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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey is getting thrashed in Afrin. Operation Olive Branch is a disaster. Let’s be honest, Turkey has taken this Kurdish phobia way too far. I’m not saying the Kurds are angels, and certainly their despicable Marxist ideology of YPG, PKK, etc., is no good. But Turkey is out of control with its hatred of Kurds, and that hatred will consume them if they don’t become more balanced and reasonable. Turkey should leave the Kurds alone and concentrate on supporting the rebels who are fighting the Baathist fascists.
Holy-Moly another Einstein
If you want propaganda look to further then those looney-tuns casualties Turkey puts out, its worse then Bahagdad Bob and sadly all the Turks seem to believe those numbers.
Dude why are you acting as if Russia is behaving professionally regarding propaganda, there are countless pieces of ridiculous Russian propaganda where people have been laughing at, i mean everybody is doing propaganda but Russia doesnt even try to make it believable in the slightest way.
Loney toon propaganda is Russian domain before anyone else.
That is one way of looking at it, but here's another way:
As long as barzani was on the good side of Turkey they were prospering. They were almost like another gulf oil-rich state, right in the middle of a mess. Iraq couldn't do anything, absolutely anything despite barking 24/7. Neither could Iran or anyone else. The day they crossed Turkey and bit the hand that fed them Turkey stopped protecting Barzani, Iraq retook kirkuk, all international flights to KRG are banned, oil exports of the regional government have stopped. KRG turned from Dubai to zimbabwe overnight. And last but not least, Barzani stepped down.

Yes, Turkey did say that. But Turkey is a reasonable country. It doesn't incessantly insist on things when there are more important things. Manbij was under ISIS control and US gave solid promises that once Manbij is captured YPG would retreat. And since at least until that time we were allies with the US we trusted them. Our only fault there was trusting an unreliable ally. Now that we see the real face of the US that won't be happening any time soon unless US shows some solid steps towards fulfilling their promises.

Afrin is a huge swathe of strategic land through which YPG has launched more than 700 attacks into Turkey since they captured the territory. It may not make a difference to you, but for us it makes all the difference.
Lmao you can keep drinking that koolaid. We all know what happened In KRG, Erdogan was barking 24/7, and they were going full steam ahead with the referendum, The kurds will tell you it was Iran that took kirkuk but it was probally both Iran and Iraq that took Kirkuk which stopped the referendum. In Syria, you guys havent made a single move against the ypg/pkk under us protection and you will continue to do nothing because you can do nothing, Unless you want to get bombed you havent got the guts to move against the US. The US will create a border force of 30,000 pkk terrorists and with the oil money they will get from the oil wells they captured, you can bet they will be heavily armed with all types of weapons and technology in the future. I All in all Turkey failed spectacularly in Syria.
Lmao you can keep drinking that koolaid. We all know what happened In KRG, Erdogan was barking 24/7, and they were going full steam ahead with the referendum, The kurds will tell you it was Iran that took kirkuk but it was probally both Iran and Iraq that took Kirkuk which stopped the referendum. In Syria, you guys havent made a single move against the ypg/pkk under us protection and you will continue to do nothing because you can do nothing, Unless you want to get bombed you havent got the guts to move against the US. The US will create a border force of 30,000 pkk terrorists and with the oil money they will get from the oil wells they captured, you can bet they will be heavily armed with all types of weapons and technology in the future. I All in all Turkey failed spectacularly in Syria.
I remember when people talked exactly the same thing both for Operation Euphrates Shield and Operation Olive Branch. If I was you I would not be so sure. Of course that you are right for a big part of what you wrote but you are to sure. Exactly so sure as the people I saw before both of the operations in Northern Syria.
Lmao you can keep drinking that koolaid. We all know what happened In KRG, Erdogan was barking 24/7, and they were going full steam ahead with the referendum, The kurds will tell you it was Iran that took kirkuk but it was probally both Iran and Iraq that took Kirkuk which stopped the referendum. In Syria, you guys havent made a single move against the ypg/pkk under us protection and you will continue to do nothing because you can do nothing, Unless you want to get bombed you havent got the guts to move against the US. The US will create a border force of 30,000 pkk terrorists and with the oil money they will get from the oil wells they captured, you can bet they will be heavily armed with all types of weapons and technology in the future. I All in all Turkey failed spectacularly in Syria.

Nowhere was Iran involved in Kirkuk and other northern operations that took land from KRG. I cannot see Iranian forces, or any Iranian involved in it. Even PMU stayed outside of Kirkuk, army did it all.
Lmao you can keep drinking that koolaid. We all know what happened In KRG, Erdogan was barking 24/7, and they were going full steam ahead with the referendum, The kurds will tell you it was Iran that took kirkuk but it was probally both Iran and Iraq that took Kirkuk which stopped the referendum. In Syria, you guys havent made a single move against the ypg/pkk under us protection and you will continue to do nothing because you can do nothing, Unless you want to get bombed you havent got the guts to move against the US. The US will create a border force of 30,000 pkk terrorists and with the oil money they will get from the oil wells they captured, you can bet they will be heavily armed with all types of weapons and technology in the future. I All in all Turkey failed spectacularly in Syria.
If Russia couldn't move against the USA when USA bombed assad and russian soldiers, what makes you think anyone in the world can?

If China don't attack USA when they do put anti missile shield in Japan and then other weapons in South Korea what makes you think anyone else can?

Are you that stupid? Yes I know erdogan barks alot but that is usually for internal media, retards believe him and think we are a superpower
Looks like our guys are attacking on 3 places at the same time- Rajo, Jinderes and Sharanli.
Rajo has fallen fast and according to LiveMap Sharanli has fallen too just now though it's not officially confirmed. Sharanli is west of Azaz and there are reports from yesteday that at least 2 dozens of pro-Assad soldiers have been killed there in a TuAF bombing with many injured too.

Now it's time for Jinderes.

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