Handed Over to Bangladesh Navy

I would like to contradict the claims made for boat export to Bangladesh navy. First point Indian defense industry is also matured enough to manufacture required items including all types of boats. Second point being India is also improving is after sales support significantly after selling/transferring the boats to customers. 3rd India also offers good funding while supporting Indian made vessels. Forth in today's times no country can afford to add political strings in military sales except superpower which neither China nor India is. Fifth point is affected by 3rd point. Sixth we also are one of biggest countries who support Bangladesh in strengthening their foundation. Seventh China is not unbeatable. India as also its share of merits when it comes to competition. Last but not least no country is saint nor any country is evil, its the policy of country and karma of people which guide towards its target. And yes disliked those who committed henious crimes and still dislike same kind of people but we do like moderate people, their culture and the beautiful landscapes. Thank you.

1. You say india can supply required items, thats debateable. india's first naval export was the Baracuda OPV, which cost a wopping $58m...almost the same price as what Nigeria paid China for the P18 frigate, while we paid well under $100m for each of the Type 056.The Kamorta corvette cost nearly $460m, if you want to be a major player you have to be price competitive.
2. India is no where near China in the range of systems on offer, their marketing experience, their after sales support network and funding. Basically speaking China has been in business a lot longer then india....
3. Why should we buy anything indian when we can get them from China a lot cheaper, just as advanced if not more with financing and no political string?
4. The main thing though is were more interested eventually designing and building in Bangladesh.
Why does bd need these offensive corvettes?

They are all of every country in neighborhood.
India could have sold them baracuda type corvette for same price

Why do Bangladesh need a navy at all?

Ok u prefer chinese weapons which arm Myanmar.

India could hv given better deal but alas some of u treat as enemy.
We shed blood of our 10000 soldiers for your independence
Here comes the debt collector. :D
Type056 corvette can install China anti-sub towed sonar at the back of ship, so not joke time !






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LOL 。。。 coz Indian Navy without anti-sub towed sonar :rofl:

Wow From where did you get this information? Indian navy is the first in the world to have even decoy against the submarine launch torpedo. Your navy sucks here. Just sell your substandard goods to third world country and than rush to Russia for BMD, Planes and subs. you know your quality better than others.
Wow From where did you get this information? Indian navy is the first in the world to have even decoy against the submarine launch torpedo. Your navy sucks here. Just sell your substandard goods to third world country and than rush to Russia for BMD, Planes and subs. you know your quality better than others.
Show our photos, ur big-mouth Indian ! BTW where u buy it ?
Show our photos, ur big-mouth Indian ! BTW where u buy it ?

What Photo? It is there on PDF you brain washed Chinese. What does a photo of one roof floating in water proves? When you post these photos , you prove your low IQ.

There are articles on what I have quoted on PDF itself.
Wow From where did you get this information? Indian navy is the first in the world to have even decoy against the submarine launch torpedo. Your navy sucks here. Just sell your substandard goods to third world country and than rush to Russia for BMD, Planes and subs. you know your quality better than others.
Sure. Chinese navy sucks.
What Photo? It is there on PDF you brain washed Chinese. What does a photo of one roof floating in water proves? When you post these photos , you prove your low IQ.

There are articles on what I have quoted on PDF itself.
U just a big-mouth Indian, do u know ? I do the research Indian Navy has @ss anti-sub towed sonar, even ur latest Kolkata-class DDG didn't install towed sonar yet, India can't produce towed sonar ur towed sonar now in foreign dealer's warehouse ... so i know u can't show photos ... Let me tell a truth, PLAN has much more DDGs and FFGs than Indian Navy and China exported much more ships to foreign navy than India ... keep ur day-dream.:lol::lol::lol:
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