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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

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Nothing does. It has more to do with their own fear of being outmoded. See, its like employment.. you may be the largest firm on earth but you may not be able to retain all employees because some just did not find the firm attractive enough to stick around( you can blame bad HR, Management, Training etc).. so it might be observed that the Paris branch is able to keep employees while the one in Mombasa keeps losing them to other firms and other offers; so to remedy this the corporation reacts by banning outside access via their net services and shunning/shaming ex employees who left the firm for better opportunities in their view... using a combination of fear mongering and offering awards for loyalty it ends up with both fanatical employees and a large of portion of employees who simply cant find anything better so they tolerate what the management does and says.. even if it means trying to justify the firm trading in blood diamonds.

The right thing would be to look at their own Training standards, their HR and Management.. but this is a stagnant bureaucratic firm with only a few branches left that are truly innovating and following the spirit on which the firm was founded on.. Moreover, the employees to are afraid to create change and instead have bought into the paranoia of "They hate us 'cause they aint us".

If you compare religion with firms, then every one should become a communist.

That is why in Advaita Vedanta(Monotheism/Monism) people were given a a way that is to search for God on their own. Rather following any Dharma/Din/religion.

doyou think being right has anything to do with religion?

Dharma = righteous
Bhakti = Religion

And I am aware of such.

But when Bhakti causes Dharma to be non righteous, people like me challenge the non righteous people.
Dharma = righteous
Bhakti = Religion

And I am aware of such.

But when Bhakti causes Dharma to be non righteous, people like me challenge the non righteous people.

No my point is your argument is futile. I see your point.

But in the end, it is upto Muslims to decide, implement changes on their own. Till then, anything you say run the risk of the words by a non-believer.
No my point is your argument is futile. I see your point.

But in the end, it is upto Muslims to decide, implement changes on their own. Till then, anything you say run the risk of the words by a non-believer.

I have called my self a Kafir, in front of them. Nothing more shameful can ever happen to them.
This alone statement shows intolerance. So according to you my friend who is a Muslim should not marry me because she is a Muslim and I am not. Right?
How is it intolerance? Tell America they are intolerant coz they dont allow every tom dick and harry on their land...they want something called visa! Everything has rules whether you like it or not is not anyones business but your own personal problem!

So according to you my friend who is a Muslim should not marry me because she is a Muslim and I am not. Right?
If you want to marry a Muslim, why dont you become one? If you find her way of life (Islam is a dean meaning way of life) wrong why marry her? If you dont find it wrong why cant you accept it and follow it?

I do not follow Sharia, so I am a kaffir, and so yes you have to accept that. The way Ibn Tehmiya called the Mongols Kaffir in his Fatwa even after they accepted Islam. Ibn Tehmiya is a religious figure you know.
I think this has been explained all over the forum a zillion times it is not for me to spoon feed you every small detail!

Fatwah is an opinion for one to hold it needs to be backed by religious teachings otherwise it wont stand! By reading Wikipedia doesnt make you a scholar! By me accepting / rejecting and even not knowing Ibn Taymiyyah will not make me any better or less of a Muslim....to know him is not a pillar of Islam! So I am not sure of Indians obsession with him and dragging him blindly for bashing purposes!

Unfortunately they don't believe in Gita so they will not do that. Neither there is any verse in Gita which says any one is inferior to other, or marry only hindus or etc etc..
1) My saying that was an example! But you kind of missed the point ALTOGETHER! Amazing! At least confirms the troll attitude!
What makes you say they follow the Quran? Your only support is they hold it! Hence why I said if they hold the Gita will it make them Hindus? Then you jump to they wont...and gita doesnt say this or that....

Well, I am not sure why you insist terrorist are following Islam coz they said so...meaning you rather agree with a terrorist than a scholar learned in Islam? Interesting how much you support terrorists!

Then how the hell and why the.... Quran is the most effective tool to brainwash and Muslims most brainwashed in the name of religion? That's my only one question.. kitni baar batau bibi
I already answered repeatedly...By asking many times it will not change my answer! Why is Islam used? Once upon a time Christianity was used, Hinduism was also used for the same purpose!

Don't you think you should be clarifying these things to followers of Islam so that they don't take a wrong path in the name of religion?
Many are like you only wish to listen to whom they like (how you insist that the terrorist are the true Muslims)..

Your argument is those who are doing it are not Muslims, this will not solve this problem. Or will it?
It wont solve the problem but feeding their ego with majority (media and people like you) agreeing with them is also not very helpful and kind of counters the little those who do try to expose them do!

The Quran is used effectively to brainwash. samajh nahi aa raha kya? Not Bibel!!!!!!
By you repeating it doesnt show anything.....I can say something in Sanskrit or Hebrew and tell people it is from a holy book and twist its meanings....many WILL fall prey to that even!

I mean so many of you read the gita in Sanskrit how many actually know what they are singing?

Why are you telling me the definition and giving me the explanations of those verses? Don't you think Muslims need to understand them more?
Simple you asked!

You asked why we dont follow Jesus and about La illa ha Il lallah! Its not my fault you ask and forget what you trolled about!

You are trying to convince me that Quran is correct, and I am asking you why then it is the best tool to create a violent person.
I showed you verses from the bible which are similar to Quran ....I can also show you and quote out of context from the Hindu scriptures and brain wash people take any verse as itself (out of context) from those present on this site: EXPOSING HINDUISM: Exposing Hinduism

It is no hard job to take things out of context just look at yourself!

Tell this to your brothers who read Quran before going to an attack!
Do they read? Did you watch them read? Either they didnt understand it or it did no difference to the revenge seeking mindset! (yup many are going around killing for the revenge of a family member while others are just thought to do so coz they were kidnapped at 3-7 and thart is all they know off)

Well I am not against reading Quran but I am curious to know what is there in Quran which brain washes some one so easily.
IF you were curious you would have read it by now!

I have called my self a Kafir, in front of them. Nothing more shameful can ever happen to them.
lolz! Shameful? for what? YOU called yourself on YOUR OWN WILL!
How is it intolerance? Tell America they are intolerant coz they dont allow every tom dick and harry on their land...they want something called visa! Everything has rules whether you like it or not is not anyones business but your own personal problem!

Let's just talk about religion. Visa, passport citizenship, are other issues. Even tomorrow if an ISI agent becomes a hindu just to penetrate Indian society that's a different thing.

If you want to marry a Muslim, why dont you become one? If you find her way of life (Islam is a dean meaning way of life) wrong why marry her? If you dont find it wrong why cant you accept it and follow it?

