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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

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And this is exactly the reason we think of you as unreasonable people. The guys who shot up Charlie Hebdo were FRENCH citizens living in nice, polite, welfare society. Their PARENTS were immigrants. They were born in France. They had no cause to do what they did other than their religious beliefs. They may have been orphaned but they it wasn't by the Charlie Hebdo. Osama Bin Ladin was born into a rich Arab family. What did we ever do to the Saudis. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. Again, never did anything to the Saudis. The Times Square bomber lived in the US well before the WoT started. His father was supposed to be pretty high up in the Pakistani Military. What trauma did he suffer to make him want to bomb Times Square? How about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? How about Ramsey Yousuf? What did we ever do to them? Which family member of theirs did we rape or shoot? How about the Boston bombers? What did we ever do to them? They're beef is with Russia.

The funny thing is, we bombed the living daylights out of Afghanistan and Iraq yet we don't see them killing people in Europe and the US. We don't see Palestinians lining up to kill us but places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that we're supposed to be buddies with seem to have a mill that produces these people by the dozen. Why do you think that is?

The only connecting link between all these people and their motives is your religion. You need to take a hard look at what it is that makes people who follow your religion more prone to violent acts than other religions. Maybe it is the false sense of superiority that it instills in its followers that make them think they are above basic parameters of human decency. Or maybe it just produces a blind hatred that cannot distinguish between what the Russians, Israelis, Americans or french are doing and where.

Finally, we never give a pass to anyone involved in school shootings. We never justify it by saying it was because of some trauma. People who are molested as children are more likely to molest as adults. We don't even give them a pass on their crimes. That is the fundamental difference between you and us. We make people take responsibility for their actions regardless of what their circumstances were. You, on the other hand, bring up Palestine or Afghanistan as justification for an African's actions in Europe.

One of the best posts I've read in a while on this forum
One of the best posts I've read in a while on this forum

The problem is other Muslims are adamant not to accept these happening related with Islam. Because Muslims do not consider these attackers as Muslims. And Muslims who do not consider these terrorists as Muslims are how much Muslims by themselves is a question which raises interest :). So the whole Community is confused. They say, Islam is correct but Muslims are not. Then what is the use of following Islam when it fails to deliver the teaching and follower fails to understand.

This is the conclusion I have come across after debating with few members!!!!
because in the place of worship every one should be allowed. The creator has made every one equal, of course this doesn't mean that humans start intercourse with animals LOL. It is about giving values and respect. But If religion is the main differentiating factor then it should be discarded in human society.

Yes, but it is not a museum for everyone to run in! It is a place of worship which is restricted for many reasons one of which is also safety.

Dozens of Hindu pilgrims killed in stampede to temple
More than 90 Hindu pilgrims were killed in a stampede as they crossed a bridge to reach a temple in central India.

Source: Dozens of Hindu pilgrims killed in stampede to temple - Telegraph

Five Sabarimala pilgrims killed in accident
Source: Five Sabarimala pilgrims killed in accident - The Hindu

For a overall summary you can refer to wiki link: List of human stampedes in Hindu temples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The place is crowded enough without Non Muslims....so safety first

Maybe listening to an Indian will help you understand better:

I already gave you a source with quotations. You are on denial mode, that everything is similar. If everything was similar then there wan'T any need for having so many sects.
Here comes denial + ignorance 101:

The sect was initially divided based on political grounds ONLY.....1 group thought Ali should be next khalifah while another said that Abu Bakar was chosen and thats final...now if people like you took advantage and twisted words after that leading to larger differences whose to blame?

However, I took wiki (same source you used) even highlighted the point where it says that they are the same only classified differently. Its not my fault you werent aware of the basics and detailed understanding of the 5 that you got excited when you saw wiki elaborating and took it for a difference!

Wht'S wrong in saying God, or Bhagwan, if not Allah, will it change your blood color? I accept Allah, God Bhagwan are same. What does it mean by no God but Allah. heights of stupidity and intolerance against non arabic language.
Nothing wrong...you can say what you want your opinion your doing nothing to do with us!

Now will it change your blood colour if we prefer something? Likewise it isnt your business! Its a religion we chose hence it is our choice what to call ALLAH...whats your problem?

Height of ignorance when it comes to you ....you want to accept or call whatever but when we want to call ALLAH you got a problem and you call us intolerance?

If you dont understand something calling it stupid is like testifying your mental limitations!

Arre mere pyare dost... Tawalla contradicts no God but Allah.
What the hell is Tawalla?

One side it says expressing love towards good other way it's no God but Allah. Is God not good?
I see the gap in your language skills! Sorry to say that is not my problem but yours alone! I am yet to meet a theologian who has brought up such a stupid point! I guess they dont have your language level!

