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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Herkes mi şerefsiz olur arkadaş yok mu bi destekçimiz şu koca dünyada
Bu Al-Jazeera'de güya dost Katar'ın yayın organı...

Btw, numbers of dead rats raised to 597

Both sides boost casualty numbers lets be honest. YPG claims they killed 325, we claim we killed 597. SOHR is probably give the most realistic numbers(78 killed militants so far) but they can make mistakes too of course.

78 kills and probably hundreds of wounded are not a bad number for 1 week I think. It will surely increase after the initial defences are taken down.
Idealy a friendy Assad would be good for Turkey....but don't trust him yet. He would be able to give autonomy to YPG/PKK because he simply don't have the mean to fight them without Russia, and Russia would rather have peace between Assad and YPG rather than war.
And of course we have the "Erdogan" problem in Turkey : Erdogan is still obseded about Assad or no ? Frankly I hope Erdogan use the FSA like canon fodder and make a deal with Assad later one....but this Erdogan...he is rather hard to predict.
You mean Russia not assad ; if Russia withdraws from Syria then assad will lose control over large parts of Syria within few month to isil and other groups . The Americans are building bases in Syria and planning to stay for decades until the connect the kurdish held region with Jordan/direct link to Israel and red sea .

Turkey has no choice but to set up a safe zone directly under its control and keep good ties with Russia . Assad is no more than a puppet now he has no control over what's happening in Syria now it's all in Russia's hand and to a lesser extent Iran in western Syria .

The USA controls eastern Syria and bombed assad forces several times when they tried to cross their zone of influence area
Both sides boost casualty numbers lets be honest. YPG claims they killed 325, we claim we killed 597. SOHR is probably give the most realistic numbers(78 killed militants so far) but they can make mistakes too of course.

78 kills and probably hundreds of wounded are not a bad number for 1 week I think. It will surely increase after the initial defences are taken down.

SOHR are filthy PKK lovers who claim 70+ soldiers were killed by PKK and that TSK is using napalm against civilians.. hasssssss
Both sides boost casualty numbers lets be honest. YPG claims they killed 325, we claim we killed 597. SOHR is probably give the most realistic numbers(78 killed militants so far) but they can make mistakes too of course.

78 kills and probably hundreds of wounded are not a bad number for 1 week I think. It will surely increase after the initial defences are taken down.
SOHR is full of sh*t.

they say:

70 ypg
76 FSA
13 Turkish soldiers

have been killed which is technically not even possible after over 250+ airstrikes and countless artillery fire.
Both sides boost casualty numbers lets be honest. YPG claims they killed 325, we claim we killed 597. SOHR is probably give the most realistic numbers(78 killed militants so far) but they can make mistakes too of course.

78 kills and probably hundreds of wounded are not a bad number for 1 week I think. It will surely increase after the initial defences are taken down.
Lol 78 kills is not bad? If thats the case lets back it up and go back home.
TURAF never spells a number which is not touched by hand or videotaped by flir camera of a drone.

This is a law matter .

We fight with terrorist organisations for 40 years. We know what to do and say true about number of losses..

You can't cover a Turkish soldier loss in Turkey and media.
Both sides boost casualty numbers lets be honest. YPG claims they killed 325, we claim we killed 597. SOHR is probably give the most realistic numbers(78 killed militants so far) but they can make mistakes too of course.

78 kills and probably hundreds of wounded are not a bad number for 1 week I think. It will surely increase after the initial defences are taken down.

I will still believe in TSK figures... I don't care about others
According to PKK sources more than 10+ tanks have been destroyed. Bogus of course. I hope.
I agree with the last part. Ideal situation would be if Erdoğan leaves office. A deal with Assad to clean Syria would happen over night.
What are you on drugs?... You are against your government but praise Assad like an innocent schoolgirl.. Shame on you only a false flagger would be like that..

Assad opposed our offensive against pkk and threadened to shoot our planes down.. I believe you will have also excuses for that with your double standards..
Lol 78 kills is not bad? If thats the case lets back it up and go back home.
In my opinion the question is how you spread fear and demoralize your enemy. If you go home you will manage not much or even nothing. Not the rising body count is important, but how you behave on the battlefield with your army and on the other hand, how you act as a nation. Well, Türkiye is doing a good job so far.
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