I can answer you this very well, but I don't want to share my personal life here any more. May be I'll inbox you. :) You are not aware about me actually. :)

I think this has been explained all over the forum a zillion times it is not for me to spoon feed you every small detail!

Fatwah is an opinion for one to hold it needs to be backed by religious teachings otherwise it wont stand! By reading Wikipedia doesnt make you a scholar! By me accepting / rejecting and even not knowing Ibn Taymiyyah will not make me any better or less of a Muslim....to know him is not a pillar of Islam! So I am not sure of Indians obsession with him and dragging him blindly for bashing purposes!

There are 12 Pillars of Islam, I am sure you accept only the 5 are correct. But then still Quran says, who does not believe in, no God but Allah, he is a Kaffir. If you ever fall in love with a Hindu , you can never marry him. See , because there is prohibition.

And I think you should be preaching this to Muslims who are following it wrong. Not me. You will never do that for sure.

1) My saying that was an example! But you kind of missed the point ALTOGETHER! Amazing! At least confirms the troll attitude!
What makes you say they follow the Quran? Your only support is they hold it! Hence why I said if they hold the Gita will it make them Hindus? Then you jump to they wont...and gita doesnt say this or that....

Well, I am not sure why you insist terrorist are following Islam coz they said so...meaning you rather agree with a terrorist than a scholar learned in Islam? Interesting how much you support terrorists!

You give lots of unrealistic examples.

Muslims invaded India, to spread their religion. Isn'T that sufficient for you. Otherwise even on today's date you would be either Hindu or sikh. Or may be Zoroastrian if you have Iranian background.

I already answered repeatedly...By asking many times it will not change my answer! Why is Islam used? Once upon a time Christianity was used, Hinduism was also used for the same purpose!

It was never used and rather to counter the invasion not to invade unlike muslims started their adventure

Many are like you only wish to listen to whom they like (how you insist that the terrorist are the true Muslims)..

I am ready to listen to you kazallion times and try to understand what exactly you want to say. Convince a Hindu on Islam. Hmmm :)

It wont solve the problem but feeding their ego with majority (media and people like you) agreeing with them is also not very helpful and kind of counters the little those who do try to expose them do!

Please preach to those who have maligned the image of Muslims, by being Muslims, not me.

By you repeating it doesnt show anything.....I can say something in Sanskrit or Hebrew and tell people it is from a holy book and twist its meanings....many WILL fall prey to that even!

I mean so many of you read the gita in Sanskrit how many actually know what they are singing?

You asked why we dont follow Jesus and about La illa ha Il lallah! Its not my fault you ask and forget what you trolled about!

We are not asked neither motivated to read the book of mahabharat, because it brings violent thoughts. Only ascetics who can control their desire read it.

I showed you verses from the bible which are similar to Quran ....I can also show you and quote out of context from the Hindu scriptures and brain wash people take any verse as itself (out of context) from those present on this site: EXPOSING HINDUISM: Exposing Hinduism

It is no hard job to take things out of context just look at yourself!

Do they read? Did you watch them read? Either they didnt understand it or it did no difference to the revenge seeking mindset! (yup many are going around killing for the revenge of a family member while others are just thought to do so coz they were kidnapped at 3-7 and thart is all they know off)

IF you were curious you would have read it by now!

lolz! Shameful? for what? YOU called yourself on YOUR OWN WILL!

In earlier post I have already mentioned that we are not motivated nor asked to read Mahabharata. Because that book is not for normal people who cannot control desire. No one keeps Mahabharata in Home, only the part where Krishna explains Arjuna, we keep and we call it Bhagwad Gita.
Let's just talk about religion. Visa, passport citizenship, are other issues. Even tomorrow if an ISI agent becomes a hindu just to penetrate Indian society that's a different thing.
Why is it different? :pop:

Their choice which book they wanna pick up to get famous! Right now money and fame is all in bashing Islam!

I can answer you this very well, but I don't want to share my personal life here any more. May be I'll inbox you. :) You are not aware about me actually. :)
I am not really much bothered actually...It is a public forum there is a reason why people are not coming in with their birth given names!

There are 12 Pillars of Islam, I am sure you accept only the 5 are correct.
Show me (I have given you quotes what kills you to stick to things called evidence?)
But then still Quran says, who does not believe in, no God but Allah, he is a Kaffir. If you ever fall in love with a Hindu , you can never marry him. See , because there is prohibition.
If I fall in love with a Hindu I will be sure he is heading to heaven and knows something good (THAT is how we see it we make sure our spouse knows the good news of going to heaven before we tie the knot...Nothing wrong in that since EVERY Indian on PDF claims you can be a Hindu even when you dont believe in Hindu gods- so whats the problem in converting and get good from both sides?)

And I think you should be preaching this to Muslims who are following it wrong. Not me. You will never do that for sure.
1) Why should I preach to them? You asked me I told. If they ask I will tell!
2) Before deducing something it is best to know it! You just claimed I will never FOR SURE! wow! That level of ignorance is what terrorists have claiming to ALWAYS be right and leave no room for flexibility!

You give lots of unrealistic examples.
They are very realistic! Its not my fault you cant follow!

Muslims invaded India, to spread their religion. Isn'T that sufficient for you. Otherwise even on today's date you would be either Hindu or sikh. Or may be Zoroastrian if you have Iranian background.
Christians too invaded your land...BTW, many theories do support Hinduism coming with the Aryans so that too is foreign ( Hinduism in the World ) ! And if they hadnt someone else would have it is the dynamics of earth that keeps it ever changing! The VERY FACT that not 100% of India is Muslim despite the "invaders" being in India for hundreds of years i proof enough that they didnt force nor they threw their weight around!

It was never used and rather to counter the invasion not to invade unlike muslims started their adventure
Are you sure?

I am ready to listen to you kazallion times and try to understand what exactly you want to say. Convince a Hindu on Islam. Hmmm :)
I am no one to convince anyone....If you have a question ask. IF you dont like my answer ask someone else...THAT is how one who is searching for the truth searches!

Please preach to those who have maligned the image of Muslims, by being Muslims, not me.
How are they Muslims? Prophet clearly said one who wishes something on another (something bad) that he doesnt wish to happen to him is not one of us - Until and unless ISIS want their women to be passed around...I dont count them as one of us based on something that simple!
Until and Unless they want to be beheaded for no reason, I dont count them as one of us!