The violence part is the war only. It is a very practical book. It explains all the human greeds and goods. Even if the book is not there the greed in human remains 8-) .
Very practical yet everyone refrains from reading it incase they get violent (as per your previous post)...Interesting how you twist words where it suits you!

Mahabharat is not something which we follow. Get that clear!!!! :angry: It's it for knowledge and not to attain Jannat. :laugh:
So you guys are not practical people!

If religion is not there then fight will be for resources, skin color, language, territory. It's an ongoing scenario, already explained in Mahabharata.
Yet the caste system was established in Hinduism soo badly that god even stated that low caste were from his feet! Wow! Talk about a discriminating god!

ab kyun bhadak rahi ho :undecided:. Well My one and only problem and question to muslims are... If you people don'T stop each other (why?)then please don'T blame non muslims when they counter, of killing Muslims. Then maintain with the word that they are not Muslims.
So if some random person kills your family you will go and attack your neighbour? How much more stupid can you sound? Esp when I repeatedly said they are not Muslims for their actions speak they are not! But you keep insisting they are just so you can kill Muslims? Talk about blood lust!

Like I cant stop you from talking shit about Islam (like how you are in denial about soo many things) then how can I stop another mental who claims he/ she knows it all about Islam?

What word do you want? Go read the open letter to Bhagdadi where hundreds of scholars (people who know Islam) have signed and CLARIFIED from the QURAN what is wrong!
THAT word you refuse to see now its not my problem! Live in ignorance since you enjoy it soo much!

Muslims have taken an ideology that, those who follow Islam are superior. Oh chadd yaar.. what superiority. That is the basic problem! Where from it arose, Book, prophets, sharia law, etc... it's onto you to decide. What does it mean Islamic rule...:undecided:
And how Brahmin treat others based on superiority is no secret!

As for those who follow Islam are not superior but know better ...Hence, why punishment for them is also more severe coz with status comes responsibilities! The basic problem is your inferiority complex and you are repeatedly feeling inferior hence the exploding on Islam...So which Muslim called you nothing? :azn:

I am not Butthurt...I feel pity on these Mullahs , some idiots dividing my country brainwashed by Britishers in Aligarh Muslim Uni, in the name of religion and then doing what now, Trying to destabilize the region for Ummah, not accepted my dear friend and still showing eyes to India in the name of Islamic superiority which never existed though. A counter is also decided!:D
Even if Islam tell's the righteous, this will malign it's image, a bad impact is already inflicted.
So go tell your Indian mates! You claim to know it all then go tell them! Doesnt it become your duty to tell them coz you know it all?

You know what Akhelilos or what ever your name is, you have taken things too personally. Don't be sentimental.
Pointing out your mistakes and exposing you is neither taking anything seriously nor being sentimental...Kindly look up those words before using them!

That is what India has been doing and in return people call them Hindutva rashtrya. If India was really extremist not a single muslim, I gurantee no a single muslim would have left alive after 1947. Just like Pakistan , that not even 9% of population is non Muslim.
If Islam was extremist, not a single Hindu would have been in India! Coz Muslims were there for HUNDREDS of years and apparently they werent the least bit in terrorizing you! Heck, not a Single Christian should have been left in Spain, but guess what? Spain is a Christian country with families tracing they never converted nor were killed for it! Biggest testifiers are the Arab Christians who can trace their lineage (yes they keep a family tree it is a tradition in MANY Arab families) all the way before Prophet Muhammad while others can trace it back to being Muslim but being "converted"....Speaks volumes but of course your ignorance is large enough to have missed this!

Maybe Hindus dont wanna be a part of a striving nation they remained here when we were in a better shape. The very fact that they survived generations in Pakistan is proof ...their breath is proof of no harm done to them!

Now if they see India lucrative and striving and want that, who are we to stop them from seeking their fortune? Who are we to stop them when they want to reunited with their family? Who are we to stop them when they want to reunite with their community?

Dharm = righteous, Bhakti = religion. Righteous means.. all are equal, in terms of religion faith, color, language, one should not speak lie, should not theft.. all these things. It is not religion!

1) are all equal in India? Untouchables come in the news too often you know!
2) How can you say it is ok to bow to a statue and then say there is no god but ALLAH and then say that you believe in trinity where Jesus, father and holy spirit are your god and savior? There is def no equality in that! Living in denial will not hie the obvious reality!
3) Language? So how fluent is your Sanskrit do you guys speak it at home? Can you speak Hungarian? Nope so no equality there either!
4) Lies...You can scroll up and see your own lies (esp when you dont quote and conjure things from your brain)
5) It is not religion....It isnt when you want to make issues of petty stuff! It isnt when you want to concentrate on the differences and live in your own bubble!

