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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but some others wants to stay , so this false flag keeps them there.

Assad is on a winningstreak why would he use chemicals at this moment and after the backlash of the previous attacks

Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but some others wants to stay , so this false flag keeps them there.

Assad is on a winningstreak why would he use chemicals at this moment and after the backlash of the previous attacks
Which backlash? Did you see a backlash from previous use?
Or are you speaking of those 6 Tomahawks in a remote Airbase... and that's it...

Israel inflicted 1000x more damage for their personal agenda than any "International community" backlash in those 7 years of conflict...
Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but some others wants to stay , so this false flag keeps them there.

Assad is on a winningstreak why would he use chemicals at this moment and after the backlash of the previous attacks

Assad and the millitia don't have the manpower to take the city, bombing the hell out because of that. Ther is no american bomber allowed to fly. Russian are controlling ther airspace above ghoutta.
Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but some others wants to stay , so this false flag keeps them there.

Assad is on a winningstreak why would he use chemicals at this moment and after the backlash of the previous attacks

I know right? Only 10 IQ çomars could eat this bs :lol:


".. There is no such independence that shaped and strenghtened by the foreign plans, history did not record such incident.." Atatürk.

He is right, once more. US plans to enlarge his PKK occupied area and his military presence in Syria by using it's Al Qaeda terrorists to poison innocent civilians in rebel held territories.
So let me get this, Assad on a winning streak decides to gas people knowing full well that the International community will take a massive dump on his regime ?

I'm sorry but, no, it's not conspiracy. You have to be completely blind to not see this as a false flag. May the victims rest in peace, terrible way to pass on...
You could say it's not about winning. Assad will take control of Ghouta, that's certain. But Assad has little actual popularity, even amongst his own supporters. He will never win the people over so he has to make them fear him and never do anything like rebel against him again. This is the tyrants way.
Last time he done something like this, the massive dump the "international community" took was to give him advance warning to remove his men from the airbase, then some superficial damage that looked good for the camera but was easily repaired in a few weeks.
If that's the fallout he will expect from an international community that has already isolated him, then I wouldn't be surprised if his advisors have calculated it being a small price worth paying to brutalising the remaining pockets of resistance and to give out a clear warning to anyone who dare oppose his rule.
Some Need some...Helping... to jump on Conspiracy theories... or never saw enough Barrel bomb remains...

Warning pics... I understand it's not "really allowed"... but still...sometimes it's a necessity for "Some"... to be reminded... of what a "Monster" they are "happily" defending...

With all due respect, but you are beating a dead horse at this point. Whether this is true or false does not matter. Being morally right, ethically right, lawfully right all these covers that people can use to dress their arguments and political agendas does not matter. what matters is do you have the will and power to pursue your goals. If you lack either you can't do anything and you will be subject to the will and power of others. Being in a ship which constantly gets trowed off by the waves because your ship is unable to deal with it and then still try to go the destination you want requires a lot of determination which unfortunately falls short on the many of us.

So let me get this, Assad on a winning streak decides to gas people knowing full well that the International community will take a massive dump on his regime ?

I'm sorry but, no, it's not conspiracy. You have to be completely blind to not see this as a false flag. May the victims rest in peace, terrible way to pass on...

You have to a bit more clear with international community, since China and Russia are 2/5th of that international community and they are supporting Assad even if he was using chemical weapons.

Remember the red lines with Obama. A very good example of how successful that policy was. Or Falluja where you can't see the international community taking a dump on that, or all the deceases in Iraq caused by DU munitions. Grozny where a similar scorched earth policy was maintained but no chemical weapons, so that one is off the table. There is a very long list of things which happened with similar intend but not the same methods and the international community is silent, because its made that way. what the international community represents is the following

"It is characterized by a fervent declaration of democratic principles which are sound and desirable; this is then followed by a constitutional restriction or procedural limitation which completely nullifies the principles just announced"
Syria needs Arab intervention from other Arab states, anything else is resulting in caring out land from Syria. We see this by Kurds and Turkey does the same
You could say it's not about winning. Assad will take control of Ghouta, that's certain. But Assad has little actual popularity, even amongst his own supporters. He will never win the people over so he has to make them fear him and never do anything like rebel against him again. This is the tyrants way.
Last time he done something like this, the massive dump the "international community" took was to give him advance warning to remove his men from the airbase, then some superficial damage that looked good for the camera but was easily repaired in a few weeks.
If that's the fallout he will expect from an international community that has already isolated him, then I wouldn't be surprised if his advisors have calculated it being a small price worth paying to brutalising the remaining pockets of resistance and to give out a clear warning to anyone who dare oppose his rule.

