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Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?


Dec 23, 2012
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2014.03.21 morning China 1st 052D class DDG formally join PLAN.

N.o172 "KunMing" DDG

Hey, who see 052D's anti-ship missile launcher ?

中国海军网上海3月21日电 记者陈国全、特约记者李唐报道:今天上午,我国新型导弹驱逐舰昆明舰交舰入列仪式在中船工业集团公司江南造船集团有限公司举行。中央军委委员、海军司令员吴胜利出席仪式并为昆明舰授旗、颁发命名证书。三月的上海,阳光和煦,微风拂面。停泊在船厂码头的昆明舰悬挂满旗,舰上官兵精神抖擞,分区列队。交舰入列仪式上,吴胜利为昆明舰授予军旗,颁发命名证书,该舰正式加入人民海军战斗序列。随后,昆明舰举行了隆重的升旗仪式。










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Looks like China is serious about putting all Navies but the US to shame in 5 years.

It is planning to build 2-3 destroyers and around 3 frigates a year for the next 5 years.

In contrast the US will build 2 destroyers a year in the same time-frame.
Looks like China is serious about putting all Navies but the US to shame in 5 years.

It is planning to build 2-3 destroyers and around 3 frigates a year for the next 5 years.

In contrast the US will build 2 destroyers a year in the same time-frame.

Yes, we must be able to handle all the regional navies that we have problems with.

Matching the US 7th fleet will take more time but by building up our capabilities we can increase the cost to the Yankees.
Yes, we must be able to handle all the regional navies that we have problems with.

Matching the US 7th fleet will take more time but by building up our capabilities we can increase the cost to the Yankees.

Yes by 2020 China will have by far the 2nd most powerful Navy in the world.

In fact I expect it to be around as powerful as the next 3 combined - Russia, Japan and the UK.

China just needs some more time to push the US out of the Western Pacific. 2030 should be doable.
2nd 052D DDG N.o173 "ChangSha" also will join PLA in this year, each year 2x 052D DDG built out. One group of 052D building total Eight warships.

how much do you spend for a vessel?
Yes, we must be able to handle all the regional navies that we have problems with.

Matching the US 7th fleet will take more time but by building up our capabilities we can increase the cost to the Yankees.

You talk too much. Increase cost? You have to build at least 60+ destroyers just to match ours. How many destroyers do you have? How many nuclear submarines do you have? How many carriers do you have? Increased cost to the Chinese indeed.

Yes by 2020 China will have by far the 2nd most powerful Navy in the world.

In fact I expect it to be around as powerful as the next 3 combined - Russia, Japan and the UK.

China just needs some more time to push the US out of the Western Pacific. 2030 should be doable.

LOL I like to see China try. That means taking over our territories in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy hasn't had a major conflict in the seas since WW2 and nobody has challenged it. Not even the Russians when it was at its peak.
You talk too much. Increase cost? You have to build at least 60+ destroyers just to match ours. How many destroyers do you have? How many nuclear submarines do you have? How many carriers do you have? Increased cost to the Chinese indeed.

LOL I like to see China try. That means taking over our territories in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy hasn't had a major conflict in the seas since WW2 and nobody has challenged it. Not even the Russians when it was at its peak.

All our military assets will be stationed in the Asia-Pacific. American military is not just for Asia-Pacific but globally.

America cannot put all its assets in Asia-Pacific or else it will lose influence in others parts of the world.

How many destroyers, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers are stationed in the 7th fleet?

Sure more can be added to the 7th fleet but that will weaken other fleets.
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