A practicing muslim in day today life does not think that much... he has a lot of other things to do in life. This is not the same old era. many Muslims do not offer namaz 5 times. Or don'T wash hands ( wuzu ) properly before Namaz, that doesn'T make them LESS muslim. okay.
:rofl: A practicing Muslim = god fearing one not one who proclaims so!

As for less Muslim or not it is for ALLAH to judge not for you or me to judge... BUT

A god fearing Muslim can spare 5 mins for his namaaz, can spare 1-3 mins for his wudu maybe not in India and hence why soo many left India! And a god feearing Muslim knows ALLAH is watching 24/7 and will do it right not for the sake of being watched by the neighbour but by ALLAH.....Just because such people dont exist in India (because India will not tolerate it) doesnt mean such people dont exist!

Similarly, ISIS people the fighters not the leaders are practicing muslims who have been brain washed in the name of Khilafat, Wahab, tehmiya crusades jerusalem etc taken words from Quran, Shariya, hadees.. They have used Muslim figures only to brain wash them. In this case you cannot say, they are less Muslims.
1) You seem to know them personally?

2) A person with a functional brain can see beheading / openly asking for people to send their women to be freely utilized is wrong in any language (not just religious but it is innately active to know a heinous crime as a crime unless you are brain damaged or a vegetable)...UNTIL AND UNLESS they never had a conscious, hence why they are easily pulled into shit like how people are easily pulled into robbing or doing drugs! No rocket science here!

Because history is important, it shows the atrocities done by Muslim to invade not just to invade but to spread Islam.
Yet, Spain being a Christian country shows no atrocities
India being a Hindu country with people tracing ancestors as Hindu is testimony on its own!
Arab Christians are testifying by their breath!

So living in lies is not on everyone's plate!

And if you say that they were not Muslim , it was not due to Islam, you should stop your brothers proudly justifying that , first.
Who they? I was talking about history...they are dead...

As for ISIS they arent it has been said repeatedly by various scholars (not just your daily Joe)...Sorry you cant comprehend it! Again not my problem!

Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi
24 reasons ISIS are wrong: Muslim scholars blast Islamic State — RT News
Muslim Scholars Make the Theological Case Against the Islamic State | VICE News
Muslim scholars present religious rebuttal to Islamic State| Reuters
Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
Muslim leaders reject Baghdadi's caliphate - Al Jazeera English
Egypt religious scholars reject ISIL fatwas as anti-Islam | Al-Shorfa
Worldwide Muslim Scholars Reject ISIS – Few Reports in Western Media | CO-OP NEWS
Over 120 Muslim scholars reject IS ideology - thenews.com.pk

Even in India Muslim scholars label ISIS, al-Qaeda anti-Islamic - khabarsouthasia.com
Heck even ex Al Qaedah rejects ISIS BUT You still havent woken up?
Top 5 World Muslim Leaders Who Staunchly Reject ISIS Caliphate

An elite member like you should avoid terms like that, you are a Muslim and islam doesn't permit you to speak those words or address any one with it. Otherwise you will just destroy essence of what ever you have posted here.
You telling me all that...SO what do you call one who behaves like that? A screambowl? Fine i will use that in future!

How many practising Muslims accept this?
I will get back on the ayat coz I have an answer but will not answer until I see the Arabic translation for each word like how a proper person seeking truth should..... But I would prefer @TankMan or @Gufi to answer you if possible!
Hindus are not Polytheist, halloo... That means the muslims have not understood the philosophy of Advainta Vedanta(monism). And irrespective of what our beliefs are , Muslims have called us Polytheist. Yes, we do not say Allah is the only name of God. Have we become polytheist. Come on!!!
You praying to more than 1 god is called a polytheist - Polytheism refers to the worship of or belief in multiple deities usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals. This DOES happen in Hinduism denying it is lying again!

Other point, If I do not follow any of the five pillar they way it is described in Quran , specially the Namaz, being believer of one creator only, I'm a disbeliever. Hence Contradictions with surat al Bakarah 221.
How does it contradict? I am sorry but I do not have a twisted enough mindset to follow!
@Screambowl this is not a religious forum. Any questions you have please ask me and stop debating religion.
@Screambowl this is not a religious forum. Any questions you have please ask me and stop debating religion.

I am not talking about religion. I am Basically talking about, what is there in one community that people get brainwashed easily in the name religion. That'S my argument. I am not here to discuss religion. Because about Islam, you guys know more than me. There must be some stop to this problem. That'S my discussion. And it is related to the thread. Because it discusses core.

Okay I will ask you.. one question. Why non Muslims are not allowed in mecca. Please don'T give official answers that it'S the rule of a country, or rule of etc etc. Even why do I need to convert to Islam to enter a place of worship that's very very racist!

Yes, but it is not a museum for everyone to run in! It is a place of worship which is restricted for many reasons one of which is also safety.

