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Type 052D DDG revealed

well,lets get back to the discussion of 052D or relative news.or this thread would be ruined.
Yeah as we all know we field IRBM and SRBM in hundreds just for show right? after all Sub bases don't move around much, and hopefully you are ready to shoot down missels with a Mach 6 terminal velocity (Most advanced version of SCUD has a terminal velocity of 3.5, just FYI)

Speed/valocity at terimal stage has very little to do with the interception, as long
as the incoming missile follows a predictable ballistic trajectory path. A SAM need
not be able to achieve a higher velocity than the incoming missile in order to
intercept it.

If not, then the Agni-5 (terminal velocity Mach 24) is invincible. But thats not
how it works.
Speed/valocity at terimal stage has very little to do with the interception, as long
as the incoming missile follows a predictable ballistic trajectory path. A SAM need
not be able to achieve a higher velocity than the incoming missile in order to
intercept it.

If not, then the Agni-5 (terminal velocity Mach 24) is invincible. But thats not
how it works.

It has everything to do with reaction time, especially for country does not has DPS/early warning satellites. Agni 5 doesn't fit in the IRBM and SRBM category so I dont know why you brought it up. but hey welcome to the ICBM club 40 years after China.
I would like to offer, that if China was the one who went to war with Iraq back then, Iraq would hand them their behinds wrapped in xmas paper as a gift. Despite the fact that Iraq had no real airforce to talk about.

Hell, I do believe that if China was to pick a fight with any NATO member alone (philosophical question, not real) many laughs would ensue ...

China has been accumulating hardware (of questionable quality so far -because we haven't seen any of it in real action) but no experience in fighting.

US not only has huge experience in using CNVs, but there are literally thousands of people who have served on them so far and can be called at any moment to offer their experiences if needed.

can you begin to comprehend what an enormous asset that is. Remember Japan had plenty of Zeros, and ZERO experienced men to fly them.

LMAO, are you on crack or something? I been to both greece and sweden, sweden I lived for 7 years, greece I been to for vacation for over a dozen time, sweden never hade any kind of experience in modern warfare, and arent even a nato country, and greece doesnt even have a worthy military to speak with. The fact is without the US, the entire NATO even if put together still couldnt even make a dent on China, let alone a single nato country, LOL
About Iraq, a5 1992, china cant defeat iraq cuz china doesnt have projection capabilities that far, but if iraq boarded china, china can without a doubt take out Iraq if neccesary, not that china will do as the US did.

And talking about experience, it shouldnt be underestimated, but people like you are greatly overrestimating what experience can do, military rutine, structure and dicipline are more important, experience can be learned, whatdo you think all those wargames, 200+ hours per year aviation exercise per pilot, visit and exchange with russian, french, brazil, pakistan, malaysian, Thailand etc. military were all for? playing games? China have been training carrier pilots since early 90s, before china even had any aircraft carrier, are also a regular visitor and user of the ukraine ex USSR carrier training base, what makes you think that china have no experience at all? You think that chinese are just using the new hardware by polishing them pretty? And what experience does most of the nato countries have? None! yet you hypocritically claim that Nato countries can all take on china one on one while claim china are worthless precisely because lack of experience? I amjust appalled of such hypocricy, double standard and selfglorified and super-inflated ego while at the same time you have absolutely nothing to back it up, LOL What kind of daydream are you in?Wake up!

It will take china many years to catch up with the US militarily, but make no misstake, china doesnt have worldwide hegemony to defend, However in Asia, at least in 2000km within the range of chinese coast, china will without a doubt dominate already 15-20years from now, with new gen of ssk amd ssn alrrady been built in shipyards, new DDG like 052d and upcoming 055, 054b FFG, domestic ACs, unmanned long range attack drone, new satellit system, DF21 antiship BM, new advanced datalink and integrated fire-control and data-sharing ability, HYPERSONIC long range missiles(china just fielded the very first and most advanced hypersonic wind shock test tunnel in the world), J20, J21, new unmanned stealth AC based attackaircraft I dont see how any country can compare withchina already 15 years from now, at least in the west pacific.
And yes, China can easily break through vietnamese airdefence without a problem, stealth drone attack, reveal position, then cruise missile strike any airdefence site with thehelp of chinese gps system, the few Su serie fighters vietname got wont even be able to left before airfield have destroyed by chinese BM, and even if by all odds they do, without AWACS, datalink, nor AESA RADAR, they are merely sitting target for china fighters, will drop to the ground in a pretty fireball show. After that it's the rain of bombs unrestricted. 6 subs vs china's 70+ subs, and airial sub hunters, go do the math yourself. Above are ofc just purely militaristic projection, a fairly accurate one id say though, hope though this scen will never happen.

I have read on a article off the internet that stated new major combat ship will be fitted with a advanced and greatly improved bouyed sonar system, and completely new revolutional sub communication system(not sure if it was to be fitted on any DDG's though), anyone else have any more info? anyways the 052D's biggest improvement should be the new vertical launcher, it's able to fire ALLkind of missiles both cold and hot launched, it's also able to accomodate missile up to 825mm, which makes it unique, I think not even the newest american vls system can launch any missile that big yet, but they are also developing larger ones. This syatem can basicly be fitted on any ships large enough, could new 054b be fitted with it?

Sorry for the spelling, but I am writing with a pad.
Type 052D is equipped with an X/S dual band AESA radar for air and ballistic missile defence。

The radar is also a 4-in-1 system,integrating the functions of search、guidance、communication and electronic warfare。:azn:
Cruise missile jet engine cannot be compared to aircraft jet engines. One only has to be used once and for a couple of hours at most.
052D impression with 64 VLS cells and 8 incline-launched DH-10 LACMs::coffee:

052D's VLS incorporating both cold-launch and hot-launch systems,with the latter using CCL technology:


hence the disappearance of gas exhaust pipes。:coffee:

Comparing with the hot-launch VLS onboard Type 054A FFGs:

yup,it's "copied" and "derived" from french ones,as long as u feel good~

i dont mind it.look,what i care about is:

1.new 130mm gun.thats a good thing for us.before that,we just have 4 Sovremenniys with 130mm old soviet guns.other navy cannon calibers r 76mm or 100mm.it's a revolution and u see,it's just like watching a child to grow up.u can share those achivements with people working on it.wow we have a new cannon,sounds very cool

2.new VLS. well,as we already see Rectangular VLS on 054A,it didnt surprised me much though this VLS is more advanced than 054A's.it can also launch anti-ship missile as someone said,yet we still need to wait answer.

3.new AESA.this also give me visual impact.as a fanboy,i think Burke's radome looks better than 052C's.so i want a new shape~look,i'm not an expert.

but there is one thing i know:new systems on 052D would be better than 052C's.a new generation Air Warfare Destroyer is coming to PLAN~

i know it will be difficult for u ,who have never been through this kind of feelings, to understand


That is because the low life indians are truly pathatic by nature.

Even if they try to "copy " they will not be able to do it since they are so so backward !

Now they have to spend 12 billion dollars buying outdated junks like French Rafale. While the Chinese flying "copy" F-35 (J-31) and F-22 (J-20) can and will DESTROY their stone aged junk airforce at well.
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