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Two years built 1st 052D DDG join PLAN now, where anti-ship missile ?

You talk too much. Increase cost? You have to build at least 60+ destroyers just to match ours. How many destroyers do you have? How many nuclear submarines do you have? How many carriers do you have? Increased cost to the Chinese indeed.

LOL I like to see China try. That means taking over our territories in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy hasn't had a major conflict in the seas since WW2 and nobody has challenged it. Not even the Russians when it was at its peak.

China has 1.4 billion people. Americans need to pop out 1.1 billion more babies to match China. :chilli:A warship is only as effective as the men and women who operate it. The US doesn't even dare to fight Russia, let alone China. The US has 18 trillion debt. I wonder how many of its 60 destroyers can be deployed to fight China? Maybe 2. China is ethnically homogeneous. The US is not. Even though the US has 310 million people, white people including Jewish number less than 200 million. I wonder if non white Americans would be wiling to sacrifice their lives fighting China? 8-)
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LOL I like to see China try. That means taking over our territories in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy hasn't had a major conflict in the seas since WW2 and nobody has challenged it. Not even the Russians when it was at its peak.

Dude China will be around twice as rich as US and the Western Pacific will be its home turf.

US will be pushed back to Hawaii for sure.
You talk too much. Increase cost? You have to build at least 60+ destroyers just to match ours. How many destroyers do you have? How many nuclear submarines do you have? How many carriers do you have? Increased cost to the Chinese indeed.

LOL I like to see China try. That means taking over our territories in the Pacific. The U.S. Navy hasn't had a major conflict in the seas since WW2 and nobody has challenged it. Not even the Russians when it was at its peak.
When Soviet Union was at its peak,its GDP accounted for 60% of America's and its indurstry output was about half of America's.But now China's GDP has been 60% of USA's GDP,while it is still growing at a speed of 7.5% per year.And China's indurstry output is nearly twice of America's.In the next 2 decades,China will become a developed country which has a GDP of 2 America,and by then,our military budget will surely overcome yours.
All our military assets will be stationed in the Asia-Pacific. American military is not just for Asia-Pacific but globally.

America cannot put all its assets in Asia-Pacific or else it will lose influence in others parts of the world.

How many destroyers, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers are stationed in the 7th fleet?

Sure more can be added to the 7th fleet but that will weaken other fleets.

Sure it can. If at war the U.S. Navy can shift its fleets to the Pacific. After all the ships are all mobile. Other countries can take our place like Britain, German, France, etc. Unless Russia intends to invade Western Europe while we are busy fighting China in the future. But I doubt that. There are limits to what Putin can do. So I asked again, how many carriers, destroyers and nuclear submarines do you have? If you can't answer it, then don't waste time spouting nonsense.

Dude China will be around twice as rich as US and the Western Pacific will be its home turf.

US will be pushed back to Hawaii for sure.

Japan tried that once. Doubt China can do it as well.

When Soviet Union was at its peak,its GDP accounted for 60% of America's and its indurstry output was about half of America's.But now China's GDP has been 60% of USA's GDP,while it is still growing at a speed of 7.5% per year.And China's indurstry output is nearly twice of America's.In the next 2 decades,China will become a developed country which has a GDP of 2 America,and by then,our military budget will surely overcome yours.

It takes more than a billion people to achieve the amount of GDP to America with only 300 million. It be like saying India with a billion and Australia only 25 million have the same amount of GDP but does that mean India is rich as Australia?
China has 1.4 billion people. Americans need to pop out 1.1 billion more babies to match China. :chilli:A warship is only as effective as the men and women who operate it. The US doesn't even dare to fight Russia, let alone China. The US has 18 trillion debt. I wonder how many of its 60 destroyers can be deployed to fight China? Maybe 2. China is ethnically homogeneous. The US is not. Even though the US has 310 million people, white people including Jewish number less than 200 million. I wonder if non white Americans would be wiling to sacrifice their lives fighting China? 8-)

Okay, like I don't need to point out that many Americans of different colors have died fighting. Including ironically Chinese Americans.

Japanese Americans especially the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which is the most decorated in U.S. military history that fought in WW2.