Dozens of Hindu pilgrims killed in stampede to temple
More than 90 Hindu pilgrims were killed in a stampede as they crossed a bridge to reach a temple in central India.

Source: Dozens of Hindu pilgrims killed in stampede to temple - Telegraph

Five Sabarimala pilgrims killed in accident
Source: Five Sabarimala pilgrims killed in accident - The Hindu

For a overall summary you can refer to wiki link: List of human stampedes in Hindu temples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The place is crowded enough without Non Muslims....so safety first

Maybe listening to an Indian will help you understand better:

Akheilos your all argument fails to explain why non Muslims are bared to enter Mecca, Country rules are not correct argument, the country rules are put up because people support this step. Even China gives visas to hindus, and India gives visa to Pakistanis, and Budhists from China and Japan to to visit Ajmer and Gaya respectfully. See the difference. This means Muslims are racist and do not believe in equality of religions.

There were riots when Hindus were harrased on Amarnath yatra, why because Kashmir is Muslim majority. So you guys need to look the problems you create.

Do you personally support non Muslims visiting Mecca? because you are a Muslim I am asking you this. Be honest.

We will talk about everything whatever you have quoted but answer this.
I am not talking about religion. I am Basically talking about, what is there in one community that people get brainwashed easily in the name religion. That'S my argument. I am not here to discuss religion. Because about Islam, you guys know more than me. There must be some stop to this problem. That'S my discussion. And it is related to the thread. Because it discusses core.
the core issues stem in inequality in countries, destabilized regions and lack of education with some vested interests trying to control the people in name of religion. It happens but as countries mature things sort themselves out.
study history it is a phase that occurred in Christianity because of sects. Many violent acts have been commuted
Akheilos your all argument fails to explain why non Muslims are bared to enter Mecca, Country rules are not correct argument, the country rules are put up because people support this step.
This is not part of this topic. Nor does it have any relevance to the Belgium topic. And the decision is part of the religion which is because Makkah is a holy city.
This means Muslims are racist and do not believe in equality of religions.
that type of comment will earn you a negative rating next time.
I am not talking about religion. I am Basically talking about, what is there in one community that people get brainwashed easily in the name religion. That'S my argument. I am not here to discuss religion. Because about Islam, you guys know more than me. There must be some stop to this problem. That'S my discussion. And it is related to the thread. Because it discusses core.

Seriously get some help with English!

You want to ask why people can corrupt the name of a religion? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! When societies give power to someone else to teach them and that someone else just becomes power greedy and teaches BS ....that is dangerous it is more dangerous when he / she teaches those who are illiterate and they cant verify it! Another problem is Child trade- kidnapped children dont need brainwashing much....they are more than easy to convince to kill!

THAT is the problem with south Asia....

For Europe, it is a mixture of
1) rejection - of the 2nd generation foreigners - no matter how much the West denies it, you have a better chance of getting a job if you are white - it is no secret!
2) It is then brain game for past colonists where they were treated like crap and even as much as in the 21st century France was taxing their old colonies for the infrastructure they left in the countries they looted! When you do shit like this who wouldnt get angry? When justice isnt served proportionally, well people take it by themselves!
3) Too many people living off welfare and not knowing what to do with their lives, no sense of responsibilities...so when someone says lets do something stupid everyone jumps in blind! It is no secret many of those who went to help ISIS were common pub goers as well as those who were found in dancing clubs! So when you have such a lifestyle (corrupted) how hard is it to corrupt you further?
4) Europe actively gave sanctuaries to alot of African war criminals as well as drug mafia....provoking anyone to leash out their anger on them is no hard job! Try loosing someone dear to you coz of such scums and someone comes to collect saying you can see revenge...

These are just the normal problems which people and analysts have listed and that people may know off as general knowledge or as pieces of info in news left and right!

It is not always about religion...MOSTLY, it is for revenge! When drones dropped bombs, alot of innocents also died, these became instant recruits! Most of these people are pumped with anger and revenge....They just happen to be Muslims coz the past few years it was middle east that was unrest....from cold war to gulf wars to other African wars....All with American backing or some European backing does cook up an amazing lot!

Akheilos your all argument fails to explain why non Muslims are bared to enter Mecca, Country rules are not correct argument, the country rules are put up because people support this step.
My answers are in par with the question but your denial is not my problem! Mekkah and Madinah BOTH fall under Saudi Arabia whatever rule they impose is their right! I already said they do not want stampede as that happens in every religiously crowded area plus Mekkah and Madinah are not museums you go there to worship with certain rules not to visit. People are free to roam in other parts of Saudi Arabia!

First you need to know the basics before crying us a river!

In the Holy City of Mecca, only Muslims are allowed. Non-Muslims may not enter or travel through Mecca; attempting to enter Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in penalties such as a fine; being in Mecca as a non-Muslim can result in deportation.