The Quran easily says if they seek mercy grant them mercy, if they ask for help give them help (and this is in the state of war when everyone is just chopping each other blindly) if they means those whom you are chopping! If ISIS cant practice something as simple as that from the Quran, they are far from us!

Again you are the ONLY one who is insisting they are Muslims when they are screaming with their actions they are far from human!

We are not asked neither motivated to read the book of mahabharat, because it brings violent thoughts. Only ascetics who can control their desire read it.

In earlier post I have already mentioned that we are not motivated nor asked to read Mahabharata. Because that book is not for normal people who cannot control desire. No one keeps Mahabharata in Home, only the part where Krishna explains Arjuna, we keep and we call it Bhagwad Gita.

Wow...That is sad you arent asked or allowed to explore your own book! How can a book have such violent thoughts? How thoughtless of the god who sent a book that can cause his people to be less human!
Then why have such a book that serves no purpose and ascetics can manipulate it and present it and you will swallow it just like you do when you watch tv!
Why is it different? :pop:

Their choice which book they wanna pick up to get famous! Right now money and fame is all in bashing Islam!
you are comparing kilometer with kilogram just for the sake of argument now. Islamic LAW says that no Muslim girl should marry any one outside her religion.

I am not really much bothered actually...It is a public forum there is a reason why people are not coming in with their birth given names!
it's fine :)

Show me (I have given you quotes what kills you to stick to things called evidence?)

Shia have 12 pillars, Sunnis have five. I need not to give any quotes for this. You know much better.

If I fall in love with a Hindu I will be sure he is heading to heaven and knows something good (THAT is how we see it we make sure our spouse knows the good news of going to heaven before we tie the knot...Nothing wrong in that since EVERY Indian on PDF claims you can be a Hindu even when you dont believe in Hindu gods- so whats the problem in converting and get good from both sides?)

That's against the saying of Quran if you marry a Hindu guy.

1) Why should I preach to them? You asked me I told. If they ask I will tell!
2) Before deducing something it is best to know it! You just claimed I will never FOR SURE! wow! That level of ignorance is what terrorists have claiming to ALWAYS be right and leave no room for flexibility!

Because I am not the one who is being part of Islam and embarrassing Islam. Quran says you should invite people into Islam. So at least you can do to those who are already Muslims.

They are very realistic! Its not my fault you cant follow!

out of context

Christians too invaded your land...BTW, many theories do support Hinduism coming with the Aryans so that too is foreign ( Hinduism in the World ) ! And if they hadnt someone else would have it is the dynamics of earth that keeps it ever changing! The VERY FACT that not 100% of India is Muslim despite the "invaders" being in India for hundreds of years i proof enough that they didnt force nor they threw their weight around!

Then who is calling them(Christians) innocent goat? There are lot's of stories supporting Aryan myth but Vedas don't say it. Baat khatam. After being on PDF, you are obviously aware of this Aryan word and it's meaning.

They didn'T force people? Or the people resisted conversion? LOL

Somanth Temple, nalanda University, what do they suppose to show? Good gesture of Muslim Looteras? lol

Are you sure?

Yes , I am damn sure!

I am no one to convince anyone....If you have a question ask. IF you dont like my answer ask someone else...THAT is how one who is searching for the truth searches!
That's your duty , under Islamic Laws. As far as I heard, why your Islam is better every Muslim should preach and offer the non Muslims.

How are they Muslims? Prophet clearly said one who wishes something on another (something bad) that he doesnt wish to happen to him is not one of us - Until and unless ISIS want their women to be passed around...I dont count them as one of us based on something that simple!
Until and Unless they want to be beheaded for no reason, I dont count them as one of us!
Ask them not me if they are Muslims or Dajjals. I am not talking about ISIS.
I am talking about crusades. And Adventures of Muslim so called Warriors.

The Quran easily says if they seek mercy grant them mercy, if they ask for help give them help (and this is in the state of war when everyone is just chopping each other blindly) if they means those whom you are chopping! If ISIS cant practice something as simple as that from the Quran, they are far from us!
Again you are the ONLY one who is insisting they are Muslims when they are screaming with their actions they are far from human!

Yeah, Prithvi raj chauhan defeated Mohammad Ghauri, 12 times and was granted pardon every time, but Mohammad gauri, defeated him once and executed him because Prithvi Raj did not accept Islam. Shame! And you people have made them heroes.

Wow...That is sad you arent asked or allowed to explore your own book! How can a book have such violent thoughts? How thoughtless of the god who sent a book that can cause his people to be less human!
Then why have such a book that serves no purpose and ascetics can manipulate it and present it and you will swallow it just like you do when you watch tv!

You don't study fourier series in 1sem. of engineering maths because you cannot follow it properly, it is always in the 2nd sem .
Unless until you are have a strong foundation and don't clear exam you are not promoted to higher class because first you need to have a foundation.

Similarly Mahabharata is highly confusing script with thousands of characters and their purpose then comes the deeds of humans, it is basically about Karma(actions) of Humans from adultery, greed, war to charity, divine, goodness. Your mind will burst if you read it without basic foundation. I have read the first Chapter and I stopped it reading after 6 pages.
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you are comparing kilometer with kilogram just for the sake of argument now.
Actually you are doing that by insisting ISIS and others of their type are Muslims when repeatedly they have failed to show anything Islamic in their doings and have been denounced repeatedly....
Islamic LAW says that no Muslim girl should marry any one outside her religion.
Show me where it says that in the Quran! These exact words!! Stop making your own laws up! If you cant then we all can see the troll you are + the lies you conjure!

Shia have 12 pillars, Sunnis have five. I need not to give any quotes for this. You know much better.
Shia have 12 IMAMS not pillars! Stop making shit up! Yes you need to quote so that you know you are making shit up for the sake of it!

I asked you to quote so we all can see the clear differences between what is said and what you make up (excellent example is what you did with the pillars!)

That's against the saying of Quran if you marry a Hindu guy.
I said this and if you have comprehension issues plz fix your English before going any further:

If I fall in love with a Hindu I will be sure he is heading to heaven and knows something good (THAT is how we see it we make sure our spouse knows the good news of going to heaven before we tie the knot...Nothing wrong in that since EVERY Indian on PDF claims you can be a Hindu even when you dont believe in Hindu gods- so whats the problem in converting and get good from both sides?)