Many Chlorine barrels are reported...but most of them land in open areas, with no one around... That's why it's not "Seen" or let's say, do not get the proper "Media coverage" ... But when one of them hit a building with families inside in closed space... you get coverage since huge casualties are reported...
Syria needs Arab intervention from other Arab states, anything else is resulting in caring out land from Syria. We see this by Kurds and Turkey does the same
The conflict in Syria is factionalised. Whether Arab or not doesn't matter.
What you mean is Syria needs pro Assad Arab intervention?
The conflict in Syria is factionalised. Whether Arab or not doesn't matter.
What you mean is Syria needs pro Assad Arab intervention?

Not pro-Assad neither against, but it's too late for this with US and Russia heavily involved now. Nothing can be done.
Syria needs Arab intervention from other Arab states, anything else is resulting in caring out land from Syria. We see this by Kurds and Turkey does the same
Which Arab states for example? Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt? The same "Arab" states that think only how to backstab its Arab brother and how to deliver it to their masters? Sorry but the Arab states have proven themselves to be incompetent and acting terribly wrong pursuing the interests of everyone but not of the Arabs. What have Turkey done to the Syrians? Gave shelter to millions of them while they are the worst of the worst conducting crimes against Turkish citizens. Build refugee camps in Syria and fight for the oppressed spilling its own blood. The interest of Turkey is the interest of the oppressed Syrians and the security of the region. The next time you dare to compare the merciful Turkish hand with the Kurds and the Arab states just take a look how the Arab states put down their brothers and taking major role of destroying the countries that are their brothers in blood and religion. What the Arab league have done till now for Palestine? What have the Arab league have done till now for Syria? The things that the Arab states are not doing for the oppressed Arabs and Muslims are being done by Turkey and its allies and its not coincidence that the Arab states are describing the Turkish actions around the region as "threats". Yes its threatening to their masters and sign of future prosperity under the umbrella of Turkey and its allies. Its good that in the recent time Turkey woke up and is actually acting for the good of the people instead paying billions to the zionists carving the way of filthy projects and destruction. I hope one day Iraq will prosper and will cut the ropes of the big powers and actually start to act according to the interests of the Arab people and the stability of the region and that will be the day when I will say "Maybe there is at least one Arab country that we can work with".

A good message to the "Arab" states from the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu.
Which Arab states for example? Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt? The same "Arab" states that think only how to backstab its Arab brother and how to deliver it to their masters? Sorry but the Arab states have proven themselves to be incompetent and acting terribly wrong pursuing the interests of everyone but not of the Arabs. What have Turkey done to the Syrians? Gave shelter to millions of them while they are the worst of the worst conducting crimes against Turkish citizens. Build refugee camps in Syria and fight for the oppressed spilling its own blood. The interest of Turkey is the interest of the oppressed Syrians and the security of the region. The next time you dare to compare the merciful Turkish hand with the Kurds and the Arab states just take a look how the Arab states put down their brothers and taking major role of destroying the countries that are their brothers in blood and religion. What the Arab league have done till now for Palestine? What have the Arab league have done till now for Syria? The things that the Arab states are not doing for the oppressed Arabs and Muslims are being done by Turkey and its allies and its not coincidence that the Arab states are describing the Turkish actions around the region as "threats". Yes its threatening to their masters and sign of future prosperity under the umbrella of Turkey and its allies. Its good that in the recent time Turkey woke up and is actually acting for the good of the people instead paying billions to the zionists carving the way of filthy projects and destruction. I hope one day Iraq will prosper and will cut the ropes of the big powers and actually start to act according to the interests of the Arab people and the stability of the region and that will be the day when I will say "Maybe there is at least one Arab country that we can work with".

A good message to the "Arab" states from the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu.

You are right.

There are goods and bads in every side here, trying to argument it I have come to see that the Arab states are shit so i'll drop it. Less mosques insallah.
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