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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Lots of conflicting reports about what happened in the de-escalation zone. Pro-SAA sources are saying nothing much happened. Guy below says opposite. It's possible Iranian militias (which are on the front line opposite new TSK observation point) are trying to escalate conflict with Turkey while Assad or Russia is trying to keep it from escalating.

@era_shield I too believe it was an Iran supported group who opened fire. The same happened during the ES operation. If you remember, in the South of Al Bab (Tadif) Iranian controlled militias fought with FSA fighters even though there was an agreement between TR and RU.
@era_shield I too believe it was an Iran supported group who opened fire. The same happened during the ES operation. If you remember, in the South of Al Bab (Tadif) Iranian controlled militias fought with FSA fighters even though there was an agreement between TR and RU.

Exactly. Although tactical allies, Iran and Russia are in competition in Syria and Iran has been trying to impede Russia where their goals diverge. I think that's why pro-Assad accounts are giving completely opposite reports about what's happening. Some accounts are pro-Russia while others are pro-Iran.

Hopefully nothing happens but the situation could turn ugly very quickly.
Turkey should never believe Iran. See your history and act accordingly. Iran can back stab you and the Muslim Ummah.
They are not Turkish soldiers. The ID in the pictures belongs to the soldier that was martyrd yesterday but the body is an FSA fighter. What most likely happened was, when our soldiers carried the body of the soldier they left his bag behind because they weigh about 20kg and the bag included his dirty laundry, ID etc.

In the pictures they intentionally blur the bodies' faces because if they weren't we cauld have easily seen that they weren't our soldiers.

TSK said we didnt reach two fallen soldiers. Sadly they are Turkish soldiers.
Turkey should never believe Iran. See your history and act accordingly. Iran can back stab you and the Muslim Ummah.
We didnt fight with Iran for many centuries now..
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What the hell are we doing in Al Eis? What the hell are we trying to do with passing through HTS territory when they are internationally recognized as junior isis?
What the hell are we doing in Al Eis? What the hell are we trying to do with passing through HTS territory when they are internationally recognized as junior isis?

I think Turkey agree with Russia here.
We want to stop Assad advance and push him to end this conflit by negociating while Assad would rather have a complet victory.
Turkey's army will not fight SAA, but they will block futher advance to SAA.
Trying to stop SAA advance and have some leverage againts Assad, as well as leaving some safe ground to allied rebels is understandable (But not necessary in my opinion, at least not at that far, we could have easily just secure some border areas with saying we fought againts HTS, we didnt had to confront SAA). But the second what the hell still stands, why did we went through HTS territory? Why do we have business with them? We are literally asking for it.
But the second what the hell still stands, why did we went through HTS territory? Why do we have business with them? We are literally asking for it.

Open a map. They are no way we can avoide HTS's territoy...and timing too is important, to stop SAA before the negociation in Sotchi.
Frankly FSA is only little better than HTS, so we manage to use then why no ? Let them be the canon fodder to minimze Turkish's soldier lost.
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