The Tuskegee pilots

Navajo code talkers speaking in their language the Japanese could not understand.
Chinese American soldier.

Enough said.
American dont even have balls to help Georgio and Ukraine. So much bulls talk from our american friend. :lol:

Ask your president to show some balls before you all sprout nonsense first :lol:

PLAN take over spratly island and diaoyu tai. American will tell their lacky dogs. God bless you :lol:
Sure it can. If at war the U.S. Navy can shift its fleets to the Pacific. After all the ships are all mobile. Other countries can take our place like Britain, German, France, etc. Unless Russia intends to invade Western Europe while we are busy fighting China in the future. But I doubt that. There are limits to what Putin can do. So I asked again, how many carriers, destroyers and nuclear submarines do you have? If you can't answer it, then don't waste time spouting nonsense.

Japan tried that once. Doubt China can do it as well.

It takes more than a billion people to achieve the amount of GDP to America with only 300 million. It be like saying India with a billion and Australia only 25 million have the same amount of GDP but does that mean India is rich as Australia?

US aircraft carriers can easily be taken out by our ASBM (yes it does work and yes it has been deployed).

By the time Yankees shift their ships (not as easy as you make it out to be) the war would be already over.

Besides we have 60+ submarines that are world class and dozens of surface ships that are world class. We have anti-space weapons, cyber warfare capabilities, electronic warfare capabilities, hundreds of drones, hundreds of world class anti-ship missiles delivered from ships, air, ground, world class radars, world class SAMs, etc etc etc

Japan wasn't a continental power with 1.3 billion people. We have a population that is bigger than the ENTIRE western world combined! Bigger population means bigger middle class and more tax revenue base to spend on military, more man power, more engineers, scientists, etc.

Actually per capita GDP is irrelevant in geopolitics. Its what resources a nation has in absolute numbers and if they have a bigger population then thats an advantage.

America is not coming within touching distance of China in the 21st century. America will be lucky if it even represents a challenge to China in 30-40 years.

China has overtaken the US in many indicators that no one else has in the last 100 years.

You met you match in China!

Besides, we have already defeated the US military, something Japan never managed to do.
so less than half the cost of a US warship. it is cheap.
Are you sure?Burke class DDG costs 1 billion each.

so less than half the cost of a US warship. it is cheap.
Are you sure?Burke class DDG costs 1 billion each.
Sure it can. If at war the U.S. Navy can shift its fleets to the Pacific. After all the ships are all mobile. Other countries can take our place like Britain, German, France, etc. Unless Russia intends to invade Western Europe while we are busy fighting China in the future. But I doubt that. There are limits to what Putin can do. So I asked again, how many carriers, destroyers and nuclear submarines do you have? If you can't answer it, then don't waste time spouting nonsense.

Japan tried that once. Doubt China can do it as well.

It takes more than a billion people to achieve the amount of GDP to America with only 300 million. It be like saying India with a billion and Australia only 25 million have the same amount of GDP but does that mean India is rich as Australia?

I was not talking about who are richer.I was talking about military budget.China's military budget will finally go beyond yours,thus you can't keep your military superemacy in western pacific forever.
so less than half the cost of a US warship. it is cheap.

that's what Pentagon worried. China has a lower defence budget vs US, but their cost also much lower.

Arms made in China are reasonably cheaper for they manufatured more which is the most in the world.

US have no chance to win hardware updates competing with China for its smaller manufacturing industry size.
Are you sure?Burke class DDG costs 1 billion each.
$2bn for a US Aegis destroyer, including weapons.

that's what Pentagon worried. China has a lower defence budget vs US, but their cost also much lower.

Arms made in China are reasonably cheaper for they manufatured more which is the most in the world.

US have no chance to win hardware updates competing with China for its smaller manufacturing industry size.
well, I guess the real defence budget of China is much higher.
$2bn for a US Aegis destroyer, including weapons.

well, I guess the real defence budget of China is much higher.
So your should add the missles for 052D's VLS and then make a comparision.Both China and America's millitary budget doesn't include the money of new weapon's development.
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