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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

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Forum rules kabhi parhay hotay tou yeh noubat na ati!
sifarish kardo meri :D

I was talking about whom you support / readily agree with so dearly (terrorists)...apparently you cant even keep a proper conversation!
My point is 'the trap' has been laid by your own fellow brothers against eachother in the name of religion. Then if not religion then sectarian violence. No one is responsible for that except Muslims. .

The 1st word revealed as part of revelation was IQRA (read, recite, read with understanding) alone speaks heaps and the level of educating oneself! Had you bothered even a little bit of research today I wouldnt need to tell you basics!

But after reading Suras from Quran, children are being brain washed , killing children in Peshawar and shouting La Illah Ilallah .. what kind of Islam is this.

Is this the BOOK which is culprit?

Sorry I dont answer to troll questions...My statement never mentioned the bold part not sure where your brain conjured such from!

That was not a troll. Rather I was asking you what is education to you. Is just having knowledge of Sharia and Islam education for Muslims?

If nothing is wrong in your home while the neighbourhood is backward, you will still be viewed as "different" and not in a good sense!

So Christians are imposing war on Muslims? And Muslims are clean? The Muslim guys go to west, marries christian women , that is allowed, but when a Muslim girl marries a non Muslim guy, that is Haram. Who is backwaaaard here?

You asked when I reply in details you switch to intolerant mode, why is that so? Do you expect to learn from I said so attitude or with evidence supporting a claim?

What Jesus said is never followed by Muslims. That is a fact. The day that happens, Jerusalem will see both Christians and Muslims praying together.

Ask them whom you believe are showcasing such attitude under Islam (terrorists) we dont claim this to be part of Islam...So go ask whom you support! :tup:

I am not into any influence. Both are Abrahmic religions to me.
sifarish kardo meri :D
Again read forum rules or brush up on your English

My point is 'the trap' has been laid by your own fellow brothers against eachother in the name of religion. Then if not religion then sectarian violence. No one is responsible for that except Muslims. .
They are your bros coz I never agreed with them you are the only one saying they are right and the remaining 98.5% of Muslims are irrelevant to show about Islam!

Individual people are responsible for what they do....You can bring a camel to drink but you cant force them to drink likewise you can tell people the truth but you cant expect them to stick to it!

But after reading Suras from Quran, children are being brain washed , killing children in Peshawar and shouting La Illah Ilallah .. what kind of Islam is this.

Is this the BOOK which is culprit?
After getting a drivers license soo many still get accident, something wrong with road rules& instructors or the car?

That was not a troll. Rather I was asking you what is education to you. Is just having knowledge of Sharia and Islam education for Muslims?
It is a troll when you know very well what is education to Muslims but want to side that which your bros the terrorists talk about :tup:

So Christians are imposing war on Muslims? And Muslims are clean? The Muslim guys go to west, marries christian women , that is allowed, but when a Muslim girl marries a non Muslim guy, that is Haram. Who is backwaaaard here?
In order for anyone to marry a Muslim, you need Nikkah one of the 1st criteria for Nikkah is to be a Muslim...

What Jesus said is never followed by Muslims. That is a fact. The day that happens, Jerusalem will see both Christians and Muslims praying together.
Tell us what Jesus said and is never followed? Not what Paul said but only what Jesus said! Then we will talk!

I am not into any influence. Both are Abrahmic religions to me.
Ignorance is not a religion....

When someone butchers another with a cleaver you dont call it surgery just coz he used something sharp to cut someone!
In order for anyone to marry a Muslim, you need Nikkah one of the 1st criteria for Nikkah is to be a Muslim...

This alone statement shows intolerance. So according to you my friend who is a Muslim should not marry me because she is a Muslim and I am not. Right?
They are your bros coz I never agreed with them you are the only one saying they are right and the remaining 98.5% of Muslims are irrelevant to show about Islam!

Sorry to say but I am kaffir to them, not my brothers. Even to you.

Individual people are responsible for what they do....You can bring a camel to drink but you cant force them to drink likewise you can tell people the truth but you cant expect them to stick to it!

There is a difference between forcing and using Quranic verses. There the person is not forced, he inteionally accepts to be a fidayeen in the name of God. Why Quran.. that's my question you have 21 times failed to answer bibi

After getting a drivers license soo many still get accident, something wrong with road rules& instructors or the car?

There is a difference between driving license and Quran... this misaal is not jayaz in this context.

It is a troll when you know very well what is education to Muslims but want to side that which your bros the terrorists talk about :tup:
Why you are hezitating to answer?

Tell us what Jesus said and is never followed? Not what Paul said but only what Jesus said! Then we will talk!

So why don't you follow Jesus and stop saying La illah Ilallah.. if whatever Jesus said is correct.

Ignorance is not a religion....