In the Holy City of Medina, both Muslims and Non-Muslims are allowed in. The exception are non-Muslims entering the Nabawi Square, where the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi is located.

Their country their laws! Why cry?

I mentioned earlier it will get crowded and security reasons...But you failed to read as usual here is a detailed answer someone else explained:

If non-Muslims were allowed into Mecca, and several millions of Muslims converged there once every year and continuously through the rest of the year, what do you think the chances are of your local evangelical church setting up a "Hajj Mission" to try and save Muslims? Heck, even at the relatively-unknown annual ISNA convention (unknown to non-Muslims, that is... it's a convention of North American Muslims that maybe 20,000 of us go to each year), there are people flanking each door with bibles and pamphlets.

Even more innocent than this: if 2 million+ people converged in one place every year for a massive and momentous pilgrimage, how many additional people do you think would show up just to witness the event? The infrastructure of the country is already maxed-out in Hajj season as-is. Each country gets a limited number of Hajjis, and many countries are expected to construct their own infrastructure for visitors.

2 million, have you seen 2 million at 1 time on any spot? and then add the no. of tourists wanting to get in! Mekkah is our holy city not a circus!

Even China gives visas to hindus, and India gives visa to Pakistanis, and Budhists from China and Japan to to visit Ajmer and Gaya respectfully. See the difference. This means Muslims are racist and do not believe in equality of religions.
It basically means none of the countries: India, China nor Japan are RELIGIOUS countries! India prides itself as secular so it having religious laws like Saudi would be questionable!

Neither China and Japan are religious countries! So YOUR argument and need to find a similitude fails miserably! It doesnt mean Muslims are racits you can be a Chinese Muslim, Indian Muslim or Australian Muslim and you can still enter Mekkah and Madinah! Your race doesnt matter at all!

There were riots when Hindus were harrased on Amarnath yatra, why because Kashmir is Muslim majority. So you guys need to look the problems you create.
If it is a Muslim majority how do we create problems?

Do you personally support non Muslims visiting Mecca? because you are a Muslim I am asking you this. Be honest.
No I dont...It gets crowded enough with us Muslims.....Non Muslims coming in thinking it is a museum or a zoo and snapping pix will be as disrespectful as it gets!
What the hell is Tawalla?

@TankMan please tell her what it is.

I see the gap in your language skills! Sorry to say that is not my problem but yours alone! I am yet to meet a theologian who has brought up such a stupid point! I guess they dont have your language level!

Go and meet then, if that helps you :)

Very practical yet everyone refrains from reading it incase they get violent (as per your previous post)...Interesting how you twist words where it suits you!
So you guys are not practical people!

The winding motor has N turns and 240 volts is applied, the secondary coil of the transformation should be either less in N turns for step down or either more in N turns for step up. With the polarity to be marked and considered for the current direction.

Please tell me what I am talking about... if you have any idea.

Similar case is, with Mahabharata, it contains enough knowledge but before that you should go through purans and vedas. It is our fault that we have ignored this thing. I accept.

Yet the caste system was established in Hinduism soo badly that god even stated that low caste were from his feet! Wow! Talk about a discriminating god!
Castism is wrong, news come, but we have managed to control them, we don't support this Idea, we are refining it with the help of Vedas. That'S why we have reservations and right to equality amended in our constitutions, and heavy penalty on harassing some one in the name of cast. We are also trying to bring Uniform civil code with the advise of all religion heads, but neither Muslims nor Christians support this.

So if some random person kills your family you will go and attack your neighbour? How much more stupid can you sound? Esp when I repeatedly said they are not Muslims for their actions speak they are not! But you keep insisting they are just so you can kill Muslims? Talk about blood lust!
You are arguing with me and to prove me wrong rather looking into your own community.

Like I cant stop you from talking shit about Islam (like how you are in denial about soo many things) then how can I stop another mental who claims he/ she knows it all about Islam?

I don'T believe in bashing religion, for me it'S Bhakti yoga, I bash those who says become Muslim to visit mecca.

What word do you want? Go read the open letter to Bhagdadi where hundreds of scholars (people who know Islam) have signed and CLARIFIED from the QURAN what is wrong!
THAT word you refuse to see now its not my problem! Live in ignorance since you enjoy it soo much!

Why don't they first clarify what exactly disbeliever means and who on earth are disbelievers?

And how Brahmin treat others based on superiority is no secret!
I don't want t quote my personal life here, but coming from a brahmin, i do eat with so called shudras, or whatever. It does not make me less human. And FYI, during my college days, i used to share my room with Muslim guys, and used to have halal meat being a Brahmin, can muslims eat non halal ? No, you don't have this big heart.

As for those who follow Islam are not superior but know better ...Hence, why punishment for them is also more severe coz with status comes responsibilities! The basic problem is your inferiority complex and you are repeatedly feeling inferior hence the exploding on Islam...So which Muslim called you nothing?