Because I am not the one who is being part of Islam and embarrassing Islam. Quran says you should invite people into Islam. So at least you can do to those who are already Muslims.
Those whom you are insisting are Muslims ISIS and all they and you share similar ideas and definition....If I am not interested in inviting you why should I invite them? We only invite not force. I have written about Islam on this site numerous times those who are interested can pick it up those who are not can carry on being in denial ...Inviting doesnt equal to forcing!

out of context
How so? Your whole ranting is out of context of this thread!

Then who is calling them(Christians) innocent goat? There are lot's of stories supporting Aryan myth but Vedas don't say it. Baat khatam. After being on PDF, you are obviously aware of this Aryan word and it's meaning.
I have said this numerous times if you cant bother giving me quotes and want to live by coz I said so rules, go talk to ISIS they love your kind!

They didn'T force people? Or the people resisted conversion? LOL
I thought they were slaughtered if they resisted :pop: isnt that the BS that is spread all over? SO how did those who are Hindus for generations survived?

Somanth Temple, nalanda University, what do they suppose to show? Good gesture of Muslim Looteras? lol
And what about babri masjid? Shows good gestures of Hindus, right?

Yes , I am damn sure!
Try reading more, it will be helpful! Since you dont give quotes I wont either!

That's your duty , under Islamic Laws. As far as I heard, why your Islam is better every Muslim should preach and offer the non Muslims.
You havent read a single law and are already highly influenced by selective listening as your sentence claims!

Ask them not me if they are Muslims or Dajjals. I am not talking about ISIS.
I am talking about crusades. And Adventures of Muslim so called Warriors.
Who are they? Name them! Throwing random words at me only shows how desperate you are when exposed lacking knowledge of any form yet desperately trying to discuss it!

Yeah, Prithvi raj chauhan defeated Mohammad Ghauri, 12 times and was granted pardon every time, but Mohammad gauri, defeated him once and executed him because Prithvi Raj did not accept Islam. Shame! And you people have made them heroes.
Why is it shame? Your sources oh yea I forgot the same coz I said so attitude!

Read what I wrote and your reply! I talked about at time of war and seeking pardon and your reply was BS!

You don't study fourier series in 1sem. of engineering maths because you cannot follow it properly, it is always in the 2nd sem .
Unless until you are have a strong foundation and don't clear exam you are not promoted to higher class because first you need to have a foundation.
Likewise go educate yourself on the topic you are trying to discuss and ending up showing how you know nothing off!

Similarly Mahabharata is highly confusing script with thousands of characters and their purpose then comes the deeds of humans, it is basically about Karma(actions) of Humans from adultery, greed, war to charity, divine, goodness. Your mind will burst if you read it without basic foundation. I have read the first Chapter and I stopped it reading after 6 pages.

If your foundation of your own religion isnt well established who gave you the keys to go running amok about other's religion? Study your own first at least!
Actually you are doing that by insisting ISIS and others of their type are Muslims when repeatedly they have failed to show anything Islamic in their doings and have been denounced repeatedly....
Show me where it says that in the Quran! These exact words!! Stop making your own laws up! If you cant then we all can see the troll you are + the lies you conjure!

Shia have 12 IMAMS not pillars! Stop making shit up! Yes you need to quote so that you know you are making shit up for the sake of it!

I asked you to quote so we all can see the clear differences between what is said and what you make up (excellent example is what you did with the pillars!)

I said this and if you have comprehension issues plz fix your English before going any further:

Those whom you are insisting are Muslims ISIS and all they and you share similar ideas and definition....If I am not interested in inviting you why should I invite them? We only invite not force. I have written about Islam on this site numerous times those who are interested can pick it up those who are not can carry on being in denial ...Inviting doesnt equal to forcing!

How so? Your whole ranting is out of context of this thread!

I have said this numerous times if you cant bother giving me quotes and want to live by coz I said so rules, go talk to ISIS they love your kind!

I thought they were slaughtered if they resisted :pop: isnt that the BS that is spread all over? SO how did those who are Hindus for generations survived?

And what about babri masjid? Shows good gestures of Hindus, right?

Try reading more, it will be helpful! Since you dont give quotes I wont either!

You havent read a single law and are already highly influenced by selective listening as your sentence claims!

Who are they? Name them! Throwing random words at me only shows how desperate you are when exposed lacking knowledge of any form yet desperately trying to discuss it!

Why is it shame? Your sources oh yea I forgot the same coz I said so attitude!

Read what I wrote and your reply! I talked about at time of war and seeking pardon and your reply was BS!

Likewise go educate yourself on the topic you are trying to discuss and ending up showing how you know nothing off!

If your foundation of your own religion isnt well established who gave you the keys to go running amok about other's religion? Study your own first at least!

1) Non Muslims are not allowed in Mecca, we are Kaffirs, height of intolerance. Shudras are allowed in Temples, I myself being a Brahmin, aware of this. Yes, earlier there were prohibitions, but those are against Bhakti Yoga so such rule is demolished and condemned.

2) read Al Bakrah 221 about the muslim womens' marriage.

3) Shia's have 12 practices which are must my lovely friend.


Twelver Shia Islam has five Usul al-Din and ten Furu al-Din, i.e., the Shia Islamic beliefs and practices. The Twelver Shia Islam Usul al-Din, equivalent to a Shia Five Pillars, are all beliefs considered foundational to Islam, and thus classified a bit differently from those listed above.[30] They are:

  1. Tawhid (Monotheism: belief in the Oneness of God)
  2. 'Adl (Divine Justice: belief in the Almighty's justice)
  3. Nubuwwah (Prophethood)
  4. Imamah (Succession to the Muhammad)
  5. Mi'ad (The Day of Judgment and the Resurrection)
In addition to these Five Pillars, there are ten practices that Shia Muslims must perform, called the Ancillaries of the Faith[31] (Arabic: furūʿ al-dīn).

  1. Salat
  2. Sawm
  3. Zakāt, similar to Sunni Islam, but only applies to cattle, silver, gold, dates, raisins, wheat, and barley, but not money.
  4. Khums: an annual taxation of one-fifth (20%) of all gain. Khums is paid to the Imams or to poor and needy people.
  5. Hajj
  6. Jihad
  7. Amr-bil-Maroof
  8. Nahi Anil Munkar
  9. Tawalla: expressing love towards Good.
  10. Tabarra: expressing disassociation and hatred towards Evil.
4) Mahabharata is a text and is considered as a part of Bhakti yoga(Religious, divine way). Islam also comes under Bhakti Yoga only. It is not necessary to follow religion according to our Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. (monism)

5) If some one calls himself Musalman, and does the wrong deed then it is your duty to correct him rather to remain silent and argue with Hindu guys and preach Hindu guys that he is not a Muslim and what he is doing is unislamic. IF you don'T do that, then Hindu guys might counter them with force and it will lead to religiour war. So, it is the duty of Muslims, not to allow such people. But Unfortunately, it is the other way round. And 90% violent terrorists are Muslims. Facts are Facts, bring practical talks.

