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Two low-intensity explosions reported in Pune

every time the expolsions happens its the muslims fearing for the arrests and suspecion, poor indian muslims

why blame only indian muslims?
you pakistanis could have done it as well but since its low intensity maybe its not pakistan.

and who else is doing these blasts if not muslims? ghosts?
Apparently , the bombs were confused for fire crackers due to such low intensity.

But the multiple instance appear coordinated ..fuses and charges have been recovered.
What with my city, Pune,
what has my city done to these bombers?
what are bullshit motives? may they rot in hell or are skinned alive?
Good that no one has been seriously hurt but I have flash-backs of the Delhi high court car bomb that was small yield but only weeks later we hade the major HC blasts and so it turned out to have been a dry run. I hope this isn't the case again and if it is the authoritaties have taken this as a possibility and step up preventative measures.
Tommorw is one of the biggest festival of Hindus "Raksha bandhan" and family's were out there in markets for shopping.

And look this Blast in the crowded area's. Thanks to almighty God no reports of causalities so far.

May god punish those swines who planned these blast in synchronized manner to kill as many Hindus as they can just before the one of Festival.

What the f@#$k our intelligence agency's doing? Yes we can only pray and ask gods to protect us from terrorists as these agencies are worth sh!t!!
Thank god nobody is killed.
IBN7 reporting 5 bomb blasts in pune, sixth diffused.

Balgandarv ragnmandir, Garware college, Mcdonalds, Deccan college and Dena bank, all on JM Road in Pune. It is one of the main roads in Pune.

New home minister was going to visit in Balgandarv Rangmandir.
Tommorw is one of the biggest festival of Hindus "Raksha bandhan" and family's were out there in markets for shopping.

And look this Blast in the crowded area's. Thanks to almighty God no reports of causalities so far.

May god punish those swines who planned these blast in synchronized manner to kill as many Hindus as they can just before the one of Festival.

What the f@#$k our intelligence agency's doing? Yes we can only pray and ask gods to protect us from terrorists as these agencies are worth sh!t!!

This is nonsense, look at the neighborhood India lives in we cannot reasonably expect 100% success rates by Intel agencies. Like the "iron lady" said these SCUM only have to be successful once, security agencies have to be successful all the time. India has Pakistan on its border and that is enough to mean there is always going to be huge risk to India from terror attacks. We can't compare India to those who have the luxury of thousands of miles of ocean protecting them.
Glad to hear no one has died, otherwise more deaths would have gone in vain, it is fact that Indian blood is cheap to your "elected" GoI, their actions (or should I say inaction?) speak louder then words, they don't give a 5hit as long as they are living a cosy life, stealing your tax money.

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