Punishment during Nanda empire were more brutal than Jahaliyas. They are following Jahaliya culture still.

So go tell your Indian mates! You claim to know it all then go tell them! Doesnt it become your duty to tell them coz you know it all?
You mean to say Hindu mates? Hahaha, typical Pakistani kuddi
Well they are aware of it, and it is not Indians who start BS threads of 1000 year Mughal rule. It always comes from your side. hahaha. Lies and Lies, don't reach the skies.

Pointing out your mistakes and exposing you is neither taking anything seriously nor being sentimental...Kindly look up those words before using them!
You are very sentimental, which makes you argumentative but then you start thinking from heart :smitten: with zero logic.

If Islam was extremist, not a single Hindu would have been in India! Coz Muslims were there for HUNDREDS of years and apparently they werent the least bit in terrorizing you! Heck, not a Single Christian should have been left in Spain, but guess what? Spain is a Christian country with families tracing they never converted nor were killed for it! Biggest testifiers are the Arab Christians who can trace their lineage (yes they keep a family tree it is a tradition in MANY Arab families) all the way before Prophet Muhammad while others can trace it back to being Muslim but being "converted"....Speaks volumes but of course your ignorance is large enough to have missed this!
That's how Egypt became 99% islamic, and Iran 80% Islamic , Pakistan 99% Islamic, Baghdad, Syria , etc .. In India there was a resistance, that's why it remained 85% Hindu. Spainish , french they retaliated and remains 90% Christians. Still the fight is going on to convert population in syria and Iraq.
Maybe Hindus dont wanna be a part of a striving nation they remained here when we were in a better shape. The very fact that they survived generations in Pakistan is proof ...their breath is proof of no harm done to them!
go through amendment of 1965, constitution of Pakistan. :)

:rofl: A practicing Muslim = god fearing one not one who proclaims so!

As for less Muslim or not it is for ALLAH to judge not for you or me to judge... BUT

A god fearing Muslim can spare 5 mins for his namaaz, can spare 1-3 mins for his wudu maybe not in India and hence why soo many left India! And a god feearing Muslim knows ALLAH is watching 24/7 and will do it right not for the sake of being watched by the neighbour but by ALLAH.....Just because such people dont exist in India (because India will not tolerate it) doesnt mean such people dont exist!

who doesn do namaz and still fears God/Bhagwa/Allah/ishwar/Creator, is not a Muslim, hence Hindus are Kaffirs and not equivalent to Muslims in purity lol. That means the book is the problem because it differentiates people call them disbeliever in the name of rituals. Very sad. :hitwall:

1) You seem to know them personally?

2) A person with a functional brain can see beheading / openly asking for people to send their women to be freely utilized is wrong in any language (not just religious but it is innately active to know a heinous crime as a crime unless you are brain damaged or a vegetable)...UNTIL AND UNLESS they never had a conscious, hence why they are easily pulled into shit like how people are easily pulled into robbing or doing drugs! No rocket science here!

If you follow news, you would know, psywar, brainwashing, use of quranic verses, jannat jehad, etc.. all are Islamic figures.

You praying to more than 1 god is called a polytheist - Polytheism refers to the worship of or belief in multiple deities usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals. This DOES happen in Hinduism denying it is lying again!

How does it contradict? I am sorry but I do not have a twisted enough mindset to follow!

but we have advaita vedanta under which such religion practices is described under Bhakti Yoga. Where as Gyan Yoga, Raj Yoga Karma Yoga do not have deities my dear Akheilos. We say God is every where, making a statue is only reflecting it's the idea. Stone is also created by the creator only and human also. Everything which he created has its energy, you cannot disrespect it. Any book which says to disrespect , is wrong under my sense of common sense.

This is not part of this topic. Nor does it have any relevance to the Belgium topic. And the decision is part of the religion which is because Makkah is a holy city.

that type of comment will earn you a negative rating next time.

This is one of the only thread where there is no religion bashing rather healthy argument, other wise the standard of PDF you are aware of. Why not to utilize this platform.
This is one of the only thread where there is no religion bashing rather healthy argument, other wise the standard of PDF you are aware of. Why not to utilize this platform.
this is not an healthy argument and some of what you have said is offensive. This is not a religious forum and that is very clear. This is all derailing the thread. I hope that this argument ends here.
this is not an healthy argument and some of what you have said is offensive. This is not a religious forum and that is very clear. This is all derailing the thread. I hope that this argument ends here.

if you can clear my doubt then it will be more beneficial for both of us, it's a request. Otherwise, we will be busy in blaming who did what offence. :)
@TankMan please tell her what it is.
You introduced the word so I want you to explain where that fits in the context dont call @TankMan when you obviously have no idea what you did!