I have said this numerous times if you cant bother giving me quotes and want to live by coz I said so rules, go talk to ISIS they love your kind!

Try reading more, it will be helpful! Since you dont give quotes I wont either!

Why is it shame? Your sources oh yea I forgot the same coz I said so attitude!
If I provide you with Quotes, you will counter me by asking authenticity just like you asked above and contradicted yourself . :p: hehehehe

7) Babri issue is more than 100 years old. The so called Hindu extremists had a very good opportunity to demolish Babri in 1947 and NOT JUST BABRI but many other .. Do you think, they waited till 1991 almost 50 years to demolish babri. Come On Girl! Babri was a counter to what Pakistani sponsored Militants did in Kashmir to the Hindus.

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1) Non Muslims are not allowed in Mecca, we are Kaffirs, height of intolerance. Shudras are allowed in Temples, I myself being a Brahmin, aware of this. Yes, earlier there were prohibitions, but those are against Bhakti Yoga so such rule is demolished and condemned.
A normal man is not allowed in the pentagon...Now us all get on the streets!

Heck a Pakistani going to India needs visa though we are neighbours! Height of intolerance!

Every country has their laws....Cant stand it...its your problem not the country's
2) read Al Bakrah 221 about the muslim womens' marriage.
Read it to me and point out the problem you have with it! You are the one with the problem so you should point it out!

3) Shia's have 12 practices which are must my lovely friend.


Twelver Shia Islam has five Usul al-Din and ten Furu al-Din, i.e., the Shia Islamic beliefs and practices. The Twelver Shia Islam Usul al-Din, equivalent to a Shia Five Pillars, are all beliefs considered foundational to Islam, and thus classified a bit differently from those listed above.[30] They are:

  1. Tawhid (Monotheism: belief in the Oneness of God)
  2. 'Adl (Divine Justice: belief in the Almighty's justice)
  3. Nubuwwah (Prophethood)
  4. Imamah (Succession to the Muhammad)
  5. Mi'ad (The Day of Judgment and the Resurrection)
In addition to these Five Pillars, there are ten practices that Shia Muslims must perform, called the Ancillaries of the Faith[31] (Arabic: furūʿ al-dīn).

  1. Salat
  2. Sawm
  3. Zakāt, similar to Sunni Islam, but only applies to cattle, silver, gold, dates, raisins, wheat, and barley, but not money.
  4. Khums: an annual taxation of one-fifth (20%) of all gain. Khums is paid to the Imams or to poor and needy people.
  5. Hajj
  6. Jihad
  7. Amr-bil-Maroof
  8. Nahi Anil Munkar
  9. Tawalla: expressing love towards Good.
  10. Tabarra: expressing disassociation and hatred towards Evil.

I am not sure how you managed to read Wikipedia and change / hide things for your benefit! Does Hinduism teach you to deceit others?

Twelvers believe in the Five Pillars of Islam, as do Sunnis, but categorize them differently.

Reading what you want to and getting excited doesnt prove a single thing! It can be termed either delusional or deceitful (if you are hiding what you claim to have read!)

Since you dont even know the 5 pillars of Islam you cant even seem to recognize them even when they are categorized differently in that which you quoted!

How much lower in the mud do you wish to roll?

4) Mahabharata is a text and is considered as a part of Bhakti yoga(Religious, divine way). Islam also comes under Bhakti Yoga only. It is not necessary to follow religion according to our Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. (monism)
Wow so what do you follow it according to a burglar's guide or a rapists thinking? Seriously?

5) If some one calls himself Musalman, and does the wrong deed then it is your duty to correct him rather to remain silent and argue with Hindu guys and preach Hindu guys that he is not a Muslim and what he is doing is unislamic.
1) If such a guy was doing such things in front of me my only fardh is to teach him once...Not to chase after him! The very fact that a whole article worth tens of pages is published and signed by top imams denouncing some practices is teaching enough! Those who wish to ignore it are not our responsibility (it is publicly available for any who wishes to read it)! Islam teaches us that our doings are our responsibilities!

2) Well, then Hindu guys should mind their own tongue before uttering rubbish and being exposed repeatedly! I didnt preach to any Hindu guys but if Hindu guy thinks he knows it all and is lying repeatedly and behaving deceitfully then it is my duty to expose his lies!!

. IF you don'T do that, then Hindu guys might counter them with force and it will lead to religiour war.
What you do isnt my business...Ignorance is a bliss! Only god knows whom you are referring to it could be a guy who is saying exactly what I am only you with your twisted thinking and twisting and hiding stuff might be getting all mad after being exposed!

So, it is the duty of Muslims, not to allow such people.
It is not our duty to guard their actions...We can only talk to them but they like you might not be listening at all!

If you claiming to be "interested" are not bothered in the least bit why should those who arent interested in correcting themselves be bothered with what we have to say?

But Unfortunately, it is the other way round. And 90% violent terrorists are Muslims. Facts are Facts, bring practical talks.
I started my talk with a simple FACT

IF they are not behaving like anything but pimps call them pimps! Grow a pair and call them for what they are! Stop trying to call them Muslims to feel better esp when they have done nothing Islamic! And also when renown imams have declared them as doing HARAM!

And practical is this: When he isnt acting like a Muslim (I have repeated 3 times on this thread but you continue to ignore and troll your way) that if someone doesnt want some good for the other he is not of us (until and unless you claim boko haram wants all his women from mother to daughter to be passed around and sold)

As for the beheading it is clear in the Quran,

"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"

a person : not distinguishing Muslim or not
unless 2 reasons allow murder but even then it has criteria.....so if what ISIS is doing is Islamic try putting that in to this context ....

ISIS doesnt follow the Quran for the Quran also says the following which they dont follow:

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"

"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"

If ISIS cant follow the Quran they are not Muslims as simple as that - following your earlier insistence that the actions speak well their actions speak them as not Muslims coz they dont follow the Quran!