When someone butchers another with a cleaver you dont call it surgery just coz he used something sharp to cut someone!
Concept of religion is there in our Vedanta(Philosophy) as one of the four ways to liberate.. Christianity and Islam are part of it. My view point is different on it.

So the point you are making is , it is the christians who were not following their religion and Muslims are and Christians imposing war on Muslims.

That's how Muslims conquered Spain? In the name of peace?

For me the other side is as much brutal.
Sorry to say but I am kaffir to them, not my brothers. Even to you.
I never called you that but your dying support to try to show they dont lie and your persistent badgering that they are knowledgeable in Islam speaks alternatively!

There is a difference between forcing and using Quranic verses. There the person is not forced, he inteionally accepts to be a fidayeen in the name of God. Why Quran.. that's my question you have 21 times failed to answer bibi
I have not failed I told you to ask them who to you speaks the truth!

I also asked if they held gita would they automatically become Hindu and Hinduism be considered to teach BS?
but you never answered!

There is a difference between accepting and brainwashing to think esp when you are raised by such a teaching since childhood after being kidnapped ...there is a BBC documentary on that...Help yourself!

There is a difference between driving license and Quran... this misaal is not jayaz in this context.
It is......Muslim is one who practices Islam Quran is the guide likewise driving license allows you to drive with the laws as your guide! If you cant add 2 and 2 its not my fault!

Why you are hezitating to answer?
I didnt hesitate...I answered it...Its not my fault you either cant comprehend it or didnt like it

So why don't you follow Jesus and stop saying La illah Ilallah.. if whatever Jesus said is correct.
I answered this as well people reading will be able to tell you are just going in hoops and not bothering to read my replies or just cant comprehend or dont like them hence ignoring them!

Whats wrong with la illah ha Il lallah?
Deuteronomy 6:4

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

In Arabic that is La illah illah right there!

Concept of religion is there in our Vedanta(Philosophy) as one of the four ways to liberate.. Christianity and Islam are part of it. My view point is different on it.
Thats not our problem!

So the point you are making is , it is the christians who were not following their religion and Muslims are and Christians imposing war on Muslims.
I never stated the bold part but you have been insisting for me to fit it in my sentences though I have not!

That's how Muslims conquered Spain? In the name of peace?
Read the history then you can hang your head in shame!

For me the other side is as much brutal.
That is your personal opinion....no one cares 2 hoots for it

You have yet to answer any of my questions or even counter any of my comments instead of going on and on with the same questions like a broken tape recorder! I have not said a number of things but you have been insisting I say them or add them some where in my response REPEATEDLY...

I have answered your queries repeatedly on many threads and they have not changed even a bit they are the same dancing in a ring type! If you wish to learn you ask and if you are not satisfied it is YOUR job to do YOUR research instead of wasting people's time!

@Horus @WebMaster @waz @Manticore @Jungibaaz @Jango @T-Faz @balin2 @Oscar @TaimiKhan @Adios Amigo @Chak Bamu

This guy is going in circles trying to make me say his words for the sake of it....in every thread I have replied where he has been has been turned into a religious thread...I have reported him for derailing coz everything he said has nothing to do with Belgium nor what is going on there (as per this thread). If this isnt habitual trolling I am not sure what is!
No wonder Islam nor Islamist word didn't come up:

All three gunmen, he said, were Belgian nationals.

The wounded suspect, arrested and taken to Brussels, was said to be a Chechen known to the Belgian authorities.

Two dead in Belgium as police foil 'grand scale' terrorist plot | World news | The Guardian

White criminals did a crime again...

bout 300 Belgians have travelled to Syria, the highest per capita concentration in Europe for a country of 11 million. That compares with about 600 so-called foreign fighters who have left the UK.

The Belgian police are looking to possible links between a suspected arms dealer arrested in the southern town of Charleroi

This sounds bad:

Guns, munitions and explosives, as well as police uniforms and a large amount of money, were all seized by police during the operation. Prosecutors said the group had planned to kill police officers.

but the number keeps changing from newspaper to newspaper:

Thirteen people were arrested in total, and five people were charged on Friday with "participating in the activities of a terrorist group", prosecutors said.


No link has been established between the terrorist plot in Belgium and last week's attacks in Paris on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police and a kosher supermarket.

Twelve suspects are being held by police in the Paris region over last week's attacks, and France remains on its highest terrorism alert level.