Go and meet then, if that helps you :)
Sigh! I dont think we can blame your language skills for this one!

The winding motor has N turns and 240 volts is applied, the secondary coil of the transformation should be either less in N turns for step down or either more in N turns for step up. With the polarity to be marked and considered for the current direction.

Please tell me what I am talking about... if you have any idea.

Similar case is, with Mahabharata, it contains enough knowledge but before that you should go through purans and vedas. It is our fault that we have ignored this thing. I accept.
So Mahabharata is a physics textbook? So it is not for the normal people but for highly skilled people! And you cry about discrimination and how religion should be for all?! hypocrisy!

Castism is wrong, news come, but we have managed to control them, we don't support this Idea, we are refining it with the help of Vedas. That'S why we have reservations and right to equality amended in our constitutions, and heavy penalty on harassing some one in the name of cast. We are also trying to bring Uniform civil code with the advise of all religion heads, but neither Muslims nor Christians support this.
Dude Vedas is not helping you when it gave birth to caste system esp when the god goes and says so and so are from my feet!

As for the reservations, they are nothing to do with Hinduism it wasnt in your puranas it was the innovation of the Indian govt not thanks to a religion so please stop lying! It was basically damage control caused by a certain religion promoting discrimination!

You are arguing with me and to prove me wrong rather looking into your own community.
The point you quoted is by no means an argument but was to show you how you sound

I don'T believe in bashing religion, for me it'S Bhakti yoga, I bash those who says become Muslim to visit mecca.
1) Lying wont prove anything, your posts are out there to show your active bashing!
2) Whats wrong with that? Isnt it Bhakti yoga? So you can be Muslim as part of that yoga....so what is wrong with it?

I don't want t quote my personal life here, but coming from a brahmin, i do eat with so called shudras, or whatever. It does not make me less human. And FYI, during my college days, i used to share my room with Muslim guys, and used to have halal meat being a Brahmin, can muslims eat non halal ? No, you don't have this big heart.
Nothing to do with a heart! We have discipline! When it is a no its a no! You broke your own laws nothing to do with us or your heart. In fact resisting is much more of a challenge than giving in!

Punishment during Nanda empire were more brutal than Jahaliyas. They are following Jahaliya culture still.
Did you even understand what I said? No then please refrain from quoting what you dont get and what you can only answer by looking like a fool!

You mean to say Hindu mates? Hahaha, typical Pakistani kuddi
Well they are aware of it, and it is not Indians who start BS threads of 1000 year Mughal rule. It always comes from your side. hahaha. Lies and Lies, don't reach the skies.
I was talking about this thread where you brought in Islam in India twice and then when I answered you jumped to the forum and I said hold your mates and now you are lying again! Keep jumping your posts are here to show what you are!

You are very sentimental, which makes you argumentative but then you start thinking from heart :smitten: with zero logic.
Wasnt it you talking about heart let me show you your logic:

No, you don't have this big heart.
Breaking discipline and calling it big heart is illogical in every sense but only logical for you....

That's how Egypt became 99% islamic, and Iran 80% Islamic , Pakistan 99% Islamic, Baghdad, Syria , etc .. In India there was a resistance, that's why it remained 85% Hindu. Spainish , french they retaliated and remains 90% Christians. Still the fight is going on to convert population in syria and Iraq.
Apparently your History is as bad as your language skills!
go through amendment of 1965, constitution of Pakistan. :)
You are the one suggesting it so you should quote it!

who doesn do namaz and still fears God/Bhagwa/Allah/ishwar/Creator, is not a Muslim, hence Hindus are Kaffirs and not equivalent to Muslims in purity lol. That means the book is the problem because it differentiates people call them disbeliever in the name of rituals. Very sad. :hitwall:
Nothing is black and white in Hinduism but you want it to be so in other things? Hypocrisy enough?

If you follow news, you would know, psywar, brainwashing, use of quranic verses, jannat jehad, etc.. all are Islamic figures.
If you follow the news you will also see the number of times it has been countered but people like you stick to old stuff and make sure the correct news is never heard!

but we have advaita vedanta under which such religion practices is described under Bhakti Yoga. Where as Gyan Yoga, Raj Yoga Karma Yoga do not have deities my dear Akheilos. We say God is every where, making a statue is only reflecting it's the idea. Stone is also created by the creator only and human also. Everything which he created has its energy, you cannot disrespect it. Any book which says to disrespect , is wrong under my sense of common sense.
That is not common sense but brain washing!

When you call the created as equal to creator it is far from common sense! But that being said to you be your way to me be mine! Kindly never quote me again!
Seriously get some help with English!
mere zehen mein angrezi zuban ki ehmiyat nahi izzat hai, lekin mein phir bhi kafi hadh tak sahi sahi samajh leta hoon.