If I provide you with Quotes, you will counter me by asking authenticity just like you asked above and contradicted yourself . :p: hehehehe
I didnt know countering lies and exposing hidden meanings was a bad thing! I have not contradicted myself even once you on the other hand went haywire on the 12 pillars which was a lie altogether even wiki disagrees with you!
A normal man is not allowed in the pentagon...Now us all get on the streets!

Heck a Pakistani going to India needs visa though we are neighbours! Height of intolerance!

Every country has their laws....Cant stand it...its your problem not the country's

Read it to me and point out the problem you have with it! You are the one with the problem so you should point it out!

Yahan Mazak ho raha hai? You are comparing Mecca with Pentagon? :cheesy:

I am not sure how you managed to read Wikipedia and change / hide things for your benefit! Does Hinduism teach you to deceit others?

Twelvers believe in the Five Pillars of Islam, as do Sunnis, but categorize them differently.

Reading what you want to and getting excited doesnt prove a single thing! It can be termed either delusional or deceitful (if you are hiding what you claim to have read!)

Since you dont even know the 5 pillars of Islam you cant even seem to recognize them even when they are categorized differently in that which you quoted!

How much lower in the mud do you wish to roll?

those categories are far different from 5 Pillars. :lol: You need to read Not me. I have read and quoted. And this is why I wasn'T quoting because your blame game starts... yeh reh gaya woh reh gaya .. :blah:.

That's why there are so many sects like Shia, Sunni, Ehley Tashi. etc etc what more...

Wow so what do you follow it according to a burglar's guide or a rapists thinking? Seriously?

Mahabharat is not something which we follow. Get that clear!!!! :angry: It's it for knowledge and not to attain Jannat. :laugh:

Gyan Yoga : meditating to find self. (Mohammad followed this in that cave Hira)
Raj Yoga : meditating on creator with rituals
Karma Yoga: actions
Bhakti yoga: Islam Hinduism Christianity

It is upto you which one you want to follow... to get liberated. But Muslims say, they are the best!

1) If such a guy was doing such things in front of me my only fardh is to teach him once...Not to chase after him! The very fact that a whole article worth tens of pages is published and signed by top imams denouncing some practices is teaching enough! Those who wish to ignore it are not our responsibility (it is publicly available for any who wishes to read it)! Islam teaches us that our doings are our responsibilities!

2) Well, then Hindu guys should mind their own tongue before uttering rubbish and being exposed repeatedly! I didnt preach to any Hindu guys but if Hindu guy thinks he knows it all and is lying repeatedly and behaving deceitfully then it is my duty to expose his lies!!

1) Yes create a blog, and preach them the Islam of the book if it is sober. And allows no intolerance. So that Muslim realize that making Pakistan in the name of Islam and Ummah was a blunder. You people keep chanting 1000 year Muslim rule.. lol which rule what rule? Religion is not there to rule. Preach this to your pure race brothers!!

2) Why should Hindu guys mind their tongue when your brothers are busy bashing every religion and belief on earth? A counter is Must. Dharmo Rakshat Rakshati.. you protect the righteous and righteous will protect you.
What you do isnt my business...Ignorance is a bliss! Only god knows whom you are referring to it could be a guy who is saying exactly what I am only you with your twisted thinking and twisting and hiding stuff might be getting all mad after being exposed!

It is not our duty to guard their actions...We can only talk to them but they like you might not be listening at all!

If you claiming to be "interested" are not bothered in the least bit why should those who arent interested in correcting themselves be bothered with what we have to say?

Similarly I am not interested in your quotes from Quran. What you follow what not is your headache, my point is, don't advertise Islam and try to tell it is the best way. Thank You! Muslims have made Islam a firm to do business and enforce it on others.

If it is not your duty to bring them in the right way then don't call them muslims suddenly when non Muslims try to counter them. And then bring headlines like genocide of Muslim.

I started my talk with a simple FACT

IF they are not behaving like anything but pimps call them pimps! Grow a pair and call them for what they are! Stop trying to call them Muslims to feel better esp when they have done nothing Islamic! And also when renown imams have declared them as doing HARAM!

And practical is this: When he isnt acting like a Muslim (I have repeated 3 times on this thread but you continue to ignore and troll your way) that if someone doesnt want some good for the other he is not of us (until and unless you claim boko haram wants all his women from mother to daughter to be passed around and sold)

As for the beheading it is clear in the Quran,

"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"

a person : not distinguishing Muslim or not
unless 2 reasons allow murder but even then it has criteria.....so if what ISIS is doing is Islamic try putting that in to this context ....

ISIS doesnt follow the Quran for the Quran also says the following which they dont follow:

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"

"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"

If ISIS cant follow the Quran they are not Muslims as simple as that - following your earlier insistence that the actions speak well their actions speak them as not Muslims coz they dont follow the Quran!

Then start praising Prithvi Raj Chauhan as he forgave the Islamic looter Ghauri and kick away the name of Ghauri as hero. Practice what you preach.

You have still not made any correct statement regarding the Muslim Womens marriage rule .. Now i have even forgot which sura was that. Al Bakrah 221 I guess. Can you please quote from your source, since I am not scholar of Quran and links.
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Yahan Mazak ho raha hai? You are comparing Mecca with Pentagon? :cheesy:
Why cant we compare the 2? 1 is man made no go zone while the other is divine no go zone since Abraham's time!
1 needs to have "special permissions or be at a rank to get in" other just needs you to utter a sentence to get in!

those categories are far different from 5 Pillars. :lol: You need to read Not me. I have read and quoted. And this is why I wasn'T quoting because your blame game starts... yeh reh gaya woh reh gaya .. :blah:.
No blame game...I quoted too...You see you call it blame game coz you dont even know what the 5 pillars are hence you thought you hit jackpot!

The word FAR DIFFERENT shows me you lack basic understanding of the very 5 pillars.
Shahadah, Solat, Zakat, fasting and Hajj

pillars in shia which you got excited about:

They are:

Tawhid (Monotheism: belief in the Oneness of God)
For Sunni Tawhid and Adl fall under Shahadah for we say there is NO GOD but ALLAH and this testifies ALLAH as 1 god.

Nubuwwah (Prophethood) Imamah (Succession to the Muhammad)
This can be classified under Shahadah (2nd part of Shahadah is prophethood) but since SUNNI dont have Imamah you cant balance it off....

