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Two low-intensity explosions reported in Pune

keep track on August and sept dates in Hijri Calendar you will get the most important symbolic dates to attack these months from islamic history .

i didn't completely get this ,ur saying tht today is some auspicious day according to the Islamic war history?
Tommorw is one of the biggest festival of Hindus "Raksha bandhan" and family's were out there in markets for shopping.

And look this Blast in the crowded area's. Thanks to almighty God no reports of causalities so far.

May god punish those swines who planned these blast in synchronized manner to kill as many Hindus as they can just before the one of Festival.

What the f@#$k our intelligence agency's doing? Yes we can only pray and ask gods to protect us from terrorists as these agencies are worth sh!t!!
nope nothing to do with hindu festival you are groping in dark and in wrong direction.
Tommorw is one of the biggest festival of Hindus "Raksha bandhan" and family's were out there in markets for shopping.

And look this Blast in the crowded area's. Thanks to almighty God no reports of causalities so far.

May god punish those swines who planned these blast in synchronized manner to kill as many Hindus as they can just before the one of Festival.

What the f@#$k our intelligence agency's doing? Yes we can only pray and ask gods to protect us from terrorists as these agencies are worth sh!t!!
completly agree bro.
nope nothing to do with hindu festival you are groping in dark and in wrong direction.
He has a point ma'am. All markets in India are crowded today. So will be the next day. Its easier to carry out such attack in a crowded environment especially because no one will doubt a unattended bag on side of the bike or road. Even police won't be able to distinguish due to shear number of people. Its plain common sense.
This is nonsense, look at the neighborhood India lives in we cannot reasonably expect 100% success rates by Intel agencies. Like the "iron lady" said these SCUM only have to be successful once, security agencies have to be successful all the time. India has Pakistan on its border and that is enough to mean there is always going to be huge risk to India from terror attacks. We can't compare India to those who have the luxury of thousands of miles of ocean protecting them.

Even if i agree with you, but there is deep inside feeling that our agencies are incompetent in utilizing the available resources be it Human or financial and controlling the terror attacks! It seems like our agencies haven't learned anything while having the history of being constantly suffering from terror attacks since decades!!

Sometimes it feels like these Terrorist can strike anywhere in India at will !! And Thats what they displayed today by successfully synchronizing 5 blasts inside a major city which also came under attack in 2010 also (German bakery blast).

were there any prior inputs? or anything of that sort? No! Just heard IB chief on Headlines today and that master class was saying that they are caught unaware!! alas!!
He has a point ma'am. All markets in India are crowded today. So will be the next day. Its easier to carry out such attack in a crowded environment especially because no one will doubt a unattended bag on side of the bike or road. Even police won't be able to distinguish due to shear number of people. Its plain common sense.
you can find crowded rorads market any time any day in india.he is as i say is probing in wrong direction and i stand by my statement.

are you supporting the terrorists since you seem to know when they attack?
i'm just bringing in the perspective for right direction to investigation.

Looks like you know precisely who dunnit and why.
noo its you brain which makes you look it that way.:rolleyes:
you can find crowded rorads market any time any day in india.he is as i say is probing in wrong direction and i stand by my statement.
I think you do understand the significance of attacking people on specific days. If the attack was at any other day people will forget it but if it happens on holidays, then people will always be looking over their shoulder, jumpy and doubtful to go to market in these soft target cities during holidays. Its called terrorism, instill "terror" in people's mind when holidays come.

I think you can do the psycho-analysis of this. The selection of date and place is sometimes motivated to make a larger statement. Like in Munich, WTC etc.

You can't rule out the possibility. Think about what people of Pune will have in mind when they will go for shopping during Diwali. Even with huge security arrangements, there will be insecurity in them. That's pure terrorism.

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