BBC News - Belgium deploys troops following anti-terror raids

OSINT Summary: Belgian counter-terrorism raid targets alleged Syria returnees
Evan Jendruck, Terrorism Analyst - IHS Jane's Intelligence Review
15 January 2015
At approximately 1745 local time on 15 January, Belgian counter-terrorism police conducted a raid on a building in the residential area of Hill in the town of Verviers, prompting an intense exchange of gunfire with suspected Islamist militants in the building that lasted almost 10 minutes. Two of the suspects targeted in the raid were killed in the firefight while a third was wounded and detained. No other casualties were reported.
Speaking shortly after the incident, Prosecutor Eric Van der Sypt stated that the raid targeted a militant cell that was planning an "imminent" and "large-scale" attack, possibly against police buildings. Prosecutors stated on 16 January that four AK-series assault rifles, bomb-making equipment, police uniforms, communications equipment, and a large sum of money had been recovered during the raid. "This was… an operation looking into an operational cell made up of people, some of whom [were] coming back from Syria," Van der Sypt stated. Several Belgian media reports after the raid claimed that some of the suspects had been under surveillance after returning from Syria the previous week.

In an interview with CNN on 15 January, an unnamed senior Belgian counter-terrorism official claimed that members of the cell had in fact received instructions from the Islamic State while in Syria. The official further claimed that their planned attack was intended to have been in "retaliation" for United States-led airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.
Meanwhile, at last nine other raids also took place in the Brussels region at the same time as the one in Verviers, with Van der Sypt confirming on 16 January that 13 people had been arrested in these operations. According to Belgian authorities, all the raids were linked to suspects who had returned from fighting in Syria. In addition, two suspected Islamist militants had been detained in Brussels earlier on 15 January, before the Verviers raid.
Belgium authorities confirmed that at the start of the Verviers operation "the suspects immediately and for several minutes opened fire with military weaponry and handguns… before they were neutralised". The revelation that heavy weapons were used - later reported as AK-series assault rifles - came as Belgium newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws reported on 14 January that Amedy Coulibaly - one of the Islamist militants linked to the Charlie Hebdo and other attacks in France the previous week - had sourced the weapons used in the Paris attacks, including AK-series assault rifles and a rocket launcher, from the city of Brussels.
The report came a day after Belgian police arrested a man, described by AFP as a known weapons trafficker, who had been in contact with Coulibaly and his partner Hayat Boumedienne before the Paris attack. However, Van der Sypt stressed that at the time there was no established weapons link between the Verviers raid and the Paris attacks.
Nevertheless, although the investigation into the Verviers cell had been ongoing for several weeks, it seems probable that the Paris attacks helped to embolden and incentivise other Islamist militant cells and individuals, possibly leading to the 'imminent' nature of the threat and precipitating the Belgian authorities' decision to switch from surveillance to launching the raid. Two suspected Islamist militants had been detained earlier on 15 January in Brussels, while further operations were launched in suburbs of Brussels, including Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Anderlecht, and Schaerbeek, following the Verviers raid.
Although the alleged links between the three Verviers suspects and the Islamic State or other militant groups could not be verified immediately, given that authorities confirmed that some of the cell members had fought in Syria, they may have undergone training similar to that given to at least one of the assailants in the Charlie Hebdo attack or gained combat experience.
The Verviers raid highlighted the ongoing national security threat posed to Western nations by their citizens returning from fighting in Syria and Iraq with plans to launch attacks in their home countries, but the operation further highlighted the fact that such cells are more easily identified, tracked, and targeted by authorities, particularly in comparison with self-radicalised, self-starter militants.
Additional evidence of this was presented by a series of counter-terrorism raids by German police in the early morning of 16 January targeting 11 properties in Berlin, leading to the arrest of two people on suspicion of funding, recruiting, and supplying militant Islamist group the Islamic State. On 15 January, German prosecutors stated that a joint German-Tunisian national had been detained in Wolfsburg on suspicion of fighting for the Islamic State while in Syria between May and August 2014.
Given that hundreds of European nationals have been estimated by respective national security services to have travelled to Syria and Iraq for militant purposes, further such attack plots and counter-terrorism operations can be expected in Western Europe over the coming months. Although most, if not all, such returnees are probably identified, tracked, and surveilled by authorities, the sheer number of returnees may overstretch the capabilities of security forces to effectively monitor all suspects. This could then lead to a situation similar to that in France before the Paris attacks, where surveillance on known militants was ended after they were assessed to no longer be actively involved in militancy but may instead have been deliberately laying low and engaging in alternate activities in an attempt to lessen the attention of the authorities. With only finite resources and a large pool of potential suspects to monitor, it seems potentially unavoidable that some Syria returnees may choose to bide their time for an extended period, be deemed by the security services to not pose a sufficiently high risk or threat to warrant continued or ongoing surveillance, and thereafter launch an attack.
OSINT Summary: Belgian counter-terrorism raid targets alleged Syria returnees - IHS Jane's 360
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This alone statement shows intolerance. So according to you my friend who is a Muslim should not marry me because she is a Muslim and I am not. Right?

From the most core source, its as simple as this.

How you can marry a non-Muslim(or vice versa) and still be counted in Gods good books.
1. Your spouse or you convert to Islam and endeavour to be good Muslims as ordained in the core book.