'Adl (Divine Justice: belief in the Almighty's justice)
Mi'ad (The Day of Judgment and the Resurrection) Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar andJihad
Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar (these 2 are put in 1 sentence in many cases) However, these 3 can be merged as Sunni believe that ALLAH is adl and hence will give justice and why we believe in Day of Judgement though we put this under 6 article of faith! If you dont believe in doing good and forbidding wrong then you wont believe in justice on day of judgement....It is intertwined!
If you had only bothered googling it more instead of taking Wikipedia as a bible you would have realized a lot of things even things as simple as this before getting hyped up and exposing yourself like ab obvious troll!
Enjoining good and forbidding wrong, (Arabic: al-amr bi 'l-maʿruf wa 'n-nahy ʿani 'l-munkar) or promotion of virtue and prevention of vice (PVPV), is an Islamic doctrine mentioned in the Qur'an. The continuation of this is Tawalla: expressing love towards Good. Tabarra: expressing disassociation and hatred towards Evil. Hence all 4 of these whoever split them on wiki didnt know he was talking of the same sentence!

Finally To strive for good is the ultimate reason we are here (Jihad) if we dont strive for al-amr bi 'l-maʿruf wa 'n-nahy ʿani 'l-munkar then we have no reason to believe in Allah being adl on Mi'ad....

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawm Same
  1. Zakāt, similar to Sunni Islam, but only applies to cattle, silver, gold, dates, raisins, wheat, and barley, but not money.
  2. Khums: an annual taxation of one-fifth (20%) of all gain. Khums is paid to the Imams or to poor and needy people.
  1. Can be classified as one as both are regarding giving alms!
That's why there are so many sects like Shia, Sunni, Ehley Tashi. etc etc what more...
Reading 2 - 3 new words and throwing them around shows me your lack of understanding of what you are talking about hence I wont even bother your brain with the details you ignore each time I tell you!

Mahabharat is not something which we follow. Get that clear!!!! :angry: It's it for knowledge and not to attain Jannat. :laugh:
The very fact that a "religious" book has violence without a base is bad enough!

Gyan Yoga : meditating to find self. (Mohammad followed this in that cave Hira)
Raj Yoga : meditating on creator with rituals
Karma Yoga: actions
Bhakti yoga: Islam Hinduism Christianity

It is upto you which one you want to follow... to get liberated. But Muslims say, they are the best!
I see why the repeated and consistent trolling

1) Yes create a blog, and preach them the Islam of the book if it is sober.
When people like you with internet access can BS and think you know it all...they can do so too...Hence, why your thinking is very very close to theirs! You each think wrong stuff is equated to Islam...You each think you know it all (you trying to show off by posting something you have no knowledge of)

So that Muslim realize that making Pakistan in the name of Islam and Ummah was a blunder.
I see the butthurt truth coming out!
You people keep chanting 1000 year Muslim rule.. lol which rule what rule? Religion is not there to rule. Preach this to your pure race brothers!!
I wasnt the one who brought in Ibn Taymiyyah nor was I the one brought in India under Muslim rule twice on this thread and numerous times on other threads!

2) Why should Hindu guys mind their tongue when your brothers are busy bashing every religion and belief on earth? A counter is Must. Dharmo Rakshat Rakshati.. you protect the righteous and righteous will protect you.
1stly, if they bash go find them not me to sort out your issues! 2ndly, Who is righteous?

Similarly I am not interested in your quotes from Quran. What you follow what not is your headache, my point is, don't advertise Islam and try to tell it is the best way.
You repeat ISIS is following it but when I quote what the Quran says the min you see it is not what ISIS is following you go haywire? Stop saying ISIS or any other terrorist is following something that is not there! I have showed you too many arguments to ignore if you still wish to do so then do so! I never forced you into anything but you are trying to force me to say something that you believe just to soothe yourself?

If it is not your duty to bring them in the right way then don't call them muslims suddenly when non Muslims try to counter them. And then bring headlines like genocide of Muslim.

I have been going on this forum calling people to stop calling them Muslims! So please stop quoting me your sick man who is only capable of mental projection!

@waz brother how much shit should one tolerate? Those highlighted bits have just shown the grudge this sicko was carrying and hence why he is hell bent on trying to make me say the lies he believes in!
Then start praising Prithvi Raj Chauhan as he forgave the Islamic looter Ghauri and kick away the name of Ghauri as hero. Practice what you preach.
I have no idea why history is eating your mind right now...But what has happened has happened let it go!
You have still not made any correct statement regarding the Muslim Womens marriage rule .. Now i have even forgot which sura was that. Al Bakrah 221 I guess. Can you please quote from your source, since I am not scholar of Quran and links.
I did answer you! I asked you what problem you have with the verse you want to address! I have no problem with any verse so why should I quote it? When you go to ask a teacher a question, you bring your question to the teacher you dont behave like an asshole and say I dont get it before even reading it! What problems do you have with the verse ask @TankMan or @Gufi because you dont seem to understand ANYTHING I type!

Now please stop quoting me with your trolls! Learn to control embarrassing yourself repeatedly! I know @WebMaster @Horus gave you a platform to repeatedly embarrass yourself and I am sure they are happy of how you utilize it but please stop quoting me with your BS and derailing!e
Why cant we compare the 2? 1 is man made no go zone while the other is divine no go zone since Abraham's time!
1 needs to have "special permissions or be at a rank to get in" other just needs you to utter a sentence to get in!
because in the place of worship every one should be allowed. The creator has made every one equal, of course this doesn't mean that humans start intercourse with animals LOL. It is about giving values and respect. But If religion is the main differentiating factor then it should be discarded in human society.

Nice trolling effort lekin tum se nahi ho payegi... u are a sincere girl

No blame game...I quoted too...You see you call it blame game coz you dont even know what the 5 pillars are hence you thought you hit jackpot!!

I already gave you a source with quotations. You are on denial mode, that everything is similar. If everything was similar then there wan'T any need for having so many sects.
The word FAR DIFFERENT shows me you lack basic understanding of the very 5 pillars.
Shahadah, Solat, Zakat, fasting and Hajj

pillars in shia which you got excited about:

For Sunni Tawhid and Adl fall under Shahadah for we say there is NO GOD but ALLAH and this testifies ALLAH as 1 god.

This can be classified under Shahadah (2nd part of Shahadah is prophethood) but since SUNNI dont have Imamah you cant balance it off....!