It basically means none of the countries: India, China nor Japan are RELIGIOUS countries! India prides itself as secular so it having religious laws like Saudi would be questionable!

Neither China and Japan are religious countries! So YOUR argument and need to find a similitude fails miserably! It doesnt mean Muslims are racits you can be a Chinese Muslim, Indian Muslim or Australian Muslim and you can still enter Mekkah and Madinah! Your race doesnt matter at all!
India is secular because we do not believe in Hindu Ummah, or budhist ummah. I am sure No one in the Muslim word will agree a non Muslim visiting Mecca and entering Kabah, Muslims have deteriorated the principle for what it was made.
Even if KSA allows non muslims, the other Muslims in the world will come on streets.
And I know that day is not far, when even Shias will be stopped at Mecca border.

If it is a Muslim majority how do we create problems?
no toleration of any other religion in the muslim majority area.

No I dont...It gets crowded enough with us Muslims.....Non Muslims coming in thinking it is a museum or a zoo and snapping pix will be as disrespectful as it gets!

As if Muslims are made of just air, they don'T create crowd. lol , not the right argument. We will give money to make more arrangements.
Stampede can happen any where, this does not mean you bar people entering religious places.
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if you can clear my doubt then it will be more beneficial for both of us, it's a request. Otherwise, we will be busy in blaming who did what offence. :)
God helps him who helps himself! Kindly take it literally! Go help yourself!

mere zehen mein angrezi zuban ki ehmiyat nahi lekin mein phir bhi kafi hadh tak sahi sahi samajh leta hoon.
We all saw an example of your understanding!

India is secular because we do not believe in Hindu Ummah, or budhist ummah.
Ummah means community...Apparently you didnt know the word and thought you were speaking Shakespeare!

I am sure No one in the Muslim word will agree a non Muslim visiting Mecca and entering Kabah, Muslims have deteriorated the principle for what it was made.
Even if KSA allows non muslims, the other Muslims in the world will come on streets.
And I know that day is not far, when even Shias will be stopped at Mecca border.
Good to know your thoughts! Keep em with you no one asked for them! :tup:

no toleration of any other religion in the muslim majority area.
You mean they dont let you adulterate their religion? Their area their rights! Respect or leave simple!

As if Muslims are made of just air, they don'T create crowd. lol , not the right argument. We will give money to make more arrangements.
And a perfect display of your lack of understanding....
The place is crowded enough without Non Muslims....so safety first
Shows we are already occupying space and any more is only going to make it hazardous!

Stampede can happen any where, this does not mean you bar people entering religious places.
Safety first in a religious land!

If non-Muslims were allowed into Mecca, and several millions of Muslims converged there once every year and continuously through the rest of the year, what do you think the chances are of your local evangelical church setting up a "Hajj Mission" to try and save Muslims? Heck, even at the relatively-unknown annual ISNA convention (unknown to non-Muslims, that is... it's a convention of North American Muslims that maybe 20,000 of us go to each year), there are people flanking each door with bibles and pamphlets.
You have never seen several millions on that small area hence your reluctance to understand anything!
Even more innocent than this: if 2 million+ people converged in one place every year for a massive and momentous pilgrimage, how many additional people do you think would show up just to witness the event? The infrastructure of the country is already maxed-out in Hajj season as-is. Each country gets a limited number of Hajjis, and many countries are expected to construct their own infrastructure for visitors.

2 million, have you seen 2 million at 1 time on any spot? and then add the no. of tourists wanting to get in! Mekkah is our holy city not a circus!
if you can clear my doubt then it will be more beneficial for both of us, it's a request. Otherwise, we will be busy in blaming who did what offence. :)
the best solution to problems is time. Study the history of sectarian violence and you will learn that. A stable middle east and a solution to the Kashmir issue are issues that need to be solved. The power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the Palestine issue are also major issues. They are the roots of the problem, and what you see are the branches. The problem with people is they see time and problems in the matter of days or months or years but sometimes it takes decades for there to be a balance. Study history and look at this as another problem that will solve itself.
@TankMan please tell her what it is.
If you're talking about the concept of 'tawalla', it's a Shia thing - majority of Muslims is Sunni, we don't have that.

I don't want to get into a religious debate, since all I'll be doing is repeating the same points over and over again and going in circles.

I'll make only one point here: All of you trying to prove that Islam is violent, what do you think you'll achieve if you succeed? You're saying the same thing as the terrorists are, and the majority of Muslims very strongly disagree with them ,whether you believe it or not

You say Muslims should 'reform' themselves to be more peaceful or whatever, but when we show you that all that's needed is some simple reasoning and Islam is perfectly peaceful if that reasoning is followed, you people argue and argue and argue to try and prove that Islam is barbaric or whatever. It's utterly and completely pointless.
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