2. Refer to 1.

Now please move onto the topic.
From the most core source, its as simple as this.

How you can marry a non-Muslim(or vice versa) and still be counted in Gods good books.
1. Your spouse or you convert to Islam and endeavour to be good Muslims as ordained in the core book.

2. Refer to 1.

Now please move onto the topic.

That's not right if it is mentioned in any core book.

I never called you that but your dying support to try to show they dont lie and your persistent badgering that they are knowledgeable in Islam speaks alternatively!

I do not follow Sharia, so I am a kaffir, and so yes you have to accept that. The way Ibn Tehmiya called the Mongols Kaffir in his Fatwa even after they accepted Islam. Ibn Tehmiya is a religious figure you know.

I have not failed I told you to ask them who to you speaks the truth!

I also asked if they held gita would they automatically become Hindu and Hinduism be considered to teach BS?
but you never answered!

Unfortunately they don't believe in Gita so they will not do that. Neither there is any verse in Gita which says any one is inferior to other, or marry only hindus or etc etc..

There is a difference between accepting and brainwashing to think esp when you are raised by such a teaching since childhood after being kidnapped ...there is a BBC documentary on that...Help yourself!

Then how the hell and why the.... Quran is the most effective tool to brainwash and Muslims most brainwashed in the name of religion? That's my only one question.. kitni baar batau bibi

Don't you think you should be clarifying these things to followers of Islam so that they don't take a wrong path in the name of religion?

Your argument is those who are doing it are not Muslims, this will not solve this problem. Or will it?
It is......Muslim is one who practices Islam Quran is the guide likewise driving license allows you to drive with the laws as your guide! If you cant add 2 and 2 its not my fault!

I didnt hesitate...I answered it...Its not my fault you either cant comprehend it or didnt like it

The Quran is used effectively to brainwash. samajh nahi aa raha kya? Not Bibel!!!!!!

I answered this as well people reading will be able to tell you are just going in hoops and not bothering to read my replies or just cant comprehend or dont like them hence ignoring them!

Whats wrong with la illah ha Il lallah?
Deuteronomy 6:4

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

In Arabic that is La illah illah right there!

Thats not our problem!

I never stated the bold part but you have been insisting for me to fit it in my sentences though I have not!

You have yet to answer any of my questions or even counter any of my comments instead of going on and on with the same questions like a broken tape recorder! I have not said a number of things but you have been insisting I say them or add them some where in my response REPEATEDLY...

Why are you telling me the definition and giving me the explanations of those verses? Don't you think Muslims need to understand them more?

You are trying to convince me that Quran is correct, and I am asking you why then it is the best tool to create a violent person.
Tell this to your brothers who read Quran before going to an attack! Well I am not against reading Quran but I am curious to know what is there in Quran which brain washes some one so easily.
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That's not right if it is mentioned in any core book..

It is mentioned, and I did not create human beings.. the being speaking in the core book did and he knows better for some reason. Its the same way I dont like the idea of alcohol being harmful.. but the being knows better.. he created the hardware and software so knows the system better than I do.

Nothing stops you from getting married though, NOR should anyone stop you or propose that they have the authority to do so... just don't expect flowers and soda when you make it up there.
It is mentioned, and I did not create human beings.. the being speaking in the core book did and he knows better for some reason. Its the same way I dont like the idea of alcohol being harmful.. but the being knows better.. he created the hardware and software so knows the system better than I do.

Nothing stops you from getting married though, NOR should anyone stop you or propose that they have the authority to do so... just don't expect flowers and soda when you make it up there.

By writing here so nice words, will not change typical Muslim mentality of intolerance against any non Muslim. I just appreciate that some one on this forum has guts to accept that don't judge Muslims by Quran.
By writing here so nice words, will not change typical Muslim mentality of intolerance against any non Muslim. I just appreciate that some one on this forum has guts to accept that don't judge Muslims by Quran.

Nothing does. It has more to do with their own fear of being outmoded. See, its like employment.. you may be the largest firm on earth but you may not be able to retain all employees because some just did not find the firm attractive enough to stick around( you can blame bad HR, Management, Training etc).. so it might be observed that the Paris branch is able to keep employees while the one in Mombasa keeps losing them to other firms and other offers; so to remedy this the corporation reacts by banning outside access via their net services and shunning/shaming ex employees who left the firm for better opportunities in their view... using a combination of fear mongering and offering awards for loyalty it ends up with both fanatical employees and a large of portion of employees who simply cant find anything better so they tolerate what the management does and says.. even if it means trying to justify the firm trading in blood diamonds.

The right thing would be to look at their own Training standards, their HR and Management.. but this is a stagnant bureaucratic firm with only a few branches left that are truly innovating and following the spirit on which the firm was founded on.. Moreover, the employees to are afraid to create change and instead have bought into the paranoia of "They hate us 'cause they aint us".
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