Wht'S wrong in saying God, or Bhagwan, if not Allah, will it change your blood color? I accept Allah, God Bhagwan are same. What does it mean by no God but Allah. heights of stupidity and intolerance against non arabic language.
Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar (these 2 are put in 1 sentence in many cases) However, these 3 can be merged as Sunni believe that ALLAH is adl and hence will give justice and why we believe in Day of Judgement though we put this under 6 article of faith! If you dont believe in doing good and forbidding wrong then you wont believe in justice on day of judgement....It is intertwined!
If you had only bothered googling it more instead of taking Wikipedia as a bible you would have realized a lot of things even things as simple as this before getting hyped up and exposing yourself like ab obvious troll!
Enjoining good and forbidding wrong, (Arabic: al-amr bi 'l-maʿruf wa 'n-nahy ʿani 'l-munkar) or promotion of virtue and prevention of vice (PVPV), is an Islamic doctrine mentioned in the Qur'an. The continuation of this is Tawalla: expressing love towards Good. Tabarra: expressing disassociation and hatred towards Evil. Hence all 4 of these whoever split them on wiki didnt know he was talking of the same sentence!

Finally To strive for good is the ultimate reason we are here (Jihad) if we dont strive for al-amr bi 'l-maʿruf wa 'n-nahy ʿani 'l-munkar then we have no reason to believe in Allah being adl on Mi'ad....
Arre mere pyare dost... Tawalla contradicts no God but Allah.

One side it says expressing love towards good other way it's no God but Allah. Is God not good?

  1. Can be classified as one as both are regarding giving alms!

Reading 2 - 3 new words and throwing them around shows me your lack of understanding of what you are talking about hence I wont even bother your brain with the details you ignore each time I tell you!

The very fact that a "religious" book has violence without a base is bad enough!!

The violence part is the war only. It is a very practical book. It explains all the human greeds and goods. Even if the book is not there the greed in human remains 8-) . Like Muslims have to spread the Islam. That's why I accept the ideology of multiple religion co existing together.

If religion is not there then fight will be for resources, skin color, language, territory. It's an ongoing scenario, already explained in Mahabharata.

I see why the repeated and consistent trolling!
tum toh behad namazi ho :smitten:

When people like you with internet access can BS and think you know it all...they can do so too...Hence, why your thinking is very very close to theirs! You each think wrong stuff is equated to Islam...You each think you know it all (you trying to show off by posting something you have no knowledge of)!

ab kyun bhadak rahi ho :undecided:. Well My one and only problem and question to muslims are... If you people don'T stop each other (why?)then please don'T blame non muslims when they counter, of killing Muslims. Then maintain with the word that they are not Muslims.

Get it?
Muslims have taken an ideology that, those who follow Islam are superior. Oh chadd yaar.. what superiority. That is the basic problem! Where from it arose, Book, prophets, sharia law, etc... it's onto you to decide. What does it mean Islamic rule...:undecided:

I see the butthurt truth coming out!!
I am not Butthurt...I feel pity on these Mullahs , some idiots dividing my country brainwashed by Britishers in Aligarh Muslim Uni, in the name of religion and then doing what now, Trying to destabilize the region for Ummah, not accepted my dear friend and still showing eyes to India in the name of Islamic superiority which never existed though. A counter is also decided!:D
Even if Islam tell's the righteous, this will malign it's image, a bad impact is already inflicted.

I wasnt the one who brought in Ibn Taymiyyah nor was I the one brought in India under Muslim rule twice on this thread and numerous times on other threads!!
You know what Akhelilos or what ever your name is, you have taken things too personally.
Don't be sentimental.

1stly, if they bash go find them not me to sort out your issues! 2ndly, Who is righteous?
That is what India has been doing and in return people call them Hindutva rashtrya. If India was really extremist not a single muslim, I gurantee no a single muslim would have left alive after 1947. Just like Pakistan , that not even 9% of population is non Muslim.

Dharm = righteous, Bhakti = religion. Righteous means.. all are equal, in terms of religion faith, color, language, one should not speak lie, should not theft.. all these things. It is not religion!

You repeat ISIS is following it but when I quote what the Quran says the min you see it is not what ISIS is following you go haywire? Stop saying ISIS or any other terrorist is following something that is not there! I have showed you too many arguments to ignore if you still wish to do so then do so! I never forced you into anything but you are trying to force me to say something that you believe just to soothe yourself?

I have been going on this forum calling people to stop calling them Muslims! So please stop quoting me your sick man who is only capable of mental projection!!

A practicing muslim in day today life does not think that much... he has a lot of other things to do in life. This is not the same old era. many Muslims do not offer namaz 5 times. Or don'T wash hands ( wuzu ) properly before Namaz, that doesn'T make them LESS muslim. okay.

Similarly, ISIS people the fighters not the leaders are practicing muslims who have been brain washed in the name of Khilafat, Wahab, tehmiya crusades jerusalem etc taken words from Quran, Shariya, hadees.. They have used Muslim figures only to brain wash them. In this case you cannot say, they are less Muslims.
@waz brother how much shit should one tolerate? Those highlighted bits have just shown the grudge this sicko was carrying and hence why he is hell bent on trying to make me say the lies he believes in!

I have no idea why history is eating your mind right now...But what has happened has happened let it go!!

Because history is important, it shows the atrocities done by Muslim to invade not just to invade but to spread Islam.

And if you say that they were not Muslim , it was not due to Islam, you should stop your brothers proudly justifying that , first.
I did answer you! I asked you what problem you have with the verse you want to address! I have no problem with any verse so why should I quote it? When you go to ask a teacher a question, you bring your question to the teacher you dont behave like an asshole and say I dont get it before even reading it! What problems do you have with the verse ask @TankMan or @Gufi because you dont seem to understand ANYTHING I type!
An elite member like you should avoid terms like that, you are a Muslim and islam doesn't permit you to speak those words or address any one with it. Otherwise you will just destroy essence of what ever you have posted here.

Now please stop quoting me with your trolls! Learn to control embarrassing yourself repeatedly! I know @WebMaster @Horus gave you a platform to repeatedly embarrass yourself and I am sure they are happy of how you utilize it but please stop quoting me with your BS and derailing!e

Surat Al-Baqarah [2:221] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
Sahih International
And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember. : surat al bakarah 221

How many practising Muslims accept this? Hindus are not Polytheist, halloo... That means the muslims have not understood the philosophy of Advainta Vedanta(monism). And irrespective of what our beliefs are , Muslims have called us Polytheist. Yes, we do not say Allah is the only name of God. Have we become polytheist. Come on!!!

Other point, If I do not follow any of the five pillar they way it is described in Quran , specially the Namaz, being believer of one creator only, I'm a disbeliever. Hence Contradictions with surat al Bakarah 221.
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